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Author: dodolgemokgila

[Tempatan] Edisi lobai tak guna: Penerima bantuan kewangan persekutuan paling tinggi!

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Post time 12-9-2018 01:11 PM | Show all posts
sorry lah lobai2 pengundi pas sini komplen kilang2 tak nak bukak di kelantan sebab infra jalan raya highway tarak...puhleezzz..all bullshitt...

kalau tak dak..takdenye tesco dan aeon nak bukak disana..habis nak hantar barang ngan ape?aeroplane?

kalau boleh hantar ..sure boleh balik khen..

kilang dan perusahaan takde sebab basic nye takde..ya itu bekalan air mencukupi dan bersih..sistem pembuangan sampah yang teratur...yang tu 28 tahun tak leh selesai2 lagi..

tu belum kira syarat2 bongok cam wanita dipaksa pakai tudung di tempat kerja(kes stewardess ade hati kata kena bagi free choice)cisssssssssssss...double standard butul isle versi kau..time azan kena berhenti kerja..time solat jumaat lak wajib tutup..bulan ramadan restoren kena tutup bukak petang..bodoh sial tak maju

pelancongan?oo puhleesss...mat salleh tak mau datang...budaya pun diharamkan..ade tarian tradisonal ,wayang kulit ape diharamkan...ade patung kijang warisan history kelantan di musnahkan ngan alasan takut orang pi sembah patung...wooi lobai...ade ke orang pi sembah patung kijang or penyu selama ni?dan kau gantikan ngan hiasan arab..padang paser,pokok kurma..deyyy..pelancong kalau nak tengok budaya arob..baik dia pi middle east je bongok

pantai2 kotor,terhakis ganti batu  batu main longgok je ..jauh beza ngan terengganu..pulau2 pun tak bangunkan...bodoh punya pentadbiran..kerja mintak duit ngan seks je lobai serambi

selalu bagi alasan federal tak bagi booommm...LGE kantoikan..tak terkutik lagi lobai2 pemerintah sana tu nak saman LGE kata menipu..

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Post time 12-9-2018 01:36 PM | Show all posts
Edited by cmf_shalom at 12-9-2018 01:41 PM
sekngucing replied at 11-9-2018 06:26 PM
mana ada longkang sana
hahaha... sebab tu banjir weh
tahu kenapa air sana kuning?

Sekiranya xde longkang...or longkang masih lagi jenis tahun 70an--yang patut kena tegur adalah PBT. Apa fungsi PBT selama ini.

Sama juga bekalan air bersih di kawasan bandar...yang ini bawah kerajaan negeri. Kerajaan persekutuan jaga bekalan air bersih di kawasan luar bandar.

Jalan raya dalam kawasan bandar, adalah juga tjawab negeri, plus PBT. Kerajaan Persekutuan adalah untuk lebuh raya mhubungi negeri/daerah mcm Pan Borneo tu. Sekiranya seluruh kelantan belum dihubungi dengan jalan raya, kerajaan negeri patut fokus dalam kawasan bandar untuk agar industri domesti berkembang.

Macam kes Sarawak, memang kawasan luar bandar teruk...kekurangan serba serbi...tapi kerajaan negeri, selagi kemudahan itu adalah tanggungjawab negeri, mereka yang buat. Sebab itu di Sarawak, kawasan bandar, industri berkembang pesat. Bandaraya Kuching juga sinomin dengan kebersihan. Sistem perparitan yang sistematik. Bandar-bandar lagi eg Sarikei, Sibu, Bintulu, Miri, Limbang..mungkin tidak seperti if teruk pun, boleh juga dapat B+.

Lain la sekolah kebangsaan dan kesihatan, yang memang 100% bawah Persekutuan.

Sekiranya apa yang sepatutnya perlu dibuat kerajaan negeri, tetapi tetap nak salahkan Persekutuan, memang x tepat la bagi aku.


