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Author: hhhhh

BOYS BEFORE FLOWERS - JIB 12~Lee Min Ho/Go Hye Sun/Kim Hyun Joong

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Post time 12-9-2009 03:55 AM | Show all posts
090906 Goo Hye Sun & F3 (Lee Min Ho,Kim Bum,Kim Joon) at BOF Event Press Conference Japan

jihoo sunbae xde......

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Post time 12-9-2009 05:56 AM | Show all posts
congrates utk BOF :

Seoul International Drama Award 2009

Top Ranking Actor:

1st: Kim Hyun Joong “Boys over Flowers” - Best Actor winner / total vote of 25,52,982
2nd: Lee Jun Ki “Il Ji-M ...
isabel Post at 11-9-2009 21:02

dulu aku bengang giler ngan KHJ sbb kalahkan LMH dlm award ni..
tp selepas peristiwa 3 sept 09...
aku rasa KHJ sgt layak memilikinya...

hwaiting JiHoo sunbae!!!!!:pompom::pompom:

and congrats to our drama!!!:pompom:

Boys Over Flowers is the best!!!!!:pompom:

ap-per-por poreber!!!!!:pompom:

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Post time 12-9-2009 07:05 AM | Show all posts
cdt to brigichii @ soompi

Pictures of BOF"s japan promotion


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Post time 12-9-2009 07:27 AM | Show all posts
congrates utk BOF :

Seoul International Drama Award 2009

Top Ranking Actor:

1st: Kim Hyun Joong “Boys over Flowers” - Best Actor winner / total vote of 25,52,982
2nd: Lee Jun Ki “Il Ji-M ...
isabel Post at 11-9-2009 21:02


Prettyself explanatory? The smash hit drama Boys Over Flowers adopted fromthe Japanese manga ‘Hana Dori Yango‘ has been voted the Best TV Dramaby 22.2 million votes on an online survey, based on series’ that haveaired across Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, Japan and South Korea. Goes toshow the extent of not only the show’s popularity but also each castmember’s growing fan base as they probably make up the majority of thevotes rather than casual watchers (there’s a lot of HyeSun/Minho loversout there).

Side heart throb Kim Hyun Joong of SS501was alsovoted as most popular actor totalling over 25.5 million votes :| whichis some crazy voting. This joint online poll was conducted by SeoulInternational Drama Awards and Yahoo!kr from across 50 countries.



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Post time 12-9-2009 07:33 AM | Show all posts
sebab ada pasal ai tepek jugak kat sini ya...
SoEulmate poreber....:pompom:

Kim So Eun dislikes playboys like So Yi Jeong

TheJapanese Promotion on the 5th at Yokohama University Hall was agreatsuccess, featuring many cool songs and performances, andgeneratinggreat harmony between the Korean artists and Japanese fans.

Onthis day Kim So Eun expressed, “This is a good event, lettingtheJapanese fans learn more about me” and “I’m also very close toBoF’sJan Di. I was like a family to her. However I dislike playboyslike SoYi Jeong.”

On boyfriend-girlfriend relationships, Kim So Eunsaid, “If I were todate, I want a boyfriend who understand the demands of my job. BoF’s GaEul seems like a very nice girl. She was able toovercome manydifficulties and lead her boyfriend in the rightdirection.”

She said the following about love scenes with KimBum: “Because I’m inthe same university as Kim Bum, we were both veryembarassed to do lovescenes together. While we were shooting, I had ascene where I slippedand fell into Kim Bum’s embrace, and the scenewas very embarassing forthe both of us. Even though Kim Bum has a very lively and brightpersonality in school, he is very serious whileacting. It is a new lookfor him.”

She said that she wants to become an actress that is capable ofchanging, like a chameleon, andact in many different roles. She alsoasks the Japanese fans to continue supporting her.

Source: bumsso

Kim Bum is not a playboy like So Yi Jeong

KimBum arrived at Yokohama University Hall on the 6th, around 4PM fortheJapanese promotions, and then flew back to Korea at 8PM. During the4hours he was present he attended three events.

At the pressconference Kim Bum expressed, “I am not a playboy like SoYi Jeong.When I make friends I’m very serious, and cherish myrelationships. Iam a good person, so please like and love me a lot. The‘BoF DVD’ thatis selling in Japan has shots from major attractions inKorea. Pleasecheck it out.”

