Heheheh...akak pun jumpa link lagu Until Whenever (during concert) baru2 ni ajer...Ada VIP letak semula link sbb kes Dae Dae ni kan..Harus la dikongsi bersama2 MYVIP jugaks...hehehe..takpe AM..paham you tgh bz..nnti you dh free sila la update sini info2 menarik yer..
p/s: Dik, baby seungri u makin hari makin HAWT giler!! Perghh...gambar2 dia semua drool je kitaorg tgk...He's a baby no more..dh nak lawan TOP-shi pulak kekadg.. Sbb 2-2 minat fashion yg manly and smart look..Noona2 kat sini ramai dh goyah dah...hehehe...
Seungri : Peace ya'oll!
Top: Maknae! what do you think ya doin?? I'm still the BOSS here..
On July 21st, Big Bang’s leader G-Dragon extended his support to fellow member Daesung in an interview after the press conference for YG Entertainment and avex’s collaboration label, YGEX.
G-Dragon said, “I wanted to come here with Daesung but couldn’t, which is disappointing. Even if we don’t express it outright, the members are together as one team with Daesung in our hearts. We are always supporting and worrying over him.”
He added, “We’re working harder than ever to make sure that we can return as five members as fast as possible.”
Until the year-end, Big Bang will be promoting as solos and in units. Currently, Taeyang’s solo album is scheduled for release within the second half of the year.
Heheheh...akak pun jumpa link lagu Until Whenever (during concert) baru2 ni aj ...
stanum123 Post at 22-7-2011 12:05
hehehe...mmg tu pun hjatnya...tgh tggu masa xbz..lpas tu nk spazzing puas2 laaaaa...sume noona da ltak baby as 2nd bias ke??{:1_126:} xpe2,uolz wat skendel tlarang pon AM xkisah...jnji title wife tu AM pegang
AM, parah dah kita nih...laki melayu pun pandang enteng je. camne nih? tak ka ...
luvsushi Post at 22-7-2011 12:33
smlm da kene bahan da ngan sorang kawan laki nih...die tgk wpaper AM pic seungri....abes AM kene kutuk.....hohoho
ok apa seungri,xkn nk letak gmbar dia lak...koserr
hari ini dalam sejarah...(i mean, yesterday )
nanti lepas 15 tahun kita tgk balik artikel nih...
YGEX the best!
YG the mastermind...pandai dia. dia tak nak follow the usual typical style. ikot je kehendak the japs. soh tukar hangul ke jepun...tukar. soh tukar konsep baju cam japun...tukar. he needs to put a stop somewhere. if it's korean style, then let it be. tak perlu tukar keseluruhannya (excluding bahasa) just to suit kehendak pasaran jepun. i know what's playing in his mind - he wants the japanese to embrace korean style lak. u want us, u have to accept us just the way we are.
YG berpegang teguh pada prinsip. he's a family man, so he brings the whole family to japan. good for them
YG outlines his master plan with YGEX and avexJuly 21, 2011 at 10:12 pm
On July 21st, YG Entertainment and avex announced the establishment of their new collaboration label, ‘YGEX‘, through a press conference at a hotel in Odaiba, Tokyo.
The event was attended by Yang Hyun Suk, YG artists, and avex’s Mastuura Masato, as well as 600 different reporters from major Japanese outlets like NHK and Yomiuri News.
Yang Hyun Suk expressed, “YG Entertainment is celebrating its 15th anniversary this year. We’ve set up an agency named YGEX with our great partner, avex, and this will mark the start of our Japanese advancement. Not only will 2NE1 be debuting in Japan in September, but all future debuts under YG will debut both in Korea and Japan at the same time through YGEX. YG, like it has always done, will be actively producing albums through YGEX.”
He continued, “When YG artists advance into Japan, we will not be matching our style to the Japanese style, but rather presenting a music that echoes YG itself. avex expressed that they like and understand YG’s music, so in the future, all music will be released in Japan through YGEX.” ---> ini yang i paaaaaaaling suke!!
