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Author: skymania


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Post time 21-7-2011 12:08 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1500# luvsushi

hakhakhak..geli kan?? I mmg tak bley blah bila tgk Tae shirtless! aiyoo...too much sexiness is not good olso maa..I like him fully clothed.. Bila dia senyum & wat mata mashi maru sepet tu ya ampun chumilnye..Owh! i like him with IU too!! I kenot think of him with another gal..mintak2 la diorg ni jadik kan satu hari kene tggu IU abeh sekolah dulu la..  Lawak siot Top-shi dlm 2NE1tv nih..mmg Binggu TOP sunggoh! that's why we love him though..

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Post time 21-7-2011 12:32 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1501# stanum123

kelakar TOPshi...dia kata bila ngan BB members dia jadik mcm uncle diorang. lol! TOP ahjussi.... i love u no matter what
pastu part gd ngan kush dok gelakkan gambar promo Turn It Up dia jadik poster utk mesin mainan. kehkehkeh...TOP siap nak amik gamba.
then, trademark tabik spring TOP. dia selalu buat gitu. masa kat bommie pun dia selalu tease gitu.  tak tau sejarah tabik spring tu. anybody knows?


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Post time 21-7-2011 02:34 AM | Show all posts
Kiko nih nakal ckit tp sbnrnya sgt baik... Sker dia.


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Post time 21-7-2011 08:19 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1503# Kittie

kittie dear... ni gamba baru ke gamba lama?
rambut gd masa ni blonde. was this taken in 2010 or was it recently masa concert kat japan?   
i like skydragon pairing very much. hot and badass!
tapi kalo ngan kiko ni pun cute gak cuma kiko ni of course lebih tinggi dari dia. hehe!

bini2 gd sekalian...jgn jealous

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Post time 21-7-2011 08:54 AM | Show all posts
Kiko nih nakal ckit tp sbnrnya sgt baik... Sker dia.
Kittie Post at 21-7-2011 02:34

Owh cik kittie! kiko mizuhara ni mmg sgt chomel...unik muka dia x mcm typical japanese kan...hari tu heboh kata diorg ni bercinta senyap2, siap pakai cincin sama ala2 couple ring dh dinafikan oleh YG..Stanum rasa so far minah ni je yg pnh digossipkan skendel dgn GD kan?? entah2 mmg betoi diorg bercinta..Uwaa!!! Tetap jelous jugaks!!

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Post time 21-7-2011 09:25 AM | Show all posts
Kiko nih nakal ckit tp sbnrnya sgt baik... Sker dia.
Kittie Post at 21-7-2011 02:34 AM

2 2 comey.....sangat sherashi.. ai

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Post time 21-7-2011 11:27 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1506# nzhass79

sherashi bershama...
pernah tgk tak mv kiko ni nyanyi ala2 comey? ni yg gd tertambat hati kot...
hmmm...kalo betul pun i tak kesah...pepandai le gd and the gang cover line.
i suka je dia bercinta-cintun senyap2...tetiba je nanti after years baru meledak cam se7en and han byul or YG and wifey
bini2 gd sekalian jgn makan hati ye... *lariiiiii.................

Mizuhara Kiko sings LOVE (utk sape ek? )

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Post time 21-7-2011 01:33 PM | Show all posts
gambar tu mcm gambar baru kan...
gd punya hairstyle tu macam rambut dia time bigbang buat concert 'love & hope tour' kt japan bulan mei lepas.  
suka tgk GD time tu. handsome habess

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Post time 21-7-2011 02:16 PM | Show all posts
gambar tu mcm gambar baru kan...
gd punya hairstyle tu macam rambut dia time bigbang buat concert ' ...
fiza1 Post at 21-7-2011 13:33

Ya lor...I pun rs gambar ni baru lagi..masa diorg gi wat concert kat Japan last May..henskem kan fiza!!

hamboi sushi...saja nk bakor minik2 GD kat sini ek...mencik tau! what 2 do, kita semua terpaksa terima hakikat bermadus...  

Hehehe...but of coz I want by bias to be happy!! Having a girlfriend who can cheer him up esp. during trying time (like Dae Dae incident...)..Come to think of it, he's  a fashion icon, so it would be just right for him to date a high fashion model like Kiko.. (senyum dlm paksaan.............  )

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Post time 21-7-2011 02:21 PM | Show all posts
While waiting for YG announcement in Japan, I saw this!! An update from Seungri on his me2day!

Seungri: 다섯명이고싶다 ^^ 평생
Seungri: Five people ^^ for a lifetime.

translated: sammi@ibigbang

Uwaa!!!   uri baby panda is so sweet!!! Even tho Dae Dae didn't join them in Japan, he's always in their thought..we love u even more maknae!!{:1_147:}

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Post time 21-7-2011 04:14 PM | Show all posts
Finally..the surprise I've been waiting for is out & LOUD! Yupp, YG is the MAN
(in between doing office reports sempat spazzing lg..hikhik)
YG Entertainment and Avex Japan form YGEX [NEWS]

What is YGEX?
A birth of a record label dedicated exclusively to YG FAMILY!

The name is "YGEX", attributing to the collaboration of YG FAMILY "YG" with AVEX "EX".
"EX" also inspired by words like "EXPERIENCE" and "EXCLUSIVE", carries connotations of it being the one and only label you can experience YG FAMILY.

The collaboration between YG, not bound to just Asia now spreading as a worldwide trend "YG POP", and AVEX who has always innovated and led the Japanese music scene, is definitely a match up bound to create a new and unpredictable form of entertainment.

