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Author: stanum123


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Post time 26-2-2012 04:25 PM | Show all posts
Reply  adikmanis

sangat2 suke dgn kenyataan bernas lagi bijaksana, brilliant lagi intelligent Y ...
luvsushi Post at 26-2-2012 13:27

   hahaha..kan da kuar word bobrok tuh xpaham btul la..pemende la yg diorang ni dengki sgt ngan bb....igt leh wat untung ke nk gaduh2 ngan YG

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Post time 26-2-2012 04:26 PM | Show all posts
i dah signed petition tuh..guna akaun twitter...nnt i cari link tuh...blah lah lu kbs....tak menah ...
honey_jelly Post at 26-2-2012 15:02

   sis, bleh tepek sikit artikel tu kat sini x? AM xdpt nk baca metro plak kat sini

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Post time 26-2-2012 04:28 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1562# adikmanis

nnt balik kat rumah akak posting..tak bawak kabel plak kat opis nih

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Post time 26-2-2012 06:31 PM | Show all posts
big hoorahhh for uri BIGBANG


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Post time 26-2-2012 06:44 PM | Show all posts
big hoorahhh for uri BIGBANG
honey_jelly Post at 26-2-2012 18:31

   melambung pujinye..i loike!! tq sis!

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Post time 26-2-2012 06:45 PM | Show all posts
[TRANS] 120226 EXCLUSIVE interview with victim’s sibling, “Daesung did, in fact, compensate for the whole accident…”On the latest episode of KBS Entertainment Relay, controversies of idol group, Big Bang, was brought up again into the spotlight, disrupting their recent comeback preparations.

On a recently broadcasted episode of KBS Entertainment Relay on the 25th, a 15-minute segment titled ‘Big Bang, is their comeback a forgiven comeback?’ was reported. The main subject discussed throughout this segment was about the group’s comeback and whether or not their public comeback was still too early.

But a portion of this subject is far different from the existing truth. It also resulted in a massive group suspicion that all this was reported lopsidedly.

Entertainment Relay had recently met up with the mother of the deceased victim from the accident Daesung was involved. The mother stated in the interview with Entertainment Relay that, “He (Daesung) never even came near our home after he showed up to the funeral once” and that “We couldn’t even see his face at the funeral. And he definitely did not pay for the settlement costs.”

This was information began questioning Daesung and YG Entertainment’s statement that they had received forgiveness from the victim’s family and that everything was settled. Both sides of the story are completely different. Accordingly, the message from the mother, “We never even saw Daesung’s face” left many people in shock.

Immediately after the Entertainment Relay episode was broadcasted, many of Big Bang’s fans have begun backlashing on their personal SNS (social networking service) accounts. Many were wondering whether or not this was all just a hoax created by Entertainment Relay due to KBS and YG Entertainment’s uncomfortable and negative relationship and that it may all be just a scheme of revenge. In the year 2010, when YG decided not to let a comeback performance of Big Bang be on Music Bank, their relationship with KBS was fractured and troubled. Due to this incident, YG Entertainment and its artists did not participate in the KBS end-of-the-year ceremonies, nor did they participate in the overseas “Hallyu Concert” hosted by KBS.

So which is the truth? We needed to find out what exactly happened in the case of this recent issue with the victim’s family.

That is why E-Daily’s ‘Star-in’ had met up with a representative from the victim’s family, the older brother of the victim(surname: Hyun), to have an exclusive interview. Hyun had even stated that people were mistreating and misunderstanding him and his actions after the Entertainment Relay segment was aired as well.

After watching Entertainment Relay, what thoughts did you have at first?
▲ I had not watched the episode myself at the time until I received a few calls about it. That’s why I checked the internet to see what had happened, but after reading about it on the internet, I was angered at how one-sided the broadcast episode was. They made it seem like my aunt and I had purposely taken the compensation and settlement money for ourselves without telling the rest of our family members. It made the people around me mis-take me as some kind of person who betrayed his parents for money. Although I hadn’t responded to this situation formally yet, I still thought that I needed to do something about it.

Did the rest of the family really not see Daesung as claimed? Did no one see his face?
▲ When Daesung had first found his way to the funeral, we did get angry with him; but as he kept apologizing numerous times and we forgave him numerous times, how is it possible that we didn’t see him? Of course we saw him and he looked very pitiful. Although the pain of losing my brother was grand, it was not a situation where Daesung was to be blamed for everything. Everything was extremely complex. Having thought of it (that not everything was Daesung’s fault) this way helped my heart calm down and I was able to converse with Daesung.

Did your family’s side and Daesung’s side not reach a settlement? Was compensation not received?
▲ On the morning of July 19, 2011, we did come to a settlement and compensation was made. Daesung was not able to do it personally, but a person who was helping Daesung out at the time had come to our house. At that time, my mother, my father, myself, and even my aunt were all there in the spot together. We were told that the parents of the victim needed to be present and everything was explained to my parents as well. They even signed the settlement and compensation agreement papers.

But in the interview with Entertainment Relay, the mother of the victim stated that no settlement and compensation was received.
▲ Like I already stated, why wouldn’t there have been a settlement or compensation? My mother is currently very ill. She recently received a diagnosis for a brain developmental disability (6th degree developmental disability) from the hospital. She is very unhealthy to the point her memory is unstable. It is to the point she barely even remembers her interview with Entertainment Relay. Even my father is ill.

