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Author: cassiopeia

♥♥ Rain ♥♥

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Post time 17-6-2007 09:38 PM | Show all posts
S. Korean star Rain salvages Staples date

By Chris Lee, Times Staff Writer

SouthKorean pop superstar Rain may have disappointed legions of fans bypostponing several U.S. performances scheduled for this month. Butcontrary to an announcement made Tuesday by a promoter of his Hawaiiantour stop, the singer

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Post time 18-6-2007 09:47 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by isabel at 15-6-2007 04:29 PM
June 8, 2007

Rain's U.s. Concert Postponed, Legal 'name' controversy

U.S. Band Rain Thwart's Korean Star's American Tour


cess.. org lain yg buat lain plak yg kena. Sian kat oppa rain

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Post time 18-6-2007 02:32 PM | Show all posts
tikus minat giler la ngan rain ni, sampai rase nak pitam kalau tak dgr sore die sehari. tikus suka die ni, complete pacakage, tinggi, bodi lawa, mata sepet, lobang hidung besau dan jari die runcing2. rase nak picit2 aje pipi rain ni. untungnyer sapa2 yg dpt di jd boipren.
suke tgk die jalan, bergaya beb!

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Post time 18-6-2007 09:54 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1383 tikusgemuk's post

welkam the club tikus....
jom sesama kita angau dgn rain ni..hehehe

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Post time 18-6-2007 09:54 PM | Show all posts
070611 M-on Pick Up kan-fu

Format: avi
Size: 75.9MB

070614  YTNStar - Rain World Tour in Tokyo

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Size: 87MB

070614 Mnet  - Rain World Tour in Tokyo & Thailand

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Size: 99.9MB

070614 ETN  News - Rain World Tour in Tokyo

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Size: 117.4MB

070615 Mnet - Nikon Making CF

Format: avi
Size: 47MB

Source: Clubbox rainvietnam

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Post time 18-6-2007 09:56 PM | Show all posts
credit from soompi...

sr: benamoo | cr: baidu

Even in a this hard time. He still works hard.
07.06.16 X-Note CF Making

sr: benamoo | cr: nicolech/rainHK

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Post time 18-6-2007 09:59 PM | Show all posts

In fact, you can make similar ones and upload to the following site.

credit : aimen

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Post time 18-6-2007 10:06 PM | Show all posts
Homemakers' Living" June Edition: An So Pong's Story

The thing torturing An So Pong the most is the fear of not knowing when she'll die.

Wewere told that at that time, even in her sleep, she'll dream of beingpursued by the god of death. All her dreams were some weird nightmares.

The god of death, who came after her even in her sleep made her weary.

Her husband, who knew there was no way to comfort her, felt doubly despaired.

At this time, he thought of the singer, Rain.

An So Pong was a die-hard fan of Rain. She's even a member of the "Cloud" fanclub.

He thought that getting Rain's comforting will lend courage to his wive, who has no relatives in Seoul.

So her husband wrote a passage in Rain's homepage titled "Please write my wife a letter".

Perhaps her husband's message was relayed?

After reading her husband's letter, Rain visited her at the hospital personally.

"Perhaps it's because Rain's mother underwent a long period of treatment too, so he knows how to lend courage to the sick."

He seemed to understand the painful feelings of the patient and the patient's family so well.

"Inthat one hour conversation, he was not an artiste to me, but someonewho has a deep understanding of my situation. That made me feel verycomforted."

After seeing Rain, Kim Jae Mun decided to believe in "the power of will".

When she grumbled "exactly what is making you so happy?" to her husband, who looked so lively every day,

Kim Jae Mun replied coyly "Because you're health is only going to get better (not worse), so I'm happy."

Seeing her husband this way, An So Pong would smile along.

"I read a book 'Power of the will', and the book says that your wish will come true as long as you believe."

When he was writing to Rain, he also questioned, "Will my wish be relayed to him?"

In the end, the message got to Rain. Think with certainty, look forward with sincerity, and your wish will come true."

With that, Kim Jaw Mun decided to believe in the power of the wills.

Whenhe met with financial problems, he passed each day harbouring the samepositive thinking that things will eventually become better.

His wife's hospital expenses came up to 3 million won each month.

Heused the 1 million won of resignation fee and guaranteed fee from hiscompany to tide over. But as his wife's stay in the hospital prolonged,these money melted away quickly like snow.

