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Author: xyla73

[tvN/Netflix] Vincenzo - Song Joong Ki, Jeon Yeo Bin, Ok Taecyeon

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 Author| Post time 4-3-2021 08:36 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
wima replied at 3-3-2021 08:48 PM
yup..iols pun ada membe yg enjoy gile mr.queen even dia jenis x mudah terhibur..taste masing2 kan. ...

Betul tu...iols kalau tgk citer bkn jenis yg skip2...kalau camtu baik xyah tgk langsung...cari citer lain yg lagi sesuai dgn jiwa & mood ketika itu...the good thing about kdrama dia bagi kita byk option...x limited kat satu genre je...

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Post time 4-3-2021 10:03 AM | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 2-3-2021 07:45 AM
voice dia sedap , and i likehis english accent tau tak bila - when he said: can you think for a se ...

haha i googled him lepas dia tamat PLKN tengok background info best,,trus cari drama2 dia..

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Post time 5-3-2021 01:25 PM | Show all posts
cycra replied at 4-3-2021 10:03 AM
haha i googled him lepas dia tamat PLKN tengok background info best,,trus cari drama2  ...

esok esok ade kot scene konfrontasi dia dengan Cassano - satu marah2 dalam italian , sseorang lagi in english hahahaha lawak lawak....kalau adalah...rayaa meriah hahahaah

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Post time 6-3-2021 10:11 PM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 6-3-2021 11:46 PM

ep 5
i think episode 5 ni dedua pihak dok acah acah , memerhati saingan lawan memasing.
Quite clever of Cassano not to  talk to that ex prosecutor - Myeong Hee ( Choi Aerobics tu ) as she has a sharp ears ( ? g pith tu ke whatever? ) which I think could somehow link the quality of his phonation  with the voice she heard on the phone last epi ( ep 4 ).
dan the REAL colours of Jang Joon Woo ( intern tu ) kita dapat lihat - wow , tapi motif Jonn Woo ( intern ) tu terlaku kabur untuk mengekori Hang Cha Young dan Cassano samai setiap minute , sedangkan dia boleh je luangkan masa dia untuk hdapai kes kes yg menajdi isu di Babel?

well , in the end I think Cassano purposely let her recognised / emphasise his voice kan? during theor informal / formal meeting.

on the way to the court...
asyik salah arah je lagi , hilang kuci lah bagai hahaha

and he is back with that ? navy blue suit?  hmm .
ada sunglasses lagi

tapi sapa that lady yg bawa kete warna putih tu - hahaha- muka dia suka jadi watak pembuli in Avenger's Club familiar.

is that Lamborghini ?

lagi satu i have no idea about the guy with many many many gold bars tu ....apa ye?
dan depa nyer conversation about al of those people on the slides.lagi satu tang identiti org yg jumpa young  Buddhist monk tu masa awal awal cerita ep 5 dan siapakah yg pengsan dan haeoptysis ( muntah berdarah tu semasa CEO Jang yg blur2 tu melawat ? kilangnya?)

sebab tengok tak ada substitles .


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Post time 7-3-2021 12:26 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 6-3-2021 10:11 PM
ep 5
i think episode 5 ni dedua pihak dok acah acah , memerhati saingan lawan memasing.
Quite cle ...

Baru habis tgk...
-lady drive keta putih is nobody u just a normal lawyer yg selalu klh lawsuit haha,watak extra je ni.

-guy with gold bars n cash byk tu ex-lawyer yg represent victims yg affected while working for babels due to toxic and chemical substance masa kerja. So instead fight for the victims  dia just offer settlement je and of course babel dh suap dia dgn gold n cash tula. Cha young dgn cassano nak fight utk victims ni against babel.

-the guy yg sakit tu kwn kpd monk tu, sama jugak affected due to exposure to toxic BLSD tu( babel subsidiary punya co). Bila pi hosp of course doktor kata salah sendiri sbb xfollow protocol during doktor pun dah kena beli dgn babel agaknya. So org2 kat plaza tu support la cha young dgn cassano sbb kwn monk tu baik helpful slalu tlg diorg. Kelakar part siap buat show kat dpn court,dance tu as metaphor nk tunjuk how the victims suffered haha.good thing mmg supportive betulla diorg ni sume.

