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Author: Rhyno


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Sound_Garden This user has been deleted
Post time 21-3-2004 02:44 PM | Show all posts
gua nangis tengok..

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Post time 21-3-2004 07:48 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sound_Garden at 21-3-2004 02:44 PM:
gua nangis tengok..

berapa kotak tisu abih???
;) ;) ;)

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Sound_Garden This user has been deleted
Post time 22-3-2004 01:59 PM | Show all posts
tak pakai tisu..
pakai tolit paper
wkwakwakwkakwakwawka  :clap:

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Post time 22-3-2004 05:15 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sound_Garden at 22-3-2004 01:59 PM:
tak pakai tisu..
pakai tolit paper
wkwakwakwkakwakwawka  :clap:

huk aloh ... toilet paper ek ...
jimat kos sungguh ... ;) ;)

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Post time 22-3-2004 09:14 PM | Show all posts

Gorification of Christ uncut for Singapore

Singapore - Mel Gibson's controversial film The Passion Of The Christ will be screened uncut in Singapore, the government announced on Monday as it introduced a more hands-off approach to movie censorship laws.

The film will be passed under a new M18 rating, allowing patrons aged 18 and above to watch it, the Media Development Authority (MDA) of Singapore said.

Under the previous rating system, the film would have been given an R(A) rating for those aged above 21. The R(A) rating has been changed to R21, and will be reserved for films that are especially explicit.

The movie, which depicts the last 12 hours of Jesus Christ's life in often graphic and brutal detail, has drawn a storm of criticism from people who think it is too violent and could be used as anti-Semitic propaganda.

'To edit such a film would be disrespectful to the artistic integrity of the film'

Its fate in Singapore, where the conservative majority Chinese government has censored many high-profile movies to cut out nudity, violence and drugs, had been uncertain amid rumours a rating decision had been delayed.

But the authority's media content division director, Amy Chua, said The Passion Of The Christ should not be tampered with and it would hit Singapore screens on March 29.

"To edit such a film would be disrespectful to the artistic integrity of the film," Chua said, adding authorities had consulted Jewish and Catholic religious leaders in Singapore.

Chua also said the MDA was trying to cut down on censorship, preferring instead to classify films under appropriate ratings.

"As far as possible, we would like to move towards classifying films, rather than editing them. But there may be times when we have to edit them," she said.

"We may give an NC16 rating to a film but the distributors want a PG rating to reach a wider audience. If that happens, either ourselves or the distributors have to edit it."

A film rated NC16 can only be watched by viewers aged 16 and above, while a PG film is accessible to everyone.

The authority's communications division director, Michael Lim, said the new ratings system did not" but only a gradual process towards the easing of censorship laws. - Sapa-AFP


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Post time 22-3-2004 09:16 PM | Show all posts

Woman dies while watching Passion movie

Chicago - A middle-aged woman died of an apparent heart attack on Wednesday while watching the climactic crucifixion scene in The Passion of the Christ at a morning showing in Wichita, Kansas, a television station has reported.

The film was stopped and a nurse in attendance went to the unidentified woman's side, a spokesperson for KAKE-TV in Wichita said.

"It was the highest emotional part of the movie," she said. A crew from the TV station was at the special showing, which was sponsored by a radio station.

The woman, who was in her 50s, was pronounced dead at a nearby hospital, where a spokesperson could only say had been attending a movie. The county coroner's office said an autopsy would be performed.

resource: Reuters

macam2 jadi sejak kuar filem The Passion of the Christ .. ada yg mati, ada yg pi seksa badan sendiri la ... :sad: :sad:

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Post time 22-3-2004 09:33 PM | Show all posts

[selit skit] The story behind Mel Gibson's 'Passion' revealed!

For Mel Gibson 'The Passion Of The Christ' is a payback to Jesus, a debt repaid. It is a labour of love he fought to create for 12 years.
The actor and director of one of the most controversial movies of all time admits he was obsessed with the making a film of the last hours of Christ's life.

So much so, that the star of the Mad Max and Lethal Weapon blockbusters staked his reputation on a film many Hollywood insiders thought would destroy his career.

But the 'Passion' is about to become one of the biggest-grossing films ever, and will make Mel a personal profit of 200 million pounds. Mel, 47, a devout Catholic, admits that making this film was the most difficult thing he has ever done and watching it was even harder.

"There were litres and litres of blood. It was like a slaughterhouse."

"We actually held back. If we had filmed exactly what happened, no one would have been able to take it. "I think we have got used to seeing pretty crosses on the wall and we forget what really happened," Mel was quoted by The Sun, as saying.

"We know that Jesus suffered and died but we don't really think about what it means. I didn't realise this either when I was growing up. "The full horror of what Jesus suffered for our redemption didn't really strike me, he added.

Mel says, "My aim is to profoundly change people. The audience has to experience the harsh reality to understand it. I want to reach people with a message of faith, hope, love and forgiveness."Christ forgave them even as He was tortured and killed. That's the ultimate example of love."

Francesco De Vito, who plays Peter, says: "We talked about this movie and our faith on the set. "And in our lives there is something going on with many of us. It has changed us." Mel reveals: "There were agnostics and Muslims on the set who came into the experience of Christ." He is convinced he was "guided by the Holy Ghost" during the filming and that God was present on set.

