diaorg ni pantang digandingkan bersama mesti nak bercinta....dlm SWNW nie semua berlakon bersama bekas kekasih diaorg....si newton tu pun dia exbf tintin..masa diaorg berlakon dlm Sa Sandaling...mcm trend lak kat sana...byk yg camtue...bercinta sesama pelakon...takleh control lgsuing perasaan tue...hmmmm |
nampaknyer ramai yg suka watak MA nie...tapi kat Filipina ada yg tak suka...bagi aku watak MA nie la yg menghidupkan citer nie... ...angelica nie mmg berbakat la dia boleh bwk semua watak sedih boleh kelakar boleh..mcm2 la...yg best dia pandai nyanyi.. |
Originally posted by nozomi_yamata at 19-12-2004 00:01:
nampaknyer ramai yg suka watak MA nie...tapi kat Filipina ada yg tak suka...bagi aku watak MA nie la yg menghidupkan citer nie... ...angelica nie mmg berbakat la dia boleh bwk semua watak sedih bo ...
walaupun kadang2 dia nampak gedik atau buat2...tapi kita leh faham kenapa dia buat mcm tu...sukar nak explain...MA mmg happening....selain pandai menyanyi..pandai menari gak tu....:bgrin: |
osong This user has been deleted
sinopsis SWNW
Originally posted by emma at 04/12/2004 09:23 AM:
yelah smlm tu suspen betoi.hampir2 DVV jumpe ara.nampaknya francine dah syak ara msh idup.....
kerektor MA jugak yg mencuit hati.aku suke betoi dgn watak dia.hidup dan cute
:Hi emma...saya ada sedikit sinopsis cerita SWNW....harap emma seronok membacanya.....
one day DVV decided to have a visit to hacienda
- christian doesn't want to go cause he doesn't want to see the place again (since the place close to the train explode)
- DVV went with francine
- DVV arived, ramon invited her and francine in...but francine decided to wait outside of the house
- leo & ara saw DVV appearance, ara hide herself
- ramon introduced leo to DVV, ramon jugak bgtau yg leo is a good painter!!
- DVV really want to see leo's painting..so leo rush up and clean his painting (he also hide all pictures of ara that he drew!!)
- DVV was impressed with leo's drawing, while dvv was viewing, leo spot ara's drawing..he picked up and scramble the paper..DVV saw it and she really want to see the paper!
- leo bgtau DVV yg lukisan kat kertas tu tak lawa..so dia buang keluar!
- francine who were sitting outside the house found the paper! she opened up and shocked when she found out that the picture is ARA!!
- francine cuba confort herself saying that it's just a drawing, and remind herself that ara is already died!!
- DVV tak boleh lama..she got client, so she has to rush back to MANILA again...
- francine keep the drawing, and didn't mention about it to DVV cause she got her own plan
*guys this is really a short one..I can't remember every details! but I tried as much as I could to remember all the scene!!
- ara found out that lolo is not really sick, he pretend to be sick, so that leo will get marry to his girl
- ara got so mad, dia igt leo gunakan dia
- leo tell the truth to ara, so ara accept it (eventhou she's hurt)
- there's one time that lolo fell and past out! he actually sick, but he doesn't want anyone to get worry
- ara apologize to lolo
- ara told lolo everything about her, she wants yvet to be safe, she wants to keep yyvett away from DVV
- when lolo heard that, he decided not to but the plane from DVV, just to make sure that they won't get any closer with DVV
- meanwhile leo decided to go to manila, to check on christian and also to talk about the plane
- christian trying as much to comfort leo to buy the plane..christian really need to, just to save his company..company is almost bankcrupt!!
- mary ann tahu yg christian tengah dlm kesusahan..so she decided to help..
- mary ann actually kenal LEO!! flashback --- while she's singging in the bar, there's one guy trying to touch her, leo ada jugak dkt bar tu, so he's trying to help mary ann, leo was a bit drunk...so bergaduh dekat bar! and perry FIRED mary ann time tuh...that's y she left the bar...then shane came in to replace her (remember???)
- mary ann kenal leo jugak cause after the fighting, leo ajak mary ann to pretend as his wife..(mcm case ara jugak!!)
- mary ann tak nak, so she left, leo naik train and mary ann left the station, this is when the part where leo get to meet ara, and marry ann kena langgar oleh christian!!
- so mary ann punya plan is to used cloy, her brother...dia nak suruh cloy merayu dkt leo supaya beli plane tuh
- leo still in manila, so he tried to check ara's background..he went to the compound...
- since rumah LUZ takda org sewa lagi, leo terus mintak sewa bilik dekat rumah LUZ...
- dlm bilik tuh ada gambar ara..so leo was talking to the pictures of ara
- while leo was talking to the picture of ara, shane came in! she was schoked to hear that leo know's ara...
- leo covered up..just bgtau yg dia suka tengok gambar tuh, cause ara is pretty, and dia tau nama ara sebab newton bgtau (newton never tell him pun about ARA!!)
- so shane pun cerita laa that ara is her best friend, and she passed away
- ara in the mean time dkt hacienda, nak balik semula ke manila cause nak settle kan case elizabeth and also to find leo!!
- ara pegi dengan this one lady (tak sure sapa nama dia!), she stayed up at the hotel
- shane is still with dexter, newton cuba nak jeleskan shane, so dia nak mary ann pura2 suka kan newton..shane nampak newton dengan mary ann..shane got sooooo jealous, and she got mad at newton..
- shane and newton dah tak berapa rapat as before
- ara decided to meet up shane and newton!!
