August 13, 2019
FBI Divers Recover Human Bones In Waters Off Epstein “Orgy Island” As “Deep State” Meltdown Accelerates
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
A beyond shocking highly classified “Of Special Importance” new Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today noting that the American prison system has sunk to third world status—as even Mexico provided video of drug lord El Chapo’s prison escape—states the fury and humiliation over the death of child sex slaver Jeffrey Epstein seething through a US Department of Justice (DoJ) responsible for his staying alive to stand trial, has now been met by an “appalled and angry” US Attorney General William Barr—who yesterday vowed “no one complicit in Epstein’s crimes will escape punishment”—crimes which now may include murder after an elite team of FBI investigators and divers invaded Epstein’s “Orgy Island” fortress in the Caribbean yesterday—whose most stunning discovery are believed to be human bones of young children found in the waters below Epstein’s satanic temple.
According to the portions of this highly classified report we’re permitted to reveal, in mid-July the FBI requested a temporary export permit from the Foreign Ministry for an advanced underground radar system—a request granted under standard permit protocols stating that such goods and technology exported must always be controlled by a Russian entity—and in this case was a SVR expert technologist able to operate the world’s most advanced underground radar system used exclusively by the Russian military which can recognize ferrous metal and non-ferrous metals at depths up to 5 meters called the Deep-Earth Metal Detector MG-1—who after being directed by the FBI to probe the exterior grounds of Epstein’s satanic temple, saw this advanced underground radar system detecting an approximate 1 meter (about 3 feet) tubular metal pipe extending from the base of this satanic temple and disappearing into the waters below it—after which FBI divers began bringing up from these waters what appeared to be small human bones and skulls this SVR expert technologist likened to those one would see coming from the graves of young children.
Farnor replied at 15-8-2019 11:22 PM
Aik tiba-tiba pencen hahaha... Ternyata P.andrew penakut betul..sejak kes pedo kakakaka.
I gali balik.. fake news sis .. cisss terkena saya  |
snazzydaisy replied at 15-8-2019 11:49 PM
foursome with Andy's look-a-like doll? dude, you're freak!!!
Sarah Ferguson's toe-sucking ...
her words against him gitu..
focus utk backers meggot.. kes prince nie not really big sbb gal tu punya age still age of consent kat UK...
mangsa si Epstein lagi muda dr gals yg entertain PA ni , |
snazzydaisy replied at 16-8-2019 12:06 AM
Bila Virginia Roberts mentioned "an unnamed prince", could it be Prince Charles???
oh my my.. pengsan bila bc nie |
snazzydaisy replied at 16-8-2019 12:28 AM
ehhh, ini spoof aje kan?
haah sis.. dia ambik muka dan nama betul.correspondent bbc.. tp account tu fake |
snazzydaisy replied at 16-8-2019 12:56 AM
tq tq.. haaa ni yg I nak cari |
if Charles Windsor is the unnamed prince.. glup glup.. maka pasni William terus ambik la BRF tu dr nendanya... uncle ngan bapaknya both cam x guna.. and si Hanat pun sama..
I pun rasa William x ada heart nak buat benda2 setan mcm nie.. No way !  |
colour me shocked... berpuluh2 thn PC kawan baik dgn Jimmy Saville aka pedo king UK, sampai dianugerahkan knighthood lagi. dan nyaris2 nak jd godfather Prince Hanat 

Skubi dah kena markled ka? senyap jah 

Author |
Post time 16-8-2019 03:02 AM
From the mobile phone
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dani-rox replied at 16-8-2019 02:00 AM
Kahkahkah |
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andrew dan fergie tetiba holiday ke malaga sama2... cinta bertaut semula ka atau meeting dan buat deal dgn Ghislaine Maxwell? |
dani-rox replied at 16-8-2019 02:00 AM
adehhhh... Oh My My hahahhaa
bertiang tiang jauhnyaaaa hahaha  |
dani-rox replied at 16-8-2019 01:54 AM
colour me shocked... berpuluh2 thn PC kawan baik dgn Jimmy Saville aka pedo king UK, sampai dianug ...
dani.. ada dlm twitter tu kata PC ni dlu jd mangsa pedo Uncle Mountbatten dia... pastu dia punya circle terdiri dr pedo2.. scary nya |
Anonymous asked:
Washington Pundit not a mainstream media site - twists news stories to fit far right wing agenda. Published list of supposed famous pedophiles and suggest taking screenshot as post will be deleted. If reliable information why delete ? CEO is Michael Stewart former member metal band "Motorgrater" - quit. worked for Malik Obama short time. NOT A RELIABLE SOURCE OF INFORMATION
I agree! I am very cautious when lists come out naming names like this! It’s a witch hunt. The Epstein blackbook was different, and that as well doesn’t mean all are guilty….again, how would these people feel if one of their loved ones was on a list like that….
you all list kat washington pandit tu pun rasanya spof |
Edited by eva at 16-8-2019 10:43 AM
dani-rox replied at 16-8-2019 04:00 AM
andrew dan fergie tetiba holiday ke malaga sama2... cinta bertaut semula ka atau meeting dan buat de ...
GM kat US dani.. here is the link of her sighting
https://nypost.com/2019/08/15/je ... os-since-his-death/ |
dani-rox replied at 16-8-2019 02:00 AM
Hahaha aduiiii lah kejam sungguh. Harga postage lg mahal hahahahaha |
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