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Author: cajAzhari

2PM : 1:59 heartbeat~♥ *can u feel my heartbeat??

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Post time 9-9-2009 08:13 AM | Show all posts
ni nk tanye.....sblm jay ni, ada lg ke idol lain yang mengalami nasib camni??

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Post time 9-9-2009 08:17 AM | Show all posts
zue... yg me taw kalo sama case dgn jay ni kira 1st time kot.. tp kalo yg under case lain kebanyakan bunuh diri terus (n diaorg mmg korean born lak tuh) ... me takmo mende ni jadik kat idol... please nooooooooooo...

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Post time 9-9-2009 08:17 AM | Show all posts
me nak pompuan yg sebar psl jay tu bunuh diri.. :@ :@ :@
baru me puas ati..

kalo khun balik thailand.. gamaknye camne laa..
meraung sume hottest nnt..
i think it's the best time for 2pm to take a break..

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Post time 9-9-2009 08:19 AM | Show all posts
nic.. mmg antifan nak sangat owang yg deme tak suke tu mati.. apa punya kejam aaa... seb bek Jay still ok.. just lik kg n rest dulu agik bagus..

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Post time 9-9-2009 08:21 AM | Show all posts
kpop pye fans a bit too far la...
kalu sokong abis2an kalu nk bambu idols pun abis3an...
x ptt sggh...menakutkn dunia kpop ni...

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Post time 9-9-2009 08:24 AM | Show all posts
ai mmg rela kalo 2PM xde...takleh bear tgk 2pm perform tanpa jay walopon ai minik khun..kalo khun blik thailand, kekdah ai tgk lakorn jelaaa...

rasanya dak2 2pm pown tak tade hati dh nk continue..tade sapa yg sampai ati nk amik tpt way, tak mungkin!never!

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Post time 9-9-2009 08:25 AM | Show all posts
hana, me x kire.. me nak pompuan tu bunuh diri..
agak2 ade x suicide petition utk pompuan tu??
me nak sign petition tu.. :@  

taec pun bleh balik US.. member 2pm len balik kg masing2..
senang.. xyah layan antis dah.. senang idup..

before ni pnah suju's fan bunuh diri gara2 antifans..

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Post time 9-9-2009 08:27 AM | Show all posts
akak nk berprasangka baik leh tak???

jay balik sambut raya kat america.... leh gitu??

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Post time 9-9-2009 08:27 AM | Show all posts
smlmn layan idol show ngn wb n vid performance derang...jay is the centre!he's the centre of the grup, no one else but him!he danced,he's joking around!!!xle terima ngn apa yg berlaku kat dia...sangat2 sedey...he's irreplaceable!

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Post time 9-9-2009 08:27 AM | Show all posts
lame3 foreigner pun mls nk join kpop scene lg...

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Post time 9-9-2009 08:39 AM | Show all posts
seben masih dlm depression mode...asal tingat kt jay tros cengeng...baca artikel psl jay cengeng lg...dpt taw channie's cry so hard for jay lg la seben cengeng... it's really heartbreaking...seben still hv faith yg jay akan kambek...definately!

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Post time 9-9-2009 08:49 AM | Show all posts
ai mmg rela kalo 2PM xde...takleh bear tgk 2pm perform tanpa jay walopon ai minik khun..kalo khun blik thailand, kekdah ai tgk lakorn jelaaa...

rasanya dak2 2pm pown tak tade hati dh nk continue. ...
biniwills Post at 9-9-2009 08:24

rsnye tmpt jay xde sape leh ganti
n xde sape berani nk ganti
mmg mlg la sape2 yg msk ganti jay (kalo ade la)
haruss die menderita di benci hottest

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Post time 9-9-2009 08:51 AM | Show all posts
seben masih dlm depression mode...asal tingat kt jay tros cengeng...baca artikel psl jay cengeng lg...dpt taw channie's cry so hard for jay lg la seben cengeng... it's really heartbreaking...seben  ...
se7enstarz Post at 9-9-2009 08:39

tu la tgh sedey lg neh mengenangkan nasib jay yg msh unclear
lg2 sedey dgn cadangan yg soh khun blk thai walopn ade btolnye
die dok korea pn xde gune much hatred for the foreigners

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Post time 9-9-2009 08:53 AM | Show all posts
seben, sila b'sabar...  me pun camtu... asal read articles about jay je mata mesti berair.. automatic jd emo giteww... always keep the faith ala2 dbsk ..
is it too much to hope jay akan kambek??

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Post time 9-9-2009 09:01 AM | Show all posts
2PM dok diam2 dulu aaa, nanti meh datang raya kat umah nuna mesia hokeh...... n nick, mmg me pong nak aaa antifan yg wat onar tu suicide.. uish bln2 pose wat jahat... tp dia agik jahat, ade ati dia nk mtk maaf... too late... me rasa, mesti ada fans yg akan stalk antifan tu n do something.. bagus pong...

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Post time 9-9-2009 09:04 AM | Show all posts
seben, sila b'sabar...  me pun camtu... asal read articles about jay je mata mesti berair.. automatic jd emo giteww... always keep the faith ala2 dbsk ..
is it too much to hope jay akan kambek??
nicrye Post at 9-9-2009 08:53

better that not hoping at all...seben cayer instict seben jay wld definately kambek...bgn sahur td tros tingat kt jay...tgh wat aper agaknyer jay...dh mkn ke blm?  selg isu nih tak selesai selg tuh la sume hottest akan gundah gulana... dak2 2ptg lg la sian...

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Post time 9-9-2009 09:05 AM | Show all posts
umah 2oneday akan sepi sementara gamaknye... wuwuwuwu... windu sama deme sume...

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Post time 9-9-2009 09:09 AM | Show all posts
nak post ni jap...jumpe kt soompi...walopn mencik ssgt kt netizen tuh tp ble pikir2 btol gak

People who won't forgive the girl who spread Jay's comments canbe compared to the netizens who wouldn't forgive Jay for what he said.The people who wished the girl death can be compared to the people whosigned the petition for Jay to commit suicide. People need to learn howto let go of their bias sometimes and learn what's right. No, it wasn'tright for Jay to call Korea gay. He apologized. I forgave him. No, itwasn't right for the girl to spread Jay's comments around. Sheapologized. I forgave her. Now the girl wants to die. I hope she'lllearn from Jay and find a way to escape this mess she's in right now. Ihope she'll learn from Jay and will be strong enough to not pull thetrigger. I hope she'll learn from Jay and learn from her mistakes. Ihope she'll learn from Jay and work to become a better person. Nobodydeserves to die. People shouldn't throw the word death around soeasily. Payback, revenge, bad karma isn't right. I hope people knowthat. Be the bigger person.

cr soompi
fan tuh made a really serious huge damage to 2pm yg xptt dimaapkn
but we must learn to forgive ppl...nobody deserves to die...dendam2 ni xkn abes nye
hottest we can do it..can we?

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Post time 9-9-2009 09:10 AM | Show all posts
tu la tgh sedey lg neh mengenangkan nasib jay yg msh unclear
lg2 sedey dgn cadangan yg soh khun blk thai walopn ade btolnye
die dok korea pn xde gune much hatred for the foreigners
zeleia Post at 9-9-2009 08:51

sian khun kompem dia sedey giler...musti dia pon terasa ati psl isu foreigners...

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Post time 9-9-2009 09:12 AM | Show all posts
nak maapkan? humm maap tanpa rela bley aaa wat masa ni selagi Jay tak balik...

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