[VOL33] FAZURA: #RoadToPC HARI INI. 5PM | Live di YouTube Budiey | PC Of The Yea
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mujur laa kaka sempat menyelamatkan diri yach 
hamboi chuols! sambil gelak2 iols baca menu kreatif chuols ni iols taktau lagi di mana keberadaan 23nov nanti..harapnya iols sempat la join menjoyah kat sini nanti..
ya awloh kaka jel pernah jumpa minho kah? iols sunggoh jelly yach! iols bukan peminat kpop tapi minho ni satu2nya yg iols minat 
betul kaka...sebab selama ni faz single n kita fans plak expect majlis kawen sheols yg grand2..then bila tetiba dpt news dah kawen, rasa cam susahnya nak cayaa...tapi iols tumpang happy je dengan kebahagiaan yg faz pilih 
Haaa yang ni.. mood I hati tisu lately..hahah
Kan..dorg syg & very protective towards Fazzy. Hehe Faz kan ckp siapa yg dpt Fattah tu mmg beruntung, insyaAllah she is and will be well taken care of by her..hubby! 
BalangMerah replied at 21-11-2017 10:46 PM
Berani chuolse nak tarik rambot faz,, kecik besar je iman tgk nnt. Eh, heolss dah blk msia kah. Sl ...
Hahahah..fazzy redha kekdahnya yach kena tarik rambut. Iman p obesi kah?? Kemainn |
hehehe kaka coyote nanti check pm yach 
lovezy replied at 21-11-2017 11:49 PM
hehehe kaka coyote nanti check pm yach
Already replied n seal with kisses bebeh!!  |
sedap sgt..meols dah rasa fazlova volcano tu..mmg sedap padan la dgn rege dia rm16 tu..x manis sgt..sdg2 gitu...
IanDee replied at 21-11-2017 11:29 PM
Kan..dorg syg & very protective towards Fazzy. Hehe Faz kan ckp siapa yg dpt Fattah tu mmg beruntu ...
Insyaallah aminnnn allahuma amin... ramai2 kite doa utk kebhgiaan fazzy n also utk kite2 jugk di library nih.. dh tdoq ke sume nih?? Kaka nk mnggigihkn diri beklog bng fattzura plk.. hehheh.. |
shammy96 replied at 22-11-2017 12:06 AM
sedap sgt..meols dah rasa fazlova volcano tu..mmg sedap padan la dgn rege dia rm16 tu..x manis sgt ...
Ooo sdap ye, smgt plk nk merasa.. One fine day kaka nk p try... nth bile nyee x tau laa.. tunggu fazlova junior kluar kot.. hahaha.. |
coyote_ugly0911 replied at 22-11-2017 12:07 AM
Insyaallah aminnnn allahuma amin... ramai2 kite doa utk kebhgiaan fazzy n also utk kite2 jugk di l ...
Amin2 yrb..
I of kos belum tido, hehe. Selamat membacklog kaka!! |
coyote_ugly0911 replied at 21-11-2017 09:10 PM
Huhuhu riy.. kite sama2 pendosa... nk buek camno kn.. rase mcm x lpasss jek lg nih nk merelakn faz ...
Heheh to be honest, iols pun rasa mcm tak puas lg tgk fazzy freehair dgn rambut kepok2, terbelah di langir amerika, sanggul nan tinggi kaka..tp iols yaqien, when one day fazzy decide nak pakai tudung, it comes from her heart..sbb fazzy always like that. Sheols buat something bukan kerana orang lain..tp sbb hati sheols yg mahukan begitu..haha gitew skali iols kenal hati fazzy yachh..kikiki.. so kalau balik umrah nie fazzy pakai tudung, i'm sure keputusan sheols adalah dari hati.. |
Calling2 for kaka dabel..ig kaka dabel kena hack lg ke iols search takde pun..bila iols rindu fazzy iols suka tgk ig kaka dabel tu sbb iols suka baca quotes fazzy..mmg terkesan kt hati yach..huhu |
Edited by hanipinky at 22-11-2017 04:21 AM
So much LOVE for these lovelies!
From Puteri Zarith’s IGs 
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hanipinky replied at 22-11-2017 04:20 AM
So much LOVE for these lovelies!
From Puteri Zarith’s IGs

I cropped bagi cantik sikit
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BoongaKertas replied at 21-11-2017 05:06 PM
kalau dulu, sebut ayat ni terus rasa nak simbah air kolah.
Rindu nak dengar ayat keramat ni.dulu kaka- kaka dlm ni sume pakat dok terjun dlm kolah masjid terus |
coyote_ugly0911 replied at 22-11-2017 12:07 AM
Insyaallah aminnnn allahuma amin... ramai2 kite doa utk kebhgiaan fazzy n also utk kite2 jugk di l ...
hilang dah kan benangnya kaka? tak sempat nak beklog pape lagi.. |
iamsickofu replied at 22-11-2017 02:30 AM
Heheh to be honest, iols pun rasa mcm tak puas lg tgk fazzy freehair dgn rambut kepok2, terbelah d ...
iols setuju dgn chuols..kalau faz berhijab, pastinya atas pilihan sendiri n dari hati..tapi iols rasa belum sampai masanya lagi kot, sebab fazzy bakalan ke london/nyc lagi nanti end of year sampai tahun depan kan? pastu balik sini sibuk majlis sanding plak #ehh  
tapi kalau betul2 faz dah berhijab, alhamdulillah syukur..moga faz istiqamah n terus kuat melawan fitnah2 n kecaman2 akan dtg.. |
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