kak zue...waaaaa.....hari ni nak nahnges je rasanya!!!!
tengokkan vids BB and 2ne1's arrival kat changi airport, rasa cam nak meletup dada! jelaous yg amat!!!!
bila diorang nak dtg sini lak nih....tidaaaaakkk...takleh buat keje nih. meroyan la sepanjang hari ni nampak gayanya
tabi... *drools
agaknya, if i were at the airport... mesti dah terlupa yg diri ni taklah muda belia
i'm not the type yg akan buat anything crazy depan artis pujaan. that's for sure sbb i ni fans bersopan-santun
but if ada peluang i dapat dekat BB and 2ne1 masa tu, rasanya hilang kesantunan i.
semua i akan peluk, definitely!
tabi yg i akan peluk paling lama sampai the bodyguard leraikan...hehehe!
btw, dlm vid yg first tu i nampak gd jalan beriringan ngan CL. i suke!
kat belakang lak ada hubby i... pengsan! kemachoan overload
AM dear...tiutenya doraemon tuh...nak kidnap!
luvsushi Post at 15-7-2011 12:00
kidnap jgn x kidnap!!pastu bwk jmpa ngan ktorang... tomeykan...
sis da tgk KM idol world?mmg video lama la...2007 punye..AM baru tgk... bestnye bile tgk video lama2 yg xpenah tgk..rasa cm new VIP!! it's fresh! yela,asek tgk matured bb je kan,bile tgk balik diorang dorky2 cmtu...alahai..makin jatuh cinta
Pix ni sebenarnye tuju kat akhkak kan sbb x percaya baby ada 6 pax?? OK2...skang ahkak percaya..drool sehh tgk budak tecik nih lately!! I noticed bila BB perform mostly Baby yg akan cover part Dae Dae..Semakin menunjukkan kematangan.. Hehehe..funny sgt tgk baby gi dating dgn Gwisoon..AM, sila jgn verangan okeh..gi baca buku!
Kak Zue..
Huhuhu...Stanum pun sama...kalau dpt tgk BB kat Mesia mmg superb! tiket VVIP sudah pasti...wp kene korek tabung ayam..if not, myVIP kene wat rombongan cik kiah tgk next Big Show kat Korea la..Stanum lantik Sushi jadik ketua rombongan!! Hwaiting!
How come u x nmpk lehh?? refresh bebyk kali!! mmg drool okeh Tabi you masa kat airport nyah..mcm boss mafia!
Huhu..skang rs menyesal plak x rembat tix Korean Music Wave ni...takat tgk fancam je lah yg mampu nnti...
Err, GD jln dgn CL? ala...takde apa2 tu..diorg diskas psl nk perform mlm ni je tuh..GD baby dh kabor kt I awal2 tak nak I salah faham..hikhikhik
AM...nak drools kat baby panda gak boley tak?
tabi ni bila nak tunjuk 6-packs nih......kena tunggu movie/drama yg memerlukan dia tayang body baru dia akur, tu pun dgn syarat2 tertentu. isk! bersopan sungguh hubby i. suke!
okies, walopon korang dah tgk vid ni, i nak tepek gak kat sini sebab baru tadi tgk VMAJ 2011 SNSD. saje je...hehehe!
sorry to say, mmg takleh lawan Bigbang and 2ne1's performance masa VMAJ 2010. epic performance by BB and 2ne1
stage present jangan cakap la...meletup kebabom!!! they really enjoyed the stage, definitely not a robotic choreographed performance.
me too sushi... if i were there, sure la itu bukan kak zue yang korang kenal sblm neh... sbb akak dh pernah ada pengalaman di epot with dabel S... with the precious skinship with 3 of them make, wat akak lupe diri... mmg ar... tu pengalaman pertama n akak rasa mgkn yg terakhir... akak harap akak berkesempatan berjumpa BB... nak sangat... sbb pengalaman kat epot sangat2 berbeza taw ....
TOP hubby ketua mafia. hawtness overload! *drool...
mcm boss mafia!
aah... sejibik cam ketua mafia... howt giler arrrr... pesal nehhhh....
kan kak zue...pengalaman kat airport mmg lain
kalo BB and 2ne1 dtg malaysia mmg i amik cuti seminggu khas didedikasikan utk menyiapkan diri menjadi superstalker diorang. banner, camera ready. keta kena isi minyak penuh. sanggup tunggu sampai dua, tiga pagi kat hotel and airport. well, actually i did that dulu masa zaman2 gila Ada Apa Dengan Cinta. berbaloi gak la
korang, kalo BB dtg sini kita kena gi sesama tau. jgn biar i stalk sendiri. i boley je sesorang tapi tak fun le...korang kena ada sama cik stan and AM, tak kira...korang kena turun kl. kak zue, kembali jadi anak dara jap ek...sherry, miya, fiza... mesti tag along sekali.
isk...asyik berangan, bila nak jadik kenyataan nih. berkobar ni jgn cakap le... nak explode dah rasanya. lol!
kan kak zue...pengalaman kat airport mmg lain
kalo BB and 2ne1 dtg malaysi ...
luvsushi Post at 15-7-2011 13:45
OMG..stanum blom penah lagi berkecimpong dlm arena men-stalk retis2 nih.. Akan tetapi, kalau cakap pasai nk stalk Big Bang, opkos la I'm IN! Anytime baybeh! Nak2 pulak ada otai mcm K.Zue & Sushi yg tukang guide...hehehe...Jgn aku tetiba nak sakit perut/pitam/menggigil pulak bila GD, TOP, Seungri, Taeyang and DAE DAE (for sure!!) dah ada depan mata nnti! Aceceh...terbaek la plan nih!
