yg nih memang 100% korean ELFs yg leh vote.. hope the best for the boys..even diorg tak menang diorg still the best di mata ku .. SUJU JJANG!!!
miss_mulan77 Post at 26-12-2009 11:39 AM
yeah, hope for the best to them... mcm kko gak, even kalo dorg x menang pun aku x kesah... mcm smlm kat mubank gak. dpr tgk dorg perf pun dh bersyukur giler!! :pompom::pompom:
[news] Other SUJU members filing lawsuit is a RUMOR!
Currently an article ㅡ crediting sina.com as the source ㅡ about Leeteuk, Yesung, Kangin, Eunhyuk and Donghae following Han Geng’s steps and wanting to modify their contracts is circulating on various websites. SJ-World Admin received an email from kangteuk.com.cn (which is a popular Chinese website for Leeteuk and Kangin ㅡ currently inaccessible), and this is what they stated: If you come across news articles claiming that six members of Super Junior filed lawsuits against SM Entertainment: it’s an unconfirmed rumour.
This gossip has been presented in various forms, one of the most pular ones is that the webmasters of three major Super Junior fansites (Wannabe, Yuri9doo, and a Donghae fansite) witnessed the aforementioned Super Junior members filing said lawsuits. If the rumour eventually turns out to be true, what we know fur sure though is that this information did not come from Wannabe or Yuri9doo.
Another version of this rumour quotes a fan who goes by the name of mybaby as the source; members of kangteuk.com.cn contacted mybaby and were assured that she never said anything about this rumour.
Original Source. Yume and Yoyo at kangteuk.com.cn
Reported by SJ-WORLD.NET
ok, td tgk dorg perf live kat mucore. gamble giler aku tgk even kat luar berdentum guruh bagai. lantak la, asal kan dpt tgk dorg!! outfit dorg sama mcm time GDA, just shirt dlm & suar dorg hitam... jinjja, hensem giler... tp mcm biasa, missing 4 members: heechul, hangeng, kangin & kibum!!
ok, td tgk dorg perf live kat mucore. gamble giler aku tgk even kat luar berdentum guruh bagai. lantak la, asal kan dpt tgk dorg!! outfit dorg sama mcm time GDA, just shirt dlm & suar dorg hitam ...
rukiaichigo Post at 26-12-2009 16:02
091226 12 Plus Poster - Super Junior Gift Set
Credits: bozii
Reuploaded by: ★_Excentrique @ SJ-World.net
Take out with full and proper credits! Do NOT edit! Thank you!
[091226] SK New Year Special cut - Michael Jackson Tribute
miss_mulan77 Post at 26-12-2009 06:16 PM
wow, giler terer hyuk wat moonwalk gitu. naik terbuntang mata aku tgk... tp boleh plak part last2 tu dia buat moonwalk yg buat kan aku sakit perut gelak!!
wow, giler terer hyuk wat moonwalk gitu. naik terbuntang mata aku tgk... tp boleh plak part last2 tu dia buat moonwalk yg buat kan aku sakit perut gelak!!
rukiaichigo Post at 26-12-2009 20:36
aku memang kagum betul tgk hyuk.. laju giler dia dance. klu aku tuh dah mau masuk spital sebab seliuh ekeke
phuahahahahaha ~~ adeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, gelak x hingat la tgk cut siwon ni. dgn sore dia yg lawak, ditmbh lg dgn kening dia tu...
rukiaichigo Post at 26-12-2009 20:35
hahahaha lawak... aku tgk pun tergelak2 tadi... boleh lak dia wat sore cengitu.. hahhaha kening dia tuh langsung tak leh blah ekekkekee