huhu...saje training refueling td....boring...ade dua gmbor jerk..susah le nk snap gmbor tgh refuel..tgn sblah ngn throttle,sblah lg ngn stick..xpe2..nnti aku amik yg cantekkk pnye...
1741# aku_EnSeM
Owh IC....
Tapi windows tu boleh ada reading walau pun dalam managed mode. Just pusing jer knobs tu keluar la reading, and nothing will happen selagi knobs tu tak di Pull.Boleh letak apa2 figure. After about 30 secs , reading tu hilang automatically.
29.92 atau STD depend on the baro knob tu, kalau PULL keluar la STD.
Gambar jer tu.... perhiasan, in actual APPR button pun tak boleh ON at 32000 ft, ILS freq tak tuned lagi.
Airbus tak ada AutoThrottle, cuma ada AUTO THRUST. |
1745# tossee
TQ tossee, I am now flying both A330 and A340. Insyallah lagi 2 tahun A380.
Nice group you have here but lately forum aviation ni agak suram sikit thats why i merayau merata, throwing spanner here n there hehe
For those peminat Airbus, I am willing to help in case they have any problem or question regarding flying .
I will join the FSG soon, hehe gian pulak nak fly fighter balik.
cheers. |
1748# tossee
To be in Taming Sari team , mesti ada recommendation base on flying skill, courage and willingness, bukan depend on flying hours.
Sebab flying hours tak bermakna sangat kalau pilot dari cawangan2 yg berbeza. Contohnya what is 4000 hours flight time of a transport pilot yg mostly flying straight n level compared to 1000 hours fighter pilot yg formation flying, aerobatic and G are his bread and butter ?
BTW i have some photos in my blog, plse cx ur PM.
Komen2 dari forumer yg lain2 walaupun discredit me I tak kesah sebab dia org tak tau. Anyway dalam aviation ,no such thing as stupid question. Kalau kita tak sure dalam satu2 perkara tu, we are allowed to ask, even a few times sampai betul2 sure. Sebab unsure pilot can cause major accident. |
1751# tossee
Nanti I scan my PC7 photos. |
1751# tossee
Nanti I scan my PC7 photos.
kelana36 Post at 9-4-2010 10:09
Terima kasih byk tuan...ai amat menghargainya.... |
can anyone flatten and take out the trees for the extended runway for WBGG? i have the AFCAD ready . thanks ^^ |
Malaysian Flight Simulator Group atau dikenali sebagai dengan singkatan "MFSG" adalah anak forum ...
tossee Post at 7-4-2010 21:48
website nie lain dari MS ke...kena register baru ke kalau nak masuk? |
bapak sunyinye porem nih |
bapak sunyinye porem nih
aku_EnSeM Post at 3-8-2010 11:28
org ramai lepak sini la bang...http://mfsg.forumn.net |
Ini betul2 sudah mati thread ni.. {:1_126:} oooit mana simmer semua ni sudah pencen ke?? |
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