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Author: PrincessFiona

GOONG/PRINCESS HOURS~(updated : page 1 link hardsub/megaupload pg248

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Post time 10-3-2006 10:04 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by hhhhh at 10-3-2006 09:59 AM
Gurau aja.  Mestilah aku upload untuk kau...

ha..ha...jgn hhhhh nanti tak keruan baby nanti....

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Post time 10-3-2006 10:06 AM | Show all posts
hahaha aku tahu hhhhh baik orangnya...ingat aku ye....heheheh

wah ramai teruja nak nengok ep next week nie...hehehe rasa2 apa ye scene yg bebudak tak leh nengok...hehehehe(seyuman penuh makna nie....hahaah)......

tinggal lagi 6 ep kan....

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Post time 10-3-2006 10:11 AM | Show all posts
ayie...baru dengar news dah teruja...camne tu....hehhhe

nie sedang huru hara nie hidup....nak nunggu waktu lunch lambatnya...tak sabar nak nengok ep18.....lambatnya masa berlaluuuuuuuuuu..........

eh ayie kau dah nengok ke ep18??

semalam nengok ep17 yg ada adegan shin bogel tu kena nengok kiri kanan...hehe nanpak kat budak opis dorang ingat aku nengok citer blue pulak...hahahah

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Post time 10-3-2006 10:16 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by babyface76 at 10-3-2006 10:11 AM
ayie...baru dengar news dah teruja...camne tu....hehhhe

nie sedang huru hara nie hidup....nak nunggu waktu lunch lambatnya...tak sabar nak nengok ep18.....lambatnya masa berlaluuuuuuuuuu........ ...

baby,sy baru nengok ep.17 itu pun baru separuh.susah sikit nak nengok.kena tengok awal2 pagi org tak tengok lunch time tak pi makan ke?

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Post time 10-3-2006 10:28 AM | Show all posts
hahaha aku makan dulu sebelum org lain kuar lunch....makan awal...sebab goong punya pasal...heheheh

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Post time 10-3-2006 02:24 PM | Show all posts
aku dah nengok ep18 nie...aduhai sakit perut aku ketawa tang shin bogel tu...rupa2nya yg cg tunjuk tang ehem,...ehm shin tu dia berangan rupanya....hehhe
penat nunggu sampai tertidur dalam almari....heheh aku rasa cg tu mamai kot bangun tidur keluar2 capai kaki shin...yg shin mana tak terperanjat...ada org pegang kaki dia...nengok kat bawah cg ngan rupa serabai tu...heeh

takde apa2 translation ke tuk ep hari nie

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 Author| Post time 10-3-2006 05:18 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 10-3-2006 05:21 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 10-3-2006 05:25 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 10-3-2006 05:29 PM | Show all posts


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 Author| Post time 10-3-2006 05:31 PM | Show all posts

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 Author| Post time 10-3-2006 05:40 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 11-3-2006 12:33 AM | Show all posts
:dia:Behind the Making of JJh New CF Clip :mll:

Goong Ng clip 12.03.06

[ Last edited by hhhhh at 13-3-2006 12:41 AM ]

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Post time 11-3-2006 08:41 AM | Show all posts
Ep 18 Translation scene

Kang In: What are you watching?
Jang Kyung: Let's just watch the tv (as in not CG's video).
Soon Young: Quiet down, will you?
Hee Soong: Bingung Mama wants to show us her self-directed 'Royal Chamber's Funny Romance' (I'm a bit iffy about the last part).
Jang Kyung: You're even funnier.
CG: Everybody watch carefully.
Soon Young: It's on!
CG: Who filmed this?
Kang Hyun: What's going on?
Kang Hyun: Didn't you say you filmed it? Why are you being broadcasted?
CG: I don't know.

*Shin walks in*

Shin: Yah!
Shin: You can't...!


Shin's friends: What is this?
Kang In: With a film like that, why did you get everybody to come out to watch?
Jang Kyung: The royal couple's sweet and tender moments...
Jang Kyung: We've all witnessed it.


Shin: Yah... Yah...
Shin: There's a misunderstanding... It's not like that. It's not.

*CG runs off*
*CG in room*

CG: Why did he film that?
CG: (dunno what she said)
CG: Or did he deliberately do that to prank me?
CG: To be shown in front of them... So embarassing
CG: I can't live anymore
CG: See it once more?

