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Author: Truth.8

[MERGED]--Room inside Kaba is a forbidden.Why? - Pict page 43

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 Author| Post time 17-11-2008 05:12 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by gunblade712 at 17-11-2008 05:09 PM

when did I denied it and/or pretending about it?

you are the ones who came to your conclusion without ample proof.

educate you? Alright, I'll see what I can do.

yes, pls educate me on :

you claimed the aswad was there before muhammad.

my question:

did the aswad was there during pagan arab who worship idols inside  while circling the kaba?

plssssssssssssssss   educate me

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Post time 17-11-2008 05:15 PM | Show all posts

Balas #1469 Truth.8\ catat

becoz it was told to us.

though I believed that the smell is no longer there..

I'll tell u about it once I've see and smell it face to face..

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Post time 17-11-2008 05:16 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 17-11-2008 05:12 PM

yes, pls educate me on :

you claimed the aswad was there before muhammad.

my question:

did the aswad was there during pagan arab who worship idols inside while circling the kaba?

plssssssssssssssss   educate me

well, first of all, you need to proof your claim here before I can proceed..  

how do you know that the paganistic arabs worship the idols inside the ka'abah while circling around the ka'abah?

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Post time 17-11-2008 05:18 PM | Show all posts
ko nih suker memutarbelitkan keterangan
dari dulu2 lagik dah aku suh ko baca PERJANJIAN HUDAIBIYAH
habiskan dulu pembacaan ko


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Post time 17-11-2008 05:19 PM | Show all posts
well truth, I'm out.

I have some other matters that needs my attention.

No worries, I'll pen in my opinion and answer regarding your question later on, prolly tomorrow, insyaAllah...

you, on the other hand, need to explain to me your own statement, with proof, not assumption. I believe you know the difference between these two words?

catcha later Truth.

[ Last edited by  gunblade712 at 17-11-2008 05:21 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 17-11-2008 07:23 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sexyzangel at 17-11-2008 05:12 PM

ur so funny my darling Truth.8

hanya kerana tak nak mengucap MAAF atas kebodohan diri sendiri
ko myalahfakta

so it;s show that u really have MENTAL ILLNESS of UNDERSTANDING & D ...

you claimed that the aswad is smell like heaven, so you showing your mental illness here. unless if you write , the aswad smell frangance ok lah.

so, you made fool out of yourself and lauging at me. thats smart of you

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 Author| Post time 17-11-2008 07:25 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by gunblade712 at 17-11-2008 05:16 PM

well, first of all, you need to proof your claim here before I can proceed..  

how do you know that the paganistic arabs worship the idols inside the ka'abah while circling around the ka'a ...

so, you saying that there is  no 360 idols inside the kaba before islam came?  

answer me now

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Post time 18-11-2008 10:01 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 17-11-2008 07:25 PM

so, you saying that there is  no 360 idols inside the kaba before islam came?  

what makes u think I say that? Can you please quote back my postings which made you came to THIS conclusion?

why are most Christians always act like this? sheeshhh

answer me now

is it just me, or are you just plain RUDE?

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Post time 18-11-2008 11:02 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1477 Truth.8's post

my quote based on FACTS from the person who ALREADY SMELL thE HAJAR ASWAD (my own UNCLE & LATE GRANDMA)

so what do u wanna say now??? THE SMELL OF HAJAR ASWAD is nothing on earth could compared!!!  


am I talking like AN MENTAL ILLNESS like u are??? ---> DEFINATELY NOPE
if ur not to believe of what I'VE SAID
then u better go to MECCA (if U can la... ) and try to smell itself
but I believe u wont do such thg
coz u loveeeee to spinning & fooling ur own word until u got MOUTH CANCER!

yet u still doubt about it
if U got the answer of ur own


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Post time 18-11-2008 11:06 AM | Show all posts

maaf kalau aku kata tak semua KRISTIAN mcm tuh
byk famili aku yg Kristian baik2 belaka
tak pnh look down on other believe
org yg mhina & mpersoalkan ttg agama org lain
adalah org yg TAK BERAGAMA
krn setiap agama mengajar MHORMATI agama org lain
maka dia teruskan dgn keangkuhan mengutuk sdgkan fakta dah mhempap kapla hotak  

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 Author| Post time 18-11-2008 11:17 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by gunblade712 at 18-11-2008 10:01 AM

what makes u think I say that? Can you please quote back my postings which made you came to THIS conclusion?

why are most Christians always act like this? sheeshhh

is it just me, or ...

i am lazy to bring your topic. to cut short, before islam,  there is 360  or less tiny idols inside the kabba, rite? could be the aswad was there during that time?

