low_profile replied at 1-11-2019 10:40 PM
Rasanya dayang yg xtau bila.. Hael tunggu dayang bg tarikh je kot
percaya ke dak berdua tu takde plan takde tarikh?   |
purplehappy replied at 1-11-2019 10:46 PM
Ig live tu ada soalan hael dayang couple ke? Pastu dayang ckp, hael u jawab! Pastu hael mcm hmm ok n ...
Aaah ada orng tanya tapi hael jawab next. Haiz ingat mlm ni kita dapatlah jawapan yg brmain kt otak. Kena tunggu lagi gamaknya. Mit tak dapat save syng.. |
lengan hael tu memang utk dayang je..takyah dah tanya soalan couple ke tidak |
azz_q replied at 1-11-2019 10:51 PM
Aaah ada orng tanya tapi hael jawab next. Haiz ingat mlm ni kita dapatlah jawapan yg brmain kt ota ...
Ala uols tenang adjaa...x semestinya deyols nak mengaku walau diasak soklan cemana gaya pon...kalau betol deyols hanya kawan....pada iols, friends don't do the things they do |
azz_q replied at 1-11-2019 10:51 PM
Aaah ada orng tanya tapi hael jawab next. Haiz ingat mlm ni kita dapatlah jawapan yg brmain kt ota ...
Azz tenang dulu mlm ni absorb gula. Esok baru fikir hahaha |
bungaungu replied at 1-11-2019 10:49 PM
percaya ke dak berdua tu takde plan takde tarikh?
Xcaye.. Kalo sampai hujung 2020 x kawen jgk baru la iols pelan2 turun kapal.. 
Still xpuas hati ngan mekap dayang.. Nmpk tua plk mekap gini.. Sape mua dayang mlm ni ek?
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mdmy replied at 1-11-2019 11:06 PM
wah pic kat ig sapa ni?
Ig abam shayang la |
daisyyyyy replied at 1-11-2019 11:00 PM
Azz tenang dulu mlm ni absorb gula. Esok baru fikir hahaha
Apa bole buat lama lagi kapal ni nak belayar ...xpe lets support them in Hari Ini kasi trending smua corong radio /spotify/itune/youtube. Lepas ni dorang bnyk job bersama mempromosikan lagu ni. And nxt yr tempah tempat di AJL |
tengok Dayang pun macam nak telan, cepat atau lambat biaq depa yg tentukan
Post tasha haelers brsemut uols dia diri tepi pantas dapat captured hael pegang baju dayang |
Tapi masa yg ada soklan haeyang couple ke... they way hael looked at dayang mcm there’s no way it’s a no. Masa tu pun dah rasa bersemut semacam. And masa dorg suruh lamar dayang, hael ckp takkan nak buat masa live. Even kalo bff pun takkan sharina allow dayang’s image to be associated with rumours. |
pegang baju dan pimpin tangan Dyg turun stage , mcm dia selalu buat
Pasteldream replied at 1-11-2019 11:31 PM
Tapi masa yg ada soklan haeyang couple ke... they way hael looked at dayang mcm there’s no way it’ ...
iols setuju 3000% |
Akak baru nak catch up haeyang ni... adoi... bukan saja makeup and rambut qween out, baju pun. Aiyaya!! Apa jadi?? I hope bukan DR
I think one thing about having gimmick for something, ppl have high expectations. I hope haeyang is ready for the reactions, be it good or bad.
Personally, i still prefer Hari Ini version solo.
Drama bersambung  |
Iols sdapnya versi duet kat spotify |

Author |
Post time 2-11-2019 12:06 AM
From the mobile phone
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azz_q replied at 1-11-2019 11:50 PM
Phen comment finally
kat mana ? |
mdmy replied at 2-11-2019 12:06 AM
kat mana ?
Post hael yg duet tu |
| |