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Author: nazijo


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Post time 2-7-2007 10:48 AM | Show all posts

Reply #160 msms2005's post

I agree...but doing something toggether gether,,,,more fun and joy....masing2 boleh hargailah Clit anda dengan pasanagan anda...ask them to belai CLIT u ollsss...

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princess_bubble This user has been deleted
Post time 2-7-2007 01:00 PM | Show all posts

Reply #159 manzilla's post

kalau potong tak habis ape jadi pulak? nafsu half2 kew?

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Post time 2-7-2007 02:08 PM | Show all posts

betulkan fahaman korang apa itu klitoris...

Female sexual and reproductive organs

External female genitals:

The external female genitals are:
the mons pubis, the clitoris, the labia majora, and the labia minora. Together, along with the opening of the vagina, they are known as the vulva.

The mons pubis is a pad of fatty tissue over the pubic bone.

This structure, which becomes covered with hair during puberty, protects the internal sexual and reproductive organs.

The clitoris is an erectile, hooded organ at the upper joining of the labia that contains a high concentration of nerve endings and is very sensitive to stimulation. The clitoris is the only anatomical organ whose sole function is providing sexual pleasure.

The labia majora are two spongy folds of skin, one on either side of the vaginal opening, that cover and protect the genital structures.

The labia minora are the two erectile folds of skin between the labia majora that extend from the clitoris on both sides of the urethral and vaginal openings. (The area covered by the labia minora that includes the openings to the vagina and urethra, as well as the Bartholin抯 and Skene抯 glands, is called the vestibule.)

The perineum is a network of muscles located between and surrounding the vagina and the anus that support the pelvic cavity and help keep pelvic organs in place.

p/s : utk kes sunat, pd fahaman aku, bukan klitoris tu yg dipotong.


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Post time 2-7-2007 02:16 PM | Show all posts

mana boleh main2 potong klitoris!!!

Klitoris tu bukan setiap masa akan kelihatan...hanya bila stim
sbb dia berada di bhg dalam, dilindungi oleh clitoral hood tu
sbb tu bila stim jer dia cam keras/ mgembang
pendek kata fungsi dia cam kepala zakar lelaki ler...
bila terangsang je dia bangun/ keluar...

yg disunatkan skit tu labia minora tu jer... itu pn bukan potong, sekadar dilukakan sedikit...

p/s : itu yg aku faham...

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Post time 2-7-2007 02:27 PM | Show all posts

clitoris pd perempuan, sama laaa glans pd lelaki

clitoris pd perempuan n glans (kepala zakar) pd lelaki sama fungsinya, tempat plg sensitif for stimulous..
' contains a high concentration of nerve endings and is very sensitive to stimulation'

cam lelaki laa, yg dipotong bukan glan kan, cuma kulit luar yg mlindungi (menutupi)glans ... bukan potong glans!

so, cmtu laa jugak pd pompuan, bukan clitoris yg dipotong....

forumer sume kena faham betul2 dulu secara saintifiknyer...
ini main taram, sedap2 rasa cakap jer...

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Post time 2-7-2007 03:19 PM | Show all posts

Reply #165 cherylass's post

aku sokong tu...ckp berdasarkan fakta yg sahih shj

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Post time 2-7-2007 03:23 PM | Show all posts
(Dipetik Dari Pejabat Mufti Brunei)

(Dengan nama Allah, Segala puji bagi Allah, Selawat dan salam ke atas Rasulullah Shallallahu 慳laihi wasallam, keluarga, sahabat dan para pengikut Baginda)

Berkhatan ialah memotong selaput kulit yang menutupi kepala zakar lelaki atau memotong sedikit hujung daging yang ada di sebelah atas faraj perempuan.
Berkhatan termasuk di antara amalan-amalan yang telah disyariatkan oleh Allah Subhanahu wa Ta慳la terhadap hambaNya. Ia adalah sebagai pelengkap fitrah yang telah dianugerahkan oleh Allah kepada mereka. Dalam hal ini Rasulullah Shallallahu 慳laihi wasallam bersabda:               

Maksudnya: 揊itrah (sifat semulajadi) itu lima perkara: Berkhatan, mencukur bulu ari-ari, menggunting misai, memotong kuku dan mencabut bulu ketiak.擺/size]
(Hadis riwayat al-Bukhari dan Muslim)

Hukum Berkhatan

Sepertimana yang tersebut dalam kitab al-Majmu

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Post time 2-7-2007 03:25 PM | Show all posts
Masa Atau Waktu Berkhatan

Tersebut dalam kitab al-Majmu

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Post time 2-7-2007 05:37 PM | Show all posts

Jelas ke mana satu faraj, mana satu klitoris??

