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Author: tig_cun

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Post time 27-4-2007 02:45 PM | Show all posts
just finished Turquoise by Aamer Hussein

cam antologi cerpen...
different location setting Karachi, London, Lahore
not a romantic novel...tapi mmg based on love laa
first love, bestfriend, husband wife
aamer is muslim mmg relevan sikit cerita2 dia

i give 7/10 sebab aku tak suka baca cerpen...ingatkan nih cerita novel



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Post time 2-5-2007 09:39 AM | Show all posts
this month terlebih aktif baca buku
since baca buku melayu .... mmg laju yg amat
sabtu lepas beli buku ramlee awang murshid
mandatori + tombiruo terakhir
mlm tu gak fly baca mandatori sampai chapter 13
dr kul 9 pm sampai kul 2am baca
esok nyer baca lagi 2 chapter ........ pastu abis
cite mandatori mmg besh
ske arrr cara dia putar belit watak Carlos, Bilal Piut, Norman, Amran + Bogot

n skrg nie baca Tombiruo Terakhir
baca perlahan cam ner pun tp cepat gak jalan nyer
semlm ada beli Semangat Hutan .. well nak simpan dulu
n tgh mencari Tombiruo lak



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Post time 3-5-2007 12:45 PM | Show all posts

[ Last edited by  nhuda at 3-5-2007 01:05 PM ]

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Post time 3-5-2007 12:59 PM | Show all posts
last week habis baca buku ni

[ Last edited by  nhuda at 3-5-2007 01:03 PM ]



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Post time 6-5-2007 03:12 PM | Show all posts
Just completed baca Shopaholics & Baby by Sophie Kinsella

Beli kat mph 1 utama, hardcover rm69.90

Summary of the book From publisher,  Becky Brandon (n閑 Bloomwood) is pregnant! She couldn抰 be more overjoyed杄specially since discovering that shopping cures morning sickness. Everything has got to be perfect for her baby: from the designer nursery . . . to the latest, coolest pram . . . to the celebrity, must-have obstetrician.

But when the celebrity obstetrician turns out to be her husband Luke抯 glamorous, intellectual ex-girlfriend, Becky's perfect world starts to crumble. She抯 shopping for two . . . but are there three in her marriage?

it's really entertaining to read about her again .. and i finished off the book within 2 days (despite busy working days!) But it's a bit sad when they have no home to live after they sold off their flat and the owner of the house they wanted to buy, differ they preference to sell the house to another couple.



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Post time 11-5-2007 12:16 PM | Show all posts
Tajuk : Katerina
Penulis : Ahadiat Akashah

Baru jer habis baca novel nie. Pinjam dari Azma. Novel ke-3 yang dapat aku habiskan dalam masa 2 minggu.

Novel nie mengisahkan Katerina atau kate yang begitu setia cintanya pada Kasyah. Walau Kasyah sudah berkahwin dengan Maya. Dia tetap setia menunggu walau dirinya menderita. Tapi sapa jangka kan? Maya meninggal masa melahirkan Athirah. Then cerita mereka bermula bila mereka bertemu kembali. Kate masih setia dan mereka bercinta kembali dan bertunang. Walau mendapat tentangan dari keluarga Kate tapi akhirnya ayah Kate mengalah jugak. Kate nie bleh dikata seorang yang keras kepala gak ler. Maklumlah anak tunggal.

