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Author: shanew3stgalz

A LOVE TO KILL ~ Rain & Shin Min Ah ~ Sesi Borak2...

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Post time 15-2-2007 04:01 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1480 sarahsofiyah's post

part tu jer yg melekat kt hati ko ekkk...

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Post time 15-2-2007 04:18 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1481 moondance's post

kekeke...part tu le yang paling berkesan pada aku smpi skang asyik tingat je wakakaka...hampessss

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Post time 15-2-2007 05:26 PM | Show all posts
Spoiler Alert...
Episode 15

Bokgu walks past Eun Seok and ES chases after him. She grabs him and says, "I was curious if you were eating well, drinking too much, smoking too much. I wanted to call you. I wanted to meet you. I knew you were worrying about me. I wanted to say that i was okay. I was curious." BG turns around and says, "I'm doing fine. I don't drink and smoke. I eat well and I can see a lot of people. I'm happy right now." Bokgu continues to walk with Eun Seok following behind him. At the bus stop, ES asks, "We aren't allowed to meet? Can we just eat and see each others faces. Not everyday but once a week. Once a month would be nice too. Look at me once. Why are you not looking at me?" A couple of strangers ask, "Why aren't you on tv anymore? I heard that you're a night club girl now." Bokgu ignores the strangers and walks away. The two strangers are walking when they meet Bokgu. Bokgu beats both of them up and says, "Get up you bast4rd." and continues to beat them up. Meanwhile, ES gets a phone call from her coordinator. She asks, "JS is still waiting for you." ES arrives at the club at approaches JS. She calls his name and he wakes up. He says, "You're here. I waited here because I knew you were going to come. If I wait you will come. Nothing is wrong because you're here. I guess my song sucked."

At the police station, the cops ask Bokgu why he beat the two strangers up. Da Jung arrives and asks Bokgu, "Do you not want to live? What is wrong with you? Do you want to really die? Let's die together if you don't wanna live. If dying is better than living, die like your brother." Meanwhile, JS is singing and hee sees that she is depressed. A couple hours later, Bokgu walks out of the station and sees Da Jung sleeping. He says, "Hey Da Jung, Did you sleep here?" Da Jung says, "Is everything okay?" BG says, "I always worry you. I always stab you in the back. Run away now. Every other guy is better than me." Da Jung asks, "Are you mad because of what I said yesterday? Don't say wierd things." Bokgu says, "I feel sorry for you. Why are you all over me.." Da Jung tries to chase after him but falls on the ground. Bokgu tells her to get on his back. DJ says, "No, you have no energy." BG says, "I have strength." BG is carrying Da Jung when she wants him to eat something. Meanwhile, ES is eating with JS. ES says, "This is the taste. I was really curious. Why aren't you eating?" She grabs his bowl and eats it." JS asks, "Where were you last night? Did you see someone yesterday? Did you meet Kang Bokgu. Can you and Kang Bokgu go all the way? Just keep me as a spare. Just in case something happens."

Bokgu is reading a manga when Da Jung says, "Bokgu, let's eat now! How can a manga be so funny." Bokgu's friend is already eating when Da Jung hits her because he already ate. Meanwhile, ES is eating by herself when her mom comes in and takes the bowl away from her. She says, "Stop eating. Didn't you already eat? You don't wanna get fat." ES says, "I am controling myself!! I am!" ES grabs her jacket and walks to Bokgu's house. She is walking back home when Bokgu's friends say, "Do you want to meet Bokgu?" They tell her that Bokgu has gone crazy now. At a club, Bokgu is drunk but wants to continue to drink. Bokgu's friend is restraining him, but Bokgu fights back. Bokgu says, "let go of me now. Do you want get beat up?" Bokgu's friend says, "punch me now. Once you punch me, I will never be your friend again." Bokgu punches him slightly and says, "Find your place in life and leave me. Hanging out with me will get you nowhere." Bokgu's friend says, "How can you do this to me?" and walks out. Bokgu is drunk and a girl is carrying him. She tells him to stop singing because she is embarassed. Bokgu says, "leave you if you are embarassed." Bokgu continues to say, "leave if you're embarassed." and falls down after he hits a couple. At a kareoke room, Bokgu is drunk again and sings a song. He hears someone open the door and yells, " Get ouf of my room!"

