Post time 23-1-2021 02:59 PMFrom the mobile phone|Show all posts
shuerin replied at 21-1-2021 02:12 PM ke.
aiskrim ari tu dpt beli?
Eh 7E ada buat promo la..skrg harga dia RM99..nk abihkn stok kot sbb expiry date dh nk dkt...
Baru je repeat beli ice cream Haagen Dazs ni...kali ni beli kotak hijau...rasa perisa lain sy berbaloi ice cream ni sbb tub kecik tu kalau harga single RM9.90...yg BTS ni 4 tub harga RM34.50 pastu dpt free keychain lg...
Aaiols memang in the company band. Aaai ols dan 99.9% are male band mates yang giler main guitar memang into Brit waze music especially the Coldplay band.
Memang unsangkarable BTS boleh bawak lagu ni especially the 3 Rap lines blend dengan the 4 vocal lines.