PA!PLEASE UNDERSTAND my feeling! i抦 sure he抯 the right guy!
He left you before! Right?
Entah! Dah dia tinggalkan kamu, kamu masih nakkan dia lagi!
Bukan macam tu ma!
Bukan macam mana lagi? Kamu nie lembik sangat! Dah dia tinggalkan kamu pun kamu masih nakkan dia.
Entahlah..mama tak setuju kamu nakkan  dia balik!
Mama tak sanggup tengok kamu derita lagi kate! Siang malam mama doa pada Tuhan supaya kamu okey semula tau tak!
Kate okey pun pasal dia-
I抦 happy!
Happy? Happy apa? Berkurung tak keluar rumah kamu kata happy!
You must be strong, darling! You are too weak! Papa tak pernah melarang kamu pilih siapa pun. Papa tak marah kamu berkawan dengan dia dulu! Ada papa larang? Ada papa marah? Cuma.. satu yang papa tak setuju..dia tinggalkan kamu begitu sahaja-
Ada sebab pa-
Sebab dia kawin perempuan lain?
Yang terbaik adalah dia pa-
Pa..please! please understand me!
You must understand me first.. before you want me to understand you! Apa yang papa dengar dia tu tinggalkan kamu kawin dengan orang lain-
Are you deaf? Tak dengar apa papa Tanya?
Good! That抯 better. Now..can you please answer my question honestly and nicely?
Will you?
Okey..betul tak dia kawin perempuan lain?
Papa juga tahu yang dia ada seorang anak..perempuan..betul?
Isteri dia meninggal dunia sewaktu lahirkan anak, betul?
Yes papa!
Well.. I want you to be happy darling! You are my only child. I have no one else. Dah tentu papa nak anak papa happy! Papa dah cakap awal-awal lagi..papa tak pernah memilih siapa yang kamu nak jadikan suami. To be honest..i like him. Tapi Cuma satu saja yang menjadi tanda Tanya..kenapa dia tinggalkan kamu semata-mata mengahwini perempuan lain? What ever reason..he is not honest. Dia jadikan kamu pilihan kedua! Cuba bayangkan isteri dia masih hidup..will he marry you? No isn抰 it? He will never marry you! Dia bergembira! Bersukaria! Papa gerenti dia takkan ingatkan kamu. Nak buat apa? Dia dah ada famili dia sendiri! Come on darling..dia hanya ambil kesempatan diatas kelemahan kamu. Forget him! You have nothing to lose! Trust me!
Okey darling? Will you forget him?
Will you Kate?
I can抰 papa! I can抰
I don抰 know..
Don抰 even give a try?
Not that easy pa.
How do I know!
I told are too weak!
I am!
You don抰 even give a try!
I did!
Try harder!
Not that papa!
Then what?
I don抰 know!
To be honest.. I cannot live without him. I love hom so much! Whether you allow me or not.. I抦 going to marry him!
You are to weak darling-
Please papa..please bless me..
I hope you are right!
Mama..please bless me-
No! I can抰 stop you. But I will never give you my blessing-
Let me go-
Don抰 touch me-
It抯 ok darling. Your mama is very upset. Let her!
It抯 okay! Stop crying!
Oh papa! Do you bless me-
As long you are happy!
Oh papa thank you..

Pastu Kate dan Kasyah pun bertunang. Berbeza latar belakang. Tapi mereka berdua bahagia walau ada insan lain yang tak boleh tengok mereka bahagia. Sampailah Kate pergi South Africa sebab syarikat dia mendapat kontrak di sana. Selepas tu, semuanya berlaku. Bermula dengan kehadiran gadis kampung bernama Zahirah bekerja di tempat kasyah bekerja. Gadis kampung yang nampak sopan, bertudung tapi



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Post time 14-5-2007 11:50 AM | Show all posts
ari tu da abis baca tombiruo terakhir
mmg besh ........
paling kecian kat watak Tombiruo aka Ejim aka Amaruddin (kembar Amiruddin yg da meninggal)
yg Tombiruo Terakhir nie kisah Ejim dibawak ke Semenanjung oleh Dr Haslia + Dr Rashid
sebagai nak balas budi Ejim selamatkan diorg masa peristiwa di hutan keningau
so Dr Haslia nie nak wat pembedahan muka Ejim coz muka Ejim nie x macam manusia
kira buruk yg amat ler ..... kalau sape tgk leh pengsan
so dlm Tombirou terakhir nie Amiruddin da meninggal .....
then ada kisah2 cinta berputik n muncul kembali
Wan Suraya gf kepada Amiruddin yg da meninggal da bertunang pd Tan Sri Nasir, pak usu pada Dr Haslia
pastu Dr Rashid nie minat kat Dr Haslia tp Dr Haslia ske kat Ejim
maybe sebb Ejim nie macho n baik hati n jujur n lurus org nyer
then datang lak Siti Nurhaliz .. bukan Siti Nurhaliza tau
nie Siti Nurhaliz ex- pramugari
punya le belit cinta n cite nie ...............
last2 Ejim kawin n menetap kat Semenanjung n ada anak sorg
nak tau sape wife Ejim ...... kene baca cite Tombiruo Terakhir
pastu dlm Tombiruo Terakhir nie ada watak Tombirou baru
seorg manusia yg diklon dgn genetik serigala n punyai kuasa psikik rasanyer
cam Jean-Grey dlm cite X-Men tuh ..............
nanti ada pertarungan sengit antara Ejim n Tombirou baru tuh .........
agak2 sape menang ek???
neway x nak cite pjg2 nanti x thrill ......