[quote]Cara Berkhatan Bagi Perempuan

Cara yang wajib bagi perempuan ialah dengan memotong daging yang ada di sebelah atas faraj yang seakan-akan bonggolan atau jambul di kepala ayam jantan. Yang lebih afdhal ialah dengan memotong sedikit sahaja dari daging itu.

Ini berdasarkan kepada sebuah hadis daripada Anas bin Malik bahawa Rasulullah Shallallahu 慳laihi wasallam menegur Ummu 慉thiah Radhiallahu 慳nha dengan bersabda:

Maksudnya: 揂pabila engkau mengkhatan maka khatanlah (dengan memotong sebahagian al-bazhr) dan jangan engkau berlebih-lebihan (dalam memotong), kerana yang demikian itu menjernihkan air muka perempuan dan mendatangkan kesukaan kepada suami (boleh menambah kelazatan bersetubuh).

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Post time 2-7-2007 05:42 PM | Show all posts

nak lebih jelas lagi??? klitoris n faraj???


Labia major- 2 lipatan tebal yang melindungi labia minor.

Labia minor -2 lipatan nipis yang melindungi bahagian kelentit, bukan uretra dan bukan faraj.

Bukaan Faraj -Terletak antara saluran kencing dan dubur. Biasanya diselaputi oleh selaput dara.

Selaput Dara -Selaput nipis yang meliputi sebahagian besar bukaan faraj.

Organ reproduktif :

Saluran Fallopian






Faraj -Saluran yang menghubungkan uterus (rahim) dengan luar badan.
Ia merupakan saluran untuk melahirkan bayi, laluan keluar darah haid dan tempat hubungan seksual.

Serviks -Pintu kepada uterus (rahim) yang juga dipanggil pangkal uterus (rahim).

Salur Fallopian- Laluan bagi perjalanan ovum (telur) dari ovari ke uterus (rahim).
Merupakan tempat persenyawaaan berlaku.

Uterus -Juga dikenali sebagai rahim. Merupakan organ yang berbentuk buah pir, bersaiz 3 inci panjang, 2 inci lebar dan 1 inci tebal. Bahagian dalam uterus dilapisi oleh lapisan yang dipanggil endometrium. Semasa haid, lapisan endometrium ini akan luruh sebagai darah haid.
Selepas persenyawaan berlaku di dalam saluran fallopian, janin akan terbentuk dan turun ke uterus (rahim) serta membesar selama 40 minggu.

Ovari -Organ yang bertindak sebagai kantong telur gadis. Seorang gadis mempunyai sepasang ovari yang bergilir-gilirt mengeluarkan ovum (telur) setiap bulan. Sejak lahir seorang bayi perempuan mempunyai 400,000 ovum, tetapi hanya 350 hingga 400 ovum sahaja ajan matang dan boleh disenyawakan sepanjang hayat seorang wanita. Setiap bulan, sebiji ovum menjadi matang dan dikeluarkan dari salah satu ovari secara bergilir-gilir.

p/s : Kena faham dulu... baru kita jelas. Jangan kita bercakap hanya kerana nafsu semata2 dan mempertikaikan macam-macam.

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raja_jembal This user has been deleted
Post time 3-7-2007 01:07 AM | Show all posts

Reply #170 cherylass's post

The clit is a magic sex pleasure button for women. The clit (clitoris) is very like the penis except much smaller. If you stroke it the right way, it'll give a woman lots of pleasure, and orgasm. The clit is the only organ on either human body that has sex pleasure as its sole function. Its about 1cm long and found just above the opening to the vagina:
Sex organs of woman including vagina and clit, in a black and white line diagram. The clit is found just above the vagina. Big black arrow pointing to clitoris. Also shown are the outline of the labia, anus, bum, upper thighs, and pubic bone. Labels point to the clit, pubic bone and vagina.

Figure 1. The Clit (click to enlarge)

Like the penis, the clit has a foreskin and a shaft. But there are many ways to stroke the clit. Each woman is different. You'll have to figure out which way is the right way for your female partner. The absolute quickest way to learn is to get her to show you how she strokes her clit and then copy what she does.
Most women masturbate by stroking their clit. Basically what you want to do is copy the way she masturbates. However, she may not masturbate at all, or may not want to show you how. In this case you'll have to work it out by experimenting on her clit with different strokes.
Never go straight for her clit though. Always begin with lots and lots of foreplay and teasing. Then before you go near her clit, massage the area around it. This gives the clit time to fill with blood (like the penis), making it ready to be touched directly.

    * Exercise 1: Work around her clit

Massage the areas around her clit: thighs, belly, hips. Gradually work your way closer. Make circles around her clit but don't touch it. Do this for at least a few minutes.

When you get to her clit, use the tip of one finger. Rub it lightly around in a circle, up and down, or left and right. It all depends on what she prefers. Everyone woman, and every clit, is different. In general though use a light touch at first.

