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Author: Sang_Pencinta

'Wine Is Haram In Islam!'- Bawang Rangers Serang Rihana Petra Kerana Teguk Arak

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Post time 20-11-2019 11:21 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Teringat years ago di uzbek.. Sambil lunch minum vodka.. Sementara nak tunggu masuk waktu solat jumaat.. Soviet culture, depa kata slowly nak change..

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Post time 20-11-2019 01:12 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Ak enen, ntah2 dia minum Sprite

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Post time 20-11-2019 01:53 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
M5 replied at 19-11-2019 06:02 PM
hahaha, boleh tanya pulak kat mana al quran ada tulis arak boleh diminum... prrrffght

com ...

Good provisions membawa maksud boleh diminum?
Buat kesimpulan sendiri jer lah nmpknyer

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Post time 20-11-2019 04:51 PM | Show all posts

Hebatnya bila masing2 nak jadi tuhan menghukum orang mcm2

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 Author| Post time 20-11-2019 10:26 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 21-11-2019 06:47 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 21-11-2019 06:58 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Masuk Islam sebab nak kahwin orang kaya. Dah masuk, suami yang sepatutnya membimbing tinggalkan macam tu je. Sk yang bawa dia masuk Islam dan lepaskan macam tu je patut kena kecam sekali.

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Post time 21-11-2019 07:32 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
AbukRokok replied at 18-11-2019 10:22 AM
bersabarlah seketika di dunia ini
nti dalam syyurga dpt lah meraya wine merah wine putih arak yg le ...

Meols nak Sungai Kopi dan Sungai latte

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Post time 21-11-2019 08:35 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Sang_Pencinta replied at 21-11-2019 06:47 PM

Klau perbuatan tu salah, tolong salahkan ex dia. Tak payah kutuk dia byk2. Lagi jauhlah dia dgn islam.

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Post time 21-11-2019 08:50 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Jgn gaduh2. ...


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Post time 22-11-2019 01:22 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 19-11-2019 09:57 PM
LOOOOL ... apa yg ko dok merepek ni tambi ...

Cuba ko baca baik2 ayat tersebut

‘wa’ dlm classical arabic adalah augmentation, bukannya terhad kpd and/dan yg lobai paham ikut bahasa moden. kena baca dan paham ertinya berdasar pada era ianya digunakan.

dari tamar dan anggur kamu produce intoxicants, maka pernyataan ini, yakni intoxicants yg dihasilkan dari tamar dan anggur adalah subjek yg di jelaskan/augmentation sebagai rezeki yg baik.

bukan satu benda yg asing pada zaman dulu kala wine di persekitaran levant di sebut sebagai good provisions. kebolehan menghasilkan wine/beer yg baik itu sendiri memerlukan kepakaran yg tinggi tidak seropa membuat sirap bandung.

banyakkan membaca dan mengkaji selain dari menghadiri majlis2 ilmu di surau kg railway.

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Post time 22-11-2019 01:23 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
abadi84 replied at 20-11-2019 01:53 PM
Good provisions membawa maksud boleh diminum?
Buat kesimpulan sendiri jer lah nmpknyer

terserlah symptom terlebih makan kismis minda

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Post time 22-11-2019 11:08 AM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 22-11-2019 11:09 AM
M5 replied at 22-11-2019 01:22 AM
‘wa’ dlm classical arabic adalah augmentation, bukannya terhad kpd and/dan yg lobai paham ikut b ...

Baaahwahwahwa ... lobai eukaryote M5 nak pusing lagi

Ni apa ko cakap tau :
‘wa’ dlm classical arabic adalah augmentation, bukannya terhad kpd and/dan yg lobai paham ikut bahasa moden. kena baca dan paham ertinya berdasar pada era ianya digunakan.

Ko ni dapat your education kat pasar chow kit ke?

Lagi sekali aku bagi rujukan ttg 'wa'
(وَ) wa, particle
  • and
  • (to      make an oath)
  • (to      start a sentence)

Mana ko belajar yg kononnya 'wa' adalah augmentation?

Dari mimpi basah ko atau ketika ko mabok todi?

BTW , etymology 'wa' ni :
Besides meaning “and” (وَ) is used as an introductory word for a new sentence, somewhat equivalent of a period, except that here it comes at the beginning of a new sentence. Other usages include to instigate an oath, as in example 2.

Ko paham apakebenda 'augmentation'? Ni lagi rujukan ttg 'augmentation':
the process of increasing the size, value, or quality of something by adding to it:

Tapi ko dgn amat2 kureng otak paham macam ni :
dari tamar dan anggur kamu produce intoxicants, maka pernyataan ini, yakni intoxicants yg dihasilkan dari tamar dan anggur adalah subjek yg di jelaskan/augmentation sebagai rezeki yg baik.

