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btw, ada rumour yang kata after the show sekali lagi hj collapse, tp ok dh...tak dibawak g hospital pun sbb tak siyes...tp masih dikira rumor sbb tak heboh...tp mcm ye kot sbb informer yg ckp ni minah2 yg pegi tu le...pastu dorg g borak dgn dancers..keja dancers kat situ, dancers kata dia dh ok, need not to worry...gile keau takyah worry???laki aku doh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[04/06] Account during Music Bank Rehearsal
Pls credit the sources and all translators/sites when reposting. Do not re-edit or hotlink the graphics.
Aigoo! I missed BB's SMS that they're in the KBS studio watching the rehearsal. My immediate reply, How's Leader? Is he okay? Ah! Heart pain to learn that he's still in pain. Stubborn boy, go rest!
Credits to BB and miyo of lovekimhyunjoong.com
Click on the images to enlarge.
The 1st run had finished.
The boys were in the same outfits as in the MV, live orchestra with chandelier.
Damn nice!
Leader looks great!
Hair tied up in some sort of french twist? bb: very, very, very nice.keke..
thier jacket give glimpses of skin front (deep V) when they dance.
Damn sexy.
2nd run starting now.
All 5 are so fine looking! All danced great too!
Love the gas mask breathing part before leader's solo!
Now fixing hair, makeup again before 3rd run.
Leader damn cute! He's practising dance whilst the other boys are beginning fixed up by Cody noona.
Now starting 3rd run.
Very good! 3rd run last one!
Got fireworks!
Think leader in abit of pain.
He held to his tummy area brieflky during 3rd run.
Then after the 3rd run, many people went up to him.
Even Young Saeng went over.
Aigoo, heartpain.
The back of his jacket was bare earlier.
Now added 2 black straps in inverted V (like peace sign?)
Now 4th run starting.
4th run finished.
Boys are panting, very tired from the dancing.
Staff are fanning them whilst retouching makeup and hair.
Even the orchestra gals are tired, sitting on the steps.
5th run
Now just doing leader's dance break solo part.
He's in pain!
Solo part 3rd take, just now 2 rounds of NG.
Everytime NG, he has to start over.
Heard that the 2nd song Let Me Be The One will be recorded later.
dan seperti biasa, lepas je show, kami kat twitterville tertanya2lah sapa yg akan post msg first...mostly inc b budget mesti kj...and yes, he did!!!!!!
[04/06] Kyu Jong left a message for pretty peas
Pls credit the sources and all translators/sites when reposting. Do not re-edit or hotlink the graphics.
Because we're human beings..Even if we have to always face adaptation,
but now we're having to do this again in such a long while,
why do I then feel so nervous..Hahaha!!
^^ Today too, our pretties our green peas were so pretty and also whom gave that voice
so deafening..
Thank you!!!! hee~
ahahaah...so takde apa la neh kan?? lagu mmg sah hak milik SS501...nih sama kes macam run devil ...
skymania Post at 1-6-2010 13:26
bukan plagiat
tu mmg lagu steven_lee_ sendiri
pashni sapa2 kutuk or sakap tu lagu tiru b tak terhagak2 suroh anjen Baby si choco tu keja dia (reti ke choco tu keja org?)
ala....akak ni wat wat tak knal plak dengan DSP tu
bab delayyyyy bab telan duittttttttttttttttttttttttttt mmg top ah kan!
b baca katne ntah mmg ada perbezaan gmbr...yg normal n special
pesyen lain2 katanye
hj memang kan?????
tula, baca la yg fan account tu
b mcm nak nanges baca
nak melempang hj pun ada gak
tak reti nk dopk diam!!!!
ikat kat katil kang!
takpun kita pakat2 ugut dia if dia takmo rehat kita humban n baka semua gitar n komik dia
kalau diaorg buat ss501 concert jum pegi blk kg..keekek tense,,,sebb suju may b buat masa posa..confirm x le g.....kalu lepas raya aku gagah pegi blk kg..ekekkee
Music Core SS501 comeback!!~~
skymania Post at 5-6-2010 18:02
tq skyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!
b balek je trus sambar pc n tgk...dlm keadaan tenet maha semput ni
nak komen byk2
1. laki sky, inche ys, amat membencikan, jgn tgk mcm tu kat kamera bleh?????luluh hati ni....cocok mata kang, sapa aja men mata men mata neh???