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 Author| Post time 18-11-2008 11:21 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sexyzangel at 18-11-2008 11:02 AM
y quote based on FACTS from the person who ALREADY SMELL thE HAJAR ASWAD (my own UNCLE & LATE GRANDMA)

so what do u wanna say now??? THE SMELL OF HAJAR ASWAD is nothing on earth could compared!!!  


am I talking like AN MENTAL ILLNESS like u are??? ---> DEFINATELY NOPE
if ur not to believe of what I'VE SAID
then u better go to MECCA (if U can la... ) and try to smell itself
but I believe u wont do such thg
coz u loveeeee to spinning & fooling ur own word until u got MOUTH CANCER!

yet u still doubt about it
if U got the answer of ur own


So, the aswad smell fragrance not like heaven

anyway, there is a possibility that the Arabs might even use fragrance like minyak attah or others to apply on it.

Just like the Siva lingam black stone, the Hindus priests apply fragrances, shower it with milk, shower it with sandal wood and etc. it produced aroma smell.

So, what proof that the aswad has smell of it own when this might
done by human?

Next time, dont listen......visit and observed than you know the truth

[ Last edited by  Truth.8 at 18-11-2008 11:22 AM ]

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Post time 18-11-2008 11:23 AM | Show all posts
Pembukaan Kota Mekah

Dari Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu, ensiklopedia bebas.

Kota Mekah adalah tempat lahir Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.. Lapan tahun selepas berpindah ke Madinah, baginda kembali dan menakluk Kota Mekah pada 10 Ramadhan 8 H bersamaan Januari 630 M [1].

Latar belakang
Mengikut catatan sejarah, setelah Perjanjian Hudaibiyah ditandatangani pada tahun keenam hijrah (628 M), Islam berkembang dengan meluas. Hal ini telah menyebabkan masyarakat Quraisy berasa iri hati. Mereka juga telah membantu Bani Bakar untuk menyerang Bani Khuzaáh yang memberikan kesetiaan kepada Rasulullah s.a.w.

Apabila Rasulullah mendapat tahu hal ini, lalu baginda bersama-sama 10,000 orang tentera Islam terus menuju ke Mekah. Dalam perjalanan, tentera Islam telah bermalam di 'Marun zahrán', Rasulullah mengarahkan tentera Islam supaya mendirikan khemah dan menyalakan obor api yang banyak untuk menggerunkan masyarakat Quraisy. Rasulullah juga telah mengutus Abbas bin Abdul Mutalib untuk berunding dengan Abu Sufyan.

Untuk memasuki kota Mekah Rasulullah memerintahkan tentera Islam supaya berpecah kepada empat kumpulan dan memasuki Mekah melalui empat penjuru. Mereka juga diminta supaya tidak melakukan kekerasan atau pembunuhan kecuali apabila terpaksa. Namun, pertempuran hanya berlaku di selatan Mekah dan telah mengorbankan dua orang tentera Islam dan tiga belas orang masyarakat Quraisy.

Setelah memasuki Mekah, Rasulullah melakukan tawaf, mencium Hajar Aswad dan memusnahkan berhala yang terdapat di sekeliling Kaabah. Baginda juga memasuki Kaabah dan mencuci dinding Kaabah dengan air zam-zam. Selain itu, baginda memaafkan dan membebaskan penduduk Mekah yang pernah menentang Islam.

Sebab berlakunya perjanjian Hudaibiyah

Rasulullah bersama-sama 1400 orang Islam Madinah menuju ke Mekah untuk menunaikan ibadah haji dan umrah. Apabila pihak Musyrikin mendapat tahu hal ini, wakil mereka datang menemui Rasulullah untuk mengetahui tujuan kedatangan orang Islam ke Mekah. Maka, Rasulullah menghantar Uthman bin Affan ke Mekah untuk menjelaskan tujuan tersebut kepada wakil pihak Musyrikin itu.
Uthman bin Affan ditahan dan tersebar berita bahawa beliau telah dibunuh. Orang Islam pun berikrar untuk menuntut atas kematian itu. Ikrar ini dikenali sebagai 'Baiátin ridhuan'. Apabila mendengar berita ini, pihak Musyrikin pun membebaskan Uthman bin Affan dan menghantar Suhail bin Amru untuk berunding dengan orang Islam. Perundingan ini membawa kepada berlakunya "Perjanjian Hudaibiyah".

