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Author: Truth.8

[MERGED]--Room inside Kaba is a forbidden.Why? - Pict page 43

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Post time 6-11-2008 03:05 PM | Show all posts

Kesian korang. Tak tahukan nabi boleh menulis ker tidak.....

Ni buktinya Rasulullah Sallahualaihiwassalam boleh menulis.

Vol 4, Book 52. Fighting For The Cause Of Allah (J.... Hadith 288. (Shahi Bukhari)

Narrated By SAID BIN JUBAIR: Ibn 'Abbas said, "Thursday! What (great thing) took place on Thursday!" Then he started weeping till his tears wetted the gravels of the ground. Then he said, "On Thursday the illness of Allah's Apostle was aggravated and he said, "Fetch me writing materials so that I may have something written to you after which you will never go astray." The people (present there) differed in this matter and people should not differ before a prophet. They said, "Allah's Apostle is seriously sick.' The Prophet said, "Let me alone, as the state in which I am now, is better than what you are calling me for." The Prophet on his death-bed, gave three orders saying, "Expel the pagans from the Arabian Peninsula, respect and give gifts to the foreign delegates as you have seen me dealing with them." I forgot the third (order)" (Ya'qub bin Muhammad said, "I asked Al-Mughira bin 'Abdur-Rahman about the Arabian Peninsula and he said, 'It comprises Mecca, Medina, Al-Yama-ma and Yemen." Ya'qub added, "And Al-Arj, the beginning of Tihama.")

aku ada yang B.I nak yang melayu, pi cari sendiri dalam terjemahan sahih bukhari

Allah jua yang lebih mengetahui

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Post time 6-11-2008 03:11 PM | Show all posts

Balas #1424 emmo\ catat

cerita itu daripada kisah yg disampaikan oleh Siddharta Gautama, betul?

tentang sifat Rasul, aku masih tidak mendapat penerangan yang memuaskan..

takpe.. i'll keep on reading...

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Post time 6-11-2008 03:24 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by paktuaman at 6-11-2008 03:05 PM

Kesian korang. Tak tahukan nabi boleh menulis ker tidak.....

Ni buktinya Rasulullah Sallahualaihiwassalam boleh menulis.

Vol 4, Book 52. Fighting For The Cause Of Allah  ...

Please read very2 carefully.

very2 carefully.

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 Author| Post time 10-11-2008 02:21 PM | Show all posts
Let me remind you peoples. The Black stone and Ganga water are similar as :

Black stone in Mecca and Zam-zam water
Whenever Shiva existed, there is two element of Black stone and water are both incorporated.
Hindus worshiped directly to object and where else Muslims indirectly.

There are both same.

[ Last edited by  Truth.8 at 10-11-2008 02:28 PM ]

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Post time 10-11-2008 03:35 PM | Show all posts

Balas #1435 Truth.8\ catat

ha...ha... long time no see and you come back with same old new post....

you better retire from posting...

you are funny you know....

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Post time 10-11-2008 03:43 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Truth.8 at 10-11-2008 02:21 PM
Let me remind you peoples. The Black stone and Ganga water are similar as :

Black stone in Mecca and Zam-zam water
Whenever Shiva existed, there is two element of Black stone and water are b ...


GO TO varanasi and don't come back.  go and take a bath in ganga river and then go to the hospital

so many disguisers in this forum

does their religion teaches them this????

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 Author| Post time 10-11-2008 05:03 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by sixret at 10-11-2008 03:43 PM


GO TO varanasi and don't come back.  go and take a bath in ganga river and then go to the hospital

so many disguisers in this forum

does their religion teaches ...

each years thousands take bath in ganga water but this peoples comes with good hearted seeking spirituality with their god. yet, they live.
if you muslims put one leg there in ganga water, next you muslims turn as pale as dead body . why?


[ Last edited by  Truth.8 at 10-11-2008 05:05 PM ]

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Post time 10-11-2008 05:21 PM | Show all posts

boleh cakap melayu ka???
ompeteh ni, berbelit gak lidah ya

boleh truth 8 - bacakan AYAT dr KITAB VEDA ttg
black stone dan ganga water tak???
ia, saya pun tak [pertikaikannya
sebab itu adalah generasi terdahulu
yg diberi kelebihan dan fadhilat untuk umat tersebut
sebagaimana kpd umat2 yg terdahulu dan terkemudian

tak ke begitu saudara semua???

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 Author| Post time 10-11-2008 05:28 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by orangbesi at 10-11-2008 05:21 PM

boleh cakap melayu ka???
ompeteh ni, berbelit gak lidah ya

boleh truth 8 - bacakan AYAT dr KITAB VEDA ttg
black stone dan ganga water tak???
ia, saya pun tak [pertikaikannya
sebab ...

Whenever Shiva existed , there is water flowing from Shiva head. This little female god name Ganga in Shiva head and she  open her mouth, here if  flow water out of her mouth thru the river of ganga.