Is it (the illness) due to the loss of her son?
▲ It is just from a chronic illness she has gained after a surgery she had undergone a few years ago. She was fine and her memory was still in tact, but with many hardships around the house and only having outpatient treatment available, her health got worse since all she could do was stay at home. As a son, it is a bit embarrassing.

Are you having family difficulties and circumstances? From the Entertainment Relay segment, it seemed to be a hard life your family is living.
▲ It is not as bad as it was portrayed in the show. The area we are living in is starting to undergo remodeling and redevelopment, so we were planning on moving in April. But with our parents’ condition, we just haven’t been cleaning up the house, that’s why it seemed so messy.

Is what Daesung said and talked about on SBS ‘Healing Camp’ all true?
▲ For the most part, yes, it is all true. There was nothing said far from the truth. I watched ‘Healing Camp’ myself. After the settlement and compensations were made, I had a cup of coffee with Daesung in the basement of the YG Entertainment building in Seoul and I said to him, “I would like to see you smiling brightly again in front of the world with confidence.” Even now, I want to see Daesung doing well. He is still a young friend afterall.

Why did Entertainment Relay decide to ignore you, the family’s representative, and choose to meet with your mother?
▲ I am frequently called to be on-duty and on-shift at the company I work at near Incheon Airport and I am always busy, always coming home late. My aunt usually comes and goes in and out of our house, but that day she had left to take care of some work. Entertainment Relay had come to our house during the hour only my parents were at home and carried on with the interview.

Irrelevant information omitted.


(Source: swaggalevel-1000)

hmmm..tu diaaaaa...back off KBS..:@

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Post time 26-2-2012 07:00 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by honey_jelly at 26-2-2012 19:02

Reply 1566# adikmanis

u r welcome...

yeah..itu dia..kebenaran akhirnya terserlah..padan muka..bodoh sgt nak aniayai org..wahahahhaha

reporter tahap gampang macam ni pun ada jugak kat sana?

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Post time 26-2-2012 11:04 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by adikmanis at 26-2-2012 23:13


bum shakalaka!! baby panda cool gile... yorobun..48 hours to go!

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Post time 26-2-2012 11:16 PM | Show all posts
esok wings plak release..hmmmm start dari blue,love dust,bad boy,jaemi oebseo smpai ke fantastic baby..beat dia makin rancak.. but AM ttap taste kat lagu2 mcm blue ngan love dust..hukhukhuk

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 Author| Post time 26-2-2012 11:25 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1568# adikmanis

Wow..fantastic baby!Dance..I wanna dance dance dance..

Pergh!! mmg betul la pokcik mokcik opah atuk pun bleh ikut shuffle sekali dgr sore Tabi nih!!! OLD SKOOL BEYBEH!

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Post time 26-2-2012 11:27 PM | Show all posts
Reply  adikmanis

Wow..fantastic baby!Dance..I wanna dance dance dance..
Booms ...
stanum123 Post at 26-2-2012 23:25

   baru dgr skali da melekat dalam kepala nih...smpai xsedar dok terangguk2 dari tadi

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Post time 26-2-2012 11:43 PM | Show all posts
jmpa kat tumblr..sooo true!

Wednesday 12amKST: I'm singing my blu-u-uuu-u-ues~
Thursday 12amKST: Monji sarang monji~
Friday 12amKST: My lay lay lay lady~
Saturday 12amKST: I know you know~, isseo baby
Sunday 12amKST: Boom shakalaka Boom shakalaka~

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Post time 27-2-2012 01:09 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1568# adikmanis

oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah...boom shakalaka..boom shakalaka.....I LIKE ITTTTTT

tanpa disedari terus rasa nak menari..weeeeeeeee

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Post time 27-2-2012 10:52 AM | Show all posts
thanks for sharings

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Post time 27-2-2012 12:29 PM | Show all posts
so far, sy rs sy plg suke habuk cinta tu
urgh xsbr tggu Wings mlm ni...kali ni mesti my DaeDae pny turn...

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Post time 27-2-2012 05:50 PM | Show all posts
Big Bang Interview on Section TV (120226) [SUBBED]

haa...sape yg xleh bayang cmne bigbang shuffle..sila tgk nih alahaiiii xsabarnye nk tggu performance diorang

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Post time 27-2-2012 07:22 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by honey_jelly at 27-2-2012 19:24

Reply 1576# adikmanis

alahai comelnya diorg...lawak..selamber je top slap seungri.....bila host tuh tanya top apa lagi cf dia nak wat..jidi kata hair dye {:4_500:}..siot je

adik riri..bukan main ada niat nak tunjuk bawah yer..mujurlah pakcik YG tak approve..kalau tak pengsan smer minik2 maknae sorang nih {:4_500:}


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 Author| Post time 27-2-2012 09:42 PM | Show all posts
BIGBANG YouTube Channel Replies to A VIP! (120227) {:4_227:}{:4_227:}


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Post time 27-2-2012 10:00 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1578# stanum123

   bagus BB....
tgh bayangkan couple tu nk bukak lagu ape ek time wedding diorg nnt???

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Post time 27-2-2012 10:02 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1577# honey_jelly

  YG papa sangat menjaga imej retis2 dia.... dia nk tunjukkan bakat bukan yg lain2 wlpn kalau tunjuk yg lain tu lg byk attention diorg dpt....
*but kalau tunjuk mesti minik2 dia xleh tido mlm...

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