Isi Perjanjian Hudaibiyah
•        Gencatan senjata selama sepuluh tahun.
•        Orang Islam dibenarkan memasuki Makkah pada tahun berikutnya, tinggal di Makkah selama tiga hari sahaja dengan hanya mem
                bawa senjata bersarung.
•        Bekerjasama kepada perkara yang membawa kebaikan.
•        Orang Quraisy yang lari ke pihak Islam tanpa kebenaran keluarga dikembalikan semula.
•        Orang Islam yang lari ke pihak Quraisy tidak perlu dikembalikan.
•        Kedua-dua pihak boleh membuat perjanjian dengan mana-mana kabilah Arab tetapi tidak boleh membantu peperangan.

Hikmah Perjanjian Hudaibiyah
•        Berkembangnya syiar Islam.
•        Kehidupan masyarakat aman dan damai.
•        Pengiktirafan Rasulullah dan negara Islam di Madinah.
•        Membuka jalan kepada pembebasan Mekah daripada Musyrikin Quraisy.
•        Orang Islam dapat membuat perhubungan dengan kabilah Arab yang lain.

Kesan Perjanjian Hudaibiyah
Rencana utama: Pembukaan Kota Mekah
•        Musyrikin Quraisy semakin lemah.
•        Islam berkembang dengan meluas dan Madinah semakin maju..
•        Orang Yahudi yang khianat diusir dari Madinah.

nah! BACA JGN SAMPAI TERBELIAK BIJIK MATA. Kang ada2 je alasan ko nantik nak PUSING2 balik
tp cubelah kurangkan PUSING tak le PENING lalat bila baca FAKTA

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 Author| Post time 18-11-2008 11:24 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sexyzangel at 18-11-2008 11:06 AM

maaf kalau aku kata tak semua KRISTIAN mcm tuh
byk famili aku yg Kristian baik2 belaka
tak pnh look down on other believe
org yg mhina & mpersoalkan ttg agama org lain

so muslims are angel is it? did not most of time it was muslims rampage  , bomb blast here and there?

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 Author| Post time 18-11-2008 11:27 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sexyzangel at 18-11-2008 11:23 AM
Setelah memasuki Mekah, Rasulullah melakukan tawaf, mencium Hajar Aswad..

if the aswad is nothing, why kiss it? an object? did Jesus or any prophets kiss an object ?

once you kiss an object, than you are indirectly feels that the object has power

if i were to be there, i wont even kiss  that object

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Post time 18-11-2008 11:34 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 18-11-2008 11:17 AM

i am lazy to bring your topic. to cut short, before islam,  there is 360  or less tiny idols inside the kabba, rite? could be the aswad was there during that time?

you've shown me disrespect by ordering me around, now you are showing your disrespect by not being able to talk about the full context of the topic. plus, you're lazy.

lazy people don't deserve a place in a religious talk.

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Post time 18-11-2008 11:45 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1483 Truth.8's post

ha ha ha             

can U find ONE STONE that have AROMA/SMELL just like HAJAR ASWAD????
can U????

org takkan berkata kalo tak benar
kalo ko rasa Pak Arab letak minyak attar
suke ati ko lah
sb ko bukan dpt cium pun batu tu sampai bila2
even aku sendiri pun tak pasti AKU DPT NIKMAT mencium HAJAR ASWAD

Dari Wikipedia Bahasa Melayu, ensiklopedia bebas.

Tawaf - (ﻃﻮﺍﻑ) - adalah perlakuan mengelilingi Kaabah sebanyak tujuh kali. Tawaf adalah salah satu perlakuan ibadah yang dilakukan oleh Muslim dan hanya dilakukan di Masjidil Haram.