At the BoF event Kim Bum said the following abouthis busy schedule, “Assoon as I arrive in Korea I have to startshooting for ‘Dream’ rightaway. It’s a shame but I promise we willmeet again, and I will workvery hard”, which garnered much applausefrom the Japanese fans.

More pictures from the event:

GuHye Sun also said the following about Kim Bum, “He is the type thatispopular among the ladies because he is as handsome/charming as SoYiJeong.

Source : bumsso

:pompom::pompom::pompom:........hidup SoEulmate......:pompom::pompom::pompom:

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Post time 12-9-2009 02:03 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by minho_nora at 12-9-2009 14:05


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Post time 12-9-2009 02:52 PM | Show all posts
nora ko wat sendiri ker neh

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Post time 12-9-2009 03:05 PM | Show all posts
nora ko wat sendiri ker neh
Ley Post at 12-9-2009 14:52

x ar...curik kat soompi jer..
haruss gi umah KHJ kat soompi nun lps peristiwa 3 sep 09 saje...

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Post time 13-9-2009 08:47 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Ley at 13-9-2009 20:51

Today's Hanadan23


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Post time 13-9-2009 10:18 PM | Show all posts

owh tidak.. ajumma wat duit giler2... gugugug... nk beli ke idok ni.. dah ler dpt date utk Suju concert kat bangkok bln nov.. mak aiii pengsan... dec or jan lak concert JH sunbae.. aigooooooo... mati kering aku kacuttttttttt.. nae, me taw pasal yg wings tu, tp kalo RM80 ade tambah agik jd 3 brg lg best ler kan... mana satu nk beli nih,.. ade mcm2 nk beli... sabo aje... me kena usahakan satu2..

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Post time 13-9-2009 11:11 PM | Show all posts
sblm tido layan dulu clip ledo main gitar n cute2 scene dia..
[09.07.11] Kim Hyun Joong Guitar Performance - BOF Japan Fanmeeting [Mnet Japan]

paper utusan pun ade citer pasal JH kena H1N1 ..
omo Nora, gugugug mcm mana leh teralih arah ni.. makan ati MH nanti taw...

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Post time 13-9-2009 11:36 PM | Show all posts

adoi.. tak menahan tgk time nih... kalo deme wat kat mesia mmg abih aaa.. sume minik pecah pewot..

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Post time 14-9-2009 12:46 AM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Ley at 13-9-2009 20:51

Today's Hanadan23


Ley Post at 13-9-2009 20:47

yeay!!MinSun moments:pompom::pompom:

dan langkah seterusnya adalah pergi ke soompi dan tggu analisys dr pasu munge...


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Post time 14-9-2009 12:50 AM | Show all posts
paper utusan pun ade citer pasal JH kena H1N1 ..
omo Nora, gugugug mcm mana leh teralih arah ni.. makan ati MH nanti taw...
Hana_Hirokawa Post at 13-9-2009 23:11

ari ni xbaca paper pun....
hana unni tempek ar artikel tu kat sini...

kekekeke..teralih arah skit je..selagi namaku ada minho..selagi tu la aku akan cuba utk setia pada minho...

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Post time 14-9-2009 03:37 AM | Show all posts
now it's time!!

From GHS's thread credit to susAmerica...

Translation of HYD BTS EPISODE 23 from MNET

@0.55, It is the BOF scene where Jandi loudly invites JP to go and play with her. JP puts his hand over her mouth to stop her yelling. A staff person tells HS that her nose is red. Jandi agrees and says that MH was too rough with her and hurt her nose making it red and she feels as if she is going to have a nose bleed and that her nose is swollen. She tells the camera pouting and is looking at herself in the mirror for the redness.

(don't you agree that this sort of act is something that us girls normally do to a boyfriend/crush if we want attention or if we're playing around with them?)

MH, in an upset voice, tells HS that she has a constant habit of making him feel guilty towards her.

(and this is exactly the sort of way a boyfriend would react after... hahaha! MINHO-YA! Why are you affected?) LOL

@1:30, HS is again complaining that her jaws and the bottom part of her face hurt a lot.

@1:37 HS complains directly to MH and MH really looks upset now and says AISH at HS who is still checking her face for any sign of bruise in front of MH when he is being groomed for the scene. (He looks upset for real somehow!)

