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Author: hafiza

All About Jakarta, Indonesia - Part 8

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Post time 25-10-2013 11:42 AM | Show all posts
katak_pisang posted on 25-10-2013 09:52 AM
betul tu..
saya arituh sampai tersesat, sbb kat sana kan berlorong2..
siap tertinggal barang lak ...

kt mana kedai Amanda tu?

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Post time 25-10-2013 01:38 PM | Show all posts
bonita posted on 25-10-2013 11:42 AM
kt mana kedai Amanda tu?

Last day sebelum balik br ada yg bgtau Amanda ada cawangan kat Jakarta, katanya x jauh dr Amaris Thamrin..
sblm tu mmg tanya ramai org tp semuanya tak tahu..
tp saya mmg tak sempat nak pi sbb rushing nak ke airport

ni add yg saya google..kalo sesapa pi Jakarta, bley try cari

amanda brownies di kawasan BSD
Jl. Raya Serpong KM 8 No. 82 B Pakulonan Serpong


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Post time 25-10-2013 01:51 PM | Show all posts
katak_pisang posted on 25-10-2013 01:38 PM
Last day sebelum balik br ada yg bgtau Amanda ada cawangan kat Jakarta, katanya x jauh dr Amaris T ...

kalau iols tak silap, ari tu pak supir bagitahu outlet baru amanda ni jalan nak ke passser barroe.

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Post time 25-10-2013 04:20 PM | Show all posts
katak_pisang posted on 25-10-2013 09:44 AM
stroller tu tinggalkan je kat bwh tangga sblm naik flight, nanti staff AA akan simpanka ...

tq 4 da info sangat2 lega...
risau jg bawa anak kecil ni pg sna lebih2 lg dgn perut yg tgah memboyot ni...


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Post time 25-10-2013 06:33 PM | Show all posts
itik_kuning posted on 25-10-2013 01:51 PM
kalau iols tak silap, ari tu pak supir bagitahu outlet baru amanda ni jalan nak ke passser barroe. ...

saya pun last minit dpt tahu..mmg x sempat le nak cari, pdhal kepingin sangat

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Post time 25-10-2013 06:40 PM | Show all posts
mamasaif posted on 25-10-2013 04:20 PM
tq 4 da info  sangat2 lega...
risau jg bawa anak kecil ni pg sna lebih2 lg dgn perut yg tgah me ...

ooOO..susu anak tu blh bancuh sesiap sblm naik flight..
mcm saya arituh, delay lama..
pastu dok dlm flight nak tunggu turn terbang pun lebih 15 minit
sib baik anak tak buat hal, yg penting susu kena standby..

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Post time 26-10-2013 04:17 AM | Show all posts

JAKARTA will look different on October 27, 2013 . Motor vehicles are typically controlled streets of the capital will be displaced by the presence of thousands of runners from 50 countries . They were present to attend the event Mandiri Jakarta Marathon 2013.

For 10 hours , from 2:00 to 12:00 o'clock , cars and motorcycles are prohibited from crossing the predefined route . This is done to give a sense of security and comfort for all participants .

" We 've got traffic diversion schemes as an alternative for people who want to travel, " said Head of Operational Ditlantas Jakarta Police , Commissioner Budiyanto , in Jakarta , Thursday ( 24/10 ) .

As the person in charge of security of the international marathon race , he said, the City Police will make every effort possible in order not to cause road closures this severe congestion . Community activities should not be disturbed .

Budiyanto said it would put some of the personnel at every intersection that is connected to the Marathon route Mandiri, Jakarta 2013. They are in charge of directing traffic in the area .

In addition , the effect of the road is also open and close system in order to buildup the vehicles can be avoided . By the time the runners passed , he said , the street is closed . However , when participants had to be away from the road , the road was opened . Adjust all conditions and situations in the field .

" Activity Mandiri Jakarta Marathon should be a success , but also the public interest should not be disturbed , " he said .

Here are a number of roads into the streets of Jakarta and the race route will be closed to all types of vehicles including bicycles on October 27, 2013 in At 02:00 to 12:00 pm :

Starting from the Southwest at Silang Monas - Indosat Fountain Roundabout - Jl . Glory - Jl . Abdul Muis - Jl . Majapahit - Jl . Hayam Wuruk - Jl . South Big Door - Jl . 3 times the Big East - Jl . Cubeb - Jl . Pepper - Jl . Coriander - Jl . Bank ( Beos ) - Old Town - Jl . Hayam Wuruk - Shelter TransJakarta Olimo - Harmony - Jl . Juanda - Jl . Cathedral - Jl . Verse - Jl . Veterans - left Medan Merdeka Barat - Fountain Roundabout Indosat .

