Reply #160 Ax's post
hishh...x baek la..
insyaAllah x.. |
Originally posted by miszcincan at 8-3-2007 07:06 PM
hishh...x baek la..
insyaAllah x..
tu ar
x baek tauuu
igt tau ... |
skodeng kat sini.... |
ian_hamzah This user has been deleted
npk tajuk camnih...teruih nak skodeng si angie ni... |
ian_hamzah This user has been deleted
u guys fikirkan je lah masa depan...sure kalo ingatkan future...u guys can think rationally kan....
toksah ikut sgt darah muda ni...tak kemana pong...:ah: |
Reply #165 ian_hamzah's post
owhh..kirenye bdak2 melayu yg merempit, buang anak tu silap dorang sbb tk pikir mase dpn la yer :hmm: |
setiap yg muda akan tua...setiap anak remaja akan menjadi dewasa jugak akhirnya....setiap yg kiter lakukan hari ni akan beri kesan kepada seluruh perjalanan hidup kiter hingga ke akhir hayat nanti....pilih jalan yg baik...kiter bleh buat pilihan utk maser depan kita...kiter yg tentukan...sonok sekejap dan maser depan yg terpalit kisah silam yg hitam atau sebaliknyer? |
Reply #168 angel01's post
:clap::clap: tepukkan paling gemuruh buat naik presiden CLUB Jiwang
muahahaa |
making sex...is just for the lust.....making love.....making sex with feelings!!!!1 |
Reply #1 iyuri_ryuichi's post
entah...ni maybe bg setence teenager je kot...aku xplk mcm ni....hehehe nak kata abnormal aku rs aku normal..huhu....aku bercinta jgk.tapi bab2 se* 2 aku krg skt.... |
Reply #172 otakotak's post
hm....bagus ler kalo cam2.
ko nih kira antare yg selamat lagi ler. |
Reply #173 carrim7's post
:d ngeee..... actually bnd2 ni ikut kematangan..klu rsnya boleh berfkr secara waras dan warak...bnd2 ni xjadi isu.. :d just an opinion from y xberapa pakar..hehe.... |
Reply #174 otakotak's post
beb..ko ingat buat sex..nih ader kire matang ker? tk der beb.
is all about your lust.
kalo ko dh pernah tido sebilik ngn chicks yg hot and she stripping her baju
there's no way man u can resist making sex.
unless u r a gay ler.
sometimes u can resist but when the women is ****** hot...damn! tkkan leh resist nyer ler.
the biggest weakness for man is a woman.
ckp pasai warak...byk gak org yg warak gugur pasai chicks ler.
oh yer to guys out there..pls always choose quality over quantity. |
Reply #175 carrim7's post
fouhh nasib baek aku gay..tkde la syahwat aku naek kalo ade pompuan striping dpn aku ..gay poser saje |
Reply #176 FAC's post
ko nih....jgn jd poser gay pun.
lebih baik jd kaki ****** dari jd gay ler.... |
Reply #177 carrim7's post
owh nk jd poser gay pon tk bulih ek..ok2..btw kaki ape tu? terlampau 18PG sangat ke? |
Reply #178 FAC's post
tkdela..18PL je |
Reply #179 lin_okinawa's post
oww patutla kena censored..gue blom ckup umor lagi |
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