Mel says: "This was not your normal movie set ". He claims a partially blind cast member regained their sight and that the daughter of one of the crew was cured of severe epilepsy". In Hollywood the rumour was that Mel had "gone nuts", "become a whacko," a "Jesus freak" whose career would be destroyed by the movie.

No major film studio would touch it and Mel had to invest #20million of his own money to get it made. He also had to battle hard to get it distributed until Icon stepped in. (ANI)


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Post time 22-3-2004 10:02 PM | Show all posts


...criter hanyalah criter.. movie adelah salah satu cara org nak sampaikan ideologi...
....take it seriously or just watch it for fun...

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Post time 23-3-2004 12:29 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by True-X at 22-3-2004 10:02 PM:
...criter hanyalah criter.. movie adelah salah satu cara org nak sampaikan ideologi...
....take it seriously or just watch it for fun...

yep ...... correct ...
tak sangka Yassir Arafat pun tgk .. mane True-X tau ...
:hmm: :hmm:

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eton_lin This user has been deleted
Post time 24-3-2004 10:11 AM | Show all posts
aah, mana ko tau yassir arafat tgk?

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Sound_Garden This user has been deleted
Post time 24-3-2004 12:00 PM | Show all posts
bapak sedara dier ..

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Post time 24-3-2004 04:19 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sound_Garden at 24-3-2004 12:00 PM:
bapak sedara dier ..

hek eleh ...... ;) ;) ;)

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Sound_Garden This user has been deleted
Post time 24-3-2004 06:32 PM | Show all posts

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Post time 24-3-2004 11:57 PM | Show all posts
Aku memang teringin nak tengok movie ni tapi cari Vcd belum jumpa.. dulu citer mesenger aku pernah tengok...

tapi pikir2 balik cerita2 kisah nabi/sahabat yg org Islam buat macam yg selalu tayang bulan puasa tu tak teringin lak aku nak tengok.. tapi bila mel gibson buat terus tergerak aku nak tengok...

apa nak jadi dgn aku ni :stp:

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Post time 25-3-2004 12:58 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Nesta13 at 24-3-2004 11:57 PM:
Aku memang teringin nak tengok movie ni tapi cari Vcd belum jumpa.. dulu citer mesenger aku pernah tengok...

tapi pikir2 balik cerita2 kisah nabi/sahabat yg org Islam buat macam yg selalu tayang ...

la ... tak tgk ker kisah nabi n sahabat masa bulan puasa ...
Fly nak tgk tp bz time diorg tayang .....
bz tgh prepare utk berbuka, takde la masa nak tgk ....

kita tgk filem2 yg berkaitan ngan agama arahan pengarah Hollywood, maybe kita curious jalan cite tuh ... kita nak tau ape yg nak diorg sampaikan ... ;) ;) ;) ...

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alisha_manja This user has been deleted
Post time 25-3-2004 12:59 PM | Show all posts

aku tengok skit2 je

Originally posted by Rhyno at 20-2-2004 06:48 PM:

Hah, sapa berani nak tengok filem arahan Mel Gibson ni? Filem ni berkisar tentang Jesus. Filem ni banyak kontroversi te ...

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Post time 25-3-2004 01:40 PM | Show all posts
Dilaporkan kutipan hasil drp filem ini menjadikan Mel Gibson boleh duduk sepanjang hayat goyang kaki tak payah kerja.. Itu baru ambik kira Kanada & US. Belum negara2 lain lagi.

Tengok filem ni adalah utk kita lihat, persepsi penganut Kristian sendiri terhadap apa yg telah berlaku pd Nabi Isa. Lucky belum tengok lagi tapi a friend yg dah tengok citer ni bgtau, ada disebut oleh Nabi Isa dlm ni ttg seseorg yg akan dtg sbg penyelamat. Ia ditafsirkan sbg lelaki Yahudi yg dtg nak selamatkan Nabi Isa. Sedangkan tafsiran yg sebenarnya.. bukankah Nabi Isa maksudkan Nabi Muhammad?

Pls correct me if I'm wrong ttg watak penyelamat dlm cerita tu. TQ.

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Post time 25-3-2004 01:44 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by fly_in_d_sky at 19-3-2004 05:55 PM:

hmmm kene BAN kat cinema di M'sia
tu dah mmg ler ... sebb kene lalu Lembaga Filem
tp tak kene BAN kat VCD pirate sebb tak lalu maner2 tp lalu kat org yg buat VCD pirate .. :clap: :clap:

Drp apa yg Lucky tahu, dlm Islam kita memang tak boleh membuat gambaran spt lukisan para Nabi dan Rasul. Apa lagi melakonkannya.

Ttg pirated VCD tu, usah citer la.. Memang byk

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Post time 25-3-2004 02:01 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by fly_in_d_sky at 25-3-2004 12:58 AM:

la ... tak tgk ker kisah nabi n sahabat masa bulan puasa ...
Fly nak tgk tp bz time diorg tayang .....
bz tgh prepare utk berbuka, takde la masa nak tgk ....

kita tgk filem2 ...


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Post time 25-3-2004 02:28 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Rhyno at 2004-3-19 04:34 PM:
Aku dah tgk. dah. Teruknya Jesus kena seksa sampai aku takleh tido setelah tgk. filem ni. Sangat menakutkan bila tgk. scene Jesus kena seksa especially bila dia kena seksa dengan cemeti berduri tu. ...

Kat sini jugak ada orang Cina and India percaya benda macam tu. Your point?

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