Istana Bawang 2 : Kate Middleton vs Meghan Markle
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eva replied at 10-3-2019 11:13 PM
byk benda ph hadapi sis..
lost their mum at young age,
jd spare je pd takhta brf tu dia x kisa ...
Exactly kan... Yg charles harap dpt perempuan tu i think the stigma tu really stick kat harry tau.. In the documentary Diana Our Mother tu... While will is showing harry gambar diana and he mention harry was in the tummy at that time and then suddenly harry sampuk yg will must be wishing for a sister. OMG.... I think that harry is just one sad fellow. But he should realize that he got one great brother besides him. |
dani-rox replied at 11-3-2019 05:22 AM
pencapaian dan sumbangan ahli panel semua hebat2. kelayakan rachel utk berada di situ sbb hubung ...
Kakak jrg mencelah tp yg ni buat akak gelak besar ttg bio meggot.... Wakakaka |
Edited by eva at 11-3-2019 10:35 AM
kellykemah replied at 11-3-2019 07:57 AM
Exactly kan... Yg charles harap dpt perempuan tu i think the stigma tu really stick kat harry tau. ...
kan sis.. I setuju dgn u .
I think semua bermula juga la dgn cita cita Charles nak ada gegirl.. sian pula bila tiba2 jd mcm tu..Charles ada adik perempuan , Princess Anne, dia sgt rapat dgn Anne before Andrew and Edward were born, mungkin dia ingat benda yg sama akan terjadi kat keluarga dia. And QE and PP punya marriage is quite a happy marriage, so Charles kurang affected by masalah family. Anak2 dia pula berbeza. I read kat twitter discussion kenapa PC kena paksa kahwin dgn Diana. Rupanya ada act since 1772, sesiapa saja dlm line, maksudnya dr monarch hingga line ke 6 dlm takhta perkahwinan dorg ditentukan oleh monarch gitu. Undang2 tu masih apply pd PC, tp sbb PC juga undang2 tu berubah..that is why si meggot boleh berkahwin dgn Harry, Kate boleh kahwin dgn Will dan Camila boleh berkahwin dgn PC.Dah repealed dah undang2 1772 tu..
in my opinion.. Will ni sgt protective dgn Harry, and the best brother ever. Kalau lah dia dengar cakap Will, maybe life dia lagi better, better wife, better marriage etc. I wish him well, I hope kalau marriage dia short lived, minta minta la Harry jumpa betul2 the right woman, full blooded princess atau keluarga royal family dr Europe yg syg dia dan sanggup jd wife dia. Or kalau dia jumpa commoner sekalipun biarlah commoner yg baik, boleh fit into RF, kind, generous,follow the rf rule and protocol dan paling penting genuinely loves Harry. |
eva replied at 11-3-2019 10:32 AM
kan sis.. I setuju dgn u .
I think semua bermula juga la dgn cita cita Charles nak ada gegirl ...
Yup.... Your spouse seriously akan influence the way u interact with ur surrounding, ur behaviour and your way of looking at things. Harry with meghan is being manipulate but at the same time being very protective. I really wish before this he gets to marry someone like kate... Kate is obviously such a wonderful soft spoken family girl. Tapi at the same time funny and sporting. Will n harry ni walaupun diorg royal but they're still human. Sebelum ni nampak kan how close he is with kate. And i think meghan will stick around for quite some time. |
Edited by eva at 11-3-2019 10:55 AM
kisah William ngan Harry nie lebih kurang mcm kes QE ngan adiknya Princess Margaret jugak kan..
bila tengok PW mesti teringat QE
bila tengok perangai PH, teringat kisah Princess Margaret.
kellykemah replied at 11-3-2019 10:50 AM
Yup.... Your spouse seriously akan influence the way u interact with ur surrounding, ur behaviour ...
ramai je ummah Brits tu ada ciri2 Kate kan sis.. tp dia pilih juga meggot juga.
byk megixters percaya, PH ngan Meggot nie ibaratnya MM hanya royal bed warmer gitu tp Meggot x nak dilepaskan begitu saja.Dah alang alang dpt prince, biar apa pun dia nak jugak wealth and fame at any cost.Rupanya dia la yg bocor byk materials kat surat khabar kononnya dia gf Harry.salah seorg yg kuarkan benda nie adalah Scobie.. eww.. geli. Now mengaku royal reporter wahlah dia punya function menagung agungkan meggot.
dani-rox replied at 11-3-2019 05:22 AM
pencapaian dan sumbangan ahli panel semua hebat2. kelayakan rachel utk berada di situ sbb hubung ...
hahahaha.. jd wife je pencapaian dia..
hahhaa usaha keras jugak tu.. kejar ke jamaica..crash wedding org bagai..
hahaha |
eva replied at 11-3-2019 11:10 AM
ramai je ummah Brits tu ada ciri2 Kate kan sis.. tp dia pilih juga meggot juga.
byk megixters p ...
Obviously so... Byk sgt sumber dr inside trusted friends la.... Loyal staff la... Staunch supporter la.. Ye lah sampaikan george clooney pun nak telling her stories on her behalf jugak. WTH!
Later on mesti berlakon depressed and having mental breakdown coz too much trolling on her. Once an actress forever an actress no matter how suck she is. |
kellykemah replied at 11-3-2019 11:21 AM
Obviously so... Byk sgt sumber dr inside trusted friends la.... Loyal staff la... Staunch supporte ...
dia nak fame kan sis.. at any cost..
jgn percaya pompuan gedik tu. |
beyonce pun pregnant tipu ke<
sharlenetexas replied at 11-3-2019 02:33 AM
Macam belon gerak2
No wonder selalu belly cupping..nak tahan jgn bagi gerak le tu  |
Edited by chip92 at 11-3-2019 04:41 PM
Halluuu lelaki tauu yg tentukan gender baby ni. Kau yg salah nak salahkn bini plakkkk k sis emo huuuuu
Pregnant yg baru ni la kan..bfore this mgandung btui je kan
anak yg first dulu tu rasenye
dani-rox replied at 10-3-2019 04:48 PM
ada sambungan...
tengok reaksi the lady who sits next to her. mcm menyampah
omaigoood..muke die bosan sgt bile wallis berckp sorry sugars, too obvious la mimik muke die |
org mengandung kalu jln laju laju mmg pewot goyang2 ker
ker pewot dia ni nipis sampai goyang2 ke kiri ke kanan...
pujanggacinta replied at 11-3-2019 07:14 PM
org mengandung kalu jln laju laju mmg pewot goyang2 ker
ker pewot dia ni nipis sampai goyang2 ke ...
Mmg xde kes goyang2 perut sis bila preggy. Bukan ada tulang pun yg connect perut asal dgn baby bump mcm torso-arm or thigh-leg |
pujanggacinta replied at 11-3-2019 07:14 PM
org mengandung kalu jln laju laju mmg pewot goyang2 ker
ker pewot dia ni nipis sampai goyang2 ke ...
Goyang mcm perut dia dah longgar nak tertanggal... |
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