uri sobangnim eksiden.. huhu.. jom gi rawat dia hehehe... isk2 awal dh pakai couple ring, patut aaa mu moyan...
Hana_Hirokawa Post at 22-2-2010 10:56
dak2 cn blue panggil jonghyun neh-busan man who always got lost..
yonghwa first time jumpa dia kat seoul station..dia kata motip la jo ...
twinkystar Post at 21-2-2010 23:13
baiklah..saye suke junghsin..♥
xpela kalo jdi mama boy.
saye akan jadikan die noona boy♥
momo dh tgk making artist tu..seharian tgu buffer tgk yt dri pg
then tgk ape lak utk variety show diorg?
yg behind the star tu ape yek?
same ye?
diorg nye show su ...
momoko Post at 22-2-2010 20:33
yer2 twink di bg no fon me, apa2 momo msg/call jer..nanti me pm..
making the artist tu lain dari behind the star..
lagi satu ada CNBLUETORY..
so ada 3 rancangan berbeza..rancangan yg tetap cuma CNBLUETORY..
yg lagi dua tu bukan rancangan dorg..just for couple of episode rakamkan psl aktiviti dorg etc..
making the artist still going on..behind the star tu just one episode kot..
making the artist dh sampai ep 4, CN BLUETORY dah ep 2 or 3 rasanya..
yer2 twink di bg no fon me, apa2 momo msg/call jer..nanti me pm..
making the artist tu lain dari behind the star..
lagi satu ada CNBLUETORY..
so ada 3 rancangan berbeza..rancangan yg ...
twinkystar Post at 22-2-2010 21:23
wahhh...rajinnye twink pm..
rase mcm keje sekolah plak
kene tgk utk menambahkan ilmu
CNBLUE’s Minhyuk sheds tears about “fake band” accusations
CNBLUE’s success has impressed many of our readersnot only because they are rookies, but because they are a band. Eventhough pop music seemingly dominates mainstream music in Korea, CNBLUEhas managed to capture a large fanbase of rock fans and kpop listeners.
However, it doesn’t look like CNBLUE’s road to success has lacked hardships or bumps along the way. On an upcoming episode of CNBLUETORY set to air on February 24, drummer Minhyukreportedly teared up when he began talking about his anger andfrustration regarding some of the accusations that have surfaced theinternet, questioning the musical capabilities of CNBLUE as an idolband. The drummer shed tears, saying,
“There are posts on the internet about how CNBLUE didn’tplug in instruments for a performance. We’ve practiced for a few yearsjust to be able to stand in front of the public and perform foreveryone … and are prepared each time, and I see posts like these andget hurt. Like singers who dance and singers in general, we bandperformers similarly went through a long period of practice. We’vewatched videos of live performances by famous musicians and work reallyhard.
There is an attitude towards band singers in our country that putsup a wall that blocks our [bands' ability to] develop and grow. Becauseof this, I’m hurt and want to break down that barrier. So we’ve maderesolutions to work harder.”
Minhyuk wasn’t the only one that spoke up about this issue. On this episode, leader Yonghwa reportedly added,
“Even though we’ve been receiving a lot of love fromfans, there are still people who say, ‘Those kids are in a fake band,’which is very sad to hear. These words are unfair and difficult tohear. We will have to improve to be accepted as true musicians.”
It’s definitely understandable why demeaning comments can reallybring down CNBLUE’s spirits. However, I think these young men shouldkeep their heads up, because they’re well on their way to fulfillingtheir resolutions by showing off their talents and making theirpresence known. Furthermore, with the help of popular group F.T. Island and the comeback of TRAX, it seems like band-based music is making a return to the music scene. Stay tuned for more on CNBLUE at allkpop!