++ Thread Borak Warga Bod Mawi 12 ++ : Today Topik : Dino yg lembab
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9. The Born Loser |
Originally posted by kazz at 5-6-2008 12:26 PM 
18. Prayer
correct |
Originally posted by kazz at 5-6-2008 12:28 PM 
silap tu...
15. Southern Man
correct |
Originally posted by kazz at 5-6-2008 12:32 PM 
20. Sony Ericsson
correct |
Originally posted by kazz at 5-6-2008 12:34 PM 
6. Explorer
complete answer plz - |
Originally posted by kazz at 5-6-2008 12:34 PM 
6. Explorer
complete answer plz - |
adehhh... wrong timing lagik!
13. Abraham Lincoln |
Originally posted by noneng at 5-6-2008 12:32 PM 
9. The Born Loser
correct |
Originally posted by kazz at 5-6-2008 12:38 PM 
6. Explorer 1
correct |
2. Name The Artist: The House of Blue Lights
3. Where in Britain did the legendary 11th century King Orry rule
4. name the artist: a love so fine ?
5. in 1901 __________ _________, first to go over niagara falls in a barrel and live ?
7.classical music: who was credited with completing mozart's last work, the requiem ?
10. unscramble this word: n o n t i i u s
12. In 1984 ---------- ----------- completes first solo balloon crossing of Atlantic.
13. Canadian Music : This inspirational song by Gene MacLelland was a hit for Anne Murray
in 1970.
16. what hobby was developed by the palmer paint company of detriot ?
17. Serious opera and opposite of opera buffa. This term is especially applied to the
flourishing 18th century style as used by Rossini. Characterised by the use of castrato
singers, heroic or mythological plots, Italian libretti and formality in the music and
19. Whose patron is St Lucy
[ Last edited by dexa at 5-6-2008 12:51 PM ] |
Originally posted by noneng at 5-6-2008 12:38 PM 
13. Abraham Lincoln
neng.. tu number 14 kan...
saya tahu neng cuba jawab 14
so saya kira 14 la tu....
correct - |
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