Mastuura added, “I’m glad to be able to present this new project with YG. I’ve felt a lot of things through my various meetings with Yang Hyun Suk, and I’m happy to be able to work with him.”
2NE1’s CL said, “We’ll be starting our Japanese promotions soon, so we’re glad to be working with seniors who have already advanced.” Dara added, “I’ve become the communications director for 2NE1 a while ago, so I’ll be working as the cutie Director Park in Japan. This is my first time revealing this, but YG Family will be holding our 15th anniversary concert in both Korea and Japan this year.”
Big Bang’s G-Dragon said, “I’m glad that we’re all able to work together through YGEX. Big Bang has been working as solos, units, and as a group this past year, and through YGEX, we will be working in Japan in the same manner. It hasn’t been decided yet who will come out first, but the person who has the best final results will be promoting in Japan first.”
T.O.P. expressed,“YG Family is dependable, so I’m glad to be working with them.” Maknae Seungri stated, “I don’t think there’s an idol who has a style like Big Bang’s in Japan. The members of Big Bang will be working as both solos and units in Japan.”
Gummy said, “As for me, I’ll be advancing in Japan soon so I’m glad that I can depend on YG Family. I’ll become a singer who succeeds with her vocals in Japan.”
Se7en said, “It’s fun being here with everyone today. Since we’re all working under one agency in Japan, we’ll be supporting each other as much as possible. I’m also confident in that I’ll be able to do better on my Japanese promotions than before.”
hari ini dalam sejarah...(i mean, yesterday )
nanti lepas 15 tahun kita tgk balik artikel nih...
luvsushi Post at 22-7-2011 12:51
YG mmg pikir jauh kan... lpas ni msti ramai artis kpop lain yg leh masuk industri jpun pakai lagu diorang je...lagu2 korea tukar ke jepun serius pelik..AM dgr pon gelak sorang2 jerk
Maknae Seungri stated, “I don’t think there’s an idol who has a style like Big Bang’s in Japan.
soooooo TRUE baby!! diorang sntiasa 1 step ahead.. n bak kata jidi,klau ada yg tiru diorang,diorang akan wat kelainan so that diorang sntiasa kat dpan...wargh!love bigbang!
hehehe...mmg tu pun hjatnya...tgh tggu masa xbz..lpas tu nk spazzing puas2 laaaaa...s ...
adikmanis Post at 22-7-2011 12:49
tabi mmg pantang nampak baby panda buat peace. cepat je dia halang
hehehe...baby kelakar...ngan peace sign and muka poyo ala2 macho tuh, tetiba tabi dtg dan musnahkan kepoyaan dia tuh. lol!
great people with great minds talk about great ideas
and that's our papa YG
YG will tackle the American market “within the next year or two”July 22, 2011 at 4:40 am
On July 21st, YG Entertainment’s Yang Hyun Suk expressed his confidence in the power of K-pop during the press conference for ‘YGEX‘.
In an interview with the press, he stated, “The reason YG Entertainment has been so passive with international advancements was because we spent a lot of time on the production of music. We wanted to take the music we were doing in Korea over to the Japanese and European market.”
He continued, “After Big Bang debuted in Japan, I coincidentally met with avex’s CEO Max Mastuura. We resembled each other in that we were introverts who both enjoyed fishing as a hobby. While talking about music together, we began dreaming of the establishment of YGEX. My first condition was that I didn’t want to adjust YG’s musical color to better suit Japan, and Matsuura himself promised that he would respect our color and not try to change it.”
Commenting on the K-Pop wave reaching Europe and the Americas, he said, “The quality of Korean content is high and it’s globalizing at a fast pace. The potential of the market is infinite. I was able to see the potential of advancing into the American market by watching over the changes in the European market. The American market will open within the next year or two.”
The first up for YGEX is 2NE1. In addition to their Japanese version of “I Am The Best“, the girls will be releasing two more digital singles on August 10th and 31st, which will be followed by their debut Japanese album on September 21st. Starting with Yokohama on September 19th, the girls will be kicking off their Japanese tour, which will run through Kobe and Chiba.
and for me, the best news for today goes to...
