Alkisah Tukang Motibasi Tersohor katanya.... Update Rumusan timeline di #1
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Post time 13-1-2016 10:34 PM
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aina_shaira replied at 13-1-2016 10:28 PM
well berdasarkan post post pasal dia yang aku ikuti, macam ko ni macam pernah pergi seminar dia.
Yg tu biarlah rahsia...... just tumpu isu yg aku cuba bangkitkan..... hehehehe |
axl_bach replied at 10-1-2016 08:08 PM
exactly, x terpakai hujah "dia jer jutawan ygnak share rahsia jadi jutawan" sbb basicly apa yg dia ...
Ini lebih korang mcm dr lawrence walter ng lah kan. Buat study case bagus gak
Objektif : compare effectiveness training strategies. Benefits outweigh costs tak
Find conclusion.
Nanti lepas cuci kandang aku masuk balik la |
Saja wonder if jijan seman ni, mentor air lioq dan yg ajar dia mencece utk duit ialah lawrence walter Ng? Sepet ni claim diri master trainer ada 29 tahun pengalaman dlm training & consulting so if skrg Lawrence ni 50 tahun, makna nya di usia 21 tahun dia dah train orang ??? Hahaha! Jijan claim PhD dari Gordon uni tapi sepet ni lagi terror. Lansung tarak mention phd dari mana. Obviously at 21 sepet ni tak ada PhD so caner dia buat training and consulting? Adakah sepet ni lelaki cina yg suroh zizan call lecturer dia yg tak pernah buat marketing tok sah ngajar subject mktg?
Ada byk issues. Simpan dulu... |
Lawrence Ng ni kalau 29 yrs exp jual air lior makna if now 51, he started at 22.
If now 52 he started bidang air lior at 23
Age 53 he started aged 24
54 --> 25
55 --> 26
56 --> 27
57 --> 28
58 --> 29
59 --> 30
So bila sepet ni dpt PhD? Adakah anak murid sepet yg paling berjaya dlm bidang sales & marketing ni ialah zizan seman? |

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Post time 15-1-2016 08:41 AM
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bioessence replied at 15-1-2016 06:15 AM
Saja wonder if jijan seman ni, mentor air lioq dan yg ajar dia mencece utk duit ialah lawrence walte ...
X pasti plak yg tu..... setakat yg aku igt jutawan cina yg dia kata mentor dia dok kat melaka nama Peter...... bisnes bawa makanan or besi ntah ke spore....... income cina tu 6juta setahun katanya..... |

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Post time 15-1-2016 08:42 AM
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bioessence replied at 15-1-2016 07:39 AM
Lawrence Ng ni kalau 29 yrs exp jual air lior makna if now 51, he started at 22.
If now 52 he star ...
X penah plak aku terdgr or trbaca si gemok ni mention nama lawrence ni..... hmmmmm
Xper, kipon diggin |
kenapa x sokong bangsa sendiri? |

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Post time 15-1-2016 04:08 PM
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redlightchaser replied at 15-1-2016 03:35 PM
kenapa x sokong bangsa sendiri?
Kenapa tipu bangsa sendiri?? |
Lain rasa nya kalau melayu tipu melayu than cina tipu melayu. Mungkin kerana cina ni sinonim dgn menipu, its in their DNA so kita diam or kita ada low self esteem atau kita too nice to say No? Mana satu tu
Awat tak amalkan ayat 54 surah shad
"Innahaaza larizkuuna maalahu min nafad" utk rezeki yg tak putus2 amalkan 33x lepas solat
Kenapa perlu beramai2 terkinja2 terlompat2 bayar utk dengar org menceceh? Ada tu padam lampu di suroh pejam mata,, di suroh menangis kenang masa lampau. Kita tak bole ubah masa lampau. Kita tak tahu apa akan datang. Yg kita tahu usaha dan doa. Sales ni kena buat lama bukan overnight.
Byk loopholes Lawrence ni esp part mengajar org kat 10 negara tu....negara apa? Ada testimoni anak murid berjaya tak |
Bila aku follow page Puan AInon nampak lebih realistik.....ayat2 dia lebih kepada menceritakan realiti jerih perih terjun ke bidang perniagaan....
x macam Zizan Seman, konsepnya sebijik mcm Kiyosaki yg cuba potraykan yg bisnes nih mmg bidang yg semudah ABC.......sbb lagi byk org nak dgr celoteh dia dlm seminar bermakna lagi masyukkkkkk
amboi sesedap rasa ko sound cikgu aku yea
doa apa tue sis? memang nak amalkan nie...

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Post time 18-1-2016 07:28 PM
From the mobile phone
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aina_shaira replied at 18-1-2016 06:40 PM
amboi sesedap rasa ko sound cikgu aku yea
Sape cikgu ko, zizan ke Puan Ainon?? |
tentulah DAO... jom gi CI, ade topik pasal dia.

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Post time 18-1-2016 07:59 PM
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aina_shaira replied at 18-1-2016 07:56 PM
tentulah DAO... jom gi CI, ade topik pasal dia.
Ooo..... hahaha, dorg dh tag aku masuk situ..... |
Amalkan setiap kali selepas solat
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hahaha.... lawak 
nie lawrence walter yg eksiden lambo dgn awek? 
ko dah kaya? 

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Post time 21-1-2016 08:38 AM
From the mobile phone
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Acong replied at 21-1-2016 12:46 AM
hahaha.... lawak
Lawak, tp itulah hakikat |
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