ooo, sbb title sama lagu Hirai Ken tu sodap...
whitedove Post at 9-11-2009 10:02
lagu nih dh mcm ending anthem SC dh tp ramai tak tahu nih lagu takki, ramai ingt lagu nih tulis tuk juniors, sbb catchy n sesuai tuk mcm2 program... takki byk lagu tak release, ramai fans nk die ade solo album lak... serba salah lak, nak th nak, tp sian lak kat tsubasa... mmgla die ade cd mase D&R tuh tp bukan solo single... giler ah T&T, setahun lebih takde single... nih dedua stat bizi dh ngan D&R n Kakumei... dtg mereng org tua johnny-san tuh lagik, kena lagik kuar single takki tuh time2 tgh butai, bila la nk ade proper single yg leh ade proper promotion...  
MoriShin dalam CINEMA SQUARE ckp die sker Takki.
Pestuh orang tanye die sker ape kt Takki...
He was asked “Which part of Takki do you like?”, and he answered “He is really skillful in his acting. And I can see that even in concerts, for the things that he has to do, he works harder than anyone else. That attitude… or perhaps I should say… how he get on with things that we can never do… is cool.”
sbb dok borak ngan hana sal legging kt umah satu lagik tuh... tibe2 tingat kt one of my fav crosstalk (FiVe & Question?) psal stokin...
Akun: “What kind of socks do you fall for?”
All: Here it comes~! (laughs)
Yonemura: This is from me. It’s an important question!
Uesato: For me, it has to be those navy high socks. Best with uniforms.
Makino: They aren’t socks, but fishnet tights!
All: Aah~! (all agree)
Makino: With the relatively larger holes! Larger! (says twice for emphasis) Not the ones with the fine holds.
All: Aaah~! (all further agree)
Nakaegawa: Eh? Socks you fall for as in socks we ourselves wear right?
Yonemura: No Rikki~, girls!
Makino: I mean it’d be wrong if we were wearing fishnet tights with big holes (laughs).
Nakaegawa: Then I like tights~. I don’t care what color, but ones that go like this (gestures and indicates garters bands) are definitely good.
Ishigaki: High socks or tights. Black ones.
Fujiie: I like black fishnet tights. And the kind that adult women like.
Yonemura: What about Akun?
Akun: I like it when there’re no socks.
Makino: Like Ishida Junichi-san (laughs). [t/n famous …talent/actor/comedian]
Yonemura: I kind of like knee-high socks~. I really like them~. But well, anyway. I’m satisfied now after hearing all of your opinions (laughs).
Kenapa band ni tak popular sedangkan lagunys besst sangat?
Band dari Japan yg aku maksudkan ni ialah Hey! Say! Jump!
Baru-baru ni aku meneroka dalam You Tube dan terjumpa band yg dianggotai remaja berumur 12-16 thn ini.
Hmm..dlm channel 713 Astro dalam JK Hit ada juga lah lagu mereka keluar, tapi teramatlah jarang sekali..lagu yg aku maksudkan adalah Sky High/NYC Boy.Adalah boleh dikira dengan jari ia ke udara, tapi video klipnya teramatlah meriah dan berwarna-warni dan disertai kira-kira 50> penari kanak-kanak menjadi kelainannya...tak pernah aku lihat video klip semeriah itu baik dr Korea/Jepun sebelum ni.
Sebab tempat aku kerja ni YouTube kena block jadi tak dapat la aku nak paste link nya kat carik lah sendiri dalam YOu Tube berpandukan lagu-lagu yg pernah aku dengar ni seperti...
-Sky High
-your seed
-dreams come true
-i wo kure
-dial up
KUmpulan ni ala-ala SuperJunior dr Korea sebab anggotanya ada la dlm 10 org mcm tu...cuma mereka ni lebih muda. (ada yg budak lagi)
Yg menghairankan aku kenapa kump ni x begitu popular sangat...mungkin sbb mereka kelihatan penyanyi kanak-kanak atau persaingan dr band lain yg lebih baik agaknya di negara mereka, tarian mereka juga lebih baik seperti dalam official MTV iaiti Your seed. rasanya jika mereka dewasa sikit mcm Arashi mungkin lebih menjadi ckit.
Ok itu aje..aku pun nak tau, adakah aku aje yg tau pasal band ni ataupun tak?
Band dari Japan yg aku maksudkan ni ialah Hey! Say! Jump!
Baru-baru ni aku meneroka dalam You Tube dan terjumpa band yg dianggotai remaja berumur 12-16 thn ini.
Hmm..dlm channel 713 Astro dalam JK ...
ikmal_hakimi Post at 12-11-2009 22:39
alahai cayang~~~ ramai kakak2 kat sini yg sker ngan derang... nih thread derang...