Onni dear! stanum suda edit kasi besar itu font...tapi ramai yg curious awat BB x pnh nyanyi lagi lagu ni ek?? dalam concert2 yg lain pun diorg xde nyanyi lagu ni..hmm, kene tulis sorat kat hubby GD la mcm ni..(nk pi cari kertas kajang & setem sat... )
kehkehkeh...baru le terang mata beta!
carik kertas kajang ngan setem? owh, very classic! mak suke nyah! masuk bedak dalam surat tu, tak pun spray ngan perfume! lol! hehe...tahun depan le sampai kat hubby u nampak gayanya... tu pun kalo surat u tak jatuh terselit bawah meja kat pejabat pos. lol! jangan marah cik stan...
btw, new update!
congrats BB! without even promoting in Taiwan, u guys still did it!
Big Bang grabs #1 on Taiwanese charts
on July 19, 2011 at 9:45 pm
Big Bang can add another notch onto their victory belt, as they’ve secured a #1 on Taiwanese music charts.
The boys’ 4th mini-album, as well as their special edition album, concert DVDs, and behind-the-scenes concert book, have all been big hits in Taiwan, landing solid spots on the G-MUSIC, FIVE MUSIC, KuangNan Record, & BOOKS.COM charts under the ‘K-POP Album & DVD’ category.
Additionally, the title track for their special edition album, “Love Song“, reached the #1 spot on the Taiwanese MTV chart.
The five members are currently taking a break after they recently concluded their tour concerts in Japan.
hakhakhak...u jgn pandang rendah i pya soghat+bedak wangi+bintang lepat kecik2 tau...I nk tulis soghat bkna sbb apa, ms GD blk dr S'pore KMW ada fans pass soghat kat airport incheon dia amek tau! x sempat bodyguard dia nk halang...hehehe..pastu dia pegang je soghat tu smpai kuor airport..(tatau le kot dia buang plak lepaih tu... ) eh, surat I takkan tercicir kt mana2 sbb I akan guna envelope gambor GD, size A4 lagi nyah..verani diorg tanak antar??!!:@
Sushi! AM! Kak zue! DVD kita dh sampai! owh! this is another great news for today...x sabor nk tggu kak hadif poslaju...alorr sushi, I takde crown lighstick tu..nk jugak verangan ala-ala concert ms tgk nnti...takkan nk pakai torchlight kot?? uwaaa!!
p/s: Yeay!! BB is spreading their wings acrossed the world! Nothing can stop them beybeh!
halamak cik stan...kalo camtu i nak baut jugak la surat centa utk tabi i. i lipat cecantik pos kat dia. siap hias lawa2, boley gitu?
ala2 zaman pecah kaca, pecah gelas...sudah baca, harap balas
i dah berangan nak pass by hand je kat dia bila kita gi YG building next year
btw, part torchlight u tu lawak giles...*gelak golek-golek
dvd kita tu dah sampai. u jadik tak turun kl ahad ni? boley gi amik kat hadif. amacam?
okies, update!
tak paham sebenda pun but it sounds so good
Korean VIP creates a song for daedae...
nak jugak buat cenggini...tapi kepala fenin ngan keje...
takpe dae, nanti free2 i lak create lagu utk u ek be strong dae!
Hehehe...best pulak verangan tulis2 surat ni..teringat zaman2 muda dulu..hikhik..btw, i mmg aim crown light stick tu nyah! geremm...wat ms skang ni tpaksa la i pakai torchlight dulu nmpk gayanya..**gelak guling2 baca ayat sendrik!**Owh! kalau cik sushi nk wat lagu utk dae i nk jadik bekap singer ok..chop siap2!
stan.. kalo la dpt kita tgk same2 ramai2 kan bestttt... sure gempak...
nzhass79 Post at 20-7-2011 21:02
betoi2!! sure jadik ala-ala tgk BIG SHOW LIVE in Malaysia nnti!! adohai, kak zue!!! chumillllnye gambor GD tuh!!! arghhh...mintak nyawa...mintak nyawa...
stanum still utang kat sherry link GD makan beskut, rite?? still x jumpa lg la..ta ...
stanum123 Post at 20-7-2011 09:10 PM
tumpang tgk jugak... tp ada tak link donlot nyer?? yg bersub... saje je tanye.. sbb skrg dh tak brape rajin nk update diri sendiri.. slalu tggu korang je update...
mmg lawak giler MS tu masa GD paksa dia pakai skirt tu... GD gelak sakan ms tu.. ngan akak pon sakan gelak masa tu...
skrg sorry to say, akak mmg agak lost... mian.... tlg PIMPIN akak yer....
ms diaorang wat recording lgu tu, mmg nampak PROFESIONAL giler GD... nak lak ms dia dok sebot oneulbam na tu byk2 kali...