skrg nie tgh baca Tombirou
semlm gi kinokunya klcc ...... cari buku RAM
dpt 3 buah buku ..... Tombiruo, Bagaikan Putri + Sang Ratu Cinta
sebat 3 buku trus ..... pueh ati den .......
hehehehe ........
pas Tombirou ... nak baca Semangat Hutan ........
baca buku RAM nie minda gerak abis ....
yer la pk byk hal .........
mmg besh lah

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Post time 15-5-2007 01:49 AM | Show all posts
br jap tadi fly abiskan tombiruo
br fly faham sape ejim + amiruddin
n kisah cinta amiruddin n wan suraya berputik ........
tombirou ...... pengenalan bg sume watak utk ejim, amiruddin, baizura, amirul, hidayah + ondu
esok fly nak baca semangat hutan pulak ............
n kemungkinan besar baca tombiruo terakhir wat kali kedua ...   
dlm tombiruo .......... amiruddin kehilangan salina, isteri tercinta
manakala Bonda kehilangan suami tercinta tuan berham n anak perempuannyer salina
tuan berham n salina mati dihempap pokok ........
n x disangka ada musuh dlm selimut ..... tp sape yer .........
musuh tersebut adalah salah seorg ahli kluarga tuan berham .........
kemudian ada pula kes rogol, bunuh + menyuntik dadah pd mangsanya iaitu wanita
tp ape motif pembunuhan tuh?? sape pembunuhnyer??
adakah watak afandi black punya angkara?
adakah hukuman gantung yg dijatuhkan pd afandi black benar2 setimpal dgn kejahatan yg dilakukan oleh afandi black???



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Post time 16-5-2007 11:24 AM | Show all posts

hari ni dlm sejarah

aku baca non-fiction book...

"7 Habits of Higly Effective People" by stephen r. covey.

... baca sikit2, makan la 2-3 hari jugak nak habis satu chapter. bengap tul otak nak masuk benda2 ilmiah ni....

kalau fiction, huishhhh... satu hari bole habis.... hehhehe

anyway... time tgh2 baca buku ni ... nampak ada satu mamat pun tgh baca buku steven r. covey jugak tapi dia punya "The 8th habits", amboiii advanced jauh dari kita ,. dah la tu, hardcover lak tu.... saya punya paperback je...

anyway I'm on Habit 2 now.... begin with the end in mind..... tolong doakan semangat saya kuat utk habiskan sampai habit7.



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Post time 18-5-2007 09:51 AM | Show all posts
finished these 2 books


Kisah 3 sahabat; Maggie, Roxanne & Candice yang bekerja satu company.
Maggie the high-achiever is married & expecting. Dia sebenarnya takut sikit of the prospect of becoming a mother

Roxanne the glamorous, has secret lover yang dah ada family. even maggie & candice tak tahu sapa thay guy tu. derang slalu refer that guy as  the Married Man with Kids

Candice plak si baik hati, rasa bersalah dan bertanggungjawab atas kesalahan yg ayah dia buat dulu dan cuba ingin membetulkan keadaan...


Gara-gara baca review forumer kat sub-bod Critical Reading last week, terus beli buku ni. Sesuai dengan komen pada cover..SEBUAH NOVEL PEMBANGUNAN MINDA, naik bulu roma baca buku ni. nak tahu lebih lanjut boleh refer kat sub-bod critical reading..ada threads pasal author ni....tak sabar nak tunggu versi filem..adakah akan berjaya seperti novel???



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Post time 19-5-2007 01:11 AM | Show all posts
Da abis baca semangat hutan
fuhhhh ...... mmg x senang duduk bile baca novel nie
ada jer benda yg berlaku
semangat hutan pasal kejadian yg x disangka-sangka n ianyer bermula dgn jet peribadi Tan Sri Nasir
tp siapa Tan Sri Nasir .......???
then jet peribadi Tan Sri Nasir terhempas di sempadan Hutan Keningau
dan disitu ada kejadian yg mengeri berlaku
tp ape dia ........
hero2 seperti Ejim n Amiruddin cuba menyelamatkan keadaaan
tp adakah mereka berdua terselamat atau ada yg terkorban ......???
dan musuh terbaru bernama Rogon ... sapakah Rogon .......???
manusia? jadian??? ape yg menyebbkan Rogon bertindak ganas ...........???
nak tau baca ler ......
mmg besh ........



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Post time 22-5-2007 04:07 PM | Show all posts
buku yg habis dibaca 2-3 hari yg lepas






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Post time 23-5-2007 09:20 AM | Show all posts
i have finished reading these 2 books last month:

Match Me If You Can - Susan Elizabeth Phillips
Where Rainbows End - Cecelia Ahern



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Post time 23-5-2007 09:28 AM | Show all posts
dah habis baca..

