siot papa YG men cak-cak ngan VIPs tak sabar nk dengar full album.. before dis takderla ex ...
aznee85 Post at 24-2-2012 09:50
excited tlebey myb sbb diorg umum nk promote 6 lagu kut....lgpun ni kire kmunculan slps peristiwa silam...haruslah mau tgk diorg2 bangkit and bsatu semula....cewah ayat
btw, lagu cinta habuk ni bile mau keluar full audio?? xsbr neh
moyan ah smer vips kena troll..termasuk aku dust punyer teaser...daebak..dah addicted..masa kemas bilik td dah berapa kali aku pasang mv blue ulang2..kuat plak tuh...mmg aku dah addict betul nih
layan healing camp belum complete..tgk part dae dgn jidi bercerita pasal kes diorg...hampir nak menangis aku dgr citer daesung.....pity him ...bukan totally salah dia tp haterz...aishhh ada ke kata dia pembunuh...bengong :@...jidi pun sama..dia tak ambil mende tu pun....cuma haterz yg memperbesar2kan hal nih....dlm hc baru diorg terangkan hal sebenarnya..baru terang dan jelas..they are not bad boys always support y'all bebeh..
tahnye si honey tu...dok moyan kat tabi.. dok spazz kat sini tp avvie tak menunjukkan lgsung kasih sayang kt TABI... ok +ve.. mgkn dia nk buat avvie part2 mv akan dtg kot...
saya suka!!! repeat 2 juta kali! omo omo! unexpected!!! igtkan lagu badboy ni berdentam berdentum! rupanya, mellow and mushy....sempoi aje GD pya rap! sore Taeyang, ohmai smooth! boys have all grown up!...
BAD BOY lyric trans!
(GD rap)
Me, the boy you love, sorry I'm a bad boy,
Yes, you'd better leave, good bye,
You're a good girl, As the time goes,
The better I know you, the more I disappoint you..
(Taeyang bridge)
Baby don't leave me,
I know you still love me,
Why? Just tell the truth. I need you,
You were my lay lay lay lay lady..
My lay lay lay lay lady..
YG Entertainment’s CEO, Yang Hyun Suk (43), has revealed, “I don’t have the strength or courage to create a group like Big Bang anymore.”
When CEO Yang recently held an interview at the Seoul Mapo-Gu YG Building, he stated, “Although I will be producing more groups in the future, I don’t think I will ever be able to find new group members that could harmonize with each other as well as Big Bang does. All of them match up to each other perfectly like a man and woman would do when they are in love.”
According to his explanation, Big Bang may not be the best looking and may not be the best dancers out there, but each member holds a distinct individuality as a weapon that allows them to perform freely, which is the main reason why they receive so much love from their fans in and out of our country.
“Usually in both Korea and Japan, group dancing (synchronized dancing) is the most popular characteristic people look for in groups. However, Big Bang shows a lot of free moves and dances within their performances. That is why I think they receive a lot more response from different countries outside of Korea and Japan.”
Considering these factors, Big Bang’s new mini-album ‘ALIVE’ holds many different genres of music to appeal to fans outside of Korea as well.
CEO Yang also stated that, “Aiming to make a musical change and living up to the focal point, this is an album with comprehensive genres” and that “in order to let each of these songs shine it’s own special light, we have decided to make all six songs the title song.”
Currently, to let the world know of these songs, Big Bang has been undergoing multi-directional promotions.
On the past 22nd, one of their songs titled “BLUE” was the first to be released and has taken over the #1 spot on all music charts and the rest of the song’s teasers have been planned to be revealed through TV advertisements starting on the 24th.
The order of these releases are as follows: 24th ‘Love Dust’, 25th ‘Bad Boy’, 26th ‘Ain’t No Fun’, 27th ‘Fantastic Baby’, and the 28th ‘Wings’.
CEO Yang elaborated, “Having all the songs from the album be title songs might be, needless to say, the first to set precedent within the country” and that, “Choosing only one song to perform on music show programs to win the #1 spot is meaningless now, in my opinion. What’s more important is that we need to let everyone know of this brand called Big Bang and let everyone know of every song on their album.”
