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Author: tig_cun

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Post time 13-7-2007 03:11 PM | Show all posts
da abis da bc a walk to remember
mmg besh cite nyer
cite nyer lebih lengkap compare movie nyer .........
trasa watak Landon n Jamie lebih idup .........
n dpt rasakan cinta Landon pd Jamie
n dpt rasa betapa seksa Jamie menanggung penyakitnyer .......
thanks to my fren sebb hadiah buku a walk to remember
fly da tgk muvi nyer tp x rasa sedih sgt
tp bile baca bukunyer ...... ...... trasa sedihnyer ........



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Post time 17-7-2007 08:04 AM | Show all posts
i have finished this book last week

this is one of the books in the chicago stars series:

Come heck or high water, Gracie Snow is determined to drag the legendary ex-jock Bobby Tom Denton back home to Heaven, Texas, to begin shooting his first motion picture. Despite his dazzling good looks and killer charm, Bobby Tom has reservations about being a movie star -- and no plans to cooperate with a prim and bossy Ohio wallflower whom he can't get off his mind or out of his life. Instead, the hell-raising playboy decides to make her over from plain Jane to Texas wildcat.
But nothing's more dangerous than a wildcat with an angel's heart in a town too small for a bad boy to hide. And all hell breaks loose when two unforgettable people discover love, laughter, passion -- and a match that can only be made in Heaven

My review:
This is one of SEP's early works- it was witty, and memorable
Gracie is our nerdy heroine who worked for a production company while Bobby Tom is the handsome jock who got offered to star in a movie.
The match between them is unlike, but Gracie is funny and can go to the extreme to ensure things right

My fav part - since this book is dedicated to La Leche (a breastfeeding support group), there are a lot of scenes, which shows SEP supports breasfeeding.. like the scene where the movie's heroine leaked her milk (let down reflex), or when we got to know the actress still breastfeed her baby at 6 months..

The jokes are priceless



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Post time 18-7-2007 09:22 PM | Show all posts
now tgh baca Undomestic Goddess..sopie kinsella...

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Post time 23-7-2007 01:11 PM | Show all posts
tengah struggle nak habiskan 10, 11, 12, 13 series of unfortunate events. Bila dah baca sampai tahap ni, rasa boring pulak macam tengok Bawang Putih Bawang Merah je, tak habis habis

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Post time 27-7-2007 09:43 AM | Show all posts
Spoiler Alert!!! Kepada sesiapa yang tak mahu tahu tentang HP & the Deathly Hallows...Jangan Baca...:bg:

Completed the Book on Sunday 22nd July...and what can I say?...I've said it before and I'm going to say it again..Harry Potter Series were MEANT for it was going to have an ending that will make children ( and their mum) all over the world, Harry Potter will not die.....and he didnt..

J.K Rowling did not dissappoint her fans...but she put their emotions on a roller coaster ride..I felt drained..literally...after reading the book...Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was, like a friend unputdownable from the first word...more than a couple of characters that we've grown to love parished in the war of good verses evil...

Harry Potter matured at the end of Book 5 and throughout Book 6, but in Book 7..he proved that he was indeed a true leader...he learnt through other's mistake and learnt to accept his destiny....Mekna suka bagaimana J.K Rowling twist the ending..and while still drowning in misery, I could understand why she had to kill off one of the Weasleys' all Harry Potter fans out there..if you haven't got a copy yet....Harry Potter and the Deathly HAllows REALLY is a GRAND FINALE for the series.....kudos Ms J.K Rowling really are indeed MAGICAL.....



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Post time 27-7-2007 11:00 AM | Show all posts
geram tol la...
x sempat lg nk wat book review kat sini..
x de mase...mod x leh ke extend sket lagi tarikh tu...

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Post time 31-7-2007 12:39 PM | Show all posts
Tajuk Buku: Cerita Cinta
Penulis: Anis Zainol
Penerbit: Creative Entreprise. Sdn Bhd
Dibeli Di: MPH, Alpha Angle Wangsa Maju

Watak-watak utama:   Megat AFiq Akram & Athirah

Tentang Apa Buku Ini:

Berkisarkan pasal Athirah yang menjadi tunangan orang tanpa mengenali siapakah tunangnya. Kisah ni menjadi semakin menarik, bila Athirah jatuh cinta pada seorang lelaki yang mana tanpa pengetahuannya lelaki itu adalah tunangannya sendiri. Athirah hanya mengetahui hal ini di hari pernikahanya. Merasakan diri dipermainkan, membuatkan Athirah nekad untuk memboikot suami sendiri. Tetapi boikotnya tak lama, kesabaran dan kasih sayang suami tercinta telah Berjaya memikat hati athirah. Rintangan dan dugaan yg menimpa selepas perkahwinan mereka, mengeratkan  lagi hubungan mereka.