CG crawling out the closet scene:
*CG grabs Shin's ankle*

CG: It's me... Shin Goon. It's me...
Shin: Who... Who are you?!
CG: It's me, Shin Chaegyung.
CG: So numb...
CG: I said, Shin Goon!
CG: Your Highness!
Shin: You almost scared me to death! What were you doing in there?!
CG: Being contracted in there for some time has numbed my whole body...
CG: Wait, Shin Goon
CG: Right now, are you wearing panties?
Shin: Don't tell me...
Shin: Did you...
Shin: See my body?
CG: No! I'm just playing. Just playing..
CG: What do you have to see anyway?


CG: Yah, you're scared I saw something I weren't supposed to?
CG: Impossible!
CG: You...
CG: I didn't see anything weird.


CG: I don't know!

*CG runs off, while Shin looks like he's just been raped*

All gathered around drinking wine:

All wishing Yul a happe birthday
All: Cheers! Happy Birthday!
Yul: Hope everyone had a wonderful day. Celebrating birthday is just an excuse to spend a day with friends. While living in England, having no friends...
CG: Don't you have us now?
CG: Right, Shin goon?
* Silence from Shin*
CG: Right?
Shin: O (does that mean yes?)
Shin: Wish you a Happy birthday.
Yul: Thank You.
*Yul looking at CG *
Yul: for coming...
*Shin about to drink to wine*
Hyorin: (Jeez, I so hate her... haha) Shin, don't drink it
Hyorin: This is peach champagne. Aren't you allergic to peach?
*Shin smelled the champagne*
Shin:Is this peach?
Shin's friend ((the one who likes CG's friend) forgot his name):Yes it is
Shin: This can't be (I don't know who to translate exactly the chinese one shin said "不行阿"  )
Hyorin: There is this one time, Shin ate a dish made of peach
Hyorin: Then his whole body became red like a raddish (red raddish???)
Hyorin: the funny thing is... the alleries on his back , the shape looks like a heart shape.
Hyorin: it's so funny back then.
*looking at shin*
Hyorin: right?
Shin: Yes, the allergies did last a long time.
Hyorin: If you drink it then there will be trouble.
Hyorin: Did you mention that you're allergic to peanuts too?
Shin: No
Cg: Can't eat peanuts too?
Cg: I like eating peanuts
*CG drinks her champagne
Cg: If you can't drink this... give it to me
Shin (looks at CG): Hey, are you having a wine drinking competition
Cg: I really like peach very much..

Hyorin and Shin talking and Chae was secretly listening
I think someone translate this part before but I can't find the post... sorry if it's already posted...

Hyorin: Say it is to help me (I don't get it...why do they still have the masks on... I mean does Hyorin's hand/arm never get tired from holding that mask up... hahaha)
Hyorin: But it's just to wish me to leave Korea
Shin: You don't have to worry
Shin: Even if it's the Imperial family
Shin: they don't have a say in my life...
Hyorin: Anya ("No" in korean????)..... (it's say "不是的" in chinese... "No, it's not"... or "No, it's not like that"  )
Hyorin: To be honest, I'm really giving it a thought
Hyorin: I also don't want to be a bother to teacher(mentor?? i think she is talking about the ballet teacher...)
Hyorin: (OK, this is the part wehre i really don't understand what's she's saying.... don't understand the chinese words they used.... Help me!!! but i think she is talking about the Subsidy from the palace , and something like it will help her alot with her dream or goal)
Shin: So then...
Hyorin: I'm giving it a thought...
Hyorin: I have thought of studying abraod
Hyorin: then I remembered our agreement that if there will be one day that we could go study abroad together
Hyorin: you studying cinematography(or being a director), me studying ballet (or being a ballerina)
*camera switch to CG listening*
Hyorin: Back then, You said you'll wait until you have the power(or ability) then you will go abroad and study
*camera switch back to Hyorin*
Hyorin: if that's the case, then studying abroad together will be nice...
Hyorin: Going alone will be lonely...
Shin: Studying abroad... I always think of that...
Hyorin: (*Screams.....I don't understand 2 to 3 chinese characters they used...Jeez..... but i think she said something like... If you could go to Paris,it could give you inspirations)
Hyorin: Then you could make a good movie/s
Shin: Yes
Shin: in 2 to 3 yrs from now, going to Paris, is my dream(or future )
* camera shows CG's sad/hurt expression*
Hyorin: I know
*CG leaves*
Hyorin: But... maybe
Shin: HOWEVER...
Shin: I have something more precious than my dream
Shin: if it's possible
Shin: I'm going with that person  ( Siapa lagi, klu tak CG..Bestkan?)