At his wits end, he finally went to the insurance company to claim for death compensation.

But in order to obtain that amount of insurance money, he must submit the death certificate within 6 months.

After knowing this, Rain offered his help of 20 million won in equivalent to the insurance money.

"I wasn't understanding at that time, and blamed my husband for taking that money."

Ididn't know how he was running all over the place for me...I mistookother's help for sympathy, and something that hurt my self-esteem.
Butthrough this difficult process, I got to understand that there are manygood samaritans in this world, and a lot of good-will."


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Post time 19-6-2007 09:19 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1388 errasazza's post

terharunya baca news ni.
baiknya hati rain

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Post time 19-6-2007 09:24 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by errasazza at 18-6-2007 09:59 PM

http://i ...

tikus kalau dpt gambar besau camtuh, best gile. bubuh lam bilek tido. sure nyenyak kuikuikui
apsal bod ni tak ramai owang?
mana yg lain2?

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Post time 19-6-2007 11:33 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by errasazza at 18-6-2007 09:59 PM

http://i ...

hehehe...kita pon dah letak gambar kiter kat muzium tue

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Post time 19-6-2007 11:46 AM | Show all posts

Reply #1391 princess_kunang's post

hebat gitu..kuikuikui...

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Post time 19-6-2007 03:46 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1391 princess_kunang's post

uish nak buat gak la huhu. mcm real eh.

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Post time 20-6-2007 09:35 AM | Show all posts
:bgrin: rindunya nak tgk rain lagi....esp ngan kyo....cepat la buat citer best2 lagi..tapi mesti...bikyo....hero+heroin..yg lain tak mengancam..

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Post time 21-6-2007 06:36 AM | Show all posts
Rain Fans Sign Petition to Show Support, Tuesday June 29, 2007 Korea

Fansfrom all over the world are signing a petition in support of K-popsinger Rain, who is facing a legal battle over the use of his name inthe United States.

On the Web site, a fancreated an online petition titled ``Rain/Bi deserves to keep his stagename.'' As of 6:30 p.m. on June 19, there have been over 3,400 peoplewho have signed the petition.

The petition is aimed at showingfans' support for Rain, who is being sued by Nevada-based music companyMusic Corp. who claims to have the copyright for the use of the name``Rain'' in the U.S. The company, who has a band named ``Rain TheBeatles Experience,'' wants the Korean singer to stop using the namethere.

``If you feel that this lawsuit is for publicity andmoney, sign it. If you think this is wrong, sign it. If you are a fanof Rain and want him to continue with his success in America, sign thispetition! Most importantly, this petition is to show that Rain/ Bideserves to keep his stage name,'' the petition stated.

Due tothe lawsuit, Rain's concerts in the U.S. originally scheduled for thismonth have been postponed. Fans have posted comments on the Web site,saying they love and support the Korean singer. Most fans were angryover the lawsuit, which caused the postponement of his U.S. concerttour ``Rain's Coming.''

One fan said Rain should be allowed to keep his name, which is the English translation of his Korean stage name ``Bi.''

Anotherfan with the username Duong noted Rain is already a well known singeraround Asia, while Rain the Beatles Experience is hardly known byanyone.

Rain is already known in the U.S., after being named oneof People Magazine's 100 Most Beautiful People, and topping the onlinepoll of Time Magazine's Most Influential People of 2007. He isscheduled to start filming the Hollywood film ``Speed Racer'' nextmonth in Germany.

While most of his U.S. concert dates have beenpostponed, Rain is expected to hold a concert at the Staples Center inLos Angeles June 30.

Korea Times

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Post time 21-6-2007 11:11 PM | Show all posts

Reply #1387 errasazza's post

perghhh.....nmpk real lah....

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Post time 22-6-2007 02:04 PM | Show all posts
[News] [UPDATED 070613]Will Rain change his name?/Rain Concert In Hawaii Cancel

Due to legal battles surrounding his name, Rain is postponing his US concerts. Rain Corporation, a music company based in Nevada manages a band named Rain and they asked Korean Rain to drop the name “Rain” while he performs in the states back in February. Who is this Rain, the classic rock band? According to their website, they are “about good times and putting the audience on the dance floor” by playing old time favorites from the 60s and 70s. Who knew that bunch of middle aged White dudes balding with beer bellies can stop Rain from dominating the world? It’s rather hysterical if you ask me and I also think that this is the perfect excuse time for Rain to come up with a new name.