Syarat Tawaf
Suci daripada hadas.
Suci daripada najis pada badan dan pakaian.
Menutup aurat.
Bermula dari tempat yang sejajar atau setentang dengan Hajar Aswad yang ada pada satu penjuru Kaabah itu. Sekiranya seseorang itu memulakan tawafnya pada tepi atau sudut Kaabah yang tidak bersetentang dengannya, maka pusingan itu tidak dikira hingga dia sampai pada sudut Hajar Aswad untuk dikira permulaan tawaf. Mengirikan Kaabah dan berjalan ke hadapan.
Dilakukan di dalam Masjidil Haram tetapi di luar bahagian Kaabah iaitu di luar Hijir Ismail (ﺣﺠﺮ ﺍﺳﻤﺎﻋﻴﻞ) dan Syazarwan (ﺷﺎﺫﺭﻭﺍﻥ).
Dilakukan tujuh pusingan dengan yakin.

Sunat Tawaf
Berikut adalah perkara yang sunat dilakukan semasa bertawaf:

Bertawaf dengan berjalan kaki.
Memendekkan langkah.
Berjalan cepat dengan berlari anak.
Istilam kepada Hajar Aswad pada permulaan tawaf sambil mengucapkan "Allahu Akbar".
Beristilam dengan tangan kanan.
Mengucup Hajar Aswad dan meletakkan dahi ke atasnya. Beristilam di rukun Yamani.
Solat sunat dua rakaat setelah tawaf di belakang Maqam Ibrahim.
Bertawaf berhampiran Kaabah (bagi memudahkan istilam).

Istilam -
Mengucup Hajar Aswad atau menyentuhnya dengan tangan.
Jika tidak mampu, memadai dengan isyarat atau melambai dengan tangan.
Lebih elok dilakukan setiap pusingan jika mampu.
Ittibak -
Meletakkan pertengahan kain selendang/ihram di bawah ketiak kanan dan kedua-dua hujungnya di atas kiri dengan menjadikan bahu kanan terbuka bagi lelaki.

Jenis Tawaf
Tawaf Qudum (ﻗﺪﻭﻡ ) - tawaf "selamat datang" yang dilakukan ketika baru sampai di Mekah.
Tawaf Ifadhah (ﺇﻓﺎﺿﻪ) - tawaf yang menjadi rukum haji dan dilakukan bagi mereka yang telah pulang dari Wukuf di Arafah. Juga dinamakan bagi tawaf rukun umrah.
Tawaf Sunat (ﺳﻨﺔ) - tawaf yang dilakukan semata-mata mencari ridha Allah pada bila-bila masa.
Tawaf Tahiyyat (ﺗﺤﻴﺔ) - tawaf sunat yang lazim dilakukan sebaik sahaja memasuki Masjidl Haram.
Tawaf Nazar (ﻧﺬﺭ) - melakukan tawaf untuk memenuhi nazarnya.
Tawaf Wada' (ﻭﺩﺍﻉ) - tawaf "selamat tinggal" yang dilakukan sebelum meninggalkan kota Makkah sebagai menghormati dan memuliakan Baitullah.

ini adalah sbnrnya PENJELASAN ttg pertanyaan ko!

kalo aku camko mmg lah tak perlu nak cium hajar aswad

jgn tunjukkan 'KEBIJAKKAN' ko membodohkan fakta takut kang ko 'TERLALU BIJAK'....    

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 Author| Post time 18-11-2008 11:47 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by gunblade712 at 18-11-2008 11:34 AM

you've shown me disrespect by ordering me around, now you are showing your disrespect by not being able to talk about the full context of the topic. plus, you're lazy.

lazy people don't de ...

never   mind about the lazy attitude . now, can you plsssssss,  answer me:

before islam , there was 360 or more or less idols in kaba . is that true?

aswad was also there during that time?

plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz , answer this poor soul

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Post time 18-11-2008 11:49 AM | Show all posts

Balas #1489 Truth.8\ catat

never mind the lazy attitude? is that how you have been brought up with?

if you're lazy, then you are on your own. you don't deserve a place here.

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 Author| Post time 18-11-2008 11:50 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sexyzangel at 18-11-2008 11:45 AM
can U find ONE STONE that have AROMA/SMELL just like HAJAR ASWAD????
can U????...

have you try to smell the lingam?

the ganga water flowing from himalaya also smell frangances like zam2 water


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