Apa Yang yang sy paling suka ialah  watak megat afiq akram, as husband he抯 very understanding, romantic loving..part yang saya paling sy suka bila dia dapat tahu pasal tuduhan yang dilemparkan pada athirah, dia cepat melatah tapi take a wise action Tanya direct kat isteri dia betul ke tak and dalam keadaan dia yg dh cool卬ot like other character dlm malay novels, ada issue pasal wife je terus serang isteri tanpa usul periksa



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Post time 31-7-2007 12:42 PM | Show all posts
Tajuk : Little Women
Penulis : Louisa May Alcott

Penulis melahirkan karya ini menerusi pengalaman sebenar yang dilalui bersama kakaknya. Mengisahkan kehidupan empat beradik, Meg, Jo, Beth dan Amy yang membesar di England. Mereka melalui kehidupan yang cukup sukar, namun keempat2 adik beradik nie masih mampu mempertahankan keharmonian hubungan kekeluargaan meraka. Kasih saying dan dorongan yang saling diberikan antara satu sama lain menjadi rencah utama jalan cerita untuk karya ini. Kasih saying dan keakraban sebuah hubungan kekeluargaan yang terjalin menerusi buku ini berjaya menyentuh perasaan. Buku nie boleh membuat kita ketawa, menangis dan di penghujung jalan cerita novel ini nanti menjadikan kita jatuh cinta dengan setiap karakter yang diilhamkan.

Tajuk : Lipstick Jungle
Penulis : Candance Bushnell

Novel nie memperkenalkan tiga watak wanita yang memiliki keberanian serta kesanggupan melakukan apa sahaja termasuklah membahayakan perhubungan personal dan professional mereka. Contohnya seperti watak Nico, editor bagi majlah Bonfire yang berani memusuhi majikannya sendiri demi mmartabatkan nama majalah yang dikendalikannya itu. Manakala watak Wendy pula memp[erlihatkan keberaniannya berhadapan dengan masalah yang melibatkan kerjaya dan keluarganya serentak. Dan akhir sekali Victory, seorang pereka fesyen yang masih solo. Sanggup berhadapan dengan apa jua kritikan. Baginya, cinta adalah perkara terakhir yang harus difikirkan dalam kehidupan ini kerana banyak lagi perkara lain yang perlu dilakukan selain memikirkan soal cinta. Novel ini menampilkan keberanian kaum wanita hari ini.



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Post time 31-7-2007 12:55 PM | Show all posts
Tajuk Buku: setelah kau pergi
Penulis: rozita abdul wahab
Penerbit: Creative Entreprise. Sdn Bhd
Dibeli Di: creative enterprise, bangsar

Watak-watak utama:   Athirah, hisyam & syakir

Tentang Apa Buku Ini:
Actually sy x suka baca novel yang berkisar pasal hidup bermadu sebab saya x suke pasal kisah rampas merampas suami ni. Tapi cite ni lain sket x mcm kisah hidup bermadu yang lain. Athirah yg menjadi madu nadia secara terpaksa bagi membalas jasa hisyam dan ibunya, dari sekadar membals budi, akhirnya membuahkan rasa cinta yang kian mekar buat hisham di hati athirah, menyedari dia x mampu untuk berkongsi kasih dan demi mengejar cita2 yang belum berkesampaian, athirah meninggalkan hisham dan hazim卲ermata hati dia dan hisham..masa yang berlalu tidak memapu mengusir rasa cinta athirah pada hisham walaupun cintanya ditagih oleh syakir yang telah di anggap sebagai abang kandung卝odoh yang kuat  dan rasa cinta yang membara..menyatukan hisyam dan athirah kembali..dan cinta syakir terbiar sepi kerna bunga yang dipuja adalah bunga larangan



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Post time 5-8-2007 10:43 AM | Show all posts
hmmmm... lama tak post sini = lamanya tak pegang buku --seriusly

baru jer abis baca HP7 - the deathly hollow...
worst record... biasa baca buku within 2 days jer... sblum ni HP pun 3 days...
yg ni seminggu....

tak perlu review byk2...ramai kan dah baca ni....