From official website: / video from YGLcrazyxcami

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Main points from the live stream:
- YG and Avex will be working together as YGEX.
- President Yang: "We will be perfect partners for each other. This is a dream project for me."
- Max Matsuura: "Jpop or Kpop, we will bring the best music to all fans out there."
- YGEX to start operations in Japan this September.
- Se7en to release a mini-album. Gummy also working on new music.
- Big Bang will be working on solo projects and as a group. Seungri: "Big Bang, as 5 people, we will work as a group too. Not just solo projects."
- 2NE1 to have a Japan tour this September:
- There will be a 15th anniversary YG Family concert this year both in Korea and Japan.

Thanks to JC (@Joyciepo0)  and Tisya for the quick translations!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Q. Your thoughts about being part of YGEX with all the YG Family?
GD: Being able to be together as YG Family makes me happy and I feel confident.
T.O.P: Being able to be together makes me happy.
CL: I think we all have the same feeling as a family and to be able to debut as 2NE1 here makes me happy.
Dara: Ibecame the advertisement manager and I will also become the fresh manager Park in Japan as well.
Bom: I’m looking forward to being able to show a various side of us to our fans.

Q. To BIGBANG, you guys released solo and unit albums. what was that like?
GD: We worked on solo projects and we will be doing the same this year.
TOP: we were really excited and felt a different type of fun by being able to do the music we wanted to do and being able to show a different side of us apart from big bang

Q. Can we look forward to having solo and unit activities in Japan?
GD: We were able to do a lot of things last year and we hope to do the same thing in Japan in the near future.

Q. We would like to ask 2NE1, you’ll be releasing an album on september 27th and the concert tour has been set so what are your thoughts on that?
Bom: I can’t tell you yet but we’ll be coming out with fresh music.

Q. You said yourself that you were a manager, so when you’re in Japan how do you plan on promoting?
Dara: Just like in korea, I plan to making things fun by planning fun events and making 2NE1. known and also by learning Japanese.

Q. You had something important to tell us?
Dara: There will be a YG family concert in Japan and Korea soon.

Translations from solshin3 @

Artist from Avex - Amuro Namie, BoA, Clazziquai, DA PUMP, Do As Infinity, EXILE, Fantastic Plastic Machine, Gackt, Maki Goto, Ayumi Hamasaki, Vivian Hsu, Kitano Kii, Koda Kumi, m-flo, misono, Miura Daichi, Monkey Majik, Otsuka Ai, Sowelu, SPEED, Suzuki Ami, Sweetbox, Tackey & Tsubasa, Anna Tsuchiya, U-KISS...

Read more:

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Post time 21-7-2011 06:06 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by Kittie at 21-7-2011 18:08
Owh cik kittie! kiko mizuhara ni mmg sgt chomel...unik muka dia x mcm typical japanese kan...har ...
stanum123 Post at 21-7-2011 08:54

kiko nih korean la. die korean-american, pestuh pindah jepun, then tukar nama ke jepun.

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Post time 21-7-2011 06:07 PM | Show all posts
kittie dear... ni gamba baru ke gamba lama?
rambut gd masa ni blonde. was this  ...
luvsushi Post at 21-7-2011 08:19

gmbr nih baru la... roots dier pjg dah kan tuh, dier cut yg blonde tuh masa MV tonight, so tinggal yg itam.

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Post time 21-7-2011 08:21 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 21-7-2011 10:15 PM | Show all posts
sore GD nehhh!!!!!!!...
listening Big Bang Big Show Live Concert... wow... daebak... lom lg tgk dvd.....
giler arrrr....

@stan.. gambo TOP kat ateh tu, amboiiiiiiiii... emsem giler... takde ke gambo yg tak emsem?? pening tau asik tgk gambo hemsem TOP je... gambo cute GD, gambo notti SR

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Post time 21-7-2011 10:51 PM | Show all posts
Reply 1515# nzhass79

gambor TOP yg x ensem?? hmm...mano nk carik kak zue..dia wat muka binggu TOP pun ensem.. tgk la tu, org len semua pakai kaler itam dia sorg pakai suite puteh..TABI ni sj tau nk menggugat kesetiaan I..

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Post time 21-7-2011 11:44 PM | Show all posts
sedih la plak tengok gambar yg family tu... takde daedae. banyak yg dia dh miss.
YGEX tu special for yg family je. tak sabar nak tau apa planning diorg lepas ni.
katanya, nnti akan ada yg family concert in korea and japan this year sempena anniversary YGE yg ke-15. mintak2 la daedae join skali.

p/s: seungri ni betul2 dh mengancam kedudukan TOP as my 2nd bias. hehe... sweet sgt mesej dia tu. terharu baca..

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Post time 22-7-2011 12:57 AM | Show all posts
Reply  luvsushi

Onni!! this is the best news of d day!!
I hope more good news will fol ...
stanum123 Post at 19-7-2011 21:27

   wow sis!!1st time tgk clip nih...nape AM xpenah jmpa b4 nih {:1_126:} huwaaaa....makin hari makin btambah cinta kat hubby2 kita nih....smpai laki mlayu pon AM da xpandang da kwn nk kutuk ke apa ke lntak korang la...once VIP,alwayz VIP

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Post time 22-7-2011 01:06 AM | Show all posts nk meletup dada tgk korang dok spazzing kat sini nk join gak tp serius da byk ttinggal pasal bigbang nih...bila la smpat update balik....

baxia AM!!! ~baby seunghyun~

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 Author| Post time 22-7-2011 11:26 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1476# luvsushi

    sedap gak lagu GD buat tuk PMS neh...


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