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jidi yg sker berlari demi sky.. *aku masuk dlm drama lah??*
palin ...
skymania Post at 23-2-2012 07:43 
ye ye je la kata xnk lari lagi lpas mv haru haru kan.. skali kene lari gak dalam heaven..la ni kene lari lagik..nasib ko la jidi oii  |
so mmg takde la eh MV Blue 2nd vers?  |
hye yorobun..
troll ker? haha. utk mv Blue ni, semua ai suka cuma minah tu jer ai tak berapa sbb tak sehot minah2 sblum ni hehe
suka part Dae and bila GD sebut my blue tu adoii cair~ TOP, Jacket merah dia me suka!!! |
Post Last Edit by honey_jelly at 23-2-2012 10:54
Reply 1479# skymania
sekai..aku nak gif yg TOP tuh..bleh? pleaseeeeeee...jasa baik mu akan ku kenang  |
Reply 1486# aznee85
kannnn..macho giler babas tabi dgn jaket merah ...ohh tidakk..lagu blue keep playing on my mind....mmg berhantu |
da abes da tgk Healing Camp...mula2 rs sedey pastu rs klakar la plak...hehehe  |
i was glued to the screen the first time i watched the mv and listened to this song semalam. ha'ah. ye, i missed all the fun spazzing ngan korang masa mv ni kuar. tenet office slow gilos. i anxiously read nearly all the comments kat youtube, AKP and kat sini... ada macam2 komen. ada yg kurang gemar dgn mv ni dan tak kurang pula yang suka. tapi ada juga yang tak kisah, janji lagu best (which is the safest answer to say, "ha'ah, aku tak suka mv ni sebenarnya...tapi sbb Bigbang yg nyanyi aku tak kesah..." 
as for me, i really, really, really love both the mv and the song. i got hooked listening to it and keep on replaying the mv over and over again. it reminds me a lot of Love Song + Lonely + Lies + Haru Haru. reminiscing the good old memories. i asyik replay lagu ni berulang-ulang kali but ironically, each time i dgr dan tgk mv ni i jadi speechless. well, not in a bad way but in a good way certainly. my eyes, my ears and my heart say...it's just too beautiful. suaranya, liriknya, melodinya, the slowmo of the mv, the camerawork, the brilliant use of the bluish greyish scale colour - they all blends together really well minus, the mat saleh model (bukan tak cantik, tapi takde sparks and ummmpphhh - i prefer someone who looks more Asians, ala2 muka melayu, kat tgh2 kota new york...more exotic! but i guess, as usual they need a mat saleh to give added value utk pasaran US and Europe). i'm a fan of this kind of mv (same goes to Love Song) where the use of cool colours plays the important part in bringing out the emotions of our boys and portrays the lyrics perfectly.
baby panda...he's certainly not a baby anymore. how am i surprised with his soft whispering voice. he successfully caught me to keep on listening to the next verse.
GD baby...at one point, his rapping kali ni kedengaran lebih kasar tapi lembut at the same time. i suka dgr suara dia yg ala2 hoarse, parau, serak2 manja itew.
daedae dearie...hands down to him. first time listening to him singing his verse, seriously...i had tears in my eyes. syahdu. it's powerful but cool, smooth and sexy at the same time. i get to know that bigbang gained quite a number of new VIPs because of dae's voice. nice!
YB honey...smooth sailing voice but incomparable to daedae kali ni. still, his voice is still rich with the RnB sounds. sape yg bole pertikai suara YB tak sedap?
TOP hubby...last but not least, my hubby. i love, love, love the fact that they let him sing in this song. it's kind of a combination between singing and rapping sebenarnya. i sangat, sangat suka suara garau macho dia tuh. that is his trademark sampai bila2 
truthfully, i didn't really care to look at what they wear since i was more into the song and the mv. but of couse, one cannot help from looking at what their stylists put them on. taknak byk komen pasal ni sbb i know whatever they wear, they'll look good in it. do u know why? of course la....because they're BIGBANG. who can deny that? waima salut plastik hitam sampah kat badan pun they will carry them on proudly as high class fashion style. i takde negative comments on their outfits for this mv. it's just a combination of their old skool style and their evolved taste in the up-to-date fashion circle. no prob.
so, pendek kata i mmg suka lagu dan mv ni to the max. their voices, the melody, the lyrics, the strum of the guitar and the bluish greyish persona carries me away to another world. bigbang is definitely in the CLASS OF THEIR OWN 
kudos to teddy and papa YG too! |
so mmg takde la eh MV Blue 2nd vers?
amemiya Post at 23-2-2012 09:33 
I dont think there really is a 2nd version. I believe it was a misunderstanding. the notice from Naver was talking about the BLUE TVCF PART 2 not another version of the MV. if you check the title in BB's yt channel, it says part 1 & 2 for the TVCF with the whole group.
Same with the info going around that starting later, they will reveal MVs for each song everyday... i think it's another mistranslation. I remember reading awhile ago from another translation that YG will reveal, through Naver, teaser vids/promotional clips for each song not a MV. i think only 3 MVs were confirmed (BLUE, BAD BOY & FANTASTIC BABY) but they might be filming for more so we'll see... LOVE DUST is scheduled for later at 12am KST
quoate : Juang_bb@soompi
Selamat kene troll wahai VIP sekalian...ahkak sukerr!!!{:4_502:} {:4_502:} |
quoate :
Selamat kene troll wahai VIP sekalian...ahkak sukerr!!!
stanum123 Post at 23-2-2012 15:04 
ahhhh menci2..saje je tau..
so love dust tu bile kuar? mlm ni ke? |
Reply 1498# amemiya
habuk cinta tu kuar malam ni la katanya  |
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