After that proceed to Jl . M.H. Thamrin - HI Roundabout - Jl . Imam Bonjol - right into Jl . HR . Rasuna Said - Brass traffic lights to the left - Jl . Gatot Subroto - Traffic lights turning Jewel - Jl . Gatot Subroto - Semanggi Bridge Straight - 2 bulkhead to the left - Jl . Gate of Youth - Shooting Range Traffic lights to the left - Jl . Africa Asia - Jl . Hang Tuah - CSW left - left to Jl . Sisingamangaraja - Senayan Roundabout - Jl . Sudirman - Jl . M.H. Thamrin - Fountain Roundabout Indosat - ends at Silang Monas Southwest .

As for the diversion of traffic flows as follows :

1 . The flow of vehicles heading towards the Bridge Five Asemka diverted to Jl . Tubagus Angke flyover commerce .

2 . Slaughter of the vehicle flow direction shifted to the right towards Asemka Jl . Tubagus Angke flyover commerce or to the left Jl .
Three of Commerce - Small doors and so on .

3 . The flow of vehicles heading towards Prince Jayakarta Beos shifted to the left Jl . Pinangsia East - to the right of the vehicle Mangga Besar or reversed direction of Gunung Sahari forward Mangga Dua Square .

4 . The flow of vehicles through Jl Gunung Sahari direction . R.A. Kartini shifted to the left to Jl . Recent coral Main .

5 . Flow of vehicles from the K.H. Hasyim Azhari towards Gajah Mada Jl shifted to the right . East or right Cideng Jl . Sangaji .

6 . The flow of vehicles heading towards Kyai Caringin diverted to Harmoni Cideng Cideng West and East .

7 . The flow of vehicles heading towards New Teak Abdul Muis or toward Betel Kebun Cideng diverted to the East or Jl . K.H. Mas Mansour .

8 . Current direction of the vehicle from Jl . K.H. Samanhudi towards Hayam Wuruk Pecenongan transferred to Juanda left - Jl . Post and so on or turned back toward Gunung Sahari or diverted to the left Jl . Krekot Bunder .

9 . The flow of vehicles heading towards Kwitang M.H. Thamrin or diverted to Medan Merdeka Timur Jl . A.M. Ridwan Rais - left Medan Merdeka Selatan Jl . Agus Salim ( left Kebon Sirih or Wahid Hasyim ) or played back to Doorbrak Scholastic Kwitang towards Senen .

10 . Current direction of the vehicle from Jl . S. Parman towards Jl . Gatot Subroto shifted to the left Jl . K.S. Tubun or right Palmerah or Jl . Potty .

11 . Current direction of the vehicle from Jl . Dr. . Satrio towards Jl . Sudirman flyover straightened to Rubber - KH Mas Mansyur so did the reverse direction .

12 . The flow of vehicles and the direction of the direction of Dr. Casablanca . Satrio towards Jl . Transmitted by Rasuna Said straightened flyovers to Casablanca in the second direction .

13 . Current direction of the vehicle from Jl . Galunggung and headed to Jl . Sudirman straightened out in both directions .

14 . Current direction of the vehicle from Jl . Towards Jl Diponegoro . Imam Bonjol shifted to the left Jl . Madison - right into Jl . Hazy - left to Jl . Sultan Agung or Jl . Jl Diponegoro left . Cik Ditiro .

15 . Current direction of the vehicle from Jl . H.O.S. Tjokroaminoto and Jl . Sam Ratulangi towards Jl . Imam Bonjol shifted to the left Jl . Sutan Syahrir .

16 . The traffic from the toll in the city to the west that would come out in front of the Chakras straightened out the DPR / MPR .

17 . Current direction of the vehicle from Jl . M.T. Haryono towards Jl . Gatot Subroto shifted to the left Jl . Raya Pasar Minggu or right to Jl . Prof . Dr. . Supomo and vehicles from Jl . Prof . Dr. . Supomo and Sunday Market straightened or diverted to Jl . M.T. Haryono and vehicles can be diverted from the Sunday Market to Jl . Duren Tiga .

18 . Current direction of the vehicle from Jl . Mampang Prapatan towards Jl . Transmitted by Diverted through Jl Rasuna Said . Duren Tiga , Jl . Mampang Prapatan 7 ( Jl. Bangka ) or Jl . Captain Tendean - Jl . Wolter Monginsidi and so on .

19 . Current direction of the vehicle from Jl . Commander Polim towards Jl . Sisingamangaraja diverted to Jl . Hammel - Jl . Sultan Iskandarsyah - Jl . 1 or via Jl Wijaya . Tirtayasa , while the other path through Jl . Kyai Maja or to Jl . Trunojoyo - Jl . Wolter Monginsidi and so on .

Author: Heru Budhiarto

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10,000 participants from 50 countries in Jakarta Marathon
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18 stage entertainment
Heavy security from police

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Post time 27-10-2013 01:26 PM | Show all posts
I'll be in Jakarta on 31/10 for 2 days and will stay at Hotel Neo, betul2 kat area Mangga Dua. Next 2 days will be at Bandung. Last day will be in the same hotel before fly back to KL.