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Post time 12-9-2018 02:06 PM | Show all posts
katowjo replied at 11-9-2018 03:36 AM
dah dapat duit kpmplen infra takde? aku bagi contoh kawasan industri kat pengkalan chepa..ade be ...

Owh..maksudnya dulu tak betul la kata kerajaan lama tak bagi bantuan pada kelantan..I baru tau ni..betul..I ingat betul la kerajaan lama saja nak stopkan bantuan supaya rakyat kelantan terseksa...sebab ramai orang kelate bagitau macam tu kat iols..

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Post time 12-9-2018 03:06 PM | Show all posts
julia5094 replied at 12-9-2018 02:06 PM
Owh..maksudnya dulu tak betul la kata kerajaan lama tak bagi bantuan pada kelantan..I baru tau ni. ...

kalau tak dibagi dah lama haru biru kelantan tu anarchy in the streets.....nak bayar gaji pun tak mampu...kalau lim guan eng menipu..suruh lobai pi saman

zaman mahader dulu pun dia bagi 600 juat ke kalau tak silap..siap nik aziz sendiri akui...ini untuk becky air saje tau..tapi lobai buat haper?hampeh

tapi MODAL kempen and politaik pas bila dia gagal mengurus dan mentadbir adalah ...federal tak bagi wang...and then repeat hudud..tu aje dia tau

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Post time 12-9-2018 03:09 PM | Show all posts
and kalau gomen sengaja nak seksa orang kelantan..takder nye kerajaan dulu terima je orang kelantan kerja "free" ramai2 kat putrajaya tu...malah rata2 agensi gomen orang kelantan...walaupun taip kali ngundi balik pangkah pas juga ada..

baik tak payah tolong terussss...tapi tu la...lobai suka menghasut menfitnah nak tutup kelemahan dia sendiri

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Post time 12-9-2018 04:01 PM | Show all posts
dodolgemokgila replied at 12-9-2018 12:46 PM
Alahai jauhnya konar lobaicai ni. Relaks2 sudah lah, kena tegur terus meroyan smpai terjuih2 mulut ...

yang terjuih2 mulut sambil menyembur2 bersepah air liur tu ialah muntri pemakan rasuah pojaan kamu.  

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Post time 12-9-2018 04:04 PM | Show all posts
Edited by cmf_shalom at 12-9-2018 04:24 PM
kasibiman replied at 11-9-2018 08:23 AM
Sarawak will be the nucleus. Bukan satu angan2 Mat jenin for Sarawak to be bigger than Selangor ec ...

Aku berharap, gomen Sarawak akan mengekalkan momentum sedia ada. Dari segi tadbir urus dan akauntibiliti, gomen negeri telah menunjukkan prestasi cemerlang. Tahun 2017, Sarawak dapat A- by Moody's Investors and A3 by Standard and Poor.

Ini aku jumpa satu artikel, cadangan kerajaan negeri untuk menjadikan Sarawak negeri berpendapatan tinggi tahun 2030 kelak. Realistik ke tidak, aku tidak pasti:

Cover Story: Path to high-income status by 2030

SARAWAK, Malaysia’s largest region by land area, is one of contradictions. While amongst the richest in terms of natural resources, including hydrocarbon and timber, it has also been amongst the poorest.

Data shows that its top-line economic growth has not trickled down to its nearly three million population. Yet, Sarawak has been an outsized contributor to federal coffers by way of its substantial oil and gas reserves through the decades.

According to the Department of Statistics, Sarawak had among the highest GDP per capita among Malaysian states, at RM44,333, in 2016 — just behind Selangor (RM44,616), Kuala Lumpur, Labuan and Penang.

However, its median household income in 2016 was RM4,163, well below the national average and among the lowest for Malaysian states.
For perspective, the national GDP per capita was RM38,887 in 2016 while the median household income was RM5,228.

Anecdotally, economic opportunities have been relatively scarce in Sarawak with the public sector often seen as the primary source of employment. Its relative isolation on Borneo island has been a disadvantage both for local businesses and in attracting companies that would create jobs.

