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Author: hhhhh

BOYS BEFORE FLOWERS - JIB 12~Lee Min Ho/Go Hye Sun/Kim Hyun Joong

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Post time 5-9-2009 03:47 AM | Show all posts

pastu dlm kul 6 nmpak org2 hotel tu dok pasang rantai bg senang nk masuk and xde org leh potong2 hampeh..sama je..diorg ni bkn reti nk beratur2 ni..pastu bila diorg suh beratur..apalagi..jadi mcm pasar borong lak kat situ..yg potong que tu paling aku hangin sekali..dh kena sound pun buat muka selamba lagi..eeeiii!!!!:@

masa ni dh dpt masuk hotel..tggu nk masuk hall lg satu je..masa ni la baru terasa keamanan skit..dah le berpeluh2 tadi..dpt jugak aircond..nnti jihoo sunbae xnk salam ngan aku lak..:geram:masa ni dgr org2 kat dpn kitorang dok jerit2 bila pintu tu terbukak..aduhh..nebes gile bile dgr dorg jerit mcm tu..aku dh le xde plan apa2 nk ckp ngan sunbae..pastu dah smpai dlm hall yg memula aku cari adalah my sunbae...dah jumpa pastu aku usha je dia sementara belum smpai turn aku nk amik sign dia..

gambo yg aku dpt cuma ini je..bodyguard dia sume camera..pale otak korang la...:@


pastu bila dia dah abis sign utk org dia pandang keliling..rugi betul xdpt nk amik gambo..bodyguard dia kecoh nk mampos..jap aku nk curik gambo..

sky..aku pinjam gambo mu sat ye...

credit to sky..

aku sgt teringat akan situasi ni... masa ni jihoo sunbae dok mcm tu aku eee...geram betull...comey sgt2!!!
pastu aku ngan member aku lambai2 dia..pastu dia pandang..siap dia lambai2 lagi kat kitorang..wuwuwuwu..bestnyer!!!

curik lagi..
yg aku sgt2 igt lagi sbb dia lmbai aku kat belakang dgn tgn dia ada pen ni..siap bergoyang2 kepala pen tu..huhu..comeynyer...
credit to the hunters..

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Post time 5-9-2009 08:50 AM | Show all posts
1358# seroja23

oja........................knal lg x?
anonymous5050 Post at 4-9-2009 18:52

kenal uols la nony...
xsmpt nk beramas mesra lebey2 hr tu kan??

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Post time 5-9-2009 02:25 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by minho_nora at 5-9-2009 14:40

adeh..xlaat lak nk wat karangan panjang2...
aku tempek gambo je ar..

ni sign jihoo sunbae..rugi lak tak suh dia tulis nama aku kat situ..ini pun dh nk ilang disbbkan whitebod marker tu:@

yg ni masa dh smpai KLIA..sempat lg kena ngorat ngan abe polis..
pastu baru perasan org dh dok lari2 kat kaunter..rupanya sunbae ada kat situ..


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Post time 5-9-2009 02:39 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by minho_nora at 5-9-2009 15:02

sambung lagi..

lepas tu diorg bwk JH pegi kaunter polis kat sblh sana..rupanya dia ada prob ngan visa..dgr citer visa dia tertinggal dlm flight masa balik dr KK ari tu..siannye bagus jugak..kalo dia xtinggalkan visa tu..mesti kitorang xdpt amik gambo die byk2..
then on the way dia nk jalan dari kaunter tu ke kaunter polis, aku ada kat sblh situ..aku pun nk wat la aksi meraba..
and aku dpt grab lengan dia!!!:pompom:pastu tetiba tgn aku kena tepis..kuat lak tu bodigad dia tepis tgn aku..xpe..janji dh dpt raba...


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Post time 5-9-2009 03:05 PM | Show all posts

tgk gamba yg nora tepek tu, br nmpk muka HJ ade bila tgk real life mlm tuh, xnmpk cam pkai mekap pun..hehe..rambut dia sgt kewl...sukeee~~ hehe

ni nk tepek balik post dark_choco kat umah seberang...dia amek dr soompi..sian ledo...patut r muke monyok mmg paham le...derang seme mmg nmpk penat giloss mlm tuh..schedule pack..nk rehat pun dlm flight je la..huhu..

