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Reply 1660# nzhass79
as far as i know, YG Fam mmg jarang nak bergaul ngan org. diorg punye family relationship, sgtla kuat. so diorg mcm terpinggir sket when it comes to other idols. |
kat thailand tu time shoot king of idol la sistenem ehee....comel sangat IU ngan seungri ...
adikmanis Post at 8-8-2011 15:26 
Lorr..ye ker...hikhik..mmg la akak x khatam lg chapter Big Bang and variety show ni..x minat sgt la nk tgk unless yg ada 100% BB mcm Infinity Challenge tu..FO pun akak pilih tgk part yg ada Dae Dae aje..(bias kekdahnye... )..tp yg ni konpem ahkak gigih stream utube lepaih terawikh mlm kang..hehehe...maklum le, utube kat opis I kan kene block..:@ |
pasal gambar dae tu.. dia sebenarnya stuju ambil gambar tu tp dgn syarat gambar tu tak di upload kt internet. sian dia.. skrang habis sumer websites dah post new pic tu skali dgn artikel pasal dae.. vips sumer dah delete dah yg kt fansites tapi yg kt allkpop ngn soompi tu tak tau lah cmner nak delete.
mesti dia sedih...org tu langgar janji dia.. :cry: |
Post Last Edit by stanum123 at 8-8-2011 23:31
110808 Message from G-Dragon to VIPs
Hello VIP .. ^^
It’s been so long .. Have you been well?
I should’ve written you letters often and stuff but it’s all just talk, I’m sorry ..
Now soon BIGBANG would meet its fifth anniversary, and my birthday is coming near. Thank you for already congratulating us/me ~ really..!
If I think about it, I always got overflowing love, more than I deserve, every birthday.. but on this year’s birthday, since it’s BIGBANG’s fifth anniversary and all, I thought I would do something good and meaningful and now I attempt to write a letter which I've never been so good at writing, with my ugly handwriting and shy heart.. I know that up until now, my beautiful fans have done angelic deeds and helped others out in my name. (I think I have luck in meeting great fans ?! ㅋ) But this year, dear fans, I would like to pay back, in the name of VIP..! And I have something to ask you. On this year’s birthday, I will politely decline all presents. My pretties’ hearts are more~ than enough, so just wish me a happy birthday with warm hearts and no more~ ^^
From now on, I hope I won't just receive from you, but rather making meaningful time and memories together. In this happy mind, I send you a ‘last farewell’~
I don’t wanna be without you VIP~ ♬
Forever, as a leader of BIGBANG, as a leader of G-Dragon, I will work hard ‘day by day’ to show you the awesome and mature us/me!
Be careful of your health in this hot weather ~ dont ‘have an affair’!
bye~ ♥ chu!
Source: BIGBANG Official Daum Cafe
Translation by toptopia.tumblr.com
Oh! Ji-yong aa...terharunye I baca surat cinta dari you nih..uhuk uhuk! (larik nyoroks balik pintu sambil lap air mata...) |
perasan tak dia selit lagu2 bigbang dalam surat tu.
hehe... sweet lah GD nih. terharu baca surat dia. camner agaknye smbutan tahun ni. sehari lepas birthday dia, 5th anniversary bigbang plak.  |
Reply 1671# stanum123
ugly handwriting?? hahahahaha.... ugly tu mgkn tak la sgt kot... tp senget la GD... btw, seb bek surat tu dpt menyentuh hati org membaca...so tak kisah.. karang la surat pjg berjela pon... VIP's takkan jemu membaca  |
everybody seungsuka!!  |
Reply 1677# stanum123
dia buat deal ngan jiyong kot. diorg kan duk serumah. sorang kurang rambut, sorang terlebih rambut. kekeke!! |
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