It is not uncommon for Sarawakians to pursue their higher education and subsequently build careers in Peninsular Malaysia instead of returning home.
But the current chief minister, acknowledging the disparity between GDP growth and income levels, seeks to change that. Since taking the helm a year ago, Datuk Patinggi Abang Abdul Rahman Zohari Abang Openg, popularly known as Abang Johari, has been busy erecting the building blocks for his ambitious vision — high-income status for Sarawak by 2030.

Sarawak is using the World Bank’s definition of high income, which sets the benchmark at gross national income (GNI) per capita of at least US$12,235 (RM47,420 at current exchange rates).

To get there by 2030, “we must have average annual economic growth of 6% every year”, he tells The Edge in Kuching.

It is a tough task as Sarawak’s GDP has not expanded faster than 6% since 2011, during Tun Abdul Taib Mahmud’s time as chief minister. On top of that, its revenue has been falling, hit hard by falling crude oil prices, among others, since mid-2014.

In 2011, its GDP grew 6.4% year on year, outpacing the national GDP growth of 5.3%. However, its economy has since underperformed national economic expansion.

“If we increase our public spending, that will trigger economic activity, for example, in construction and services. That will give, I think, an additional growth of 2% (per annum). Now we are averaging 4%,” says Abang Johari.

With revenue under pressure, the region is looking to its reserves of about RM28 billion as at last year to fund strategic projects.

To drive economic growth, Abang Johari has set his sights on going digital and filling the gaps in Sarawak’s infrastructure, including water supply and high-speed internet connectivity, instead of investing in more traditional economic drivers such as plantations and oil and gas.

But that has sparked criticism that Sarawak could be depleting its savings too fast, given the scale of some of the projects Abang Johari has announced.
“Not necessarily,” the chief minister says, “which is why the first thing I did was to establish a bank.”

The intention is for the bank — the Development Bank of Sarawak (DBOS) — to fund major strategic projects and collect interest income to ensure the funds are replenished, he adds.

Underlying his approach is a desire to digitalise the region’s economy with high-speed internet connectivity, an e-wallet service called SarawakPay and setting up a public database to be rolled out this year.

Abang Johari also plans to build a hydrogen-powered light rail line — similar to trams in Europe — connecting Kuching to Serian. Building it now would be cheaper than in the future, he explains.

He dismisses cost comparisons to urban rail projects in the Klang Valley, saying the line will be cheaper as it would not be elevated and will pass through government-owned land.

“Ours will go through green areas (instead of congested urban areas where land acquisition costs are higher) and we can create new transit-oriented townships” that would allow the state to offer affordable housing, he says.

The light rail works will be overseen by a government-owned company akin to Prasarana Malaysia and works will begin sometime next year. Abang Johari says more details will be announced in March this year.

The chief minister hopes to leverage ICT to overcome Sarawak’s geographical isolation and create opportunities for income growth. “Imagine if you produce one mobile app — the whole world is the market for your app provided you have the [internet] connectivity,” he says.

For ICT infrastructure, Sarawak wants to quadruple communication towers from 1,200 to about 5,000 in two years. Abang Johari says the Sarawak government is committing RM1 billion to this while the federal government has allocated RM500 million.

He tells The Edge that Sarawak is aiming for 50Mbps internet connectivity speed for rural areas and between 100Mbps and 150Mbps for urban areas. The digital economy is expected to make up 2.3% of GDP this year and 17.4% by 2025.

Another way to create more jobs is via an agro-park programme that aims to promote modern farming using the latest technologies. Abang Johari says the Sarawak government has identified 600 acres in Sarikei that will be leased to entrepreneurs with sound business plans.

Qualified applicants will have 60-year leases and have access to RM100 million of seed funding, Abang Johari says, adding that Sarawak is identifying more land across the region for the programme. “Once they are there, they are doing business and they are successful. Later on, they may get [ownership of] the land.”