Ok moga menjawab persoalan u supaya u can sleep well out of curiousity gitteww hahaha.

Sorry spoiler plk huhu.

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Post time 7-3-2021 09:35 AM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 9-3-2021 02:28 AM
ernniey replied at 7-3-2021 12:26 AM
Baru habis tgk...
-lady drive keta putih is nobody u just a normal lawyer yg selalu klh lawsuit  ...

oh thank u so much. cheers mate.
yes that lady extra  tu hahahah watak court je dia main...hahahahaa

ok, dah faham dah the whole thing.

yups - now i baru faham yg dia flick fingers tu - Cha Young kalah betting dengan CAssano - tang part sapa could persuade the victims like say, in no time gitu , dia kalah  hahahaha, i like the loudspeaker part . babak tu  famous kat insta after 10 pm last nite hahahaha.
tapi as always - CAssano tak kan flick his finger onher forehead , kan? sebab dia dah kata masa ep 1 - the second 15 minutes kat Fabio - yg dia tak suka cederekan kekanak and ladies, good for him.

witty - love this scene and the whole scheming of the drama part ni.yg proxy Babel tu tak habis2  mengacau.
tapi touching jugak - makanan hari pertama ke mahkamah tu - dia suruh mak dia masak and 'mother's touch' hahahaha

lagi satu -  i wonder whether Cssano finally able to identify the maestro of Babel...

i suka the way Cassano nasihat Cha Young - she has to learn  ' the ropes' first.
tapi minah ni -  full of energy , jenis yeah go ahead and do it ...


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Post time 7-3-2021 09:41 AM | Show all posts
lepas ni i would predict that there will indirect - not - direct confrontation with Joon Woo...

ada tau yg predict yg Cassanoni anak majikan mak dia - may be ? anak penegrusi lama prediction saja but ...u know it can be soooo wrong hahahaha...

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Post time 8-3-2021 12:15 AM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 9-3-2021 02:25 AM

Ep 6

Wow - the pacing is slow but there are a number of  important developments  which are very  interesting  - not so much on action - based stuufs  etc but more so on, i think  the battle of the wits  lah between the Wusang group and Cassano.
a) Jun Woo finally revealed himself  to those  two fella at Wusang - - but strange  enough , though he would rather keep this between the top gang of 3 aje.  wants to be CO but a silint and active CEO / mastermind?  hmmm...
tak tahu kenapa dia jadi macam ni

b) Sad thing - mommy - son relationship
Cassano dah macam tak kuase nak melawat atau baiki ? atau lanjutkan hubungan ibu - anak - i mean - that was so mean of him saying that to his mommy - i mean , tak salah dia jugak though - dia juga marah kot atas apa yg mak dia lakukan - dia tanya mak dia pun apa nak buat but mak dia maca dah give up dengan hidup - so next week dalam preview - Jun Woo akan bunuh mak dia - so this will promp Cassano to avenge lah on his mom 's death? perhaps

c)  Han Cha Young tak percaya  ada emas dalam temple / bawah building tu  hahaha making fun lagi  adalah  - that was really funny

d) I suka scene di mana dia nak detect emas emas atau lakukan satu procedure untuk locate emas tu dan NIS officer tu still  misintepret the whole situation  - dan wow now he is assuming quite a  stretgic role - BABEL and WUSANG - semua nak  kan background info on Cassano - so NIS agent ni dah ada intel ...i mean dia lebih berat dalam sangkaa Cassano ni harmless...

letak description : Doe-eyed , handsome lagi hahahaa

e) I like the dialogue  between Cassano and Jun Woo...i think he knows  that intern is something.