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Post time 5-8-2007 08:39 PM | Show all posts
buku yg baru beli semlm (4th August)
tp da abis ptg tadi .........

The Undomestic Goddess

Cite nie pasal Samantha Sweeting, age 29, seorg lawyer
kira top lawyer n youngest kot dlm firm .......
so kira tak lama akan dijadikan partner dlm firm tuh
n then one day ...... sumthing bad happen .....
jeng jeng jeng .. ape dia ek .....??
baca ler sendiri ........
so since masalah yg dia tak dpt terima n sukar percaya
sam dia larikan diri .... tp kemana ek ......
ada ler ..... sumwhere outside london .....
then kat situ ler dia mulakan idup baru n karier baru
tp sebagai ape ek ...... sungguh tak sangka ........
lain jadi nyer
so byk ler rintangan tp penuh kelucuan gak ler .......
1st time baca buku dr author nie
fly da gelak2 n leh imagine ......
mmg besh .. bg rate 5/5 la ....
memuaskan ati
so teringin baca previous cite dr author nie ......
then kat situ gak dia jatuh cinta ...... mamat handsome
tp bukan sebarangan nyer mamat ......
so setiap cite ada hepi n sedih ....
ending cite nie hepi .....
ske .... ske yg amat .......
takleh cite bebyk nanti byk spoiler ......
sape berminat ... beli n baca ..........



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Post time 7-8-2007 11:16 PM | Show all posts
tengah baca Ben Hur hasil nukilan Lew Wallace

historical story of Jesus dari persepsi dan interpretasi beliau

murah je, rm11.90 sebab buku klasik



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Post time 10-8-2007 02:55 PM | Show all posts
buku-buku yang habis dibaca...

1. Funny Valentine, Amy Jenkins

2. Upgrading, Simon Brooke

my 1st lad-lit book...

kisah andrew collins, 24yrs yg bekerja as a media sales turn freelance at a London escort agency sbg social escort kepada rich women. 1st client, Marion an oft-divorced American client in her 50s. lepas 1st date marion proposes they see each other exclusively. jadila andrew ni 'anak gula' kepada marion But lastly andrew jadi bosan dgn lifestyle marion..tujuan asal andrew nak earn extra cash si marion ni kedekut nak kasi cash..kasi rolex pun untuk pinjam jer..

3. Danur Kasih, Mohamaad Adzam Khodzim

kisah syareena yang mencari anaknya yang diserahkan kepada orang lain sbg anak angkat masa anak tu bayi lagi.
anak hasil dari hubungan terlarang....dia dirogol oleh ayahnya sendiri masa umur 12thn...
dengan bantuan azmil, abang berlainan ibu dan juga adiknya, syareena mencari anaknya yang dah berumur 13thn serata tempat..ada 2 orang yg berkemungkinan anaknya...sorang bernama anis yg tinggal di lumut dan sorang lagi yasmin yg dipelihara oleh keluarga dr sulaiman..yasmin ni w/pun berumur 13thn tp perangai mcm budak 7thn...dia slow...
hanya berdasarkan sekeping gambar lama yg ada dlm simpanannya, syareena membuat kesimpulan yg yasmin adalah anaknya bila dia compare dgn gambar yg ada dlm simpanan dr sulaiman masa yasmin kecik...

tapi syareena tersilap...sebenarnya anis lah anak kandung syareena...blom sempat azmil bagitau perkara sebenar, dia meninggal dlm kemalangan jalan raya...

4. Nota Cinta Buatmu, Norhayati Berahim

5. Merenatas Kabus, Hartini Hamzah

6. Setulus Janji, Aina Emir

my personal opinion (1) setelah membaca beberpa buku aina emir...dia suka buat cerita percintaan/perkahwinan yg 'meletihkan'. macam Setulus Janji , perkahwinan Insyirah & Ilham...kalau dalam Seharum Kasih, percintaan Reeza & Rasya...
Sesuci Cinta (Armand & Nuraina) pun lebih kurang jer...

and setelah membaca beberapa buku dari penulis lelaki, (2) berbanding dengan penulis wanita, penulis lelaki menghasilkan karya yang lebih bermesej jika dibandingkan dengan penulis wanita...kebanyakkan penulis wanita lebih suka menghasilkan karya-karya cinta yang mengasyikkan yang membuatkan pembaca asyik berkhayal