Also in his sights are the hospitality and tourism sectors, leveraging the artificial lakes surrounding Sarawak’s four dams — Bakun, Murum, Batang Ai and the upcoming Baleh.

This, alongside strategic interest in controlling Sarawak’s power generation and freshwater resources, had driven the acquisition of Bakun dam from the federal government for RM2.5 billion plus debt last year, Abang Johari explains.

By the end of this year, the Sarawak government seeks to pass a new bill to create a new body to regulate the development of the surroundings of the artificial lakes, the chief minister says. “While you produce energy, you can also develop the areas around the lakes and that will definitely boost the service sector,” he says.

But amid the effort to create jobs, Sarawak’s lack of basic infrastructure despite its natural riches remains a glaring problem. For example, it is only now seeing the construction of the Pan-Borneo highway after decades of requesting such connectivity from the federal government.

The infrastructure hurdle would undoubtedly have added to its challenge in attracting business opportunities on top of its geographical disadvantages.
This is also underscored by an announcement two weeks ago that Sarawak is embarking on a 10-year endeavour to build a water grid that would supply treated water to interior residents across Sarawak.

A Sarawak minister previously estimated that 114,000 households, or 39% of the rural populace, still did not have access to clean water.

The first phase of the water grid will stretch from Batang Ai in Sri Aman to Tanjung Manis in Sarikei, tapping the Batang Ai dam. It will cost about RM1 billion and is slated for completion over two years.

“In any economy, the basic infrastructure must be there first,” Abang Johari says. “For us, we need steady water supply and reasonably priced power, which we have because of hydropower.

“What is important is that industries will also need water. So once you have power, you have water, then the prerequisites are there.”


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Post time 12-9-2018 05:03 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
katowjo replied at 12-9-2018 03:09 PM
and kalau gomen sengaja nak seksa orang kelantan..takder nye kerajaan dulu terima je orang kelantan  ...

itu jasa ku li lah... madey tu emmang anti krlantan/pantai timur pun

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Post time 12-9-2018 05:04 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
julia5094 replied at 12-9-2018 02:06 PM
Owh..maksudnya dulu tak betul la kata kerajaan lama tak bagi bantuan pada kelantan..I baru tau ni. ...

zaman madey.... memang sial . orgbtua tuh
aku dampai kena diskriminasi dgn org pantai barat (selangor)  pasal org tua tu lah..... gila... sama sama melayu pun rasis

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Post time 12-9-2018 05:05 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
dodolgemokgila replied at 11-9-2018 08:52 PM
Xkan lah longkang pon xdak duit nak buat? Sengkek sgat lah kau org ni mek mek kelate. Dh bagi 1b p ...

1b tu bukan seketul acik woi

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Post time 12-9-2018 05:06 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Yahudi_Bisex replied at 11-9-2018 07:15 PM
Tu lah aku pelik dengan perparitan sana.

Kalau kat Sabak Bernam parit lebar2, kalau kat Kelanta ...

sana parit gali guna cangkul... ala ala terusan wan mat saman hahaha
sedih gila

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Post time 12-9-2018 05:11 PM | Show all posts
nasib la kelantan..aku igt tukar kerajaan persekutuan takder la kena kutuk..
sama gak sbb PM dia madey

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Post time 12-9-2018 05:22 PM | Show all posts
Edited by cmf_shalom at 12-9-2018 05:25 PM
sekngucing replied at 12-9-2018 05:06 PM
sana parit gali guna cangkul... ala ala terusan wan mat saman hahaha
sedih gila

Ko maksudkan sistem perparitan kat bandar sana guna cangkul ke? Ko biar betul sek..

If macam tu keadaan kelantan, kalimantan lagi maju rasanya.

Satu lagi, aku tidak pikir teguran LGE tu benda negatif. Sebab ia keluar dari mulut LGE la bunyi negatif...sepatutnya if dah kes Kelantan, dah bangkrap memang patut kena tegur.