- ara hantar surat, suruh jumpa dekat tempat dorang simpan barang2 dalam tanah
- newton and shane tak tahun siapa yang hantar, but they got a feeling that the handwritting is belong to ara...they decided to go
- mlm tu ara tengah tunggu newton and shane
- newton and shane datang and terperanjat bila nampak ara...
- all three of them reunited....cried happily
- suddenly shane left..she;s mad to ARA cause hide herself so longg... |
meteor This user has been deleted
emma This user has been deleted
Originally posted by osong at 10-12-2004 20:29:
:Hi emma...saya ada sedikit sinopsis cerita SWNW....harap emma seronok membacanya.....
one day DVV decided to have a visit to hacienda
- christian doesn't want to go cause he doesn't want ...
tq lah, osong. episod ara jumpa shane ngan newton hr ni ke lama lagi? aku ni tak sabo betoi nak tunggu orang tau yg ara still alive. lama bebeno depa tu simpan ara kat hasienda.....:hmm: ;) |
emma This user has been deleted
Originally posted by manggis at 10-12-2004 08:47:
walaupun kadang2 dia nampak gedik atau buat2...tapi kita leh faham kenapa dia buat mcm tu...sukar nak explain...MA mmg happening....selain pandai menyanyi..pandai menari gak tu. ...
aku pun :setuju: sbb dlm habang kapiling wataknya sungguh b'beza. angelika memang pandai berlakon |
jajane This user has been deleted
hi guys...................................................... i luv ara xtian together.................................. i hope diether is out of the picture but he is also bringing color to the series..... SWNW rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Inay This user has been deleted
Originally posted by emma at 20-12-2004 10:03 AM:
aku pun :setuju: sbb dlm habang kapiling wataknya sungguh b'beza. angelika memang pandai berlakon
dlm habang kapiling ka, watak dia skit keras kan..
make up pun a bit tebal...
tapi dia maintain cute...
[ Last edited by Inay on 20-12-2004 at 12:57 PM ] |
Originally posted by aseela at 18-12-2004 11:25 PM:
ha ah..la ni masih kawan baik...cam MA ngan xtian gak...rasanya la kot...
dan jangan tak tahu, yang main watak shane tu pun...pernah couple ngan jericho ni gak...
pusing2...situ gak...hehhhe
tapi aku tabiklah kat diorang.very profesional. |
jajane This user has been deleted
Originally posted by nmi at 20-12-2004 12:56 PM:
tapi aku tabiklah kat diorang.very profesional.
Why? : |
amelia This user has been deleted
diet looks so handsome in that pic. hehehe..
neway, mmg angelika's role dalam habang kapiling tu is totally different kan.
but, i bet in real life her character is more like MA - happy go lucky. |
amelia This user has been deleted
seem like cerita ni mmg lambat lagi nak habis.
storyline dia baru nak rancak sikit. kalau tak, agak slow sikit n dragging with unimportant scenes. kalau pasal storyline, rasanya kay tagal lebih menarik, tapi when it comes to chemistry between lead actors, rasanya ara-christian, leo-grace and christian-MA lebih menyerlah berbanding jlc-bea alonzo, jlc-rica and rica-anilov. |
Inay This user has been deleted
Originally posted by amelia at 20-12-2004 03:11 PM:
diet looks so handsome in that pic. hehehe..
neway, mmg angelika's role dalam habang kapiling tu is totally different kan.
but, i bet in real life her character is more like MA - happy go lucky.
masa tgk dia jadi host one of d filipino entertainment show, she looks very feminine...langsung tak ada character MA dlm diri dia....cuma 1 jer yg sama...dia sexy... |
amelia This user has been deleted
Originally posted by Inay at 20-12-2004 03:49 PM:
masa tgk dia jadi host one of d filipino entertainment show, she looks very feminine...langsung tak ada character MA dlm diri dia....cuma 1 jer yg sama...dia sexy...
ye ker. mebbe i'm wrong.
but. the sexy part.. i think that her lips and eyes make her look sexy  |
Originally posted by jajane at 20-12-2004 01:22 PM:
Why? :
sebab diorang pernah ader relationship based on love. |
amelia This user has been deleted
perasan tak, watak antagonis dalam citer ni takla sejahat cerita2 filipina yg lain. kalau cerita lain, mmg jahat sampai penonton pun mmg meluat sesangat la dgn diorang. cthnya, lady morgana and brigitta dalam kkth. |
emma This user has been deleted
Originally posted by amelia at 10-12-2004 16:28:
perasan tak, watak antagonis dalam citer ni takla sejahat cerita2 filipina yg lain. kalau cerita lain, mmg jahat sampai penonton pun mmg meluat sesangat la dgn diorang. cthnya, lady morgana and br ...
:setuju: sbb sometime I closed my eyes tengok scenes yg teruk2.tengok cite ni relax skit. |
osong This user has been deleted
Originally posted by emma at 04/12/2004 09:56 AM:
tq lah, osong. episod ara jumpa shane ngan newton hr ni ke lama lagi? aku ni tak sabo betoi nak tunggu orang tau yg ara still alive. lama bebeno depa tu simpan ara kat hasienda.....:hmm: ;)
hi..emma...kalau tidak minggu ini, mungkin minggu depan...sabo aje... |
emma This user has been deleted
episod hr ni suka tengok francine frust sbb christian lupa date dgn dia gara2 marry ann. sian gak tengok marry ann...dahlah menumpang. anyway aku rasa minggu ni ara jumpa kengkawan dia, leo pulak jumpa christian...bukan gitu, osong???? |
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