j0m2....kite fire,bom seme kat netizen yg xde perikemanusiaan tuh.....:@
cajAzhari Post at 8-9-2009 20:06
memang aku rase cam nak bom2 jer netizen yg stupid tak der keje len nak wat.... eeeeeeeeeee geramnyerrrrrrrrr.... JAY AAAA!!!! tak tau nak ckp aper dah... tak pasal2 aku moyan kat sini... start suke tgk dia mase kat ISF tuh.... . takkan JYP nak biorkan dia pi cam tuh jer....
After 2PM JaeBum left Korea at 6.30pm on 8th September, what is next for 2PM as a 6-member group?
A JYP representative said that there are still discussing about plans for the group. JaeBum will be staying in the States for the time being to sort his feelings out.The good thing is that currently they are not doing promotions and is aresting period before their next album. So it gives the group time tocome up with a new concrete team operation plan.
After over 1000fans sent JaeBum off at the airport on 8th September, fans are fightingback with a petition on Agora online to stop JaeBum from leaving thegroup. The petitions says, “We can’t send JaeBum off like that” and hasalready received 25K over support from netizens.
memang aku rase cam nak bom2 jer netizen yg stupid tak der keje len nak wat.... eeeeeeeeeee geramnyerrrrrrrrr.... JAY AAAA!!!! tak tau nak ckp aper dah... tak pasal2 aku moyan kat sini ...
miss_mulan77 Post at 8-9-2009 20:24
ak rase jyp ad plan die sendri...die wat cani suh netizen syp n nak tnjk jay bebetol kesal ngan ape yg die wat...
if ni yg diorg ask,so...die wat cani nk puaskan ati netizen~
skang netizen da rase bersalah n x sangke jay akan wat tindakan blk seattle~
Incheon Airport, inside Gate 24. 2PM's Jaebumcontinued to repeat his apologies with his head held low beforeboarding his plane to Seattle. When the interviewer asked Jay about hisplans in America, he talked about 'studying music.' Although he droppedout of the group, his passion and determination not to give up on musicshowed.
SportsSeoul dot com was able to talk to Jaebum on the 8th 6:10 PM inside theIncheon Airport Departure Lounge. The first things out of his mouth was'I apologize..I'm sorry'
He said "What more can I say? I amjust so sorry to the loving fans and the members who had trusted me andfollowed me." He added, "I am sorry that I had to leave this way, I didnot fulfill my responsibilities as a leader and was just a burden, so Idecided on leaving the group."
They could tell he was very tiredand had gone through a lot in just a few days. His voice was verylow/weak. They asked another question to Jaebum who continued toapologize with his head hanging low.
Whenthey asked him about his plans in America, he talked about music. Hesaid, "I am planning to study music in America" and "have a time ofreflection. I want to show a more mature side both personally andmusically."
He also avoided answering questions regarding hisplan to return to Korea. His expression showed that it was too early tobe discussing about comeback plans. Instead, he expressed, "I want tothank the fans who had come out to the airport," and "I will stayhealthy in America. I will come back as a better person."
It was really sad reading this article..
But a lot of Korean Hottests are hopeful that he is going to come back to Korea some day..
After brewing upcriticism of speaking ill of Korea, messages filled with love for Koreawere found late from leader Jaebum who willingly left 2PM, and fans arefeeling regret.
In each fan site, and through internet notice boards Jaebum’smessage in 2006 to his friends in America through his myspace were "Iwant to stay in Korea 1 more year” “Not as a JYP(trainee) but I want tospend it as a Korean” and others saying that Korea was his ‘motherland’ and words saying how life in Korea was good were left.
It’sregretful that Jaebum is suddenly withdrawing within a mere 4 days ofJaebum’s ‘Hate Korea’ picture captures that were revealed on the 5th.
Ontop of that, when Jaebum visited Seattle, USA from late July to earlyAugust for vacation, in an interview at a Christian church, he spoke well about his life in Korea, making this news even more regrettable.
Officialsin the industry are also expressing their regret over Jaebum’swithdrawal. One music program official said “The regret of thewithdrawal is as big as how 2PM’s leader held together the center”. Anotherprogram official said that “With leader Jaebum’s withdrawal from 2PM,even if 2PM continues their activities with 6 members, it will never bethe same”.
Puas hati netizen biler baca nih... selidik dulu ler.. nih tau amik yg buruk2 jer... yg baik2 tak nak tgk... klu betul ler jay taksuke & tak mau dok korea dah lama dah dia blah....
1711# cajAzhari
Puas hati netizen biler baca nih... selidik dulu ler.. nih tau amik yg buruk2 jer... yg baik2 tak nak tgk... klu betul ler jay taksuke & tak mau dok korea dah lama dah dia blah....
miss_mulan77 Post at 8-9-2009 21:02
tula pasal....xlarat da nk kutuk kebodohan netizen tu~
mmg stupid dam dam tol~
vid utube kat atas tu.......mmg menyanyat jiwe
[JS] you might come back
you might come back
why arent you coming back
im waiting for you like this
like a fool
[WY] i tried to forget again today
but the more i do, it becomes more vivid
the memories of you is holding me and wont let me go, woo yeah
[CS] youve already left
but i still have useless hopes
im still the same, its too hard, i cant forget you
[JH] (at the tip of my hand) i can still feel your body heat
(at the tips of my eyes) my eyelids redden as i yearn for you
i cant do it, i cant let you go
[JS] you might come back
you might come back
why arent you coming back
im waiting for you like this
like a fool
[JB] you might come back
you might come back
why arent you coming back
im still waiting for you
you might come back
[NK] i was happy just being together
i was happy just looking at (you)
(i) feel as i have the whole (whole) world.
it was like that.. yeah
[CS] youve already left
but i still have useless hopes
im still the same, its too hard, i cant forget you
[JH] (in my ears) i can still hear your voice
(with my two eyes) i can still see your image clearly
i cant do it, i cant let you go
[JS] you might come back (im going to wait)
you might come back (oh~ you again, you)
why arent you coming back (to me)
im waiting for you like this
like a fool
[JB] you might come back (you)
you might come back (will come back)
why arent you coming back (baby)
im still waiting for you (waiting like this)
you might come back
[TC] if you can turn back those footsteps that left me
if youre yearning for me as you remember the past memories
you can come back to me, i wont ask for the reason
just come back next to me, come back to me
yearning for you again today, i wiped my tears
without any reason, the tears just flowed
the emptiness youve left is big, the thoughts of you grow deeper
thinking of you again today, like a fool
[JS] you might come back (come back)
you might come back (with my tears, oh)
why arent you coming back (to me, whos waiting for you)
im waiting for you like this (without a word)
(even though it cant..) like a fool
[JB] you might come back (no one)
you might come back (can replace you)
why arent you coming back (at this place, im.. oh, you..)
im still waiting for you
you might come back