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Post Last Edit by stanum123 at 8-8-2011 12:56
Reply 1640# adikmanis
hahaha..tu dia aihh!! takpe2...onnie paham perasaan AM...mmg kadang2 bila baca news pasal BB ni leh bergenang ayor mata tanpa disedari..well, after all we are VIP rite.. |
Reply 1640# adikmanis
part dia pegang plastik sampah.... eeeiiiii... sampai camtu sekali... btw, SR w/out his hyung's sometimes mmg nmpk awkward..
but wat to do??? walau kita nampak dia slalu gelak, tp dlm hati sapa tahu kan...
eeeiii takleh ingat ar part tu .. siap gambar lg...  |
Reply 1642# adikmanis
arlida nih tak salah she's from canada tp stay kat hong kong.
so dia tau la chinese.
dia amik translation dr chinese website then dia translate la english.
dia sgt friendly tp kalau dia bengang org amik translation dia without credits, bising gaks la dia.
kekeke!! tp biasela, dia penat translate kot.
skarang tgh nak tunggu dia translate part seungri for shout out to the world.
bace TOP punye pun sedey, ape lagikla bace seungri punye.
kekeke!! |
Reply adikmanis
hahaha..tu dia aihh!! takpe2...onnie paham perasaan AM...mmg kadang2 bila baca ...
stanum123 Post at 8-8-2011 12:55 
bukan bgenang lagi sis...smpai meleleh2 dah...nape smpai cmtu skali  |
Reply 1643# stanum123
ramai fans yg ckp VIPs nih berlagak, but sometimes, diorang kene la paham.
even YG sendirik tanamkan sifat i'm the best dalam YG Family.
so cam terikut2 la.
since diorg pun bukan naik mcm roket tuh.
they do all their stuff sendiri kot.
mane la tak bangga ngan ketabahan diorg. |
Reply 1644# nzhass79
maybe sebab tuh hyungs dia dote kat dia sesgt kot.
it's hard to be the big bang's maknae after all.  |
Reply 1648# adikmanis
from what i know, BB nih mmg ramai kawan but kawan jea la. diorg mmg tak rapat sgt ngan other idols.
but they all mmg appreciate gile2 fans diorg.
their groups of friends mmg among elites or socialites jea.
try back read fan accounts yg arlida translate.
ade mention pasal one lucky fans nih dpt join diorg party. |
Reply 1652# adikmanis
takpe lambat. pelan2 kayuh. kekeke!!
dulu my sis slalu gaks gi gath mVIPs, but i tak join la. segan.
i lame gaks la follow diorg, time lies tgh naik dulu.
tryla tgk documentary diorg time selection dulu.
cian kot ngan seungri since dia kene eliminate.
yg antar dia balik time tuh bae sorang jea.
bae sgt baik sebab yg lain sume antar hyunsaeng. |
Reply adikmanis
part dia pegang plastik sampah.... eeeiiiii... sampai camtu sekali... btw, SR w ...
nzhass79 Post at 8-8-2011 12:59 
stanum bc fan account ni from soompi semlm..btul2, stanum pun pk benda yg sama..BB boys ni kalau xde adik beradik yg lain nmpk sgt cautious and janggal..bila ada semua br diorg show true color yg mcm kanak2 ribena tuh!
sebak plak tgk maknae sensorg..mcm bohsan/letih giler dia kat event tu..tp dia still bertahan..strong will! sbb dia bwk nama BB & YG..dia pun nak jg nama baik hyungs dia..ceh, kalau la kita2 ni ada kat situ dh lama dah turun gi temankan Baby lepak2 kan..aceceh... |
Reply 1653# adikmanis
panggil akak sudah. i think i'm much older kot. haha!! insyaallah, kalau ade pape updates, nanti i post kat cni. |
Reply 1647# bintangchomel
Reply 1643# stanum123
ramai fans yg ckp VIPs nih berlagak, but sometimes, diorang kene la paham.
even YG sendirik tanamkan sifat i'm the best dalam YG Family.
so true! alaa...Big Bang dh masuk kategori grup elit/otai/senpai..different class, but of coz they r still very humble wp ramai yg dok memuji pencapaian diorg (x kurang yg mengutuk)..I noticed mmg ramai sunbae/senpai yg respect/acknowledge diorg ni..grup muda mudi plak jadikan BB as idol diorg..well, kita2 yg VIP ni je la yg paham pun what they have been thru dr mula2 jd trainee smpai la dh ngetops skang..wp stanum br je jadik VIP, I mmg cukop respek dkat VIP yg otai2 ni sbb stick with BB esp masa all the controversies yg penah melanda BB..uhuk! motip aku tetiba nak emo plak tengah hari terik ni...????!!!:@ |
Reply 1657# stanum123
i'm hoping for them to be the next Shinhwa. jiyong still needs to learn more from eric. the best leader kat korea is undoubtedly eric. as long as BB n VIPs bersatu, there's no reason they can't last longer. fighting BB!! |
Reply 1648# adikmanis
ingat tak ms diaorang p thailand tu?? tak ingat la plak. tp game jgk laaaa... ms tu sebenarnya nampak dia tak selesa tp takde la sampai lonely... ms tu akak tgk dia sehabis baik nak kaver dia nyer rsa tak selesa tu... ye laaa.. even beratus retis keliling dia pon manakan sama ngan hyungs dia kan???
kalo dgn daesung, mgkn ok sket kot.. tak semua ada pon, janji ada sorg yg ada disamping dia pon dh ok....
lg plak sbb dh terlalu ramai, tu yg jd camtu tu... masing2 ada klik masing2...
sebenarnya tak terpk akan baca citer2 mcm ni..sungguh tak sangka.. kalo la ada org citer camni, sampai sudah tak tau....
motip tak bgtau korang ada tumblr??? |
Post Last Edit by nzhass79 at 8-8-2011 14:25
stanum bc fan account ni from soompi semlm..btul2, stanum pun pk benda yg sama..BB boys ni kalau ...
stanum123 Post at 8-8-2011 01:15 PM 
kalo kita ada kat sane, sure kita wat mcm SR sorang je ada kat situ kan??? tak kisah la wat papepon janji leh tgk SR happy...
jap tanye, nape diaornag tak rapat ngan retis 'zmn2' ni ek??? tgk retis2 lain ngan bdk2 BB pon cam takot2.. atau diaorang terlalu respect sampai jd camtu??
so true! alaa...Big Bang dh masuk kategori grup elit/otai/senpai..different class, but of coz they r still very humble wp ramai yg dok memuji pencapaian diorg (x kurang yg mengutuk)
tgk la yg puji tu pon bkn org biasa2...part puji tu mmg ketara sangat....
aritu ada kan si eli ukiss tu ckp dia suka TOP??? hahahahaha... suke tgk  |
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