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Radar echoes from a French satellite put the possible objects about 1,430 miles from Perth, Australia - @francediplo
berancuk posted on 23-3-2014 10:17 PM 
Alamanda Putrajaya itu tiada apa lah yang hendak diseronokkan, pusing-pusing tup-tup sudah selesai ...
tp bagi pekerja2 gomen kat putrajaya ... alamanda best tauu... sempat karoks time lunch lagi...
Seyogia dimaklumkan, nak borak pasal personal attack boleh lepak dekat Thread Personal Attack (ada ke?). I'm drawing a line here. |
MinnieNini posted on 23-3-2014 10:58 PM 
tp bagi pekerja2 gomen kat putrajaya ... alamanda best tauu... sempat karoks time lunch lagi...
syukur ke hadrat Allah S.W.T. akak tidak bekerja gomen di Putrajaya ^_^ |
juliez posted on 23-3-2014 10:52 PM 
Dah cerai? Maksudnya ada 3 wife, cerai sorang.. now tinggal 2 ker?
Or ada 2 wife, satu dkt be ...
yeay!! ada jugak yg berminat dgn kisah pakcik selamat selain ai..
berancuk posted on 23-3-2014 10:59 PM 
Seyogia dimaklumkan, nak borak pasal personal attack boleh lepak dekat Thread Personal Attack (ada k ...
bagus kak berancuk..
tgk siapa tag nama adam..
dia nak PA adam.. see..
adam dh suruh dia cermin muka..
tp xnak juga..
tak faham dgn manusia sebegini..
xmalu nak tagged nama adam..
dia dendam sejak xdpt buka thread MH370..
masalah manusia hati busuk ..
berancuk posted on 23-3-2014 10:56 PM 
akak yakin dia bukan heshe.
MN banyak, iya ke?
byk nya..korang buat apa ada byk2 MN??
berancuk posted on 23-3-2014 10:59 PM
Seyogia dimaklumkan, nak borak pasal personal attack boleh lepak dekat Thread Personal Attack (ada k ...
ahkaq asyik drawing a line je. cuba draw benda lain. draw bunga ke, draw bangunan ke. |
Reporting avid GrittenRavin Sampat
The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (Amsa) saysthe search operation for Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 in the southern Indian Ocean has concluded for the day. There were no sightings of significance. Amsa says the search area experienced early sea fog particularly in the western areas, however conditions improved during the day.
EMAILPeter,Horwich, UK
emails: No matter what the outcome is, it's great to see such fantastic international cooperation, gives me faith in humanity
EMAILDan,St Andrews
emails: From a pilot: to all those who ask about turning the transponder off - it is not designed as an aircraft tracking tool but as a means of providing extra information for air traffic control agencies to do their job more safely. Likewise, ACARS is there to help engineers diagnose faults quickly prior to getting their hands on the aircraft, not as a tracking tool. It is about time that people understood that the world is still a big place.
The mother of a Chinese passenger on board flight MH370,who was dragged out of a news conference in Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday by Malaysian police, has denied that she was mistreated, according to the South China Morning Post. Speaking for the first time since then, Liu Guiqui told state-run CCTV that the officers had wanted only to stop her panicking and protect her from the media.
Relatives of MH370 passengers were forcibly removed from a news conference on Wednesday
The French foreign ministry statement mentioning "satellite-generated radar echoes" appears to contradict the Malaysian transport ministry's assertion that the latest data came in the form of an image, according to the AFP news agency. Radar works by sending out radio waves or microwaves and listening for echoes that bounce back.
EMAILRyan Gillies,Longtan, Taiwan
emails: Despite the tragic events that have led up to the disappearance of MH370, it's a welcome and encouraging joint effort being made between a large number of countries, most of whom have been in some form of political or territorial conflict with each other.
The French foreign ministry saysradar echoes from a the French satellite put the possible objects about 2,300km (1,430 miles) from Perth. "France has decided to mobilise complementary satellite means to continue the search in the identified zone," it adds. The objects spotted by Australia were about 2,500km south-west of Perth while the object found by China was about 120km (75 miles) "south by west" of that.
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pittjie posted on 23-3-2014 11:03 PM 
ahkaq asyik drawing a line je. cuba draw benda lain. draw bunga ke, draw bangunan ke.
akak tak pandai melukis  |
tadi yg ada kat tv kisah anak kandung, mak kandung bagai tuh anak pakcik sellamat nih ke.............ris tak ambik pot sangat tadi............ tapi tertengok sekejap.... siap ada tunjuk dokumen surat beranak bagai............ada org klaim dia ibu kandung, ada org pulak nafi kan.............dah sudah |
MelahJanda posted on 23-3-2014 10:54 PM
aku pun sedang menyoal ko balik
da cerai sorang kot. ada 1 je wife
entah x tanya, cuma dengar or ...
akak rembes ke dgn acik selamat tu kak? |
eva posted on 23-3-2014 09:38 PM 
thanks munchkin
Wlcome eva
perang_sivil posted on 23-3-2014 10:25 PM
Good effort. Harap dapat tag Moderator kalau ada latest news yang patut diselitkan di 1st page, bt ...
Hihi..thank you... |
MinnieNini posted on 23-3-2014 11:00 PM 
yeay!! ada jugak yg berminat dgn kisah pakcik selamat selain ai..
kalau dah asyik muka dia je keluar tv, mau tak berminat 
MelahJanda posted on 23-3-2014 10:50 PM 
haah ada 2 wife ;p
dah cerai sorang?
tak pernah terbaca pula pasal cerai .. yg i terbaca dia ada 2 wife
| |