G-Dragon Dating Japanese American Model Kiko Mizuhara?By: melkimx
Rumors continue that G-Dragon is dating Japanese American model Kiko Mizuhara, as recent photos of the two wearing alleged "couple rings" surfaced on the Internet. Netizens also saw evidence in the fact that the two of them use iPhones (Mizuhara's white, G-Dragon's black).
Last summer, YG Entertainment denied rumors that G-Dragon was dating Mizuhara, but admitted that the two are good friends. Nonetheless, netizens were quick to point out that G-Dragon had once pointed to Mizuhara's image in a magazine as being appealing to him, and many photos of the two sporting a similar-looking ring with a wide band have been posted on various websites.
We'll sit on the fence when it comes to this topic: We personally have no objections to G-Dragon dating someone he truly likes, but we will also admit that netizens are sometimes quick to jump to conclusions! Prefer not to think about it? Here's a cute photo from his recent CF to distract you. Who better to endorse GMarket than G-Dragon?!?
mamat ni saper??? ade related ngan TY ker?????
Trunkk_ZZ Post at 16-11-2010 22:40
mamat caprice ni rapper indie kat KL nih. nik irfan tu pulak kekononnya artis bawah naungan company dia. the dj and the korean girl tu kengkawan dia la kot heheheh.... biasa le, rapper kat malaysia ni mana ada yg terkenal or go mainstream, except joe flizzow, malique and reefa. yg lain...sorry melorry...tak kenal.
kesimpulannya, diorang ni mmg takde kaitan ngan YB tapi it was an honour sebab ada gak artis (artis ker? ) kat malaysia ni yg ikuti K-pop. hahahah!
p/s: sekali lagi kukatakan...nik irfan tu mcm cute! nyehehehe.....
lgk...spamming GD..
skymania Post at 17-11-2010 11:24
gd ni pakai le baju pelik camne pun...he's still the ultimate fashionista!
sherry...bergaya sungguh laki u nih! nyehehehe....
talking about gd and kiko...mmm...if it's true, i'm happy for him. i'll definitely feel bad for CL tho (hehehe...skydragon shipper here ) but of course, kiko is waaayy prettier than CL. cuma i don't think gd-kiko will last long if ever they are an item. maklum le...kiko tu pun muda lagi. again, if it's true...i tak meroyan..cool babe! nyehehehe!
comeback BB lak...takpe, sanggup tunggu. papa YG kan pakar strategy. he knows what he's doing. y he chose certain dates and months utk buat comeback, hanya dia dan konco-konconya yang tahu. dia mesti dah ada percaturannya tu. so, i'll just sit back and relax BB...i tunggu nih...sabar...sabar....
TOP and 2ne1 - congrats for winning the New Style Icon: Movie Actor dan Style Icon Female Singer. U guys deserve it! Top looking sleak as usual. Tabi...tabi...mmg menggoda jiwa dan raga. i noticed, shin min ah menang utk Style Icon Female Actress. huhuhu...mmg kena la ngan Tabi. skandal lama.... syok tu kalo bertaut kembali
2ne1, looking fierce and stylo as usual. tunggu next year lak, hopefully BB dapat Style Icon Male Singer, grab from 2pm this year...yeeehaaarrr!!!
ame...tu lah kan...kalo ada Like button kat cari ni...syok kita like statements sana-sini takpe, takleh klik button, i angkat jari utk u...two thumbs up!
According to the Sports Nippon newspaper, Korean groups BIG BANG and KARA will be making their first appearances in the NHK Kohaku Uta Gassen. The last Korean artists to perform on opposite teams at Kohaku were Lee Jung Hyun and RYU in 2004, but BIG BANG and KARA will be the first groups ever to do so.
BIG BANG, who made their debut in Japan last year, will be participating as an ordinary member of the White Team, rather than as part of a special project. They are planning to arrive in Japan on December 26 and stay until the new year. This means that they will be absent for NHK's annual press conference introducing the first-time Kohaku participants, but they have already recorded a video message for the event.
KARA debuted in Japan just this year. They will be part of the Red Team, but details about their participation are not yet known.
[size=+1]YGE clarifies rumors regarding Big Bang’s inter-personal relations
The members of Big Bang have been swept up in a rather unusual controversy due to the long delay in their album release and their continued hiatus. Rumors began circulating about how the relationship between the members was turning sour, bringing back the old stereotype that idol groups can never last past five years.
A representative of YG Entertainment clarified, “It’s difficult for us to give a clear comeback date since all of the members are personally contributing to the album production. They put more priority on having standards met to their satisfactions as opposed to releasing something quickly. It seems that such a controversy came about due to the delays in their comeback, but the members have become closer than ever by working on this album together.”
Another representative that spoke with Osen revealed, “I actually asked the members themselves and they thought it was weird, answering, ‘It’s hard to even be as close as we are.’ They’re boys, so they play and joke around a bit harder than usual. When I told them about the rumors going around, they actually responded, ‘At least they don’t think we’re delaying our comeback because of our music skills. It’s better that they create rumors like that instead.’”
The representative continued, “The members always laugh and maintain an energetic atmosphere whenever they’re together and are closer than they’ve ever been, actually.”
YG Family Making Film & Calender + Diary 2011 [Limited Release] (SE7EN/GUMMY/BIGBANG/2NE1)
Special box set release from YG ENTERTAINMENT, a production of that BIGBANG, 2NE1, SE7EN, and more popular artists belong to YG. Set includes a DVD "YG FAMILY SEASON GREETING MAKING DVD" featuring off shots of calendar shooting, 2010 official desktop calendar (15 x 15cm) & 2010 official wall calendar (30.5 x 30.5cm) and 196-page datebook/diary (15 x 21cm, written in Japanese ---> maknanya yg tulisan2 hangul tuh dh tukar jadik hiragana/katakana/kanji sbb nih boxset japanese special utk appreciate j-fans). Calendars and datebook features BIGBANG, 2NE1, SE7EN, and GUMMY. DVD features Japanese and Korean subtitles.
*pada saat ini, tinggal 14 jer, sape nak leh PM cepat.
YG Family Making Film & Calender + Diary 2011 [Limited Release]
RM28 ...
Kittie Post at 26-11-2010 02:12 PM
alaaaaaaaaa.... mahai tapi nakkkkkk... adoiiiiii.... nape masa2 ni la nk kuar mende2 gini....
kalo la leh dpt nanti2.... pon ok....
wat to do>??? sakittttttttttttt
alaaaaaaaaa.... mahai  tapi nakkkkkk... adoiiiiii.... nape masa2 ni la nk kuar mende2 gini... ...
nzhass79 Post at 26-11-2010 14:30
skrg nk krismas... ramai yg order tuk krismas atau ader yg nk dpt bonus, yg limited2 semer laju mcm air jer abes; NEWS dh abes, KAT-TUN tinggal satu ker dua (lum check tuk jam ni, jap gi check email/PM), FTIsland tinggal satu jer, yg boxset nih baru open hari nih, dh tinggal 14... xsempat nk reply email semer... sib baik dh ujung minggu... leh pokes kat mender2 nih semer...