so yes -  now the mission is
emas kat bawah tanah bangunan - atas temple tu , he wants to get the gold and get lost
ada banyak developing events - dia nak pindahkan tenants tu - okaylah dea semua setuju
so kalau ikutkan dia boleh slved dah masalah dia. he aims at those 1.5 tonnes of gold je...

but kalau ikutkan ni lah solving problems dia pun

tapi why complicated ye

sebab - pemindahan tenant belum selesai - emas tak dapat  lagi - bangunan tu dipindah milik

hmmm and may be Cha Young ?

cuma - in ep 6 ni banyak  strategy Cassano - Cha Young more to tactical rather than factually confronting their opponenst with facts ( tapi dea pun bagi tahud epa lacking bukti - as per ep 5 pun )
so hopefully second hearing Cassano is able to stand before the court as a witness - sebab dia tak leh practice kat  South korea...

i like dah ep 6,7 8 - now it is all about strategising and counter strategising.

macam  tempo money game


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Post time 9-3-2021 08:31 AM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 9-3-2021 07:31 PM

Antara ulasan yang cool dalam ep 6

love the piano tunes

Ranks, Titles and Positions In The Mafia
link :,


kalau nak tengok kedudukan  atau hirarki dalam mafia - please click on the link above

The consigliere, or chief advisor, or counselor, is the Bosses right-hand man and trusted confidant. The Consigliere is very powerful in the organization, and he plays one of the most important roles in a crime family. He is a close and trusted friend and confidant of the family boss for strategic information, diplomatic counsel, and sound advice. The Consigliere is the mediator of disputes within the crime family and often acts as a representative or aide for the organization in meetings with other crime families, rival crime families, and important business associates. The Consigliere's job is too bribe politicians, law enforcement and government officials to protect the organization, and to be a consultant to the crime family, and use his diplomacy to keep the underlings, such as the captains, soldiers, and associates in line. The Consigliere is someone who the Boss trusts and goes to for advice, counsel or information regarding the organization, finances, operations, politics, rules, grievances, disputes, or businesses. The Consigliere is meant to offer unbiased information based on what he sees as best for the crime family. He’s normally incredibly intelligent, clever, diplomatic, intuitive, ruthlessly efficient, sophisticated, rational, resourceful, perceptive, and astute, and he is normally a clever talker, resourceful thinker, and diplomatic advisor. Unlike the underboss, the consigliere is chosen solely for his abilities and the amount of vast knowledge and intellect, and incredible intelligence he possesses. Generally, only the boss and underboss have more authority than the consigliere in a crime family. The Consigliere is very powerful in the command hierarchy, he is the third in command.


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Post time 9-3-2021 05:27 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kenapa lawyer perempuan yang jahat tu selekeh n busuk sangat? Dah lah jahat, lagi menyampah tengok watak dia tu busuk serabau. Hahaha. Dalam drama ni, heroin memang watak gini or dia gigih nak jadi macam jun ji hyun?

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Post time 9-3-2021 10:38 PM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 10-3-2021 07:31 PM
cikpuanviolet replied at 9-3-2021 05:27 PM
Kenapa lawyer perempuan yang jahat tu selekeh n busuk sangat? Dah lah jahat, lagi menyampah tengok w ...

hmm...interesting watak Lady ex - prosecutor Choi Myeng Hee ( Aerobic Choi tu )
memang pun , at first , she has this shady character ,personality, motives semua you know.

apa yg i observed ialah dia ni a prolific and a good lawyer  yg pandai mainkan isu atau sesuatu fact jadi half truth ke ape ke - sebab itu yg dia cakap dalam office dia semasa ep 2 ? i  thinik - ni sebelum Wusang CEO Lawyer tu minta dia untuk kerja kat Wusang.
so , dia ada ujar sesuatu yang dia akan? kenakan mereka - so kat sini i tak tahu her exact motves, agenda etc.

tapi for sure dia ni suka winning effect tu - macam a form of gratification for her - regardless which sides she is on - be they the villain or the good guys

so - dia ni ruthless.


watak Jeo tu i suka je no problem because my focus is  on Vincenzo - plots strategy  dia yg  caught my attention - so yes, berbalik pada Cha  Young ni  she is tad bit over sikit cuma watak dia masa father dia passed away tu  modest sikit , yg bab lain tu dia macam biase lam main character anak perempuan kesanyan sorang , a bit  u know loud  and keloloh sikit  org Kedah kata. But i am fine with that.

tang lakonan semua semua before - i have no idea i am afraid sebab i tatau sangat pelakon ni dari drama rama depa sbelum ni .

