[SBS] Man from the stars [Kim Soo Hyun, Jeon Ji Hyun] PART 4 (Review: p 83)
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naqibnasuha posted on 26-2-2014 10:24 PM
MJ n lawyer jang kiranya best friend sejati..setia bersama..senang or susah still bersama...
baba ...
nas risau laa kalo mcm rooftop...cess sampai skng x leh terima kenyataan ending mcm tu...49 days, heirs, marry him..haram jadah btol..cess folo cite ni mcm cite ni jgk...sedihh woo..tolong writernim bg best ending
npknya KSH betul2 menjiwai wtk...
naqibnasuha posted on 26-2-2014 10:20 PM
mmg sedih sgt..smpai xleh nk chat...semuanya sedih...esok x tau camana lg..rase cam MJ akan tingga ...
nas, nnt bgtau eh bile raw hapdate...cess nye tenet start dahhh wat hal
cess posted on 26-2-2014 10:18 PM
hahaha tarian proposal will u marry me by bruno mars tu
Wah romantiknya sy hehe..tapi serius mel ckp sy nampak muda lah...
naqibnasuha posted on 26-2-2014 10:27 PM
npknya KSH betul2 menjiwai wtk...
utk last show nas...tu yg kan main menjiwai
cess posted on 26-2-2014 10:29 PM
nas, nnt bgtau eh bile raw hapdate...cess nye tenet start dahhh wat hal
ok cess..nanti ade link raw nas akan post kat cini..
cess posted on 26-2-2014 10:26 PM
nas risau laa kalo mcm rooftop...cess sampai skng x leh terima kenyataan ending mcm tu...49 days, ...
citer marry him tu nas kira ending plg worst...1 kali tgk pun dh cukup..tp 49days and rooftop prince wlaupun sedih ttp antara
citer favourite nas..nas ader tgk bts pic fans ader satu lagi kiss SY n MJ...hrp ni kira happy endinglah..
pergghh...dh byk cite ni...x sbr nk tggu sub...
tggu yg ada sub je le...bru online...
ayushuhada04 posted on 26-2-2014 10:43 PM
pergghh...dh byk cite ni...x sbr nk tggu sub...
ayu...mcm tak leh terima kenyataan esok ending
naqibnasuha posted on 26-2-2014 10:46 PM
episode 20 part 1
Tq bagi..mel tgh laayan ni
ayushuhada04 posted on 26-2-2014 10:50 PM
tggu yg ada sub je le...bru online...
X sabarnak baca review ayu esok...
seblm nk tdo layan dulu lagu nih
Napa sedih sgt ni..please happy ending..nak mj n sy gembira
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Mel dh tension...ksh datang indonesia 19 april...please ksh datang malaysia.......