ms sebut oneulbam na tu pon mmg dah sedap giler sore dia,,,, how come la GD ni leh wat lagu sehebat itu...
u're too good GD.. very talented young man....
best sangat lagu until whenever tu...
masa mula-mula dapat tau pasal news daedae tu...
slalu pasan ...
fiza1 Post at 20-7-2011 00:44
takpe fiza...meh nak tolong letakkan link...
sedap giles mash up ni...sangat2 sedap...berair mata beta...isk! isk!
their voices complement each other a lot. sorang garau and besar, sorang lagi lembuuuut je.
i think YG should produce this as a single duet TOP and daedae.
kalo promo i believe boleh meletup nih. it sounds so intense and saddening.
i like it, like it, like it a lot!
sila2..kalau dh tepek sini wajib kita tgk beramai2! hehehe...exactly! GD bila time kerje adalah sgt2 detail kan kak zue? tingat dia suh Par Bom ulang byk kali intro Jube Kajima.ya ampun..sian minah tu..pastu, sengri plak kene tggu almost 5 hours nk setel kan part dia dlm dlm Cafe..tsk..tsk..tsk..kita as fans yg tgk ni pun teruja tgk cara dia kerja dlm studio..mmg org x panggil GD musical genius for no reason la...idea dia sentiasa mengalir gittew..ada magic touch! GD = king midas! x pnh nye x menjadik! stanum setuju bila dia cakap, dia dh x sesuai digelar idol..dia nk dikenali as musician..I lap u very2 strong la baybeh!
p/s: link yg GD & PMS makan semekut tu x jumpa le lg yg ada eng sub..dun wori, stanum tau ramai nk tgk part tu..bila I jumpa akan kutepek besar2 kat sini okeh onni..
Hehehe...best pulak verangan tulis2 surat ni..teringat zaman2 muda dulu..hikhik. ...
stanum123 Post at 20-7-2011 21:01 [/quote]
cik stan and kak zue...
bole kalo korang nak pakai torchlight...tapi jangan lupa lekat sticker huruf B kat cermin torch tu ek!
bila on je torch terus keluar cahaya 'Batman' canggih-manggih gitew...!
kita leh tgk concert BB beramai2...nanti one fine day insyaallah, we'll organize a get together. masa tu memasing dah ada light stick, bukan torchlight ye
cik stan...ha'ah, i pun nak link gd suap pms biskut tu ye...
hi sherry...lama tak masuk sini. dah lupa kat kitorang ke...isk! isk! sedey...
pandai2 la u ngan kak zue menghupdatekan diri ye. BR jangan tak BR. kuar peksa nih.
btw...bila tgk gd dlm studio...mmg no wonder la pms adore gile ngan gd. at such a young age, he's very professional and not to mention, creative. kalo dulu pms ngutuk dia, sekarang pms sayang giles ngan dia...aaaaawwwww...sweet!!! father and son
masa gd dress up pms tu sgt la comeynya....
owh, satu lagi tambahan... anybody yg tak pernah tgk lagi BigbangTV dlm 2ne1TV, silakan klik di bawah ya. start from 19:35
tabi i lawak gilos! despite his macho look tu... hotak sengal sungguh. nanti ada satu part ni dia asyik ulang "huae" (tak tau le camne ejaannya), meaning 'regret'. gd, kush and teddy asyik gelak je. hubby i tu dah macam badut lagaknya...kehkehkeh!!!
Khen...kurus sgt la abg long @ se7en skang..bz uruskan Yeolbong dia tu kot.. Owh, I like Tae Yang just the way he is..he's a bit short compared to other BB member, but super sexy dowh! hahaha..minah2 omputeh mmg byk drool tgk dia..maklum le body ketoi2 lg..cakap plak ala2 romantic gittew..lg satu I suka sbb dia pya personality yg calm ittew bg balance dlm BB..tingin sgt nk tgk Tae Yang beraksi sengal mcm yg lg 4 org tuh!
uollz! dh tau pasai ni?? apakah surprise from YG agaknya...;)
2NE1,BIGBANG, Gummy & Se7en are flying tomorrow to Tokyo for a Big Announcement. The Ustream will air 110721 at 3:00PM
body ketoi2? alamak...geli lak dengar...lol! taeyang honey mmg romantic gitew. kalo u tgk bigbangtv yg i tepek kat atas tu...u tgk tabi honey i gegila...gd lak 2 x 5 sama cam tabi... tapi tae ni calm secalm calmnye kat depan mac dia dok buat lagu. i wonder sape la yg bakal menggoncang hati dia and buat dia jadik gila2 one fine day nanti akukah...? (tersedak sendiri!) IU kah? heee....
yg pasal announcement tu tak tau lah...dari tgh hari tadi dok memikior... ape le agaknye agenda diorang tu?
ce check kat JVIP or tokyohive.