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Post time 22-6-2007 03:48 PM | Show all posts
[News] Rain Strikes First China Ad Deal/Rain's Nikon New CF in India

Rain's star power will reign in China as the hallyu star models for Fuma, a local confectionary company. The one-year contract is the singer's first deal with a mainland Chinese brand.

The 25-year-old returned home after completing photo shoots and filming a TV commercial under tight security from June 8 to 9, according to Yonhap News. The advertisements featuring the pop star and Fuma's new roll cake will be revealed in September.

``Rain had previously modeled for Pepsi-Cola, Pentec cell-phones and make-up brand DHC, among other global labels, but this is his first advertisement for a mainland Chinese company,'' a Chinese advertisement firm representative told Yonhap News. ``Rain, like other superstars in China, chose the food industry, which is an easy means of reaching the masses.''

Fuma plans to spend about 50 billion won to promote Rain's ads, which will run on national television as well as on more than six satellite broadcasting systems and every regional channel, according to the local advertising company in charge of the project.

Fuma will also print the pop star's face and signature on the cover of various chocolate, coconut, strawberry and banana-flavored products. The confectionary had previously employed Chinese celebrities such as singer Coco Lee.

The advertising company said that Rain, whose real name is Jung Ji-hoon, will hold a press conference in China in September.

``Various TV programs from CCTV, Funan satellite stations and others are trying to invite Rain to make guest appearances,'' the advertising representative said. ``After hearing about the advertising contract, other major Chinese firms are trying to get in touch with him.''

Rain was scheduled to perform in Hawaii on Friday as part of his world tour concert, but a pending lawsuit with an American record company over the use of his English name `Rain' has postponed the date for the time being.

[email protected]+blueice@kpopkingdom ^^

Korean Pop Sensation Rain's Nikon New CF in India
It was a warm session among Rain and the Indian children~

World Star Rain has come to the most holy place in India - Ganga river, and he made friends with Indian children there~ Rain arrived at India on 13th for the filming of Nikon new CF.

This filming was carried on for two days under hot temperature of 42 deg Celcius. More than 200 temporary actors and about 20 filming crews were involved. The ship (one of the props) was more than 7 feets. In the CF, Jeong Jihun who passed by an Indian village met the children and shared the joy of Indian traditional ceremony. He was overwhelmed by the nature and peace of their cultures, therefore he quietly captured these wonderful scenes into his Nikon camera.

It's a totally different Rain, compared to his young and energetic image that he used to show in other CFs. In this Nikon CF, Rain becomes more 'human touch'. The CF will be screened on June 15 in S. Korea.

creditz~Source: Innolife+ mandy@rainhk+Translation jjbug@rain-malaysia+blueice@kpopkingdom ^^

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Post time 22-6-2007 11:14 PM | Show all posts
RAIN vs Focus: The Similarities                                                        Jun 21 2007, Thursday , Korea
A Korean youth walking to the world, RAIN vs Focus: Their similarities?
To celebrate the 1000th press publication of Focus News

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A practice maniac whenever there's a chance

The sudden inspiration will be noted down immediately and always it's the NO.1 source of creativity~
As a singer and actor, he would like to be an icon to evoke overseas Korean to miss their hometown...

Noonecould predict that this young boy with single eyelid can grow up sofast within 5 years: He was a boy who called himself 'Bad Guy' in year2002 but now he is an international star showing his influence aroundthe world. Dragging a starving body and stared straight infront of him,he started his journey... Initially he got one audience, twoaudience.... but now he walks out from Korea and Asia. With eachconfident step, he begins his tour in USA, Europe and more places.
Rain(25, Jeong Jihun), a successful domestic artist entering theworld-class stage sent his regards to FNN upon its 1000th presspublication.

Can't stop the greed

There'remany characteristics to show Rain is a workaholic. It might be adifficult job for others but Rain has more than one job on his hand.You see his album recently, and then you may not aware since when hefilmed a new drama. Plus movie, concert and uncountable events, 365days in his calender are filled up.

"You gotta try your bestwhen chances come, so I just do it and see how it goes. Managers willdo the follow-up for me, that's why I always get scolded But I can'tstand it, I have to try it at least." He is Rain, the student whoinsisted his 3-year-and-4-month training until the end. His stubborninsistence comes from the belief "It can't be done without this".