Daesung to be inactive for rest of the year, Big Bang to comeback in 2012July 22, 2011 at 5:23 am
In light of recent events, Big Bang’s Daesung was absent during YG Entertainment’s recent Japanese advancement ceremony.
On July 21st, YG Entertainment and avex came together at Odaiba’s Hotel Nikkoto commemorate their new brand, ‘YGEX‘. Among the YG artists, those who attended included Se7en, Gummy, Big Bang (sans Daesung), and 2NE1. At the launching ceremony, the YG artists had the opportunity to spend time with the Japanese press and officials.
During the event, CEO Yang Hyun Suk stated, “Daesung could not attend today. This year, he will be careful and will also show patience. He is very disappointed in himself and feels very apologetic to the other members. Therefore, Big Bang will not be promoting anything more this year. All the members will wait until [Daesung] returns. In any case, the situation has disappointed and upset fans. Thus, Daesung will dream of a new hope while reflecting [during the rest of this year].”
--->awww...apa- apa pun i'm glad that he's still in good state of mind and masih ramai orang di sekelilingnya yang kuat bagi support pada daedae esp the YG Fam. daedae can really depends on them.
He added, “Instead, the other members who have solo or unit activities will continue those as planned. Starting in September, the members’ personal activities will unfold simultaneously. Although there won’t be a unified Big Bang, the individual characteristics of the members in their solo activities will hopefully soothe the disappointment of the fans.” ---> can't wait!
While it’s really unfortunate that Big Bang may not be able to make a comeback as a group this year, we hope that Daesung will take this time to reflect and grow from his painful experience. Meanwhile, stay tuned as we bring you updates on solo and unit activities within Big Bang.
yorobun...kalo tahun depan daedae dah pulih... kita serang Big Show ek!
An excerpt about G-Dragon from a ranking of 2011′s most influential fashion stars that was put together by a team of 32 fashion experts such as stylists, fashion magazine editors, fashion designers, etc.
One of the most influential persons in fashion from celebrities is Big Bang’s leader G-Dragon (Kwon Ji Young). Whom with 9 votes ranked #3 in the entire ranking and ranked #1 as a male celebrity. Voters commented:
“He’s a fashion explorer who isn’t afraid to try radical things.“
“Whenever he tries any new fashion items, the next day they’re already being sold in Dongdaemun (clothing retailer).“
I guess maknae wasn’t lying when he said you can find everything GD wears out in street stores :O GD is definitely an adventurer when it comes to fashion and that makes him great in my mind. congrats! =)
bini2 gd...update!
Dating rumors about G-Dragon and Kiko Mizuhara fire up once againJuly 22, 2011 at 9:56 am
Although the rumored relationship between Big Bang’s G-Dragon and Japanese actress Kiko Mizuhara died down last year after adamant denials from both parties in the aftermath, it looks like netizens are bringing it up again due to apparently newfound ‘evidence’.
Originating from a popular internet forum, photos suggesting that the two went on dates quickly spread like wildfire. The pair are seen eating together, and are snapped at an amusement park. Although the shots don’t seem to be recent (mainly due to G-Dragon’s hairstyle and his seasonal clothes), netizens and fans alike are burning with curiosity over the nature of the photos.
YG Entertainment revealed that they weren’t aware of the photos since it involved G-Dragon’s personal life, however, they will be confirming if the dating rumor is true or not.
Some are suggesting it might be photoshopped...
ni dari miraculous defeat jidi n daedae rite? xtgk lagi yg nih..baru korek yg jidi ngan baby jerk thx 4 tepeking sis....badan jidi ni mcm jeli...cntik je lentok2,swing2 da la kurus bebenor...nnt kita pos appeton weightgain utk dia eh...
110723 Big Bang off to New Zealand for a photo shoot for North Face!
GD and TOP looking super fine in North Face gear..( I just love it when Jiyong smile, such a boy! ) Taeyang and Seungri looked tired tho..take care boys..