Isunya sekarang, macam tiada kesungguhan dari kerajaan negeri untuk baiki keadaan sekarang. Lima tahun berturut2 kot...x kan nak harap LGE puji Kelantan dan berharap negeri lain contohi Kelantan. Itu nyindir tahap dewa dah.

Kat Putrajaya tu, ramai pekerja asal dari Kelantan...mereka nak tegur kerajaan negeri, mbe taboo bagi mereka. Tapi sekali lagi, sampai bila nak biarkan kerajaan negeri tido...? Tu la gunanya LGE.

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Post time 12-9-2018 05:23 PM | Show all posts
sekngucing replied at 12-9-2018 05:03 PM
itu jasa ku li lah... madey tu emmang anti krlantan/pantai timur pun

kuli?pprrffttt...apa jasa kuli?masa semangat 46 dia leh terima ke orang kelantan kerja gomen?
kuli jaga anak sedara dia je kat kelantan tu...bwhahahahah


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Post time 12-9-2018 05:27 PM | Show all posts
cmf_shalom replied at 12-9-2018 05:22 PM
Ko maksudkan sistem perparitan kat bandar sana guna cangkul ke? Ko biar betul sek..

If maca ...

lagipun lobai kelantan sendiri yg cakap, saja tangguhkan pembangunan sbb tak nak kelatenese terkojut. padahal umah dia kat luar kelate kemain maju dengan segala pembangunancakap saja pembangunan macam mana, semua diorg tapau, balik kelate sarung je tudung purak2 tak minat pembangunan

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Post time 12-9-2018 05:32 PM | Show all posts
Edited by cmf_shalom at 12-9-2018 06:02 PM
krustykrab replied at 12-9-2018 05:27 PM
lagipun lobai kelantan sendiri yg cakap, saja tangguhkan pembangunan sbb tak nak kelatenese terkoj ...

If betul la mereka sengaja lambatkan pembangunan kat Kelantan...kenapa mereka juga berjuang nak dapatkan hasil duit minyak?

untuk tujuan apa duit tu nanti...

Dalam kes Sarawak, kami nak duit royalti minyak p20% sebab nak pakai duit tu untuk menjadikan Sarawak maju, termasuk rakyatnya menikmati pembangunan..

So alasan kerajaan negeri tu saja je...

Jawapan tu membawa kepada persoalan lain...pembangunan kelantan..kerajaan negeri tidak buat apa2...rizab tunai negeri pun kosong..sebab itu tidak mampu bayar hasil kerajaan selama ini pegi mana? x kan kelantan mengamalkan sistem barter selama ini.

Mana pegi hasil pendapatan negeri?jangan kes kantoi dah...tu yg pemimpin PAS marah ngan LGE

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Post time 12-9-2018 07:52 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
sekngucing replied at 12-9-2018 05:06 PM
sana parit gali guna cangkul... ala ala terusan wan mat saman hahaha
sedih gila

Terusan Wan Mat saman lagi lebar.

Aku pernah pergi ke Jawa Tengah...dekat Borobudor. Bila aku ke Kelantan aku teringat parit di Jawa Tengah ...tapi air jernih dari gunung la

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Post time 13-9-2018 09:15 AM | Show all posts
sekngucing replied at 12-9-2018 05:04 PM
zaman madey.... memang sial . orgbtua tuh
aku dampai kena diskriminasi dgn org pantai barat (sela ...

Betul jugak kan..masa tu memang kebanyakan ore kelate anti betul dengan tun.

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Post time 13-9-2018 09:32 AM | Show all posts
macam mana duit x de.. orang kelantan sendiri pun x confident nak meniaga kat Kelantan.. semua pakat g Johor, Selangor ngn KL..

pastu balik undi PAS, balik semula ke selangor enjoy air free.. x ke celeka perangai masing2...


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Post time 13-9-2018 11:06 AM | Show all posts

Audit pernah masuk ke Kelantan  x..?

if ada masuk..x kan kerajaan Kelantan buat bodoo selama ni..

Jangan macam JAKIM yang x pernah kena audit dah!

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