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Happy birthday Nur Fazura Sharifuddin. Semoga panjang umur murah rezeki berbahagia bersama suami dan keluarga tersayang dan dikurniakan zuriat soleh solehah, dijauhkan dari fitnah dunia serta dipermudahkan segala urusan.... Ameeeennn |
happy birthday fazbulous fazura. stay genuine and beautiful. love u always. laf laf laf. semoga berbahagia till jannah and forever young. |
happy birthday fazzy and bront!
Happy Birthday Faz, queen of our hearts
May Allah bless you in this world and the hereafter and may all your wishes come true
happy birthday my dear fazzy!
may each and every moment of your special day be filled with the same joy and happiness you always bring to others.
p/s : jgn lupa stream lagu2 faz dkt joox today k? 
happy birthday my dear fazzy!
may each and every moment of your special day be filled with the same joy and happiness you always bring to others.
p/s : jgn lupa stream lagu2 faz dkt joox today k? 
Happy birthday faz,
Semoga panjang umur, diberi kesihatan yang baik, diperluaskan rezeki yang halal dan berbahagia bersama suami tercinta serta keluarga tersayang...
Love u forever |
happy birthday fazura
moga cepat2 dikurniakan anak2 soleh dan solehah amiiin |
Happy birthday to my fav actor Bront Palarae!.
Semoga terus sukses dlm dunia seni.
Diharap sangat satu hari nanti adelah gandingan Bront dan Faz.
***baru teringat bday my favs sama tarikh. Pastu tgk pulak post kaka sora. Pic pon sama gak. Hehe @sora13 |
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sora13 replied at 27-9-2018 09:16 AM
happy birthday fazzy and bront!
Sama date eh? Oh my abam bront! I lap yuu |
Boleh tak iols nangis baca caption si rizman and aca? Siap background lagu fast furious tu. Iols envy the circle of friendship they’re having lah. Semoga kekal berkawan hingga ke syurga.  |
hehehe...sometimes i wish bront was part of the crew.
anyway, faz ni memang suka pakai shirt hubsbaby ke. rasanya tu resort shirt for man. hehehe...haritu pergi NY pun rasanya jeans jacket tu pun abdul punya kan, besar semacam.

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Happy birthday fazzy..si bertuah yg bjaya mendapat abam tah..i is redha
Well may u happy alwiz n moga dmurahkan rzeki n sgala hajat dimakbulkan Allah amin insyaAllah |
Happy birthday Nur Fazura sicantik manis penenang jiwa Abdul Fattah.. semoga panjang umur dimurahkan rezeki diberikan kesihatan serta tercapai segala apa yang dicita-citakan.. saya doakan jua moga berbahagialah kehidupan mu hingga ke akhir hayat dengan orang yang tersayang..Amin. |
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