I was there with my two Japanesefriends. We planed to get lots of pictures of the boys so we can sharewith Japan TS. We were staying at the same hotel of the event. Wearrived and checked in the hotel 5 hours ahead of time, and then wemade a stupid decision to go out for lunch and for touring the city.The traffic was SO bad that we got back only half an hour before theevent. It was choas at the waiting lines of about 300 meterslong,..yeap, I'm not kidding. We were not able to buy the CD, or getinto the hall.

After the event ended, we went into the hoteland tried to get to the boys from the other side of the meeting room.After getting ourselves lost, and chased by the securities all overthat giant hotel several rounds. We were able to see SS501. YES! afterall the madness and disappointments, we saw them in the hallway,walking toward another room. This is my third times seeing the boys inperson, yet I still amazed at how GOOD LOOKING they are. Leader is justdrop-dead GORGEOUS, KuyJoong is very, very HANDSOME, YoundSaeng is asCUTE as a button, Baby and JM are just TOO ADORABLE to describe. Wewere stoped by bodyguard and hotel securities, they even tried to takeaway our cameras.

Right at when we tried to get the boys'attentions, and negotiated with the securities, something HEARTBROKENwas happened right before our eyes; LEADER ALMOST FAINTED. He lost hisbalance and leaned for the wall. YoungSaeng who walked behind himjumped forward and held leader to prevent him from falling into thefloor. His manager even tried to flash water onto HJ's face. Everybodywas panic and rushed over Leader. We could still see his head, so Ibelieved that he didn't really lost his consciousness. The whole groupmoved into the room right after that. We stood at the end of thehallway for hour to wait for them anxiously, but then got chased awayby the hotel security. My friend cried her eyes out, she's a big fan ofLeader since 2005. One of the event coordinator was nice enough toinform us that everything is ok with Leader, he just need to rest, butthen she also said that they still have interviews with the press.. Ifeel so sorry for the boys, especially Leader. They all looked sotired. Their schedule is ridiculously packed. We didn't get to take anydecent picture to share with you all. Our plan didn't come out as goodas we thought. Still, we were happy to see the boys, but also feelhorrible at the same time because of Leader's incident. I hope theywill get enough rest.

To all Malaysian - Your country is so beautiful, I will sure be back for site seeing and vacation.

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Post time 5-9-2009 03:09 PM | Show all posts
dan aksi2 seterusnya aku cuma dpt amik vid je..kalo amik gambo mau xnmpak apa2..
sekian cerita stalking jihoo sunbae dari aku..semoga dpt wat lagi lain kali..sakit kaki aku ni xbaik2 lg lak..nk tggu mino lak dtg mesia..xdpt aku bygkan situasi dia nnti camne lak..

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Post time 5-9-2009 03:12 PM | Show all posts
1385# wbsJUE

kaka jue!!siannye sunbae!!!

tp masa ni belum smpai KLIA lg kan?
patut la masa kat KLIA tu mcm apa je muka dia..
dah le ada prob ngan visa..
ala siannyer..pastu ari ni kena pegi jepun lak...
adeh..jgn la dia pengsan kat situ lak..

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Post time 5-9-2009 03:42 PM | Show all posts
kaka nora..

haah..rsnya ni ms lepas FM, sebelum bertolak g KLIA..
sian gilerr..sure letih babas..photoshoot kat KK tu mesti pack..
pastu pagi2 nk kene gerak g epot..smpi KL lak berkejar nk g One World..
jumpa press lg..jumpa fans..nk gerak g klia balik lg..
dah le klia tu jauh seh..byk tol lak tu * ngomel utk diri sendiri*
dpt bayang betapa penatnye derang..
kite yg tunggu derang je pun da kan lg derang tuh..
me rs waktu utk mkn pun, derang selit2 je...
haila, byk lak me membebel..