Since than, the hindus believed the ganga water is holy  and  Shiva are worshipped as lingam (black stone)
So, both are incorporated.

Muslims, believed the zam2 water is miracle and black stone is from heaven.
Hence, it has similarity of  Hindusim.
Hindus circle whiling praying and so does Muslims circle an object of Kaba

Do I believed such practices?

[ Last edited by  Truth.8 at 10-11-2008 05:31 PM ]

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Post time 10-11-2008 05:50 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1428 Nazrulism's post

Xpenah dgr pun pasal hadis nei...

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Post time 10-11-2008 05:56 PM | Show all posts
Pasal hadith, check kat sini...

ps: kalo rajin bacala...

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Post time 16-11-2008 08:54 PM | Show all posts

buat saudara truth 8
laaaaa ingatkan kau percaya
tak pe lah kau tak percaya

jadi apa yg saudara percaya???????
tentu ada sesuatu kannnnnnnn????????????
kalau tidak saudara tak mampu bicara di sini

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 Author| Post time 16-11-2008 11:45 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by orangbesi at 16-11-2008 08:54 PM

buat saudara truth 8
laaaaa ingatkan kau percaya
tak pe lah kau tak percaya

jadi apa yg saudara percaya???????
tentu ada sesuatu kannnnnnnn????????????
kalau tidak saudara tak mam ...

saya tulis aja bukan percaya cerita dongeng ini
kan saya dah cakap, saya nak buat  research. but i am strong in my faith. doing research and studying other faith is nothing wrong.

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Post time 17-11-2008 10:37 AM | Show all posts

Balas #1444 Truth.8\ catat

give us proof..

what u do is you take two and two and try to match the pieces other words, you SPECULATE...

we can ALSO speculate that due to Shiva's tri-existence, that has a huge similarity to Christianity.

And when the Christians revered to Jesus Christ as the Son of God, the incarnation of God on Earth, that is ALSO a huge similarity to Hinduism.

what orangbesi asked is quite logical, please quote to us from the Vedas or Puranas or any Hindu's holy books regarding this black stone or water or whatever you are trying to proof...

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 Author| Post time 17-11-2008 02:41 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by gunblade712 at 17-11-2008 10:37 AM
give us proof..

what u do is you take two and two and try to match the pieces other words, you SPECULATE...

we can ALSO speculate that due to Shiva's tri-existence, that has a  ...

common sense. if your muhammad claimed the aswad is nothing, why kiss and touched it? why need such act if the aswad is nothing? why need to place the aswad if nothing?

answer me now

now     read this:

The black stone at Kaaba is held sacred and holy in Islam and is called"Hajre Aswad" from the Sanskrit word Sanghey Ashweta or Non-whitestone. The Shiva Lingam is also called Sanghey Ashweta. So what is inKaaba could be the same what Hindus worship.

link  here :

Truth hurt that is fact

[ Last edited by  Truth.8 at 17-11-2008 02:50 PM ]

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Post time 17-11-2008 02:48 PM | Show all posts

Balas #1446 Truth.8\ catat

if u kiss your mother, is she as holy as God?

if Maria Sharapova kissed the Tennis Cup, does she revered to the cup as God or anything divine?

It's simple common sense...

a thread has been opened for you and your claims during your travel, do post there so we don't get jumbled up in your 'facts'...

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 Author| Post time 17-11-2008 02:53 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by gunblade712 at 17-11-2008 02:48 PM
if u kiss your mother, is she as holy as God?

if Maria Sharapova kissed the Tennis Cup, does she revered to the cup as God or anything divine?

It's simple common sense...

a ...

common sense. if your muhammad claimed the aswad is nothing,why kiss and touched it? why need such act if the aswad is nothing? why need toplace the aswad if nothing?

answer me now

now     read this:

The black stone at Kaaba is held sacred and holy in Islam and iscalled"Hajre Aswad" from the Sanskrit word Sanghey Ashweta orNon-whitestone. The Shiva Lingam is also called Sanghey Ashweta. So what isinKaaba could be the same what Hindus worship.

link  here :

Truth hurt that is fact
As per saivagamas and vedic scriptures all Shiva temples were constructed withShivalinga facing the east. This can be seen even in every temples around theworld today. Temple entrances will always face east or north east direction. Asper vaastu this is also practiced where prayer room should always be in thenorth east part of the house with images of deities facing east. The entranceof the house should face east or north east. This is clearly seen with theplacement of Hajar Aswad and the entrance of the Kaabah.

In pure scientific study about the Historical Muhammad raises basic questionsconcerning the prophet's role as a moral paragon; the sources of Islamic law;and the God-given nature of the Koran. The scientists even doubt the existenceof Muhammad. Scientists say that the Koran is a not a product of Muhammad oreven of Arabia, but a collection of materials stitched together to meet theneeds of a later age. There was no Islam until two or three hundred years afterthe traditional version at around 830CE. The Arab tribesmen who conquered inthe seventh century vast territory were not Moslems, but were persons whoworshiped idols and are scientists call them pagans.

