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ai harap uolss selamat sampai and everything smooth~ enjoy tau! |
Secara officialnye saya tersangat la jeles ngan kwan2 yang mampu terbang ke Seoul dan menonton BBShow 2012 secara live for 2 days straight!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!! |
mane pegi sume org???? dah sampai koya ke???? ke anta sis stan g airport??? |
banner utk BS dah naik.... tggl wakil carianz nk sampai aje..... fighting!!!!  |
mane pegi sume org???? dah sampai koya ke???? ke anta sis stan g airport???
kebayaunggu Post at 2-3-2012 10:18 
hehe..ada je sis, SR je skrg ni..slow down smntara nk tggu fancam bigshow kuar  |
sabar kak zue...sabarr mmg bengkek kan klau org kacau kita dok spazz..tp kekdg tu ...
adikmanis Post at 29-2-2012 01:19 PM 
opkos la fantastic baby... enjoy giler dengar lgu tu,.. 2nd of kos la blue... then baru yg lain2... n intro pon best wooo eh track no 5 yg jaemi obseo tu ape tajuk dia ek?? |
Reply 1729# nzhass79
ain't no fun..... jaemi obseo.....  |
saja je cool down skit..tunggu kawan2 yg tgk BS balik baru hype semula 
wahhhh banner dah naik..best  |
td ade VIP yg duk upload2 gmbr kt fb...cntik la plak tgk hoodie, shirt, merchandise BS 2012 ....bkenan plak tgk tp ntah cukup ke idak duitnye...huhuhu |
rasanya korang da tau kan 
Big Bang confirmed for Strong Heart's "YG Special" airing March 27 & April 3 [NEWS]
Strong Heart "YG Special" will air on March 27 and April 3 (2 episodes). Confirmed YG artists attending the show are: BIGBANG, Tablo, 2NE1, Psy, Yoo In Na & Kang Hye Jung.
Source: @_BIGBANGisVIP |
2012 Big Bang Big Show/Alive Tour Info, Photos and Set List [INFO/MISC./PHOTOS]
-Entrance, in capsules using their frozen ALIVE concept
-Tonight has new choreography
-When Daesung started singing "Tonight" and "Hands Up", the crowd went nuts, the whole floor was shaking.
-T.O.P has a huger loop earring on one ear
-Everything is be performed with a live band
-Daesung is very hyper
-T.O.P's rap and the choreo to "Fantastic Baby" is amazing!
-They disappeared under the stage after "Fantastic Baby"
-Costume quick change before "How Gee"
-They reappeared on bikes and segways
-dancers are having a break dance battle on stage
-The stage is extending upwards
-GD seems to be in a very good mood, he keeps teasing fans
-During "Stupid Liar" fans used their lightsticks to mimic Big Bang's dance
-Individual raised platforms for "Stupid Liar"
-After "Stupid Liar" GD and T.O.P left the stage
-During the Dae/Ri/Tae ment, Seungri started dancing and Daesung joined in
-Taeyang might still have a tattoo on his body? (unconfirmed)
-Security is going crazy trying to catch all fancams
-Daesung sang and danced a bit of "Mah Boy"
-White tigers
-For GD&TOP stage, they have Chinese New Year Style dragons on stage with them
-There are conveyer belts on stage
-During "High High" The South Korean flag was brought up
-Seungri has a gun and keeps shuffle dancing
-There is a huge helicopter behind Seungri and the gun has a lazer attached
-Seungri is wearing a vest with nothing underneath
-T.O.P threw something at the crowd
-T.O.P is wearing bright leopard print leggings
-Second sighting of new Taeyang's tattoo, on right ribs
-They are calling Seungri "baby"
-GD is wearing red pants
-Seungri looks really hot tonight!
-The front of the stage just lowered
-during the second group talk/ment they talked about T.O.P's hair and GD commented that it looks tasty
-Big Bang asked VIPs if they got the new album (ALIVE) and if they are happy with it
-Standing mics for "Cafe"
-New choreo for "Cafe"
-For "Bad Boy" They are using body waves, grinding and sexy choreo
-Seungri threw his towel
-The concert itself does seem to have a story line. Where it seems like Big Bang are fighters trying to save the planet
-For "Blue" Daesung and Seungri appeared from the lower stage and T.O.P appeared from the back.
-"Blue" choreo similar to "Love Song"
-Songs all seems to be remixed/ different in some way, but it is all VERY good
-"Ain't No Fun" choreo is similar to "What is Right"
-Daesung's part in "Love Dust" is so cute! Eye smile!
-"Love Song" is just like the MV, the members seem to be appearing out of nowhere
-Everything is non-stop, they are going right into part 3.
-The boys look tired, but they are trying so hard to please fans
-Taeyang was wearing "Be Rea;" shirt
-Taeyang ripped his shirt off at the end, tattoo is of a cross and very big
-Daesung came out and there was a huge fan chant for him
- (from earlier) Daesung said that tonight's concert had a theme/storyline
-Daesung is actually wearing wings on his shoulders and above the stage while the dancers are below wearing masked with tears
-Daesung was in the air on a pole before disappearing
-They all reappeared sitting and wearing white stage outfits
-Many fans are singing along to "Haru Haru"
-There is no parody this year ( )
-fans are singing along to "Lies"
-T.O.P's condition today is said to be not good/T.O.P is sick
-Taeyang took off his shirt and threw it at the audience
-The audience is going so wild, the floor of the arena feels like it is shaking
-During "Last Farewell" (their last stage) VIPs are chanting "I Love You!"
-Waved and said goodbye, before re-appearing for Encore stage
-The Encore stage is in English (preparing for the tour maybe?)
-GD has new tattoos on both his right and left ribs(?)
-Daesung took his jacket and shirt off and gave it to the fans
-Seungri gave his towel to a fan
-Daesung is running around shirtless (LOL!)
-Seungri changed the song lyrics to "I breathe because of VIPs"
-Taeyang lifted up GD's shirt to show off his "abs" (confirm! GD xde abs) 
Set List:
1. Alive (intro)
2. Tonight
3. Hands Up (remix)
4. First break/ment
5. Fantastic Baby
6. How Gee
7. Stupid Liar
8. Daesung, Taeyang and Seungri stage break/ment
9. High High- GD&TOP stage
10. Strong Baby remix- Seungri solo stage
11. What Can I Do- Seungri solo stage
12. Gara! Gara! Go!
13. Number 1
14. Second group Talk/ment
15. Cafe
16. Bad Boy/ Bad Boy reggae (?)
17. Blue / Blue dance version
18. Ain't No Fun (재미없어)
19. Love Dust
20. Love Song
21. Look Only at Me (나만 바라봐) Remix- Taeyang Solo Stage
22. Wedding Dress- Taeyang solo stage
23. Wings- Daesung solo stage
24. Haru Haru (acoustic version)
25. fourth talk/ment
26. Lies
27. Last Farewell
Encore stage:
28.Sunset Glow
Source: @ bbvipforum, @bbvipz, @BBVIPAKO, @WeLoveDara, @esakwan, @rnosel, @RealNadiah, as tagged
Compiled Live By: Rona May (@Ronamaylove) and VIP4Daesung (@VIP4Daesung) |
fancams bleh tgk kt bbu k 1st day fancam xbyk sgt..tggu mlm ni punya plak  |
waaaaaaa...... bestnyeeeeeee........  |
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