btw kaka still lagi terbayang2 aritu..
series cam x caye jek..
klu me dpt msk FM tuh, tataw jadi pe la..hehehe..
sian mu..hrs la sakit lagi..pakai heels tuh..
me yg pakai kasut pun sakit, ni kan lg mu... mmg sonok la dpt moyan ngan seme stalker..
precious memories~~~

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Post time 5-9-2009 09:31 PM | Show all posts
jap...b4 moyan lbih.......nk ckp gak~~~

haruslaaaaaaaa bangge.........!! kt gambo kaka minho tepek tu........ade bendera MALAYSIA!!! :pompom:

kaka minho!!!! ko harus tepek kt soompi~~~bg nmpk skit MALAYSIA itu.......kekekeke

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Post time 5-9-2009 09:58 PM | Show all posts
jihoo sunbae fainted.. dah sama macam me lak.. mmg ala2 nk pitam aje kat parking lot n kat KLIA... sehati sejiwa gitew wakakak...

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Post time 5-9-2009 10:27 PM | Show all posts
jap...b4 moyan lbih.......nk ckp gak~~~

haruslaaaaaaaa bangge.........!! kt gambo kaka minho tepek tu........ade bendera MALAYSIA!!! :pompom:

kaka minho!!!! ko harus tepek kt soompi~~~bg nmpk  ...
anonymous5050 Post at 5-9-2009 21:31

nape aku tak pasan lak pasal bendera tu ek?haruss aku nmpk jihoo sunbae jek...
jap jap nk pi create idea nk tempek camne kat soompi nun..

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Post time 5-9-2009 10:42 PM | Show all posts
tk taw nk ckp per baca jer chapter korang jadik SR jew....

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Post time 5-9-2009 11:37 PM | Show all posts
1392# Ley

xkn jd SR je kot.......

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Post time 6-9-2009 01:24 AM | Show all posts
minho @ BOF fanmeeting


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Post time 6-9-2009 04:12 PM | Show all posts

baru terjatuh cinta ngan lagu la la la~~~~

lagu best jugak

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Post time 6-9-2009 04:23 PM | Show all posts
another fancam

credit to uploader

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Post time 6-9-2009 04:24 PM | Show all posts
nora.. 1st tu lagu Lalala Ur my song n 2nd tu Dejavu.. aigooo.... komawo... tah baper kali pusing cd jihoo sunbae sambil wat koje opis tak abis2 nih..

Leyahahah mesti pening ko baca riwayat moyan kami nih.. takper, nanti kita doa2 Bummie n T-Max lak mai also siap sedia utk Persona Concert Tour SS501 bln 12 nanti ... wuwuw arap2 leh jadi kenyataan...

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Post time 6-9-2009 04:33 PM | Show all posts
tu la..smlm baru sempat nk dgr cd rege RM70 ni..
terjatuh cinta betul ngan lagu lalalala ni...dh wat  msg tone pun..ekekeke
tp ringtone je me takmo tukar..still lagu minho- cass beer gak..

uwaa...harap2 la menjadi kenyataan kalo dak2 bof nk dtg rasa mesti derang tau dak2 mesia ramai minat ngan artis korea..tak lama lagi sure melambak2 artis korea mai sini..huhuhuhu

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Post time 6-9-2009 04:57 PM | Show all posts
aku dah tau hye sun mesti dtg jugak...:pompom::pompom:

mana jihoo sunbae ni????

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Post time 6-9-2009 04:59 PM | Show all posts
yeah, tu aa pasal nora... me arap akan bermula balik demam hallyu kat mesia kalo konsert tu jadik... yolah, lepas aje konsert Rain n DBSK aritu, sume sepi ajew.. kalo dtg pun senyap2 takde publisiti... padahal fans menunggu ajeww... cayalah JH sunbae n da geng... wakaka mesej tone lagu tu me dah guna dari thn lepas, pastu tuko lagu suju, ni tuko balik lagu tu heheh... teringat clip2 deme perf pakai baju kalerpul sambil nari ala2 shin chan.. keke... kalo jadik concert, ko nk gi stalker deme agik tak? me nak ajew, janji oppa wakaka.. ntah bila aa F4 lak nk mai...


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