Sincehis debut album until now, Rain continued the 2-hour song practice onthe trackmill. So as the dance, he never relax or turns lazy. "When Iwas young, someone who taught me dances said this: If you can't sleeppeacefully, means you have something undone. Therefore I will practiseagain if I can't sleep at night. I've been like this until now."

Super fortune to meet Park Jinyoung (JYP)

Becauseof my strong interest in dance, I used to join the children who sharedthe same interest. Yet I felt that I missed something, so I would liketo start up at a better place. Later, I met JYP in Senior Middle two.

"Itwas great luck to meet Hyung (JYP). In the interview, I was alone andthe interview went on from 12pm to 7pm. I thought of giving up butthere was no other place for me. I was desparate thus I continueddancing non-stop." JYP saw his insistence and passion, thus he made himpass the test. JYP taught him the way to fish instead of feeding himthe fish.

"Half of hyung's work schedule is occupied by mystuffs, I feel sorry about that. Now I wish to give him the chance towork for himself. It's untrue to say that we are separated completely.I'm planning to think over it after my world tour." He is abit worriedabout being alone in his future career. Although the 4th album wasreleased, JYP trademark still follows him.
"Until the 4th album,it's true that I try to express something through hyung's songs. Iwon't be eager to challenge myself in the composer job just because Ileft my previous company. I don't even have time to take care ofmyself, frankly. Only when I'm confident, I'll go for song composing."

Abox placed in his room, it's the creativity box. It collects all thequick and sudden ideas he got when looking at the passing-by buses,walking stick of old man, etc. "Before the album release, I used toread the notebook to see what can be used. It's my NO.1 treasure box!"

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The pain of missing his mother, is the strength behind him

"Mother"is Rain's supporting strength. Well perhaps his mother is the one whoguides him indirectly to today's position. Every time talking about hismother, his eyes redden and words stuck in the throat.

"Mother'slife was full of pains before she died. I would like to bring her tothe aeroplane, buy her a good house and stays comfortably..... WheneverI felt exhausted on the stage, I recall... This is totally uncomparableto the pains which my mother sufferred because we didn't have money tobuy pain-killer... So I can get over it everytime..."

Noonecan understand the mood of patient's family. When he knew about thesituation of An Sopong, he gave his helping hands immediately. Rainsaid, "Every people will do that, not just me. I've been a patient'sfamily so I can understand their suffer and the patient's pain.Everyone can do this. I feel sorry that this incident was publicised inthe media. I hope they can fight against the cancer."

'International Star' is still an on-going journey

Sincehis world tour started last December, Rain will take part in Hollywoodmovie <Speed Racer> in July and August. As a singer and actor, heis stepping forward. Nonetheless, the title 'International Star' stillburdens him.

"I love and admire the movie <Matrix>. It'slike a dream for me to work with Wachowski brothers that directed thismovie. I think it's still not a good time to talk more about thecooperation. Language is still a hurdle and I just start my actor life.This is only a staircase for me to walk up." Next year, Rain is goingto release an album to visualise his career in USA. He hopes that themovie can be successful and be a stepping stone for his entrance intothis country.

"Artist is someone who knows what they have andbrings the joys to the audience. Whether it's music, drama or movie, Iput the audience in the first place. My ambition is: now my fans canrecall me when they see the rain. I would like to be a singer and actorwith persistant scent, that lives in people's memories and make themthink of their hometown~"

Source: Focus News Network (FNN) 辫瘤驱扁磊 [email protected]
Chi translation by lovebi_rain@Baidu RAIN bar
Eng translation by jjbug@rain-malaysia

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Post time 23-6-2007 09:45 AM | Show all posts
Promoter Files Lawsuit Against Rain!

June 22nd, 2007 by shenyue

Click Entertainment is suing Rain and his managers for more than a million dollars. June 21, 2007
KGMB9 News
Fans want their money back and so does the promoter. The man who put his reputation on the line to bring the Korean pop star Rain to Hawaii is suing the star and shedding new light on the bizarre concert mystery.
It抯 the mega concert that never was. Now the man known as the Justin Timberlake of Korea, who failed to show up for his Aloha Stadium concert last Friday, is accused of being part of a scam fronted by his Korean managers.Eric Seitz represents Honolulu抯 Click Entertainment company now suing the artist and his managers for more than a million dollars. 揈ither the people did not have the capacity to provide the entertainer, or they never intended to do so and they took the money,

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