bukan hyrori je yg tersengih senyum simpul, muka TOP lagi la...satisfied giles! katanya, "sori la hyun hyung...i'm a step ahead from u." hehehe!
centa lama adam ek.... dolu2 masa af2 i pun jatuh hati kat sabri sadhi. skang ni bertambah hanskem mamat tuh. tapi sayang, diam menyepi. takde cite hangat pun.
VIP...hhhmmm...they should alter their image kalo nak fans esp die hard fans BB terima diorang. personally, i suka usaha diorang nak naikkan dance group, but please let it be original. being inspired and being a copycat are two 2 different things. kena tahu tu....
errr... lagu sedih tu tak berapa nak menangkap la. jangan mara aaa...personal point of view nih. lately i think edry came out with crap songs which includes single KRU sendiri
kaaannnn....punyalah berjanggut tunggu...last sekali jadi gini. well, maybe ada hikmahnya. we don't know. ketentuanNya. we'll just sit back, relax, wait and see for their great returns nanti
kontrobersi gile kan time tuh...mmg org label the most controversy performance kan? pastu ...
adikmanis Post at 8-7-2011 11:10
ha'ah...suke tgk diorang kat FO. itu pun sebulan lepas mkmf tu. blush...blush! pastu si jae sok and the gang tease hyori...pesal pakai lawa2 mekap bagai nih? lol!
btw, new update on taeyang baby!
Harvey Mason Jr. lauds, “Big Bang’s Taeyang is an amazing artist”
by Chox on July 7, 2011 at 10:55 pm
taeyang and the famous yellow lamborghini...
Taeyang’s talent can never go unnoticed – it’s definitely gotten the attention of a certain producer from The Underdogs.
On July 7th, Harvey Mason Jr. tweeted, “One record done. On to number 2 with @realtaeyang. Great artist to work with!” Fans on Twitter agreed with Harvey’s compliment that Taeyang is indeed a talented artist.
Mason Jr. said that they were about to reveal a video of Taeyang in a Lamborghini, and as the producer and artist were having a chat about the clip, “Taeyang’s fans had arrived and been waiting in front of the studio. Wow“. Mason Jr. momentarily expressed some surprise for the fans’ dedication.
The Underdogs’ is a R&B/POP production duo that consists of Harvey Mason Jr. and Damon Thomas, and they’re famous for working with artists like Justin Timberlake, Stacie Orrico, and Chris Brown.
papa YG mmg best!! bg diorang wat claboration ngan producer us at least muzik diorang xdela cliche sgt..asek gune producer sama pon nnt kurang variety kan
tu la...maknae cm xde pape exposure pon lately nih....tgh bz uruskan academy kot..cari dui ...
adikmanis Post at 8-7-2011 12:08
uhuk! tersedak milo stanum mcm statement Am..takleh blah...
tp mmg senyap je la Vi skang ni..takde variety show terbaru ker? rindu la nk tgk aksi spastik dia tu...
everybody sung sung ka!
motip spestik? eh sis tepek gmbr nih baru tingat,AM nk tukar avvy sbnrnye..avvy ni l ...
adikmanis Post at 8-7-2011 13:15
VI ni spastik versi yg chomell laa... ada je idea dia nih kan...mmg x kering gusi dibuatnya! akak rs bila dia jd panel dlm variety show owang lain sure nervous je sbb takut dia bongkar rahsia...hehehe...Gotta love our maknae!! {:1_147:}
akak pun suka sgt gi f baby yg ini..jaket sapo la yg dia cium/peluk beria2 tuh???
wow... this song really wat aku giler ngan bdk 2 ekor nih... kan aku dh ckp... biler sesuatu lgu nyanyi live (cons esp) nyanyi ngan fans... ia akan jg makin besttttttt.. happening gilerrrrrr
Operasi jantung stanum dah terganggu sejak malam tadi lepas tgk mcm2 fancam..Heart breaker, Knock Out, Baby Goodnight, Jibe Gajima, High High, Turn it Up, but the best is opkos la Oh! Yeah!! hikhik..suka sgt GD & TOP (and Big Bang too) kalau nyanyi live sgt effortless...xde 100% mcm live so we can expect something fresh & new every time they perform..
p/s: Stay G tu concert by GMarket kak zue..dasat btoi Korea ni bab2 advertising ni kan..aritu concert Lotte, pehtu LG mini concert, pehtu Bean Pole Guerilla concert..and alot more to come! dats why la fans Korea very close to their fav artist..