Pix ni sebenarnye tuju kat akhkak kan sbb x percaya baby ada 6 pax?? OK ...
stanum123 Post at 15-7-2011 12:25
ngeh3....at last sis cayer mmg tgh baca buku pon...ptg ni ada test..adeh,rasa penuh otak ni ngan formula..xtau nk kuarkan apa time test nnti tu yg masuk kjap2 je....dok gigih stdy punye pasal la baby panda lately ni suke pakai spek kan...mcm tau2 je dia makin comel bila pakai spek..saje nk wat AM moyan lebih kat dia
kan kak zue...pengalaman kat airport mmg lain
kalo BB and 2ne1 dtg malaysi ...
luvsushi Post at 15-7-2011 13:45
korang ni gigih brangan nk stalk BB...wat AM rasa mcm kompem je diorang datang.... opkos la xleh tinggal sis...hubby nk dtg dkat...bile lagi nk peluk kan.... mana tau dia knal kita yg wat video message kt diorang ari tu...lagila up market kita
ok, take 5...errr...more likely 15 minutes
saje je kalo nak baca pasal kebobrokon reporter korea yg anti YG artists (and other artists from other companies as well).
so, kita kena le beware dgn berita2 yg kita baca. tapis dulu sebelum percaya bulat2, ya!
Dumbass (ehem...pardon the language ye...)anti-reporters get owned and caught lying -An example of why you shouldn't trust a lot of Korean reporters
by Flibbertigibbet
This particular example that I'm about to talk about is about YG, but it's a widespread problem that a lot of companies face. For a little back story, YG has 3 particularly famous anti-reporters, and they are Newsen, Sports Seoul, and Dispatch. They've been writing malicious articles about YG for years, though Dispatch is a new one since they only formed this year but they formed from staff members of Sports Seoul so they are technically one and the same. A lot of the time their articles will try to find the negative side of even good news about anything YG related and very often the news they put out about YG is untrue as well. They'll also word things in a way to attract antis.
Anyway, today Taeyang and Seungri went to the airport to depart for Singapore for a concert. At the airport they coincidentally met Lee Hye Young who had recently gotten engaged. Dispatch put up an article with pictures of the meeting, but oddly Seungri's face was blurred out of the pictures as seen below:
Then a Dispatch reporter and a photographer wrote a rant on twitter about something.
This translates to:
Taeyang's fan service was great. As soon as he got out of the van he waved towards the fans and smiled. When he saw Lee Hye Young who recently got engaged, he bowed to greet her. For a second there I thought Taeyang came alone.
I decided to respect Seungri's opinion. Seungri who said to only take pictures of Lee Hye Young. So our decision was to blur him out. We did exactly as he said, as he wanted.
Seungri who we met at Incheon Airport said!! "If you came to take pictures of Lee Hye Young, go over there and take pictures of Lee Hye Young instead!!" WTF. Since when did Seungri become a news editor!! He's telling a photographer to do this and that!!
Going off just these very snarky tweets, Seungri seems like a real black hole. But that was intentional on the reporter + photographer's parts. Seungri was being shred to pieces on the internet by netizens as a result of this, and he probably would have been doomed to an image of being an black hole.
Fortunately the truth was revealed when ystar aired video footage of the meeting in Star News where the atmosphere was completely different from what the reporters on Twitter described.
Everyone was happy and in a joking mood and Taeyang even says the line that the reporters on Twitter talked about, but in a completely different sense and in a joking manner. These anti-reporters twisted their words to sound negative even though they said it in a way to not take away any of the spotlight from Lee Hye Young's special occassion. And it was revealed to netizens that the reporter and photographer are psychos.
So yeah... Korean reporters are kind of shit, which is why the quality of news on AKP sucks so badly since they translate the crap Korean reporters write. Reporters will let their personal vendettas drive them to spread lies about a lot of celebrities.
ok, take 5...errr...more likely 15 minutes
saje je kalo nak baca pasal kebobrokon reporter kore ...
luvsushi Post at 15-7-2011 15:22
thx for the article sis...amek kat mana ni?
yeah,they are dumb***!!! :@ kuang hajaq pi dok pitnah laki aku..aku kejor korang smpai lobang cacing baru tau...jeles le tu seungri xnk kat koooo :re: memula AM pelik gak bile tgk kt bbupdates tu ada certain pic yg blurkan muke seungri..sentap jap..pastu bile bc news ni baru la tau mmg ada yg dengki busuk ati kat diorang eh.....:@