At Da Jung's restaurant, Bokgu's friend says, "Bokgu hit me very hard. Don't you know how hard Bokgu's punch is? He was going to kill me." Da Jung says, "Bokgu would not kill his own friend." Bokgu's friend says, "Bokgu told me to move on with my life." DJ says, "Did Bokgu say that to you?" Da Jung arrives at the kareoke room and asks for Bokgu. Meanwhile, Eun Seok is next to Bokgu and says, "You said you were okay." and tries to touch his face. Outside, Da Jung walks in and sees Bokgu and Eun Seok together. DJ is shocked and starts to cry. Inside, Eun Seok is crying and leaves Bokgu. ES is walking upstairs when DJ calls her name. DJ says, "You're out of your mind too." DJ asks ES, "Does Bokgu know that you're here? Shouldn't you say hi to him before you lose?" ES says, "I didn't come here to say meet Bokgu." DJ says, "As you can see, Bokgu is out of his mind too. At this rate, Bokgu is gonna end up with his brother. He is not eating and is acting crazy. Can you hold him for me?" ES says, "what are you talking about?" DJ says, "The only person that can grab BG is you." ES says, "No, that is not right." DJ says, "I will get ouf of the way. Please hold Bokgu for me. No one is gonna say anything about you and Bokgu." ES says, "I never dreamt of being with Bokgu. I am sorry. It is my fault. I will never meet Bokgu again. I am sorry." She walks out when DJ says, "I really mean't what i said." ES denies what DJ said and says, "I'm sorry, I will never come back again." Bokgu is awake and calls somebody. Outside, Eun Seok is slowly walking home and DJ walks the other direction. ES tries to turn on her car, but she cannot insert the key in the ignition. She gets a call from Bokgu but she does not answer it. Meanwhile, Bokgu leaves a message, "Forget about me. I was never in your life. Don't ever think about me. Just think of me as my brother. Someone that is not in the world. Also, do not drink and never see me again." In the car, Eun Seok is listening to the message Bokgu left. In the club, Bokgu punches his chest and laughs.

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Post time 15-2-2007 05:27 PM | Show all posts

The next day, everyone is looking at Da Jung cleaning her shoes. They say, "we are using the warm water to cleanse ourselves. Shouldn't you threaten us right now?" Da Jung says, "I'm done with all my chores." Inside, Bokgu is pumping his chest with his friend saying, "Do you feel bad for hurting my feelings? It looks like Da Jung is losing interest in you." Meanwhile, Eun Seok is choking while she is eating. Her dad gives her some water and tells her top eating. Her brother grabs her spoon and says, "Are you a pig? Stop eating now." ES's dad says, "What's wrong with you?" ES's mom says, "I can't take it anymore. I'm going to go crazy if I keep looking at Eun Seok." At Da Jung's house, Da Jung is on the phone with someone. She tells her friend to get out of his room. Da Jung says, "I am meeting a man." Bokgu's friend says, "What about Bokgu? Shouldn't you help him out? How could you meet another man?" Da Jung says, "Love is always moving. Then, do you want to go out with me? You like me, let's go out." Her friend says, "I can't stab Bokgu in the back. Loyalty is more important than love." Bokgu's friend tries to wake Bokgu up. He says, "Mingoo is gone. Eun Seok is gone. Da Jung is gone. Everyone is gone now. Are you happy now? I'm not gonna follow you." He turns Bokgu over, but Bokgu is not moving. Outside, Da Jung ignores what her friend is saying. As Da Jung is walking out, her friend says, "Bokgu is really hurt." Da Jung says, "If you dont eat for days, you will be sick. Let him be sick." Meanwhile, ES is eating again in a restaurant. JS walks in and asks, "You're eating again." ES says, "I'm sorry but i was really hungry. Should I order another plate?" JS says, "I'm okay, i already ate. JS walks in a restaurant and sees ES eating again. JS takes her to a bathroom and tells her to throw up. Meanwhile, Bokgu's friend says, "i've never seen Bokgu dead like this." At a restaurant, Da Jung is eating with another man. He says, "Let's eating something else next time." Da Jung nods her head and. JS is on the phone when he finds out that someone is hurt. He walks over to ES and says, "Let's go to the hospital." ES says she is okay. JS grabs her hand and takes her to the hospital.

At the hospital, JS says, "it looks like you aren't doing so well." Bokgu gets up and asks, "What are you doing here? JS says, "ES is doing too well either. Its probably because of you." BG says, "Don't mention Cha Eun Seok's name again." and walks out of the room. JS chases after him and asks, "How about you help Eun Seok? Just until she is okay again. Don't you feel sorry for her?" BG turns around and says, "What are you talking about?" JS says, "If you guys love each so much. You should help each other out." Bokgu smirks and continues to walk the other way. He sees Eun Seok talking to herself. She is saying, "I'm okay. Nothing is wrong with me." ES looks up and sees Bokgu staring at her. BG looks back at JS and looks at ES again. Joon Sung walks away. Bokgu and Eun Seok are together. BG says, "My brother left a message before he died. He said one word at a time. He said, "Do not let Eun Seok cry again. You[bokgu] also love her too. Love Eun Seok for me. Do the things I couldn't do for Eun Seok. Take care of her and love her." He left the world saying those words. He knew about our relationship. I told him that I couldn't fullfill his request." Eun Seok starts to cry and walks away. She now realizes why Mingoo was so mean to her.