@1:51, MH again makes the sound of frustration with a hint of smile on his face as if he is so used to HS making him feel bad.

(I think Minho has accepted his fate that Hyesun always nags at him for not taking care of her enough... Gosh! this reminds me so much of the meaning behind BEAUTIFUL MESS which Minho posted on his CY... that even if sometimes she irritates him, he still likes her a lot...

I just remembered, didn't Hyesun say in her interview about her exes how she's greedy for their time if she's a relationship and they say she's needy that's why the relationship doesn't last?

You're the kind of girl who can take down a man,
And lift him back up again
You are strong but you're needy,
Humble but you're greedy

Fits her to a T... hehehe!)

@1:52 they seem to finish the scene well.

@3:00 MH and HS are joking and smiling again at the filming site where Jandi says good-bye to JP. MH was explaining the scene and he also says that he has not had time to eat dinner so he has no strength in his legs when he has to chase the bus after Jandi.

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Post time 14-9-2009 03:40 AM | Show all posts

Today's Hanadan BTS 23 now out...

It's once again made for MinSun shippers like us, because we once again get a glimpse of the undongseng like Minho scolding Hyesun and Hyesun acting girly and doing aegyo in front of Minho...

I love how she was complaining about him manhandling her and how he's downplaying it and saying sorry... hehehe!

Hyesun's playing up to Minho to the max... LOL

Minho is scolding Hyesun and acting cool but can't take his eyes off her... hehehe!

The staring is really part and parcel of any MinSun BTS...

They just have so much fun together!

A perfect description of Minho's ideal girl/relationship... someone whom he can bicker and have fun with just like they're the best of friends...

credit to pasu munge...

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Post time 14-9-2009 03:53 AM | Show all posts

tgk muka jihoo sunbae dlm ni..
jelas leh nmpk betapa sakitnya dia masa ni..sanggup gak dia kuar nk greet fans japan..

jihoo sunbae!!!get well soon...

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Post time 14-9-2009 06:33 AM | Show all posts
sorry lisa nak kacau jap....hihhihi...

nak tanya sgt2, tp korang jgn laaa ketawa....

kenapa 4 jejaka dlm citer nih digelar F4??? kan tuh group yg mmg dah terkenal kan kat taiwan?? or just maknanya yg lain??? or just mmg nak tiru as group 4 org tuh??? or tak de kena mengena.....

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Post time 14-9-2009 07:16 AM | Show all posts

owh tidak.. ajumma wat duit giler2... gugugug... nk beli ke idok ni.. dah ler dpt date utk Suju concert kat bangkok bln nov.. mak aiii pengsan... dec or jan lak conce ...
Hana_Hirokawa Post at 13-9-2009 22:18

walaweiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii....hana unni mmg btul2 stalker terhebatttttttttttt thun ini!!!!

pegi ke bangkok tgk SUJU tu?? klu pegi.........mmg tabik spring melantun2 ni...........:pompom:

oct - stalk minho kt sg
nov - stalk SUJU kt bangkok
dec or jan - stalk dabel s kt m'sia


psl light stick tu~~~huhuhuhuh...tau xpe....klu rm50 dpt 1 bnde yg 3 brg tu, rm80 la kn~~~cm biaselaaa ahjumma tu.... :re: lg2 dgr dabel s dh dtg m'sia~~mmg byk lakkkkkk brg2 dabel s tu..........

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Post time 14-9-2009 07:20 AM | Show all posts
sorry lisa nak kacau jap....hihhihi...

nak tanya sgt2, tp korang jgn laaa ketawa....

kenapa 4 jejaka dlm citer nih digelar F4??? kan tuh group yg mmg dah terkenal kan kat taiwan?? or just ...
eddlisa_uyuk Post at 14-9-2009 06:33

klu xsilapppp laaaaaaa..........mmg asal cite komik tu mmg dh tulis F4 FLOWER 4 kekdahnye~~~

sbb kununnnye dorg ni tersgtla chantekkkkkkkk (klu yg korea pny, mmg btul....ensem macho gagah perkasa )

*ni mngikut logik akal saye yg xbpe nk btul ni tau~~~klu nk lg kepastian..................leh tggu yg lain jwb *

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