Bermaksud 'augmentation' adalah process of 'value add' - penukaran dari tamar / anggur ke :
(1) intoxicants
(2) benda yg baik macam raisins , dried dates etc sepertimana dijelaskan kat tafseer Ibn Kathir
Ibn `Abbas said: "Strong drink is the product of these two fruits that is forbidden, and the good provision is what is permitted of them.'' According to another report: "Strong drink is its unlawful, and the goodly provision is its lawful,'' referring to the fruits when they are dried, like dates and raisins, or products derived from them such as molasses, vinegar and wine (of grapes, dates) which are permissible to drink before they become strong (becomes alcoholic), as was stated in the Sunnah.

LOOOL ... camno yg ko mati2 pikir yg wine pada masa tersebut adalah 'good provision'?

Simple test aje ... depa bagi tak anak mereka minum wine?

Hang bagi tak anak hang (kalo ada yg bawah umur tu) minum wine?

Kalo good provision sgt , pasal apa tak bagi kat depa?

Lagi sekali ko hanya mampu bagi pendapat ko yg satu sen pon tak berguna , apa2 rujukan - habuk pon tadak

Bila rujuk apakebenda 'augmentation' ... jelas ko tersasar dgn pahaman songsang ko

Conclusion senang aje : ko ni jadik ateis pasal ko tak paham apa ko baca ... simple and straight forward

Ko tak malu ke pamirkan your less than average comprehension?

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Post time 22-11-2019 04:44 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 22-11-2019 11:08 AM
Baaahwahwahwa ... lobai eukaryote M5 nak pusing lagi

Ni apa ko cakap tau :

lobai sam baru first time ka belajar pasal ‘wa’

pi bukak lane’s lexicon pasal augmentation

semoga lobai lepas ni jadi cerdik sikit ya

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Post time 22-11-2019 04:54 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Sparkling wine tu apa ye

I tgk kt ig cepwan dorang minum sparkling wine. Halal katanya

Rasa cam wine ke cmna

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Post time 22-11-2019 06:46 PM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 22-11-2019 07:09 PM
M5 replied at 22-11-2019 04:44 PM
lobai sam baru first time ka belajar pasal ‘wa’

pi bukak lane’s lexicon pasal augmentation

Ha ha ha ha ... he he he ... hu hu hu hu ... lobai eukaryote M5 dah pening

Konfom memang ko tak paham apa ko baca

Ko rujuk kepada quranic lexicon macam ni (screen shot)

Dgn jelas catat - is a letter of augmentation

Letter of augmentation adalah an alphabet that increase in size , add value atau quality to a sentence

In short , its a conjunction 'and'

Nak konfom senang aje : Rujuk kat Corpus Quran
and a provision
CONJ – prefixed conjunction wa (and)
N – accusative masculine indefinite nounالواو عاطفة
اسم منصوب

This is quranic arabic & dgn jelas ia catat 'wa' pada ayat tersebut adalah 'and'

Camno skg?

Nak lagi?

Ni dari Lane Lexicon (yg ko bagi) ttg وَ pada ayat tersebut (click kat وَ)  
وَ: you say, سَارَ زَيْدٌ وَعْمْرٌو, using و as a conjunction; rather than وَعَمْرًا: and سِرْتُ وَزَيْدًا, using و as [a prep.] denoting concomitance; rather than وَزَيْدٌ.

Simple aje : وَ (wa) denotes either conjunction or concomitance

Hang dok bertekak buta aje

In short ... ko langsung tak tau apa yg ko cakap

Ko ni asyik perbodohkan diri sendiri aje

Lepas ni ko akan lari lah ... lepas sebulan dua ... bawak balik isu bodoh ni

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Post time 23-11-2019 09:22 AM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sam1528 replied at 22-11-2019 06:46 PM
Ha ha ha ha ... he he he ... hu hu hu hu ... lobai eukaryote M5 dah pening

Konfom memang ko tak ...

corpus quran as with many other translation website mmg la translate ‘wa’ as and/dan.
sekarang pi tengok balik rujukan dari lane’s dan peratikan flow and context ayat, yakni pakai otak, kaji balik pakai rasional mind.
btw coding and owner corpus tu one of our quranic studies group. panjang perjalanan kisah macamana sampai boleh terbitnya website tu. jakim kalu kenal member2 group ni dah lama kena fatwa sesat.

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Post time 23-11-2019 10:55 AM | Show all posts
Edited by sam1528 at 23-11-2019 11:14 AM
M5 replied at 23-11-2019 09:22 AM
corpus quran as with many other translation website mmg la translate ‘wa’ as and/dan.
sekarang  ...

Ha ha ha ha ... lobai eukaryote M5 dah kelam kabut

Bila dah terbukti ko salah ... mula lah bukak cerita kononnya Jakim akan dakwa group ni sesat group tu sesat ... aiyoyo

Pakai otak ye?

Laaaa ... mula dah dgn kononnya flow & context ayat. Ok then breakdown the sentence lepas tu jelaskan satu persatu

Ada berani kaaa? I am upping the ante now

Ko paham tak apakebenda tu 'is a letter of augmentation' pada Lane's Lexicon yg ko sendiri bagi?