    * Exercise 2: Play with her clit

Once you're sure she's ready, place the tip of your finger onto her clit. This will be easier if her legs are apart. Begin by massaging her clit lightly. Stroke it in a circle at first. Then try the other directions, up/down or left/right. Ask her which she prefers.
Sex organs of woman including vagina and clit, in a black and white line diagram. The clit is found just above the vagina. Big black arrow pointing to clitoris. Also shown are the outline of the labia, anus, bum, upper thighs, and pubic bone. Labels point to the clit, pubic bone and vagina.

Figure 2. Different clit strokes (click to enlarge)

Again the best way to stroke her clit is basically going to be the same way she masturbates - so get her to show you how. If she offers any advice, take it. Before you go near her clit make sure your nails are cut short. Its delicate, like the penis. Long or sharp nails can cause cuts.

If you don't get feedback from her, you may be stroking her clit completely wrong (don't forget what's right for one person is probably wrong for another). If you're doing it wrong she may not tell you, and you'll never get anywhere. Ask her which way she likes her clit stroked. Once you find the right clit stroke, pleasure is more likely, as is orgasm.

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Post time 3-7-2007 02:27 PM | Show all posts
err... Encik yg muka biru bermata putih tu nak tmbah apa2 lg ke? ops, sori..

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Post time 3-7-2007 02:53 PM | Show all posts
[quote]Maksudnya: 揂pabila engkau mengkhatan maka khatanlah (dengan memotong sebahagian al-bazhr) dan jangan engkau berlebih-lebihan (dalam memotong), kerana yang demikian itu menjernihkan air muka perempuan dan mendatangkan kesukaan kepada suami (boleh menambah kelazatan bersetubuh).

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Post time 3-7-2007 03:06 PM | Show all posts

Reply #167 Samiyusuf's post

Sesiapa yang nak aku jawab hujah-hujah dalam posting no#167 sila angkat tangan!

err... Encik yg muka biru bermata putih tu nak tmbah apa2 lg ke? ops, sori..

Tak perlu minta maaf. Saya suka bila orang beri perhatian kat avatar saya.

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Post time 3-7-2007 03:11 PM | Show all posts
aku dah agak dah... dia mai punya..
biar lah dia dgn labu2nya..

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Post time 3-7-2007 09:05 PM | Show all posts
[quote]Originally posted by manzilla at 3-7-2007 03:06 PM
Sesiapa yang nak aku jawab hujah-hujah dalam posting no#167 sila angkat tangan!

Tak perlu minta maaf. Saya suka bila orang beri perhatian kat avatar saya. [/qu

ahli panel yang hujung dipersilakan jawab yerkk....

aku setuju.....aku pun tak tau apa faedah jelas khatan wanita ni...selain tak bersetuju kerana khatan wanita yang kekurangan fakta menyokong dengan jelas,  apa yang lebih dibimbangkan adalah pihak2 yang melakukan khatan wanita dikhuatiri akan memudaratkan keadaaan ciptaan semulajadi kelamin wanita yang akhirnya memberikan penganiayaan kepada mereka.....

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Post time 3-7-2007 09:11 PM | Show all posts
tapi aku agak bersetuju bahawa sebenarnya clitoris wanita adalah seperti ciptaan zakar lelaki...pertumbuhan bayi didalam kandungan sewktu membesar sekiranya bayi tersebut perempuan clitoris tersebut tidak akan membesar dan memanjang tetapi sekiranya bayi tersebut lelaki ia akan membesar dan menjadi zakar lelaki....clitoris mempunyai kulup atau kulit yang menutupinya (saya tak pasti barangkali sesiapa yang pernah melihatnya dapat mengakui kebenaran ini)......
mungkin juga sekiranya clitoris seseorang wanita agak besar dan panjang jadi kulupnya juga akan besar dan menutupi klitoris dan dikuatiri kebersihan adalah kurang disitu...

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Post time 3-7-2007 11:17 PM | Show all posts


Butul! Apalah erti kecantikan pada sekuntum bunga yang telah dicabut atau dicarikkan kelopaknya.

Saya menghargai bunga yang cantik, tapi hanya jika ia belum carik.

"Seperti kera mendapat bunga"

Mengapa kera dikatakan tidak menghargai bunga? Kerana ia carik-carikkannya.

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Post time 4-7-2007 04:28 PM | Show all posts
juz stay tune and stay alive dgn pendapat memasing..
kalau nk jugak
kalau xnak potong ..biarkan jugak

xde la beza nya pung!!!

tapi yang xpotong tu bgs sket la.

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Post time 5-7-2007 08:47 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by manzilla at 3-7-2007 11:17 PM
Butul! Apalah erti kecantikan pada sekuntum bunga yang telah dicabut atau dicarikkan kelopaknya.

Saya menghargai bunga yang cantik, tapi hanya jika ia belum carik.

"Seperti kera mendapat bu ...

alahai...what ever le....

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