I am muslim - Dna Zaman
An offer from a gentleman - Julia Quinn
Second Nature - Alice Hoffman



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Post time 23-5-2007 02:22 PM | Show all posts
Last week abes baca

Let it be love ~ Victoria Alexander..i didn't like it...



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Post time 23-5-2007 03:05 PM | Show all posts

the dark series - christine feehan

as of today
1)dark prince - mikail & raven
2)dark desire - jacques & shea
3)dark gold - aidan& alexandria
4)dark legend -  gabriel & francessca

4 downs, 13 more to go...

the basis of the story is about the carpathian race, male especially, trying to find their lifemate.The failure to do so will drove them to death or will turn them into vampire. only pyhsic human female can be their lifemate. Being a lifemate is being bonded mind, body and soul. Cool.



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Post time 23-5-2007 05:31 PM | Show all posts
tgh baca bagaikan ratu
x dpt nak cite pe2
sebb br brapa chapter jer
kalau baca nie ..... kalau x de menda nak wat
sehari da leh abis
nanti ler da bis nanti
fly citekan ...
can't wait to read sang ratu cinta ........



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Post time 30-5-2007 08:24 PM | Show all posts
da bis baca bagaikan puteri
fly tertarik dgn watak laksamana sunan .......
sape2 yg blum baca ..... gi la baca
mmg besh
x senang duduk baca cite bagaikan puteri
n siap ada pontianak, org minyak ......
persoalan ...... adakah laksamana sunan idup atau mati?
dani .... adakah dani selamat dr tragedi tsunami di aceh?
bagaimana pula dgn haryati ....... ???
jom baca cinta sang ratu .......

[ Last edited by  fly_in_d_sky at 31-5-2007 09:16 PM ]



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Post time 31-5-2007 05:11 PM | Show all posts
i just finished reading the lovely bones by alice sebold...

Summary - On her way home from school on a snowy December day in 1973,14-year-old Susie Salmon ("like the fish")  is lured into a make shift underground den in a cornfield and brutally raped and murdered, the latest victim of a serial killer--the man she knew as her neighbor, Mr.Harvey.

  Alice Sebold's haunting and heartbreaking debut novel, The Lovely Bones, unfolds from heaven, where "life is a perpetual yesterday" and where  Susie narrates and keeps watch over her grieving family and friends, aswell as her brazen killer and the sad detective working on her case. As Sebold fashions it, everyone has his or her own version of heaven. Susie's resembles the athletic fields and landscape of a suburban high school: a heaven of her "simplest dreams," where "there were not eachers.... We never had to go inside except for art class.... The boys did not pinch our backsides or tell us we smelled; our textbooks were Seventeen and Glamour and Vogue."

  The Lovely Bones works as an odd yet affecting coming-of-age story. Susie struggles to accept her death while still clinging to the lost world of the living, following her family's dramas over the years like an episode of My So-Called Afterlife. Her family disintegrates in their grief: her father becomes determined to find her killer, her mother withdraws, her little brother Buckley attempts to make sense of the new hole in his family, and her younger sister Lindsey moves through the milestone events of her teenage and  young adult years with Susie riding spiritual shotgun. Random acts and missed opportunities run throughout the book--Susie recalls her sole kiss with a boy on Earth as "like an accident--a beautiful gasoline rainbow." Though sentimental at times, The Lovely Bones is amoving exploration of loss and mourning that ultimately puts its faith in the living and that is made even more powerful by a cast of convincing characters. Sebold orchestrates a big finish, and though things tend to wrap up a little too well for everyone in the end, one can only imagine (or hope) that heaven is indeed a place filled with such happy endings.

sounds intriguing eh? after hearing rave reviews about this book I had very high expectationsfor it but unfortunately i found it incredibly boring and plain dull... i really don't understand wat the fuss is all abt...none of the characters are strong enough to make the book readable...story line mendatar aje and the ending, alahai...its a total waste of time...

[ Last edited by  iman at 31-5-2007 05:23 PM ]



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Post time 31-5-2007 09:19 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by periwinkle.. at 6-4-07 06:30 PM
finished perfume: the story of a murderer by patrick suskind

an intriguing and absorbing tale of a man obsessed with scents. best!! wonder la macamana cerita ni di adapt ke filem, boleh ke bau ...

wpun fly x baca bukunyer
tp da tgk movienyer
well ..... mmg besh
at least tau gak ler cam ner perfume dibuat masa zaman dulu2
n trasa klakarnyer la tgk muka lelaki ada bedak ...
putih cam pelakon opera cina ....

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