skrg tgh layan 8tv nye chat live....sekali dengo nama super junior, nampak gambo siwon ngan caption he want to get married le camtu....(tak sempat nak snap gambo)
MC tu bc news kredit ekeke...
skrg ni tayang sunbae derang nye MV beautiful you...
[090503/SJ] Repackage' release and song' promotion
Popular group Super Junior's <Sorry, sorry> will challenge the composer of <Gee> for 2 consecutive hits.
Thepopularity of 3rd album title <Sorry, sorry> will overlap theiractivities with E-Tribe's song. The title of the song is <너라고 (It’sYou)>. E-Tribe is a well known composer with Lee Hyori's<U-Go-Girl> and SNSD's <Gee>
This song won't beincluded on Super Junior 3rd album but will be included on theRepackage album which will be released on May 7th.
Recently,when the reporters met them and asked about their expectations for thesong, Super Junior said that "The title song on this album actually<Sorry, Sorry> and E-Tribe were competing for it. E-Tribe's songis also a sophisticated and addictive song which will attract the fansmore into it.
E-Tribe's said that this song can be summarizedinto "cheerful contemporary music". This song special features is usingsynthesizers and MIDI which raise the beat and make it into anelectronic music.
Fans are expecting another big hit when E-Tribe's music style meets with Super Junior.
Meanwhile,in this album, Ryeowook's music composition and Sungmin's lyrics on<첫번째 이야기 (Love U More)> is also a good song.
zel n limau
kekeke... takper aaa dah puas dengar yg versi sedut... kita tunggu aje cik caja post nanti2..
adoi siwon ni, miang betul, kecik2 dah nak kawin kekeke... sabo ajew aaa... pengsan minik dia melayan gesture n skinship dia yg tak bleh blah tu. ... kalo wat ngan minik takpe la gak, ni wat ngan dak2 SUJU tu kekeke.... sabo aje..