back at CG & Shin room, last scene
Shin: Being hugged by another man is not enough, and now...
Shin: Is Yul better?
Shin: For you to be that concern?
CG: what are you talking about?
CG: Who's the reason that Yul's hurt?
Shin: From what I see, you two are just waiting to be together
Shin: Did Yul intentionally done it?
CG: Stop talking none sense...
CG: You can just go ahead and plan your great future..
Shin: What's that suppose to mean?
CG: after we divorced 2 to 3 yrs from now.. If you want to go and study abroad...
CG: then we have to start preparing ourselves now
Shin: Study abroad?
Shin: Ah....that..
CG: that said..
CG: It doesn't concern me who ever you want to go study abroad with...
CG: By that time, I want to go back to my own home
CG: that's what I hope for in the future
Shin: To go back to your own home is what you wish for in your future?
CG: Yes
CG: Thinking it over, I guess that would be best
CG:You seeking your dream...
CG: and I could start my life over with someone I like
Shin: maybe you wanting to start your life over
Shin: does it include Yul?
CG: You're really selfish
CG: Yul's different from you..
CG: atleast Yul's honest with me
CG: you, you're not honest with me
CG: If you're not honest, how can we become
CG: Just like you and me..
* CG tried to leave and Shin grabbing her... then kiss*
CG:What are you doing?
Shin: reminding you that I'm your husband
*CG slap Shin hard.. ( Padan muka dia)
CG: You're really a bad person..

[ Last edited by hhhhh at 11-3-2006 10:29 PM ]

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staja9 This user has been deleted
Post time 11-3-2006 06:21 PM | Show all posts
ramai dah tengok citer nih rupa2nya....:clap::clap:
staja9 baru alert citer nih best...
CG yg klaker... shin goon yg ego...

ingat nak tgk lps semua habis dl...
tp tertengok ep 1...
terus tertengok sampai 18 eps... dalam masa 3 malam...
g kerja pun mamai... haha

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Post time 11-3-2006 10:33 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by staja9 at 11-3-2006 06:21 PM
ramai dah tengok citer nih rupa2nya....:clap::clap:
staja9 baru alert citer nih best...
CG yg klaker... shin goon yg ego...

ingat nak tgk lps semua habis dl...
tp tertengok ep 1... ...

hahahaha... welcome staja.. lama tak nampak..

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Post time 11-3-2006 11:27 PM | Show all posts
hhhhh!! dah baca ni?? ... 1&WH=&MODE=

ada org post kat official site MBC... bahasa omputeh... masalahnya siap bagi link thread Goong kat soompi lagi.... tak kena saman ke nanti?  byk illegal content dalam tu... 1st post dah ada senarai dah...

semua dah jadi depress sebab PD nak buat open ending dan buat season 2

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Post time 11-3-2006 11:48 PM | Show all posts
Aku rasa diorang ni memang bodoh.. PD tu mana nak layan baca English text tu panjang2.  Lagi satu kat Soompi tu ada banyak illegal content mcm yg kau cakap tu.  Ada links drama, caps dari MBC site, Paid-preview clip yg diorang upload dan mcm2 lagi.  Dah tu ada lak yg menyesal dan takut sbb paste link Soompi kat situ.    Klu kena raid ...tak bersoompi lah kita lagi.....Jgn2 clubbox pn kena tutup...

[ Last edited by hhhhh at 12-3-2006 12:29 AM ]

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Post time 13-3-2006 12:16 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by hhhhh at 11-3-2006 11:48 PM
Aku rasa diorang ni memang bodoh.. PD tu mana nak layan baca English text tu panjang2.  Lagi satu kat Soompi tu ada banyak illegal content mcm yg kau cakap tu.  Ada links drama, caps dari MBC site, ...

:stp:tu yg buat aku risau tu...
nnt dah x dpt sumber br lah dr clubbox.:kant:

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Post time 13-3-2006 08:17 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1388 hhhhh's post

a'ah aku baru je berjinak2 tgk citer nie.....  best le pulak... hehehe

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