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Post time 27-10-2013 09:53 PM | Show all posts
Salam semua.. Saya dan famili seramai 9 org akan ke jakarta pada bulan 12 ni.. Nak Mintak senior2 sini Reccomened hotel murah area jakarta... Kalau boleh bawah 100 smlm sebab nak ambik 3 bilik dan 3 malam.. Tq

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Post time 28-10-2013 02:37 PM | Show all posts
katak_pisang posted on 25-10-2013 01:38 PM
Last day sebelum balik br ada yg bgtau Amanda ada cawangan kat Jakarta, katanya x jauh dr Amaris T ...

Brownies kat Jakarta dihantar daily dari Bandung.

Alamat kat BSD tu bukannya di jakarta dah area Tangerang Selatan.


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Post time 28-10-2013 08:31 PM | Show all posts
wiseguy posted on 28-10-2013 02:37 PM
Brownies kat Jakarta dihantar daily dari Bandung.

Alamat kat BSD tu bukannya di jakarta dah are ...

ooOO..sib baik saya x pi sblm blk tu,
kalo tak harus terlepas flight
thanks wiseguy

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Post time 28-10-2013 11:44 PM | Show all posts
camflo03 posted on 27-10-2013 12:26 PM
I'll be in Jakarta on 31/10 for 2 days and will stay at Hotel Neo, betul2 kat area Mangga Dua. Next  ...

kalau schedule nya begitu, berarti harus pindah hotel 2 kali. kenapa tidak langsung ke bandung satu hari lalu stay di jakarta sampai pulang ?


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Post time 29-10-2013 10:52 AM | Show all posts
cakur posted on 28-10-2013 11:44 PM
kalau schedule nya begitu, berarti harus pindah hotel 2 kali. kenapa tidak langsung ke bandung sat ...

saje je pak cakur.tak nak kelam kabut.i'll be reaching Jakarta malam, so decided to stay in jakarta for 2 days then baru gerak ke Bandung.

on last day, prefer to be in Jakarta again sebab takut macet or terkejar2 if straight from Bandung. lagipon my flight leaving Jakarta around 3pm.boleh rilek2 saja b4 gi airport.

ini pon x prepare for full iternary and most probably tak plan nak pergi tempat2 history.more to shopping and rileks.


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Post time 29-10-2013 11:04 AM | Show all posts
pendekar_laut posted on 27-10-2013 09:53 PM
Salam semua.. Saya dan famili seramai 9 org akan ke jakarta pada bulan 12 ni.. Nak Mintak senior2 si ...

saya booked Hotel Neo kat mangga dua area via direct booking kat website dorang. dapat rate around RM92 inclusive service charge and tax. hotel ni hotel baru..

ni first time nak gi Jakarta/Bandung, hopefully everything will be ok.

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Post time 31-10-2013 10:56 AM | Show all posts
Saya nak ke bandung dari jakarta 8/11/13 (jumaat)...Cadangannya nak naik trave (yang mini van tu)l sbb ingat nak bertolak pagi..saya tggl di MaxOne Sabang...macam mana ye?Nak naik apa dan amik katne?Sapa bole tolong?

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Post time 31-10-2013 12:20 PM | Show all posts
kalo kat jakarta ni bape rate standard untuk mobil+sopir ya? nak pakai sebelah malam je..banyak sopir yang bandung je aku jumpa..last time amik sopir dari bandung dia banyak tak tau jalan kat jakarta tu...jenuh aku lak yang kene tunjuk jalan pakai gps..

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Post time 31-10-2013 12:59 PM | Show all posts
kalau flight balik kl kul 3pm, kalau gerak dr amaris thamrin city kul 12pm ok tak?
atau baik gerak lg awal. tq

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Post time 31-10-2013 01:45 PM | Show all posts
mijot posted on 31-10-2013 12:59 PM
kalau flight balik kl kul 3pm, kalau gerak dr amaris thamrin city kul 12pm ok tak?
atau baik gerak  ...

Elok le gerak awal sikit.  Kat sana kan sekarang ni tengah hangat pekerja berdemo mintak naik gaji.  Jalan banyak tersekat dek pendemo lambat sampai kang tak pasal2 mis flight.

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Post time 31-10-2013 07:15 PM | Show all posts
mijot posted on 31-10-2013 12:59 PM
kalau flight balik kl kul 3pm, kalau gerak dr amaris thamrin city kul 12pm ok tak?
atau baik gerak  ...

mijot...semalam akak naik flight 310pm tu dari Jakarta.
kami naik shuttle dr Thamrin tu jam 10lbh.......ada demo semalam, shuttle patut dah ada awal, jam 10 lbh br sampai.
kami tiba di terminal 3 jam 1115 waktu sana.
kalau nak gerak jam 12, mau mijot tersungkur bergerak di airport tu.
paling lewat pun naik jam 11pagi......tambang shuttle idr35k sorang.

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Post time 31-10-2013 07:51 PM | Show all posts
roger @Artemesiaa  and @dee556.
tolak awal ke airport.

kak dee, shuttle ke airport tu kaler apa ek?
memang tunggu depan amaris ye?


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