Joong Ki ni i know descendants of the sun? dia and hye Kyo - itu je la i tahu ...hahaha


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Post time 10-3-2021 12:42 PM | Show all posts
cikpuanviolet replied at 9-3-2021 05:27 PM
Kenapa lawyer perempuan yang jahat tu selekeh n busuk sangat? Dah lah jahat, lagi menyampah tengok w ...

mata iols tengok acik aerobic ni rambut sentiasa berminyak. hahahahha! rimassss tengok

tapi look fwd character dia ni, mmg jahat betul ke. even boss wusang tu pon iols tertunggu2 jgk kot ada surprise jugak karakter dia ni. nampak cm bodo2 je.

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Post time 10-3-2021 09:31 PM | Show all posts
fa_stellar replied at 10-3-2021 12:42 PM
mata iols tengok acik aerobic ni rambut sentiasa berminyak. hahahahha! rimassss tengok

tapi loo ...

hehehehe bila Jun Woo blur blur tu dah jadi villain , yes , semua dah macam jejage je wata watak passive tak reactive bodo2 alang lawak lawak akan jadi something  significant later


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Post time 11-3-2021 04:16 PM | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 20-2-2021 10:44 PM
yes lama, but wow - the first 20 mins tu wow.cantik cameraworks...capuring scene ladang terbakar . ...

mamamia...1st episode really impressed me..mcm filem hollywood gitu..sinematografi, sound effect seems perfect atleast to me

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Post time 11-3-2021 05:49 PM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 11-3-2021 06:32 PM
watie79 replied at 11-3-2021 04:16 PM
mamamia...1st episode really impressed me..mcm filem hollywood gitu..sinematografi, sound effect s ...

ni i dok tertunggu tunggy ep 7 ,
tulah i like this drama , since teh first frame , then all the episodes tu i just choose to observe bagaimana character semua tu diperkenalkan  dan berkembang- tang ni some may feel slow and pacing yg sangat bosan atau lambat . Epi satu ni macam mission statement - depa set the goal = emas dalam bulding beasement bawah , Cassano kena bomkan semua sebelum dia cabut ke Malta. itu misi ringkas dia yg dia bayangkan ...tapi...

semua episodes ni ..... it s like kita main puzzles dengan penulis tu - dalam kepala kita ada expectations but apa yg dalam kepala penulis screenwriter ni dah macam lain ep 2 dah sangat  overwhelmed dah kalut kecoh dah dengan segala peristiwa dan ep 3 mulanya triggering factors yg mencetuskan  perkembangan watak Hong Cha ep 2, 3 kita disajikan dengan pelbagai karakter daam drama ni , the tenants semua dan segala keletah telatah , cara Cassano adapting dengan orea and how he is facing inner conflicts luar dan dalam about Korea itself yg menyimpan  pahit hidup dia, dia resentful dan tak friendly  mereka, so yeah funny people, dan ep 3 things are getting more serious -

ep 4 - sangat sangat suspens - semua fans can either sedih atau suka  hahahaha
ep 5 -6 - the real battle...

sebab nak tengok apa yg berlaku within " THAT MISSING 5 days' tu dalam ep 7



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Post time 14-3-2021 02:07 AM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 14-3-2021 02:08 AM

Ep 7

well what do u know huh?
10 tailor made suits  aduhai....

i would expect to see some hard question -nasswer sessions , hard talks etc in the court room  between the two parties lah, but what was coming next was so unexpected!!!aduhai...kecoh lagi adehh...

tak sangka Cassano boleh summoned the wife of Babel's witness to  tetstify against the corrupted hubby ...

