chip92 replied at 4-6-2019 09:53 AM
No no i mean brf only, QE, camilla, kate & princess anne
Theresa M bakal step down lg few days pun berhitam ..ke die tak dpt memo? ke mmg all white? ke die berkabung awal? sbb mcm awkward pulak laen sume white tetibe Theresa dress sebe hitam |
Menantu Queen E, Sophie, Countess of Wessex tak pakai putih pun.
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Semua ig rf welcomed trump ke uk.
Sussex je tak.
So american sugars, meghan tak kisah pasal wakil dari uols hokeh |
Edited by chip92 at 4-6-2019 01:40 PM
Kot lahh queen & bakal queen2 consort only. I tak perasan Sophie. Yg lain2 i tak kenal. Sorryy  |
I pun taktau lah. Kebetulan je kot 
dani-rox replied at 4-6-2019 04:55 AM
kaaann... baru jah lepas membawang, tengok2 eh eh... gambar Kate berjln seiringan dgn Mnuchin. Keb ...
ada ker iols belek byk gmbr tapi x nampak pon henry |
Edited by chip92 at 4-6-2019 09:05 PM

Ooh rose hanbury yg kununnya ada affair dgn willim pun ade.
Mmg ade tema warna putih kah? Mostly pakai colour tu je 
Btw selamat hari raya uols. Nanti boleh laa beraya kat yistana baruuuuu
Edited by namieamuro at 4-6-2019 09:04 PM
uols...jeng jeng
Rose Hanbury pun ade kalau rumours affair sheols dgn William betul, takdenye sheols ni attend state dinner..PH pun takde tau |
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Eh sama la pulak post 
chip92 replied at 4-6-2019 09:05 PM
Eh sama la pulak post
lol takpe uols..brite hangat..
sementara iols rest kan perut dr kekenyangan ni..moh la kite kunyah lemang buatan MegaDRAMA
Kate Middleton Wears Jewelry with Ties to Princess Diana and the Queen Mother at Tonight's State Banquet
The Duchess went all-out with her sparkly accessories.
Tonight, royal family members, dignitaries, and more elites dressed to the nines to attend a state banquet, held for Donald Trump's visit to the U.K. As the royals arrived at Buckingham Palace for the dinner, photographers snapped a few photos of their outfits—and of course, of their tiaras, too.
For her part, the Duchess of Cambridge wore the Lover's Knot Tiara and the Queen Mother's sapphire and diamond fringe earrings. The jewels paired well with Kate's white, tiered Alexander McQueen gown.
The Lover's Knot sparkler has a long history with the royal family, but was most famously associated with Princess Diana, until it recently became one of Kate's favorite pieces. Kate wears the Queen Mother's earrings considerably less often, but memorably pulled them out of her closet for a 2015 gala held at the Victoria and Albert Museum.
The look went well with her sash—perhaps her most important state banquet accessory. As Kate was just appointed a Dame Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order in April, this is her first time showing off her new order.
Although not visible in the initial photos, Kate is presumably also wearing her other royal order, which looks like a yellow badge. Kate debuted it at a state dinner this past fall, held in honor of the Dutch royals' visit. The badge, which features a portrait of the Queen (and interestingly, is made out of glass rather than ivory, as was traditional for such orders) indicates the Royal Family Order.
This won't be the last time we see Kate this week. On Saturday, she's set to attend the Trooping the Colour parade, an annual event celebrating Queen Elizabeth's birthday. Prince William will be there, too, dutifully waving from the Buckingham Palace balcony, as will Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis. (The younger royal set, of course, are always a highlight.)
Lerrr... bukankah dia org memuji2 MM memilih takmo sambut Trump. Tak mcm QE dan BRF lain jd org bodoh, gigeh layan president tak disukai ramai katanya. Tup2 rengsa pulak bila MM tak dpt pi. Dia org nak yg mana satu sebenarnya 

Kuat hati ai mengatakan banquet planner sengaja letak Mnuchin jln seiringan dgn KM
ai baca komen2 kat DM, ada yg syak MM kalau di soh pergi pun mesti dia takmo sbb terpaksa berjumpa dgn pelanggan eh, kawan lamanya ittew. Awkwaaarddd 
Jangan tak tahu sis... MM diangkat queen melanated mona - Ratu utk seluruh wanita kulit hitam. Wpun seumur hidup, dia lebih selesa dgn identiti kokesen. Cukup tayang maknya yg absent tatkala dia masih kecik, terus dpt beli jiwa black ppl. kawen prince nazi yg 6th in line = satu kemenangan utk wanita kulit hitam kekdahnya 
So setakat kutuk pakaian selekeh, rambut serabai, attitude ke laut etc akan dipanggil racist ya. Itu je lah modalnya. Ternyata kawan2 dan pemenat takda point kukuh mcm mana nak defend manusia narc spt MM. Habis extreme, berdrama air mata mcm MUA nya itu lah.
dani-rox replied at 4-6-2019 11:41 PM
Masa exhibition of royal's American artifacts pada siang sebelum banquet
sugul jer nampak putera bongsu charles tu... teringat kat anak and wife kut |
dani-rox replied at 4-6-2019 11:41 PM
Masa exhibition of royal's American artifacts pada siang sebelum banquet
I'm really adore to ivanka trump wajahnya seperti nampak lebih royal bangsawan american terpesona guwe.. Walaupun guwe ini perempuan haha.. Auranya Sesuai if kawin dengan kerabat BRF. Aisemen..tak macam jenglot itu muka terlebih pprt haha |
dineo replied at 4-6-2019 11:48 PM
sugul jer nampak putera bongsu charles tu... teringat kat anak and wife kut
nampak macam lost je .. |
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