amboi avvy kak zu....mabeles taw... ni gmbr masa bile... |
Reply #1401 owestcute_77's post
masa parody mende tah....
tak ingat.... akak ada letak gif lg untuk vid tu kat pg 55..
satgi nk tukar gif MAL lak.... |
Balas #1402 nzhass79\ catat
cute la dak dabel s nie...kalau ada ledo dgn KJ kan best... |
latest news..
aku jeles gn org kat jepun....ekkekeke dpt tgk SS501 perform....
mlm td terkejut aku tgk ABP..faizal tahir pun potong rambut cam KHJ..kekekekke

Boys Before Flowers may be over in Korea, but it's still got its overseas markets in which to promote itself.
Gu Hye-sun and F4 guys Lee Min-ho, Kim Hyun-joong, Kim Bum, and Kim Joon are headed to Japan; they'll arrive in Tokyo on April 15 to make a live television appearance, then hold an event to greet the press and meet fans in person.
The official cast fanmeeting will occur on April 16 in Tokyo Dome City at JCB Hall, at which the two kpop groups SS501 and T-Max will be present to give a special live performance of their songs from the drama soundtrack with actor-bandmates Kim Hyun-joong and Kim Joon.
Boys Before Flowers premieres on Japanese television on April 12, on the Korean specialty channel Mnet. Following that Mnet run, TBS will broadcast the drama on national broadcast television beginning in July. |
Reply #1404 hadiff05's post
tanakkkkkkkkkkkk... FT tak hensem ngan rambut pendek....
tak sukerrrrrrrr |
Reply #1403 owestcute_77's post
mmg cute..sume pon cute..... hahahahahahaha (gelak gatai ) |
Reply #1405 nzhass79's post
aku pun terkjut tgk kekekeke...tp not bad arr..janji dia x color blond..cam KHJ...kekekeke |
more news.....
cr to asianfanatics..

After a long while, all the members of SS501 gathered at one place together.
On the 3rd in a studio in KangNam, all five members of SS501 gathered for a photoshoot for a well known sporting clothes brand.
The five of them, decked in their outfits, welcomed the summer look as they continuously had fun while shooting their photos together, as though they had all returned to their childhood worlds.
The five of them had their individual shots after the group shots. News of Hyun Joong's collapsing and getting admitted into the hospital also surprised their fans.
The hectic schedule of the drama, resulting in the lack of rest and the 8kg weight loss took its toll on Hyun Joong as he was admitted into the hospital. However, it was good that he was released the next day on the 4th. It is hoped for that he will rest and get well soon. |
Originally posted by nzhass79 at 13-4-2009 08:05 
tp takkan cons diaorang ber3 jek... cam tak logik lak... dlm gambo tu ber5...
kalo momoko nk taw, smlm akak dok tggu part 3 tgh donlot...
pastu akak tinggai kan pc...
adik n anak2 akak guna. ...
yekee....sygnyee.........kene tgk kat history la camtu..... |
Reply #1411 owestcute_77's post
kekekeke tp kena bangga gak..sebab dia ikut trend..ekekek tah2 dia pun tgk BOF..kekeke |
Balas #1410 Hana_Hirokawa\ catat
kedai ajumma kt ne?
ader pekt c 2? |
Reply #1411 owestcute_77's post
mmg ar,... nk ensem cane .. dia encem orang melayu....
(wpon biasa je sebenarnya )
agaknye mmg dia tgk kot BoF  |
Reply #1414 nzhass79's post
kan2....tak pun dia nya hairstlist yg tgk..eekekek |
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