I like the way Csaano striking a deal with Choi Aerobic - wow

and Taechyeon - hmm  amarah wow - nice ...boleh berlakon villain ni - he is smart and i think he is at part with Cassano's intelligence - he knows for one that Cassano is creative, he also able to appriase that the method depolyed by that aerobic Choi was so conventional , old fashion !!!

and yes  - the football...lama tak dengar como estas hahaaha

aduhai banyak lah scene menarik

okay now - pasal emas

ada pulak watak pemuda yg tahu ada emas kat Geumga Plaza tu dan he just blurted out the secrets!! well surprisingly no one actually believed him , hmm...

tapi depa tak nak pindah pulak so Cassano kena cari jalan untuk dapatkan emas tu dengan cara yg paling minimal kerosakan...

wonder why?

Fave scene:
Hong Cha Young tertido  sedap je tido atas sofa- hahaa
She ran  towards him and snatced the iced americano hahaha - love his smirks though happy his smirks lah nice
and then the scene at the art gallery
hmm nice  hahahaahaha
wow nice actually


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Post time 14-3-2021 10:08 AM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 14-3-2021 10:44 AM

some of my fave clips
at the tailor - hmm 10 bespoke suits
kalahkan ladies
tulah she wanted to give him a treat - well - what a treat it was !!! he then asked for a set 10 tailor made suits terus hahaha ambik...jenuh...

i just love the shade of  blueshe wears

the ceo is really psychopathically, atrociously mad? yups , i like his  accent
membebel dengan kayu golf tu


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Post time 14-3-2021 06:08 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
mbhcsf replied at 14-3-2021 10:08 AM
some of my fave clips
at the tailor - hmm 10 bespoke suits
kalahkan ladies

Meet u here...hahah..cant believe...boleh abiskan till epi 7..sambil2 buat keje rumah keje opis 2 hari ni...

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Post time 14-3-2021 10:40 PM | Show all posts
honeybee1802 replied at 14-3-2021 06:08 PM
Meet u here...hahah..cant believe...boleh abiskan till epi 7..sambil2 buat keje rumah keje opis 2  ...

heheheh i am huhuhuuuu hahahaaha

menunggu ep 8 ni  ya ALLAH

ade something 's up tau , i tak tahu ape benda ada scene mak dia terlantar tapi tak tahu dah kena 'senyap' oleh Joon Woo ke tak



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Post time 14-3-2021 10:47 PM | Show all posts
Edited by mbhcsf at 14-3-2021 10:48 PM

wow ,  ini yg i felt  there is something about this actor , lead actor Sonng Joong Ki ni - aside from being an alumnus of one the Korean top 5 uni -  thete is something about him, and this  is it ... wow he needed to imagine ' ITALY ' etc in his head while acting , hmm...

wow work  hard you Jong Ki ...

sebenarnya baru i tahu yg scenic beuatiful  Italy tu tak pernah dia jejak kat lokasi tu pun

wow  ini semua purely 100% CGI - wow sebab depa  x leh keluar Korea and filming di Italy ikut jadual asal...


here is the story :

the original link :

Here’s How “Vincenzo” Actor Song Joong Ki Filmed His Scenes In Italy… Without Ever Having Gone To Italy
Che fico!

In a recent Netflix video, actor Song Joong Ki revealed that he has never been to Italy. So then… how did those beautiful “supposed-to-be-in-Italy” scenes in tvN‘s new hit K-Drama Vincenzo come about?

In a special behind-the-scenes video shared by tvN, Vincenzo viewers got to see the impressive amount of computer graphic work that went into creating “Digitaly,” the digital Italy!

While initially the production team had scheduled some filming to take place in Italy, the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic definitely played into eventual decision to work with VFX. The production team revealed in an interview that “all scenes with Song Joong Ki in them have been filmed in Korea and edited with VFX” to create that Italian aesthetic. ... ut-ever-gone-italy/

cool , wow human capital yg impressive

selalunya begitu , kan?


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