[ Last edited by  nhuda at 10-8-2007 03:12 PM ]



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Post time 14-8-2007 04:08 PM | Show all posts
buku dah habis baca:

the 5th horseman - by james patterson & maxine paetro
this heart of mine - by susan elizabeth phillips
it happened one autumn - by lisa kleypas
scandal in spring - by lisa kleypas



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Post time 14-8-2007 04:12 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by tudung_bawal at 27/7/07 11:00 AM
geram tol la...
x sempat lg nk wat book review kat sini..
x de mase...mod x leh ke extend sket lagi tarikh tu...

next time lah yer yang

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Post time 15-8-2007 08:12 AM | Show all posts
aku pula
baru habis

1. kekasih sam bo po - faisal tehrani
2. this heart of mine   - best (susan elizabeth philips)
3. ada cinta di matanya - zuraidah othman

hmph, nanti ler list lagi satu2



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Post time 15-8-2007 09:23 AM | Show all posts
Weekend ari tuh habis baca 'Memory keeper's daughter'

Then today baru perasan.. company ada bagi saguhati hadiah buku...buku memory keeper's tu ada dalam list :@
aiyakkkk... baru ku beli buku itu minggu lepas..

now tgh baca 'At Risk' by Patricia Cornwell



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Post time 15-8-2007 09:30 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mardhiah12 at 15/8/07 08:12 AM
aku pula
baru habis

2. this heart of mine   - best (susan elizabeth philips)

hmp ...

buku aku beli, confirm la best

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Post time 15-8-2007 09:49 AM | Show all posts

Shopaholic Takes Manhattan by Sophie Kinsella

Rebecca Bloomwood's life should be perfect; a career on the fast track, a blooming love life, and a great social life. But under the surface lurks trouble. No one believes she's actually dating the dashing, successful Luke Brandon; she has a nagging suspicion that something is afoot with said work-obsessed boyfriend; and she just can't seem to stop shopping - an addiction that's gotten her into a jam before. Thus sets the stage for SHOPAHOLIC TAKES MANHATTAN, Sophie Kinsella?s brilliant follow-up to last year's CONFESSIONS OF A SHOPAHOLIC.

Devastated by the news that her easy going, long-suffering bank manager is retiring, and is being replaced with a manager who won't "baby" her, and those never-ending phone calls from creditors, Becky joins Luke on a fact-finding trip to New York City. Luke, a financial public relations whiz, is hoping to find the backing needed to open a new office in the Big Apple. Becky comes along naively thinking that if she's overseas, the creditors can't possible catch up with her. Once in New York, Becky sees that she has truly found her "homeland". In between interviews with television producers she discovers Saks, Barneys and the infamous Manhattan "sample sales". Before long, she's knee deep in shopping trouble again; only this time it affects more than her own bank account.

Since fly tak baca 1st series lagi, tapi fly faham yg Becky nie kaki shopping. Cam ada jer benda yg nak dia beli, tak kisah ler suar ke, baju ke, aksesori ke ... janji nampak lawa n tak tgk rega. Da ler hutang kat bank tak terbyr tambah lagi accountant dia lama dia nak bersara n ganti dgn org baru. Byk benda terjadi ..... haru biru jadinyer. Tu baru kat UK, bile bf dia, Luke ajak dia gi NY. Becky punya ler excited .. sampai tak ingat pe2 da .... sampaikan tak layan contract keje dia. Yer la org nak gi NY ..... so lebarkan sayap lah katakan. Masa kat NY lagi teruk, shopping sampai lebam .... mentang2 ler reganyer tak mahal compare to UK. Then one day ... benda buruk terjadi, kes hutang Becky kat London tersebar n benda nie cam menjejaskan Luke n company dia. Cam ner la benda nie terjadi, cian lak ... Neway, sape2 patut baca menda nie especially yg jenis kaki shopping. Maybe leh bg tips cam ner nak elak utk tak over shopping. Tak sabar nak abiskan Shopaholic Ties Knot ....



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Post time 15-8-2007 09:50 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by wa'ah at 15-8-07 09:23 AM
Weekend ari tuh habis baca 'Memory keeper's daughter'

Then today baru perasan.. company ada bagi saguhati hadiah buku...buku memory keeper's tu ada dalam list :@
aiyakkkk... baru ku beli buk ...

besh ke cite tuh ...??
cite nyer pasal ......

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