Reply #1497 cranko21's post
Actually mrt yang dekat is either bedok or kembangan. eunos kan after kembangan takkan lah lagi dekat. furthermore for me dari kembangan mrt its only a 15-20 min walk to siglap centre. kalau naik bas lagi cepat.kalau nak makan murah dekat siglap opposite shell station ada kedai kopi nama dia mas ayu its within walking distance abt 10mins, not bad. kalau nak hawker centre nye style kat hdb marine crescent nye area ada. i stay in kembangan lol |
Reply #1505 m_ardiana's post
trip u ni mcm mengexplore abis abisan sentosa nih ..tp jgn risau..tanpa masuk tempat2 yg bebaya yg u mention tu pun u can still enjoy sentosa |
Reply #1505 m_ardiana's post
it is best kalau nak gi sentosa.. ambik pacakge deal.. lagi murah. |
Originally posted by PABLOQUE777 at 20-11-2007 01:33 PM 
kak cranko,
i nak pg spore pd 27 dec ni..
ada sale tak time tu?
and kat mana tpt jual sup tulang merah yg paling sedap?
yummm yummm...tak sabarnye nak g spore...
dh byk kali pg tp tak abis ...
masa tu post christmas and new year sales tgh on la tu...
sup tulang tu adik gi lah kat Golden Mile Food Court (kita kat sini refer that place as Sup Tulang at Beach Road jer), ia terletak opposite Golden Mile Complex.
kalau ikut tangga tengah (ni tangga yg dekat ngan carpark entrance) turun jer.. adik akan lihat a few chinese food on your left and u akan menghadap ngan kedai mamak sederet.. hahhh. beli dari kedai yg tengah tu..
tak pun.. just tengok kedai mana ramai org beli dan kedai mana byk acknowledgement.
kekadang tu.. susah kita nak ckp mana sedap mana tak.. lain org lain rasa maaaaa.... |
Reply #1506 DarkBaron's post
ye tak ye eh.. camna aku leh terlupa psl kembangan mrt..
haah la.. kembangan Mrt dekat..
tapi membetis gak laaa nak sampai ke Mandarin gardens tu.. adehhhh |
Reply #1510 cranko21's post
yeap thats y kalau saudari tu stay kat mandarin gardens just take buses to and from bedok mrt lagi senang. kembangan mrt takda direct bus jalan gi mandarin garderns.eunos pulak tak tahu. sbs nye website leh tengok bus routes. |
Reply #1509 cranko21's post
thx kak..
mmg tempat tu saje yg jual sup tulang ekh?
chili crab lak? hehe |
Reply #1509 cranko21's post
thx kak..
mmg tempat tu saje yg jual sup tulang ekh?
chili crab lak? hehe |
Reply #1512 PABLOQUE777's post
actually ada a few places yg jual sup tulang tapi mmg Beach Road
well known for it.
utk ezanne kalau nak makan seafood selalunya gi Newton circus.
Tapi actually ada banyak lagi places yg blh makan seafood. |
mari kita tgk di mana ada sales2 menarik minggu nieeeeeeeeee
New Balance Warehouse Sale
22 Nov till Sunday, 25 Nov. 10am to 8pm. All modes of payment.
Address : The Comtech 60 Alexandara Terrace, Function Room 2.
Reply #1511 PABLOQUE777's post
cam kata ezane la yang...
sop tulang ni terkenal di Beach Road .. tapi tempat2 lain pun ada gak..
cam di West Coast dan di Changi
kalau seafood.. byk tempat oooooo....
di newton ada, di changi ada, di geylang ada... |
aku tak penah makan seafood kat spore nih.... tak tau kat mana nak tuju... seafood kat spore masak style apa? aku prefer chinese style cooking seafood, kalau kat msia nih seafood style thai aka tomyam banyak. in sense of pricing, mahal tak? |
Reply #1514 adnil's post
seafood here mmg masak style cina atau Thai...
byk kat sini babe..
hampir semua area ada kedai jual seafood actually... some kedai owner melayu, cook cina.. some kedai owner mmg cina tapi dorang ada permit halal..
di town/central ada newton seafood, sakura restaurant, ABC seafood, makan house(jln kelapa), sakhuntalas,
di west area ada the meeting place(clementi), nury seafood, al ameen restaurant,
di east area ada makmur restaurant, kpg chai chee seafood, Changi Village market, chai chee seafood, razack, downtown east, chengfu, lagun sari
di north area ada bilal restaurant, rasa2 restaurant,
dan byk lagilah..
kang I cublah buat list ya...
tak janji bila tu akan berlaku lahhh.. heheheheheee |
Reply #1507 DarkBaron's post
Thanks DarkBaron..
Pia dah surf page SBS & most of the bus yg ada N kat blkg tu (e.g bus 4N) bus farenye mahal la sampai $2.50..
tp kalau bus lain $0.89-$1.50 je..nape ek
& Singapore ni well known for its bus punctuality kan..
kat dlm page sbs tu siap letak freq min bus lagi..most of the bus mmg punctual ikut freq time tu ke..
Thanks again |
Reply #1514 cranko21's post
wa tadi malam baru makan kat chai chee restaurant tapi skarang nama dia dah tukar o la la i think to distinguish from kg chai chee.sedap black pepper crap. |
Reply #1515 kucingpia's post
Sama sama kalau saya boleh menolong apa salahnya.Tapi tak salah i ada juga bas dari bedok interchange kan yang jalan pass by ni mandarin gardens if im not wrong.sure ada nye. |
Reply #1515 kucingpia's post
[ Last edited by chumpon at 25-11-2007 09:39 PM ] |
Reply #1515 kucingpia's post
[ Last edited by chumpon at 24-11-2007 08:57 PM ] |
undur This user has been deleted
bugis junction with lantern decorations for mooncake festival
bugis street - under renovation
view from a shop in bugis junction's Edge area.
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undur This user has been deleted

On my street... where I don't live! That looks like me standing on the street! All looking at stripper in front of lorry YR6710Z.

Wahhhh!!! This one can see me if I stick my head out the window!

At least this one cannot see!
"In my Dreams!" |
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