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Post time 17-11-2008 02:55 PM | Show all posts

Balas #1446 Truth.8\ catat

now now.. u don't want people to mock u now, do you?

Hajaral Aswad (or Hajre Aswad as spelled by you) is an arabic word..

hajaral is from the root word Hajar, which means stone..

aswad is black.

so, Hajaral Aswad is literally "black stone".

if you say that it's from Sanghey Ashweta, a Sanskirt which means Non-whitestone, then this "Sanghey Ashweta" can be green, or blue, or red, or yellow, or magenta, or turquoise, becoz you said that the meaning of Sanghey Ashweta is Non-whitestone.

so please, give us a more convincing facts before you produce your claims, ok?

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 Author| Post time 17-11-2008 02:58 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by gunblade712 at 17-11-2008 02:55 PM
now now.. u don't want people to mock u now, do you?

Hajaral Aswad (or Hajre Aswad as spelled by you) is an arabic word..

hajaral is from the root word Hajar, which means stone..

aswad i ...

is Sanghey Ashweta green or any color to your view when hindus view Sanghey Ashweta as black?

Hindus believe that God is formless and adored in everyway. Beforeworshipping God in an idol Hindus pray "Oh my God, who is prescenteverywhere and in my heart, for some time pls come and be in the idolso that i can express my feelings and can play with you".And at the endof the prayer, they say "Hritpadma karnika madhye shivena saha sundari,Pravishadvam mahadevi sarvai avarnai saha" which means, O beautiful,pls come back to the lotus of my heart in all yr glory.

Loveand life are unmanifesr in nature, but they manifest thru the physicalform. Similarly the unmanifest divinity is what is worshipped throughthe 5 elements.

Islam adheres to the FORMLESS, it hasnevertheless recognised the importance of the form and symbol, theKaaba. Though God is all pervading, facing the Kaaba and honouring itis worshipping the formless through the form.

4) Namaskaram - Namaz

Namaaz comes frm 2 sanskrit words: Nama (to worship) and yaja(to unite with God).

Vajrasana (a yogic posture) is an essential part of Namazz.

5) Hindus pray 5 times a day. Muslims pray 5 times a day too.

Friday is the holy day fr both Hindus and Muslims.

The 30 days of prayer and fasting fr Muslims is akin to the Mandala puja of the Hindus.

Thename of the Islamic month of Ramadan comes frm the sanskrit wordRama-dhyan. Dhyan means to meditate and Ram means "the one who shinesinthe heart". Thus Ramadan means to meditate on God.

6) In theHindu tradition, the moon n stars are revered. The Sun is also revered,as it was teh source of comfort in the icy Himalayas.

In theArabian desert, it was the moon and stars which gv comfort while theHarsh sun was hostile. Hence in Islam, the moon and stars weer chosenas symbols of serenity and divinity.

7) Islam banning music

Toreach teh depths of the Being, one needs to go beyond the sound.Mohammed went to the cave t find quietness, therefore Islam bans allmusic that is not congenial to spiritual practice.

The Gitaalso says " Shabdadeen vishayan anyan sarvan tyaktya asheshataha"meaning remounce all the sounds in order to become a yogi.

"Jigyasurapi yogasya shabda brahmati vartate" means One who is inquisitive of union with God goes beyond the sound.

Burial, Cremation

Hindu Rishis found cremation best ecologically.

Inthe desert, there was no option to cremate due to the lack of wood. Thehot sand bed of the desert would do the job of cremation.

9) Brahma - Abraham, Saraswati - Sara

In Hinduism, the 1st perceptor is Brahma and his wife Saraswati.

The founder of teh Kaaba in Islam is known as Ibrahim and his wife Sara.

10) The path

ThSufi process of spiritual development is broken into stages, asceticsmand detachment, studying with a bona fide teacher and attainingenlightenment.

This is very similar to the element of Bhakti found in Vaishnavism, the Vedic worship of Vishnu.

source :

[ Last edited by  Truth.8 at 17-11-2008 03:07 PM ]

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Post time 17-11-2008 03:00 PM | Show all posts
common sense. if your muhammad claimed the aswad is nothing,why kiss and touched it? why need such act if the aswad is nothing? why need toplace the aswad if nothing?

answer me now

dear Truth.8, you do learn about manners in your young days, am I right? If you need an explanations from someone, do it nicely. You have no power to order people around, you now..

in other words, beradab lah sikit, jangan jadi biadab atau pun kurang ajar...

this is what happen when you don't learn your religion properly. You'll act arrogantly. What have you got to say about your oath to God?

about why does Muhammad s.a.w. kissed it, may I asked again, why does it bother you? Hajaral Aswad was the stone from the heaven, and, dear Truth.8, we are NOT OBLIGATED TO KISS IT. Nak cium, cium. Taknak cium, sudah!

if we see the hajaral aswad as a divine stone as claimed by you, it must be COMPULSORY for us to kiss it now, would it?

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