The next day, Bokgu is washing his hands when Da Jung leaves on another date. Before she leaves, she says, "All the other guys should be better than you." Bokgu says yes and Da Jung says, "Good." Inside, Bokgu's friend says, "Da Jung found a rich guy. Are you gonna let that happen? You can't let your girl go off with another guy." Bokgu doesn't say anything and heads off to see his brother. When he arrives, he sees Eun Seok there too. He hands her a cup of coffee. Eun Seok says, "I'm sorry, you will never see me again. I will never greet Mingoo again. I am sorry for bother you. I am sorry for hurting you. I don't regret it. I will never regret it." Outside, Bokgu says, "Goodbye." and ES says, "Goodbye." Bokgu walks the other way when ES walks the other way as well. All of sudden, Bokgu turns around and chases after Eun Seok. ES turns around and sees Bokgu running after her. Bokgu approaches her and says, "Do you want to try somthing crazy with me? If people curse us, I will block it. if people throw rocks at us, I will block it. Do you want to run away with me?


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Post time 16-2-2007 07:48 AM | Show all posts
citer ni paling banyak scene karaoke...

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Post time 16-2-2007 07:57 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1485 blankie's post

part karaoke x kene cut lak...mlm ni last ek...saksikan adegan kegembiraan ES dan BG mlm ni buat perkara yg selama ni diaorg x penah buat berdua...penat gak la aku nangis smalam tgk ES

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Post time 16-2-2007 08:24 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1486 sarahsofiyah's post

tu ler.. part best2 yang lain kena cut..
tapi kalau scene karaoke tu kena dubbing gak aku tak tau laa nak kata apa.. :@ :@

si da jung tu kan.. apa nama dia?? kim sarang ekk.. nape suara ori dia aku dengar cam pelik ekk?? cara dia cakap tu.. macam pelik je aku dengar.. kadang2 aku dengar cam orang jepon yang blajar cakap korea..

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Post time 16-2-2007 08:28 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1487 blankie's post

a'ah..aku dgr pun cam pelik...aku rasa dia cakap ikut loghat daerah kot tingat aku loghat dia cakap tu cam logat cakap pekerja lelaki cunyang yg dia cakap boipren dia tu..

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Post time 16-2-2007 09:04 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1486 sarahsofiyah's post

konpem ekekk mlm ni last.....adesss aku xleh ler nk nangis tgk ES nangis... nnt aku try tgk mlm ni...kot2 nk nangis tgk diorg mati.... nangis camner aku tgk WY mati..

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Post time 16-2-2007 09:22 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1489 moondance's post

tgk gazet semalam cam mlm ni abis...entahla ek..aku pun dah lupa wakakak..

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Post time 16-2-2007 09:42 AM | Show all posts
adess ......... arini tak dapat tgk aaa  episod last, kena gi dating lak

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Post time 16-2-2007 09:46 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1490 sarahsofiyah's post

byk noo ko telan semut ekkk..

woooo....ko dating ngan saper tu.... WY sempat ker ko tgk???

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Post time 16-2-2007 09:48 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1492 moondance's post

aahah ado aaaa... huhu mmg tak sempat tgk Weiyi ngan Bok KU ..   ... nyampess den...

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Post time 16-2-2007 09:59 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sarahsofiyah at 15-2-2007 03:56 PM
sbb lakonan diaorg suma real kot...especially watak MJ...siap kuar air hingus bagai

sapa boleh lupa part tu
kirenye cite ramai betul
yang produce air hingus
so, berbaloilah dapat best drama...

so mana-mana producer nak menang award tu
sediakan pelakon yg productive

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Post time 16-2-2007 10:10 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1494 mariss's post

  eee geli tul aku sian hero2 encem dok meleh, seb baik tak kaler kuning or hijo

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Post time 16-2-2007 10:15 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1495 Hana_Hirokawa's post

  ko ckp camtu....aku tgh imagine ler plak....

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Post time 16-2-2007 10:32 AM | Show all posts
rasanya derita betu tengok rain dan ES KAN...

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Post time 16-2-2007 10:40 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1495 Hana_Hirokawa's post

wakakaka....kalo kuar kaler hijau mau bi muntah kat situ gak dgn ES skali mmg betullah..cite ni byk produce ari mata hingus suma...bayangkan..bayangkan

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Post time 16-2-2007 11:08 AM | Show all posts
isy sarah!!>..nk bayangkn? loya dh aku....

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Post time 16-2-2007 11:27 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sarahsofiyah at 16-2-2007 10:40 AM
wakakaka....kalo kuar kaler hijau mau bi muntah kat situ gak dgn ES skali mmg betullah..cite ni byk produce ari mata hingus suma...bayangkan..bayangkan

  wahahaha ........... kowang ni lawak tul .. tp mmg dasat aaa diaorg ni berlakon real abis.. si RAIN tu mmg patut aaa jadi superstar.. sume dia bleh wat ekeke...

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