Big Bang’s new mini-album will be released on the 29th, as well as the group’s comeback concert (on March 2-4) at the Olympic Sports Stadium.
erk...not fun tapi lagu dance jugek?? with autotune? okeh... celaru da kpala otak nih stakat ni AM baru hook dkt blue dgn love dust je, yg lelain kene amek masa sikit
120225 KBS Entertainment Relay & Big Bang controversy explanation
On today’s broadcast of KBS Entertainment Relay, Big Bang’s comeback and the controversies from last year were brought up again, but it was exaggerated to a major extent. KBS stated that when they called YGE for an interview regarding this situation recently, they refused to answer the calls because they had information “to hide”. They have been making excuses that YGE, G-Dragon, and Daesung have been telling lies throughout this whole controversy. They are saying that Big Bang’s comeback is still too early and have also taken a poll without anyone’s acknowledgement.
Here is an official article released on Nate just a few minutes ago. I would suggest reading the whole thing before you go on to read my other explanations.
On KBS “Entertainment Relay”, the controversies of Big Bang’s sudden comeback and incidents from last year were brought up along with very suitable statements.
With the recent news of Big Bang’s new comeback, a lot of heated reviews have been made. Especially with the public appearance both Daesung and G-Dragon made asking for the public’s forgiveness.
The first major issue that was covered on this day’s episode was of the time Daesung (appeared on Healing Camp and) showed his gratefulness and sorriness, “At the funeral, the family of the deceased got very angry with me. However, the aunt and older brother of the victim came to me personally after some time had passed. They told me, ‘We cannot changed what has already happened and we do not want you leaving what you have behind. We want to see you working harder and smiling on television more often.’”
But regarding this situation, Entertainment Relay’s staff was able to personally meet the mother of the deceased and asked about it. The mother responded, “He (Daesung) never even came near here (the house). Even at the funeral, we couldn’t even see his face,” and that Daesung had shown up for one of the funeral days, but never even met up with the victim’s parents.
Accordingly, many viewers of tonight’s episode have been commenting, “So what if he didn’t see them? It wasn’t his fault and he didn’t want to purposely kill the man.” And in regards to the settlement money, the parents stated, “We have not gotten any.” With the parents living through hardship in a poor environment, it saddened the viewers as they were watching them throughout this interview.
On one hand, Daesung was acquitted for the accident and had released announcements of a new drama production only after four months. G-Dragon had also continued to film television advertisements even after his marijuana controversy.
Some arguments are being made that they are taking advantage of the suspension of indictment and acquittance that were given upon them.
Currently, 63.6% of South Korea has taken a poll that Big Bang’s comeback is still too early.
KBS has always been on bitter terms with YG Entertainment and this is not the first time they are trying to start fire with them. Although it may seem like the whole country is against Big Bang because of all this, many people are still trying to keep their faith in Big Bang after they have made appearances on Healing Camp. We also have to keep in mind that KBS did not ask SBS for permission to use the clips from Healing Camp included in tonight’s episode of Entertainment Relay. Just shows how irresponsible KBS is. Also, KBS works with DISPATCH, a news agency that has also been on bitter terms with YG Entertainment.
Here are a few of the netizens comments being made regarding this whole situation:
I felt I was chewing and stepping on shit the entire time I was watching tonight’s episode. Tonight’s broadcast was so obviously made just to talk shit on Big Bang and Block B. Watching this today just makes you realize how low of a broadcast agency they are. With this broadcast, I hope we get to hear an official announcement from YG Entertainment. I also felt bad for the victim’s mother. Did they really have to go to her and make her go through the pain again? Entertainment Relay is just so disagreeable.