Kalo ko nak bertekak ttg Lane's Lexicon , aku ulang balik apa aku catat - dari Lane's Lexicon tau

Ni dari Lane's Lexicon (yg ko bagi) ttg وَ pada ayat tersebut (click kat وَ)  
وَ: you say, سَارَ زَيْدٌ وَعْمْرٌو, using و as a conjunction; rather than وَعَمْرًا: and سِرْتُ وَزَيْدًا, using و as [a prep.] denoting concomitance; rather than وَزَيْدٌ.

Simple aje : وَ (wa) denotes either conjunction or concomitance

Kesemua rujukan yg diberi konfom 'wa' pada ayat tersebut adlah conjunction 'and'

Patut ko kena tengok pada diri ko sendiri utk berpikir secara rasional , kritis & of course pakai otak lah

Camno skg?

BTW , kalo all or almost all translation including commentary referring to Ibn Abbas konfom 'wa' pada ayat tersebut adalah conjunction 'and' ... by all logic it dictates that the 'wa' kat ayat tersebut adalah conjunction 'and'

Hanya org kureng akai aje akan paham sebalik atau selain nya

Ni lah penyakit org yg taksub mengertikan Quran ikut selera sendiri - you are no different from the extremist out there and the people who uses the Quran for their personal gains

Tsk tsk tsk ...

Tak lama lari lah ko tapi bring back the same BS in 2 -3 months time

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Post time 23-11-2019 11:34 AM | Show all posts
Edited by Redskins at 23-11-2019 11:40 AM
M5 replied at 23-11-2019 09:22 AM
corpus quran as with many other translation website mmg la translate ‘wa’ as and/dan.
sekarang  ...

Bwahahaha...Lobai eukayu M5 cuba nak spin..adooiyaiii..

Nak spin pong tengok2la, translation ‘wa’ as and/dan, budak2 sekolah rendah pong paham..deiii

Wamin thamarati alnnakheeli waal-aAAnabi tattakhithoona minhu sakaran warizqan hasanan inna fee thalika laayatan liqawmin yaAAqiloona. (QS16:67)

Sahih International: And from the fruits of the palm trees and grapevines you take intoxicant and good provision. Indeed in that is a sign for a people who reason.

Mohsin Khan: And from the fruits of date-palms and grapes, you derive strong drink (this was before the order of the prohibition of the alcoholic drinks) and a goodly provision. Verily, therein is indeed a sign for people who have wisdom. (QS 16:67)

Ayat ini diturunkan SEBELUM pengharaman terhadap meminum arak.
Dan kita tahu ayat2 Al Quran diturunkan berperingkat2.

Al Quran surah 16:67 begitu jelas membezakan Sakaran ( intoxicant / strong drink ) which is BAD
And Good Provisions ( ie. dry dates, raisins,vinegar, etc ) which is GOOD.  

Ibn `Abbas said: "Strong drink is the product of these two fruits that is forbidden, and the good provision is whatis permitted of them.'' According to another report: "Strong drink is itsunlawful, and the goodly provision is its lawful,'' referring to the fruitswhen they are dried, like dates and raisins, or products derived from them suchas molasses, vinegar and wine (of grapes, dates) which are permissible to drinkbefore they become strong (becomes alcoholic), as was stated in the Sunnah.

Take note : Unfermented grapes/dates (GrapeJuice) before it became
strong drink are permissible to drink.

Grapejuice unfermented are also called WINE.

Wine before it became strong drink ( Unfermented grape juice )  memang ada kebaikannya
ini disebut dlm Al Quran Surah Al Baqarah 2:219  malah Nabi SAW juga
meminum Nabeez (ada Hadith) dan membuangnya setelah 3 hari.

Sahih International: They ask you about wine and gambling. Say, "In them is great sin and [yet, some] benefit for people. But their sin is greater than their benefit." (QS 2:219)

Wine lebih banyak mudaratnya berbanding dgn kebaikannya.

In the end, ALL intoxicant (Khamr) termasukla Sakaran (wine intoxicant) diharamkan...paham lobai eukayote.


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Post time 24-11-2019 10:57 PM | Show all posts
Edited by Redskins at 24-11-2019 11:31 PM
white_musk replied at 18-11-2019 11:35 AM
siapa kata haram? Ulamak Russia tidak cakap haram.
itu harus saja. Orang melayu saja yang sentia ...

Perintah Allah SWT, apabila Surah Al Maidah ayat 5:91 diturunkan..

Kesemua org2 Islam membuang arak yg ada dlm simpanan mereka.

Nabi SAW bersabda SEMUA Khamr (Arak) adalah HARAM.

Di Haramkan juga menggunakan arak walaupon sebagai perubatan. NO.

Arak walaupon minum sikit tak mabuk, ianya tetap HARAM.

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