2. laki kakzu, jm! whoaaa..bab hip thrust je mata b otometik mesto nak tgk dia
wowwwwwwwwwwww smexxxxyyy peeeewwwiiiiiiiiiit
n tatau korg pasan tak, lassssssssssssssssssssttttttttt skali, kj ada terblock jm, dia leh gerak ke dpn..hahaha...comel lak jm neh! hello papa, rindu kamu! (eh!)
3. laki momo, BABYYYYYY!! mcm biasa mesti kua ayat yg sama, "baby dh tak baby lagi dh...dh bujang! hehehehe) tp baju dia mcm 'apron' yg baby salu pakai tu....yg bareback, ikat kat tengkuk...ala...
4. laki aima, KJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!knapa slama ni tak bgtau tere rappppp???
5. laki sndiri yg amat dichentai... malas nak komen bab muke sakitt muka penat, nak komen pehal rmbt shomel sgt? hehehhe. api besday cayannnnnnnnnnnnnnggg awww
6. boleh tak penari tu sume toksah menyemak atas tu????
or bagi dorg kaler lain utk baju ke...
sesapa yg ada twtr tu, dijemput menjayakan #501hjlday jam 9-11pm kst tonite.
bagi yg tatau camne nak trending tu meh b terangkan sket eh...
1/unlock akaun anda....pastu leh le lockkan balek
2/tweetla mcm biasa...nak chat ke nak apa ke, silakan, tp pastikan letak sekali #501hjlday dlm twt anda...SEKALI je satu twt tau, if tak nnt dikira spam plak twt anda itu (beranda bagai, kenapa ko b???)
3/kalau rt (retweet) org punye tewwt...masukkan sekurang2nye satu pekataan sendiri... atau emotikon ke... apa2la..
4/ tak kesahla nak eja guna urop besa ke kecik...sbb sama je, asal ejaannye sama
5/ JANGAN letak mana2 tag lain dlm twt anda itu... cthnye kalau anda nak join #nowplaying punye trendingla kan..jgn wat camni
cth: #nowplaying HAPPY BIRTHDAY s0ng for #501hjlday
6/itu je kot?
How to search for LOVE YA? // How to increase Searches?
you may be curious as to how to increase Searches. Besides just clicking on F5,
which is really just so simple, you want to love more because you Love Ya..
For those who have a NAVER/Daum/NATE (3 main news portal) account,
but mainly targetting towards NAVER & Daum,
you have to log in before searching.
A kind sister has shared how to increase searches.
Here is the following:::
1. Key in 'SS501 love ya'
2. Open up all 'cafes', 'blogs', 'articles', 'knowledge' related
3. After opening up, then just close it afterwards
4. Clear your cookies.
(Menu-Tools-Internet Options)
5. After clearing cookies, select Menu-Tools-Internet Options-Settings
6. Select "Every time a window is opened"
7. Afterwards, just press on F5 each time to refresh the page.
And all searches will be counted.
Consequently, you do not have to disable cookies anymore.
It is done automatically; One-time frequency.
Try it first. It does help.
Click on every thing that has 'LOVE YA' in it.
Similarly, you can also try with 'DESTINATION'.
Same steps for all, but you still have to disable cookies. because you're
searching for something different.
tq t0 ode n stalking_hj
ni wat sesapa yg ada masa...ada kemudahan...tlgla wat ek?
utk support hubby2 kesygn anda
ada bbrp lagi tutorial utk support..b akan trus tepek
yela, takkan kita ckp minat minat syg syg tp tak wat papa pun kan?
meh way somethg utk tlg. yg ni, tk perlu duit pun, sambil chat kat umah AC pun leh wat!