FALSE BROADCAST. From the very beginning, YGE and Daesung have paid for the funeral costs and compensation. They have already paid for everything. And it’s a lie that YGE didn’t answer their calls. The reporter who released this article had tweeted earlier that CEO Yang Hyun Suk personally visited the Entertainment Relay office to discuss matters, but as this episode was being broadcasted, the tweet was immediately deleted. That is proof that they were able to get into contact with each other. This reporter has always been known to have a strong disliking for YG Entertainment. Tweets are always directly made to diss them. Being a reporter and having no objectivity is just wrong. Today’s broadcast of Entertainment Relay was an episode of lies and false statements. At the end when the MCs said that they are a program that only conveys the truth, they snickered and smirked.
I watched today’s episode, but I ended up changing the channel. Yes, it’s true that Big Bang’s comeback is still too early, but the episode today was just a flat-out way of talking shit on Big Bang. I honestly do feel horrible for the victim’s family, but where in the world did Daesung hear those words of consolation if he didn’t hear it from the aunt or older brother..?
KBS, DISPATCH, Kim Yong Ho (the reporter known for having bitter opinions of YGE and all idol groups).. today’s episode was all created by them. Makes sense. It was just an episode made to bring Big Bang and YG Entertainment down. It’s obviously that they’re mad because YGE artists didn’t attend a concert that was hosted by KBS this year. I understand that they could feel upset and everything, but this is no way to behave just to take revenge on them. It just isn’t right.
Also, Daesung has stated that the aunt and older brother of the victim were the only members of the victim’s family that actually went out of their way to meet him. They were also the two people who gave all interview answers during last year when the controversy broke out and the two were also the ones who stated that the victim’s parents were unaware of the entire accident at the time. There is a very high possibility that the settlement costs, compensation, and apologies were mainly made to the aunt and older brother, not the victim’s parents. Which all describes how they did not meet or see Daesung after the very first time at the funeral.
KBS is trying really to get their ratings up and to get their “revenge” on YG Entertainment. Not only did they dig up all this shit to get back on Big Bang, but they even dragged in other celebrity controversies along with Block B’s recent incident. What does this tell you about KBS? With Reporter/Journalist Kim Yong Ho, who is infamous for his shit tweets about all idols, you can’t get anything good out of this.
(Source: swaggalevel-1000)
**sekarang ni netizens da wat petition supaya KBS mintak maap
awat la KBS ni slalu ada kontrobersi ngan BB everytime diorang wat comeback..xpaham den
itulah..aku pun tak faham apa masalahnya diorg dgn BB and YGE...lebih2 lagi reporter tuh..anti sgt...buat apa diorg fuel up balik kes daesung tuh..kan court dah buktikan dia tak bersalah..bengong betullah org macam nih :@:@..kawan tuh pun baru je nak recover daripada ai pun nak wat petition suruh kbs,dispatch dan reporter bangang tuh minta maaf cepat!
sangat2 suke dgn kenyataan bernas lagi bijaksana, brilliant lagi intelligent YG nieh! nak nahnges baca. mmg menyayat dan menyentuh hatiku...huhuu!
btw, pasal controversy KBS tu, mmg i dah lama give up ngan diorang. i mmg tak tgk dah channel 391.
KBS ni kannn...sakit hati sebab tak dapat kipas they made up any stories utk jatuhkan retis2 YG. pastu pandai lak tetiba pilih time comeback bigbang nak bangkitkan balik isu lama. ntah mana2 survey la yg diorang amik (create percentage sendiri la tuh!) kata BB buat comeback terlalu awal. HELLO KBS! bengong ke hape? sedor sket, fans dah terkinja2 nak diorang wat comeback, korang tu je yang takut ngan bayang2 sendiri! bobrok tol KBS nieh!
now, i offically DESPISE KBS go and dig your own grave! *mode hangin sebadan *
i dah signed petition tuh..guna akaun twitter...nnt i cari link tuh...blah lah lu kbs..:@..tak menahan statement 'it's too early for the comeback? oh please lah...ada aku kesah???..comeback diorg lah paling buat fans tertunggu2
btw AM..artikel tuh saya dah baca..siap songlap lagi page yg ada artikel tuh..mianhe opismate (owner that newpaper)